30 of 1950 - Amending Section 1401 and 1402 as amended amd amending Section 1403, e: Bureau of Mechanical Inspect Salt Lake City,Utah, ��1K �� �y5� 195
Af fleck
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen p �1`
Lingenfelter . . \i-s— ^ `"'-
Romney . . . . 7
Mr. Chairman . '/
Result l V
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTI 11401 and 1402 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake C y, Utah, 1944, as amended, and
amending Section 1403 of said evised Ordinances, relating to the
Bureau of Mechanical Insp ion.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1401 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by
the Board of Commissioners on March 16, 1944, and February 9, 1950;
Section 1402 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944,
as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on
February 19, 1946; and Section 1403 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944; relating to the Bureau of Mechanical
Inspection, be and the same are hereby further amended to read as
'SEC. 1401. BUREAU, DEPARTMENTS. There is hereby estab-
lished in the Department of Streets and Public Improvements
a Bureau of Mechanical Inspection to be under the direct super-
vision of the City Engineer and which bureau shall be divided
into the following departments:
The Division of Building Inspection.
The Division of Plumbing Inspection.
The Division of Electrical Inspection.
SEC. 1402. DUTIES. The duties of the Bureau of Mechanical
Inspection shall be to enforce the zoning laws of Salt Lake City
and to inspect or cause to be inspected all buildings and struc-
tures erected or proposed to be erected in Salt Lake City and to
carry out, enforce, and perform allc*Aties, provisions, and man-
dates designated, made, and set forth in the ordinances of
Salt Lake City concerning zoning, building, building inspec-
tion, plumbing, plumbing inspection and electrical inspection
and to examine and approve all plans and specifications befor.
permits shall be issued and to execute all permits, certifi-
cates, and notices required to be issued; and to enforce all
ordinances relating to the installation or maintenance of
plumbing and drains; and to inspect all plumbing and drains;
to enforce the ordinances relating to installation and repair
of electric light and power wiring, fixtures, appliances and
apparatus in or running to any building within the city and
to inspect and supervise the same; and,shall perform all of
the duties and have all of the powers required of and con-
ferred on`-the building inspector by the Uniform Building Code
1940 Edition and the ordinances of Salt Lake City.
missioners may employ inspectors and such other clerks and
assistants as the exigencies of the work of the said Bureau
of Mechanical Inspection may from time to time require, at su.h
compensation and for such periods of time as the Board of Com
missioners may deem proper."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel, .
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take ffeect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of„-C-mmis oners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 3p day of , ,1T . , A. D. le.
0 jy �`_.. Mir or.
City Recor.er.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
'PION'1401 and 1402 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake Cit.Utah,
1944, . amended. and amending
Sec'tienarrelating 403 of stod the Revised
e Ord,'
Mechanical Inspection- o
Be tt ordained by the Board of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
C°mmisal°^ers of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1 That Section 1901 f vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
the.Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
Citp. Utah, 1994, as amended by
ordinances passed Iby on a the Board of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Comm 1914,
and February 9. 1950;section 1402
of the Revived Ordinances ofe dolt of Utah.
Lake nity, Utah, 1944, a
.by o'dlnanbe panned a tithe
Beata of 1046,Commissioners v Fells
a y-19, 1996, and Section 1403
2 ,a City,
URevised , 1934; re of Salt That the advertisement
Lake City, Utah, 1944; relating It
the Bureau et Menlonlcai Inspec•
•tion,. he and the sam 'e hereby
further amended to read follow,: 11n Qrd inanee }3i11 No. 30
tMENTSts There is hereby established
in the pepartmant of Eltreetn and
[nubile'oicni a
evereents Bureau of
Mechanical Inspection to be. under _.
teninear°E and pewhich dureeu°sCatly
be diyfdgd Into the following de.
pantm�p CS:
The lblvslon at Building rnenec-
rmn. •
tl The,jpi,yleinn of Plumbing mopes- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Tice Dlvlpien of Electrical Inspec-
the En.1.4b tlinifettI naThe di day of A.D.19
tion.shall e�'th enforce the zoning
Iaws f s t':y.;ke'Clty and to In-
dg;;,;,nds e ° '°` '^a and was published on March 31., 1950
II-structures erected o
proposed t be erected 1n Salt Lake
City and t carry out,enforce,and
perform al ties. Pr visa tic, and the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
aate0 eaignated, : de. d tel
forth fn he ordinances ofn Salt
Lake City ornhsg soning, build-
ing. Solidi sn'L,spection. Phimbing- day of A.D. 19
plumbing-inspection ectrlcal
inspection IA d to examine a anti ap-
'd2.0 n Il i'it, a tl sPeanion?dons
pIa1.31 shall b° artifi and
an.exec to all permits, a rtiflcates. s- �" '�s !"
a aUre1 redrttred to be Issued;
d,to enforce al, ordinances r Advertising Cleric- -I
la and,
to the installation o main-
tenance of plumbing and drains;and
to ienforce''ect Mphordinnancesand
to Installation and°repair at relating
light and power wiring,fixtures,ap-
ialtaates and enpnra'us ,n or run-
ning 1
cityto any building a within the before me this 1st day o f
ny and to inspect midi and hin Lae V �L
the s and shall perform all
of the duties and have all of the
powers °required of ynd conferred CO
Uthe building inspector by the A.D.19 //
niform Building Code 1950 Edi-
tlan antl the erdinances of anti
Lake City.
ASS STA 15 The iinerd of C
end h other clerkse:ottistatett ( /r _
ae th I.. f the l o.the V` 4X.-\t. a
Id f f \ I rf — --
t h time
'd'"forfunds, Notary 1-'9 b c
pettier!,et Limn the Board of Coma
mission Fes III, dnein proper" v
SECTION 2Pfn the opinion of the
Boa.ra of Commissioners. In 1s n
essary to the peat, health and
safety of the inhabitants o1 Salt
Lake City that dens ordinance shall
take of foot immcdtately.
SECTION 3.This ordinance.hall
take effect at mine into its first
Passed by the Boat'd o1 Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City.Utah.this
30th day of March. A.D. 1150.
Cita Recorder.
BILU, NO. :0.
Published Ma isle 31,0. 1050,