30 of 1949 - Amending Section 1029, relating to dairy and milk inspection, increasing fees. Salt Lake City, Utah, lJ �' �' 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Affleck . . . .
Matheson . . .
Romney .
Tedesco . . . .
Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDI ANCE
Result . . . .
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an
ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 16,
A.D. 1944, relating to dairy and milk inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1029 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners on March 16, A.D.1914, relating to
dairy and milk inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"SEC. 1029. FEES. (a) All milk produced for use as or in
market milk, market cream, ice cream, frozen milk and cream
products by any milk producer, dairy or dairy farm, regard-
less of grade, which is received by any milk distributor,
milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, processor or manu-
facturer, possessing a permit from the:Salt Lake City Board
of Health, shall be subject to the following fees:
1. Milk producers shipping to the Salt Lake City
market and located in the following counties: Tooele,
Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Morgan, Wasatch, Summit and
Utah, shall pay one (1) cent for each one hundred
pounds of milk so received; provided, that such fee
collected from each milk producer, dairy or dairy farm
shall not in any one month be less than one dollar
(w1.00) nor more than three dollars C0.00).
2. Milk producers shipping to the Salt Lake City
market and located i-n the following counties: Box Elder,
Juab, San Pete, Cache and ph4hesne, shall pay one and
one-half (1N) cent for each one hundred pounds of milk so re-
ceived; provided, that such fee collected from each milk pro-
ducer, dairy or dairy garm, shall not in any one month be less
than One and 25/100 (?1.25) Dollarsnor more than Three and
50/100 ($3.50) Dollars.
3. All producers shipping from any area outside of
the aforementioned counties shall pay two (2) cents for each
one hundred pounds of milk so received; provided, that such fe
collected from each milk producer, dairy or dairy farm, shall
not in any one month be less than One and 50/100 ( 11.50) Dolla
nor more than Four (14.00) Dollars.
(b) Said fees shall be collected or deducted by said milk
distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, pr pro-
cessor of such market milk or cream or by the manufacturer of
such ice cream or other frozen milk or cream products semi-
monthly from monies due any such producer, dairy or dairy farm,
and shall be payable by said distributor, milk plant, separator,
handler, bottler, processor or manufacturer to the Board of
Health for deposit with the treasurer of Salt Lake City on or
before the 20th day of each calendar month covering the amount
of milk or cream delivered by each producer, dairy or dairy
farm during the preceding month; provided, that if any such
distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, processo
or manufacturer shall receive due notice from any such produce ,
dairy or dairy farm to the effect that such.p,.oducer, dairy or
dairy farm refuses to pay said fee pr to have the same deducte
from monies due him from the sale of such milk or cream, said
milk distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, pro ,
cessor or manufacturer shall within twenty-four hours of recei.t
of said notification, advise the Board of Health in writing of
the action of said milk producer, dairy or dairy farm, and the
Board of Health shall upon receipt of such written notice im-
mediately revoke the permit of said producer, dairy or dairy
(c) Every producer, dairy or dairy farm shall at the time
of filing an application for a grade 'A' permit pay to the
Board of Health for deposit with the Treasurer of Salt Lake
City the sum of Ten Dollars ( 10.00) to defray the costs and
expenses of the preliminary inspection by the Board of Health
of the premises involved.
(d) The Salt Lake City Board of Health will not furnish
milk inspection to any milk distributing plant engaged in the
processing, pasteurizing or bottling of milk or milk products
and located more than twenty (20) miles from the corporate
limits of Salt Lake City. When such milk distribution plant
I; desires to market its products on the Salt Lake City market
they may apply to the Salt Lake City Board of Health to enter
into a reciprocal agreement with the local or State Health De-
[ partment maintaining inspection and supervision over such a mil
distributing plant. When the Salt Lake City Board of Health
determines such supervision or direction is adequate and compa
able to such inspectional services as are maintained by the Salt
Lake City Board of Health the Board of Health may, with the pe
mission of the City Commission, enter into such reciprocal agree-
, ment and permit the products of such milk distributor to be sold
within the Salt Lake City limits.
(e) Milk receiving stations operated by milk distributors
under the supervision of the Salt Lake City Board of Health and
located more than twenty (20) miles from the corporate limits
of Salt Lake City shall be charged a fee of ten (10) cents per
mile to the milk receiving station and return to Salt Lake Cit
and a per diem fee in the amount of Eight ($8.00) Dollars when
one employee of the Board of Health is required for inspection
work and Ten (310.00) Dollars per diem when two employees are
required for inspection work. Such fee is to be charged each
time it becomes necessary to make an inspectional visit to the
collection station for the purpose of inspections or the collet
tion of milk samples. Such fee is not to be charged when a re-
presentative of the Health Department travels to the vicinity
of the milk collection station only for the purpose of making
milk producer inspections."
• SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
3.t is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the/4trd of Commis.ion•r or $a1li ake City,
;Utah, this �5. day of , A.D. 1
s Ma3 r.
• Deputy ter
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
MAY 25 1949.,
• 17-Iffq
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Legal Notices
SECTION 1029 of the Revised Or-
dinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, D M Ockey
1944, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Com:IP--
alone.on March 16,A.D.1944,re-
lating to dairy and rank inspection. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Be it ordained by the Board of
Contmissionors of Salt Lake City,
Utah: vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
SECTION 1.That Section 1029 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
gity,Utab,1944,as amended be an published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
ordinance passed by the tboard of
Commissioners on March 16. A. D.
