30 of 1947 - Amending Section 6125 relating to traffic and travel on streets. i 1.-1— L.HLL `y'" •
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson - /
Romney ✓
Tedesco i
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANBE KMENDING SECTION 6125 of the Revised orai-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to traffic and
travel on street$.
Be it/ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah: ,
SECTION 1. That Section 6125 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah; 1944, relating to traffic and travel on streets,
be and the same- hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 6125. BICYCLES. (a) It shall be unlawful for any
person to operate or ride a bicycle upon any of the streets,
alleys, sidewalks or pub4.thc ways of Salt Lake City unless
said bicycle has first been licensed and registered as herein-
after provided, or after the license has been duly revoked or
suspended. Every bicycle before being so licensed and regis-
tered must be inspected by the Police Department of Salt Lake
City with relation to its frame number and operating condition,
and said Police Department shall further inspect each bicyclets
lights, signal device, reflector, and handle bars, each of
which must meet and conform with the standards as set forth in
paragraph (i) of this ordinance. The Police Department is here-
by authorized and directed to issue upon written application
and compliance with the inspection required herein a bicycle
license and registration card, which license and registration
card shall expire on the 31st day of December, 1948, and which
license and registration card shall be renewed upon written ap-
plication and inspection as above required on or before the
first day of January, 1949, and on or before the first day of
January bi-annually thereafter and upon payment of a fee as
hereinafter provided. Each such license and registration
card shall be valid only during the two years, or any part
thereof, for which they are issued.
(b) The chief' of police shall provide metallic license
plates, together with registration cards, said license plates
and registration cards having numbers stamped thereon in nu-
merical order beginning with number one (1), and indicating
the date of expiration of said license. Such metallic plates
shall be suitable for attachment upon the frames of bicycles
and shall have printed thereon in raised letters the following:
L C B.++ It shall be the duty of the Police Department to
attach one such metallic plate to the frame in the rear of
each bicycle so that it can be seen and read while the bicycle
is in motion and to issue a registration card to the licensee
upon the payment of the fee herein provided. Such metallic
license plate shall remain attached to the bicycle during the
issuance of the license. The said Police Department shall
also keep a corresponding record of the number of fegistration,
the date of the issuance of such license, the bicycle frame
number, the name and address of the licensee, and all other
information necessary to the proper enforcement of this
(c) It shall be the duty of each person who sells or
transfers the ownership of any bicycle to report such sale or
transfer by returning to the Police Department the license
plate and registration card issued to such person and each
purchaser or transferee shall file a written application for
a new license and registration card with the police depart-
ment within five days of such sale or transfer.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully or
maliciously destroy, mutilate or alter the number of any bi-
cycle frame licensed pursuant to this ordinance, and it shall
be unlawful for any person to remove, destroy or mutilate any
license plate or registration card while the same are opera-
tive, or to operate any bicycle without having attached there-
to a license plate issued as provided herein.
(e) The fee to be paid for each bicycle registered, or
transferred and re-registered during the term of said license
or any part thereof or for the re-issue of a license plate or
registration card because of loss or mutilation, or other rea-
son, shall be fifty cents (50i) and shall be paid in advance
upon the application therefor.
(f) Pedestrians using the sidewalks of the city shall
have right of way over any and all bicycles and every rider of
any bicycle shall turn off the sidewalk upon meeting pedes-
trians and give an audible signal before overtaking or passing
any pedestrian.
(g) It shall be unlawful for the riders or operators of
bicycles to ride more than two abreast upon any city street
and shall proceed in single file upon all sidewalks and all
operators or riders of bicycles shall at no time carry extra
passengers or carry any package, bundle or article which would
require him to take his hands or hand from the handle bars of
said bicycle or to permit the bicycle he is riding to be towed
by another vehicle.
(h) It shall be unlawful for the rider or operator of any
bicycle to pursue or in any way interfere with the free move-
ment of emergency vehicles and every person operating a bicycle
upon city streets shall obey and comply with all city ordi-
nances relating to the movement and regulation of motor vehi-
cles using the public streets except those provisions which by
their very nature can have no application.