1944,relating to dairy and milk in. of Utah.
spection,be and the same is hereby
amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1029. FEES!. (a) All milk
produced for use as or in market hook,
market cream, to creara, frozen, That the advertisement
gnd ereain products by any'
reilk producer,dairy or dairy farm,
regardless of grade, which D re-
ceive by any milk distributor,mids
plant, separator, handler, bottler, ai.11 EQ. 3Q
prGussor or manufacturer possess-
ing a permit from the Salt Lake
Clly Board of Health. shall
Sublect to the•follow be ing fees: aalt bake City CorporetiQn
I.Milk producers shipoing to the
Salt Lake City market and located
in the following counties Toole,
Salt Lake, Davis, Weber. Morgan,
Waeatch, Summit and Utah, shall
Pay one (1) cent for each hundred
pounds of milk so received; pro-
Added, that such fee collected from was published in said newspaper in its issue dated the
each milk producer, dairy or dairy
farm shall not in any one month be
less than one dollar(81.00)nor more
than three producers dollars($3.shiPPIng to the 20). day of A. D. 19
Salt Lake Clity market and located
In the following counties:Box Elder,
Jusb,San Pete,Cache and Duchesne,
shall pay one and one half (11/41 and was published on May 27_‘ 19/.9
cent for each one hundred pounds
of milk BD received; provided, that
such fee collected from each Producer,dairy or dairy farm, milk shall the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
not in any one month be less than
One and 25/100(81.33)Dollare nor
more than Three and 50/100(MN)
Dollars. day of .
3. All producers shipping from A. D. 19
any area outside of the aforemen-
toned counties shall pay two (2)
cents for each one hundred pounos • /.• a- :4'.
of milk m received; provided, tnat
mich fee collected from each milk
producer,dairy or dairy farm.shall Advertising
net ift any one Month be less than
OMOSSfil 50/100($1,50)Dollars nor
rth11'4 r-Ly.i1t 6 Waraoo,:c.
or 0E4:A00ed by said milk distri-
butor, milk plant, separator, hand-
h ice of such mar-
,b)ket milk or cream or by the inanu-o before me this twenty-E3eventh day of
-lecturer of suc cream or other
frozen milk or cream products semi-
monthly from monies due any suc .D.h
producer, dairy or dairy farm, and A 19 49
••shall be payable by said distributor,
milk plant, Operator,handler, MN—
tler, processor or manufacturer to
the Board of Health for deposit with
the treasurer of Salt Lake City on
or before the 29th day of each
calendar month covering the amount
of milk or cream delivered by 0..
producer,dairy or dairy farm dnr.
Mg the preceding month; provided.
that if an such distributor milk .1 Pu w
plant, sepay rator, handler. bottlm. Notary
processor or manufacturer shall re-
ceive due notice from any much
producer, dairy or dairy farm to
the effect that such producer,dairy
or dairy farm refuses to pay old
lee or to have the same deducted
from Monles dub hito from tbe sale
ot such milk or cream,said milk dia.
tributor,milk plant,separator,hand-
ler, bottler, processor or manufac-
turer shall within twenty-four houre
Of receipt of said notification, ad-
vise the Board of Health in writing
of the action of old milk producer,
dairy or dairy farm,and the Hoard
of Health shalt upon receipt of each
written notice immediately revoke
the permit of said producer, dairy
or dairy farm.
lit as
Proof of Publication
(a)Every producer,dairy or dairy
farm shall at the time of tiling an
application for a grade'A"permit
pay to the Board of Health for de-
poait with the Treasurer of Salt Lake
toCit deft*the of
expenses Ten n0of
the preliminary costsInspection by the
Board of Health of the premises
Board of
Health will not furnish d)The Salt Lake ltmilk inspec-
tion to any milk distributing plant
engaged in the processing.pasteuriz-
ing or bottling of milk or milk woe
ducts and located more than twen-
ty (20) miles from the corporate
lishite of Salt Lake City.When Such
milk distribution plant desires. to
market its products on the Salt
Lake City market they may apply
to the Salt Lake City Board of
Health to enter into a reeiprocal
i igtiHal Deprmen antainn n
epection and supervision over uch
a milk distributing plant.When the
Salt Lake City Board et Health
determines such supervision or di-
rection inspectional l adequate-s and
dvioes as are
to such
maintained by the Salt Lakes City
Board of Health the Board of Health
ma the
City, with the Commission,permission enter to I of such
reciprocal agreement and permit the
products of such milk distributor
to be sold within the Salt Lake City
(d) Milk receiving stations oper-
by milk distributors Sal under the
supervision a the dolt Lake City
Hoard of Health and located more
than twenty (RO) ail k the
shall ee limits a eels Lake (10y
chats be charged fee k ten ving
cents per mile to the milk receiving
and returnieot Salt Lake amount
and a per diem fee in the a une
of loyee Of 00) Dollarswhen one
le employee of the Board of Health
L required for inspection per work and
Teo(mploy)Dollars per diem`when
twe employees are squire [t in-
ged work. Such fee to be
emery each titan n becomes ona
to make station inspectional rothe visirum-
to thecoliasper nscfor the pur-
tty [ fnspesampl or potholes of milk samdle lee la
not to be charged when s repre-
sentative travels of the Healthy. Department
travels to the vicinity,or the milk
collection king only for the p -
tiy se of making milk producer inspec-
dofC 2.Iie the opinion neces-
sary the
Hoard of e heap is Id
to the peace,health and safety
f the inhabitants Of Salt Lake City
thimet isordinance'become effective
SECTION 3. This ordlnarce shall
take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis-
Stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
95th day of May,A.D.1949.
(SEAL) Deputy CityELDS,Reecorder.
Hill No.30.
Published May 27th, 1949.