(i) All bicycles operated on the public streets of this
city shall during the period of one-half hour after sunset to
one-half hour before sunrise be equipped with a lighted lamp
on the front of the bicycle, visible under normal atmospheric
conditions for a distance of at least 500 feet in front of
such bicycle and shall be equipped with a reflector or lighted
lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible under like
conditions from a distance of at least 500 feet to the rear
thereof; and all such bicycles shall be equipped with a bell
or horn which must be sounded to warn all persons of its ap-
proach, except no vehicle shall be equipped with and no person
use upon any bicycle a siren or whistle.
(j) The parent of any minor and the guardian of any ward
shall not authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward
to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance.
(k) All judges:of said city shall be empowered to revoke
or suspend all licenses when it appears that the owner of any
bicycle is not the licensee of record or that the owner of
bicycle or the licensee thereof has used or permitted said
bicycle to be used in:;yiolation of this ordinance upon the
streets or sidewalks.af this city; and that said police depart-
ment is hereby directed and authorised to impound any bicycle
so used in violation of these ordinances for a reasonable
period of time pending investigation of any alleged violation
of this ordinance or until such bicycle is registered by the
owner thereof and equipped with signal device and lights as
herein provided."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall t Ae effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis oners of 3a]t Lake City,
Utah, this 71 day of , A:h. 1 .
City Recorder.
Presented to the Board of Cemmisaiaers
First Publication in
14+si. y" �iYyLL/j1
Affidavit of Publication
} BS
County elf c..l Lake J
Legal Notices
SECTION 6125 of the Revived Ordi-
nances of Balt Lake City, Utah,
1g49,relating to traffic and travel
Being first dulysworn,
'on streets. •
Be it ordained by the Beard of deposes and says that he is the ad-
comm,sIlOne:a of Salt Lake City,
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,
SECTION 1. That Section 6126 a newspaper
of the Revised Ordinances of Saltp per
Lake City, Utah, 1949,relating to published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
and the same is hereby amended of Utah.
to,read as follows:
"SEC, 6125. BICYCLES. (a) It
•hall,be unlawful for any person ,
't0 ,berate or ride a bicycle upon
any,,of the streets'alleys, Idewelke That the advertisement
or public Ways of Salt Lake City
unless said bicycle has firer been
lieenaee d registered as herein- bill No 30
lif et pr0vlde, or after
the - Ordinance
tense hes been duly revoked or
suspended.Every bicycle before be- _
• Mg so licensed and registered must.Po-be %sheeted by the lice Ds. Salt 1 ake Cit r
pertinent of Skit.Lake City with , Corporation
relation to its frame number and
operating condition, and said Po-•
lice-Department Shall further in-
(Mect each bicycle's lights, signal
device, reflector, and handle barb,
each of Which must meet and cn form with the standards as oe
was• published insaid
forth in paragraph 0) ofthisP newspaper, in its issue dated, the
ordinance, The Police Department P
Is hereby authorized and directed
to issue upon written application day of
and cred herein
withathe Inspection A.D. 19........
required Herein a bicycle license
and registration card, which 11-
d registrton card eha' and was publishedApril 5 1047
expire o .the 21st day of De-
e bar, 1946. and which license ,cd registration card shall be e-
newad upon .written application ....the last publication an
and Inspection ea above required on
P n thereof being in the issue Or narybefore the first day of San- dated the
Bet (ler9,f January on nr before the
Sher des o[ ponp UI-annually dayof
• end t payment of h
lye ashereinafter provided. Eayh �..... D. 19"-.
ouch llcenae and re g,stratlon card ""-""
shall be valid only during the two'
seers, ray pert thereof, for p•�` ���L-t
which they are Issued.
(b) The hief of police Shall j e
• provide metallic license plates, to-
gether with registration cards,said II
Ilcense plates and registration
cards hiving numbers Stamped'
thereon In umeelcel order begin-
am n
g with number one (1), and.
Indicating the'date of expiration
of said license.Such metallic plates to before %th
-shall be auiteble for attachment,sworn a me this
upon the framed of bleyclee end
shall have printed thereon in raised
letters the following: "S L C 13." A. D. 19 47 day of
It-Shall be the duty of the Po-
lice Department to attach one such -
metallic plate to the frame In the
Can• be seen and read While f h bicycles that the
I bleyele'la In Notion'and to:15ege,
•registration pay card to She l Ire - l/Il
Don the payment.of!the fee here- I/.Y,IP�\ /-
, e
1n provided, Such metablo license --•-
Dlate shall remain attached to the- - .-
'bicycle during the Issuance of the -
'Mange. The' said' Pollee Depart-
Notary Public
meet shall aim keep e correspond. I
1ng record of the number of reels-,
' nation, the date or the issuance
of Such ence, the bicycle frame
the name and addroae of
the licensee, and all other intM•
I Marlon a ry to the proper er
fercement oesf athl6 ordinance.
(e)It shall be the duty of each
person who sable or transfers the
Such satD of any bicycle to report
Inch eale or transfer by'returning
to the Police•Department the 11- I
Mae Plata and registration card •
Issued t0,suer) person and each
purchaser or transferee shall file
• written See lfcatlon for • new
license and registration and ith
of such Sale or transfer.with
(d)It shall be unlawful for any
erson to wilfulllate y or maliciously de-
of ymbicycle frame°r the licensed pur-
MU9nt to this ordinance,and it shell
• vntdestroy°[r`mutilatenany,re-
move, -
tchpile the
attached thr etc 1e wlicenaeh plate
issued as provided herein.
(e)The fee to be paid for each
bicycle registered,or transferred end
edletered during the term of'
said license or any part thereof or
for the re-issue of a license plate
or registration card.because of lose•
or mutilation,or other reason,shall
be fifty cents (50c) and shall be'
paid 1n advance upon the application
Gh 110r.
ff) etcity using the right
walks a of the over city
shall bicycles and
s every rider of any bicycle shall turn•
off the sidewalk upon meeting pedes-
trians an give audible signal
before overtaking orpassing any
' (g)It shall be unlawful for the
elders or operators of bicycles to
ride more than two abreast upon
y efile°t and upon au ll proceed,
in single sidewalks
and all operators or riders of bi-
cycle.;shall at no time carry extra
bu(ss leg.or or articleerrwhichy Package.
quire°d_him to take his hands or
quire• rori tonspermitle theare bloycleeaid
is riding-to be towed by another
(h)It shall be unlawful for the
rider or operator of any bicycle to
the• ue or free In mo movemwaent fctermee with
vehicles arid.ever person operating
a bicycle upon city streets shall
n.ceendelatin8 toly with
the movement
city ordiment
and regulation of otorm0vehicles
using the public streets except these
yiovilions hick by'their ry na-
ture can have o as pplication.
y gbloe stree All tts of°thispcity operated on
liter t sunset'to one-half hhourh Or
fore sunrise be equipped with a
lighted lamp-on the Pont of the
° fora dletancee°oi
at feast 00 feet in front of such
bicycle and shall be equipped with
a reflector or lighted lamp onthe
rear exhibiting a red light visible
tsnce flat least 500nfeetrto the rear
thereof; and all such bicycles shall
be equipped with a bell or horn
which must be sounded to.warn all
persons of its approach, ex pt no
noicles person use
be ponpany blc9led with end
siren or whistle.
(I)The parent of any minor and
the,guardian of any ward shall not
uthorise or knowingly permit any
(such child or ward to violate any
of the provisions of this o e.
(k) All redge°of said nocitysuspend shall
be empowered to revoke or suspend
all licensee when it appears that j
ownerthe 1 censee of record of[that the owner;of bicycle or the licensee thereof'I
has used or permitted said bicycle
to be used in violation of this ordi.
rants upon the streets or side.
walk°of this city: and that said
pollee department it hereby dleected
and authorised to impound any bl-
1J5N A0 need 1n Violation Of_these
ordlnenees for reasonable period
of gliime pendingrnvestigation et.any
f' I oil melt blcyo•le Isnregisterednno
the owner thereof and equipped
with•eIgnal device and lights as
.herein provided...
• SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
Board of commissioners it Is nee-
es dry to the peace, health and
• safety Of the inhabitants Of Salt
Lake City that(hie ordinance shall
take effect Immediately.
SECTION J.This ordinance shah
Mkt effect at once upon Its first
Parson by the Board of COmmla•
sionera of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this gd day of April,A.D. 1997.
Published April 5, 1047.