30 of 1968 - Amending Section 25-11-11 and 25-11-13, providing for 180 days probationary period for persons hired ROLL CALL VI I G Aye Salt Lake City,Utah, April 9 1968 Bark r . . Cat ull I move that the Ordinance be passed Garn . . . 2 / Lr Harmon . . y 2-�,•�<<.. 'k l ' Mr. ,hairman . AN ORDINANCE Resul . . . . //, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 25-11-11 and 25-11-13 of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, the first section relating to Probationary Period of Employees, and the second section relating to Form of Salary Payment. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 25-11-11 and 25-11-13 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, the first section relating to Pro- bationary Period of Employees, and the second section relating to Form o. Salary Payment, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-11-11, Probationary period. All persons employed by Salt Lake City in regular full-time employement shall be deemed to be on probation for one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of employment. During such period, the employee shall be sub- ject to immediate discharge or dismissal with or without cause, and during such period, the employee shall have none of the rights granted employees under Sections 4, 5 and 6 of this chapter, but in all other respects, such employee during such period shall be con- sidered a regular, full-time employee of Salt Lake City. For vaca- tion purposes, time worked during a probationary period will be counted towards vacation eligibility. "Sec. 25-11-13. Form of salary payment. All regular full- time employees shall be paid monthly salaries. Part-time and seasonal employees shall be paid on an hourly basis. No employee on an hourly basis shall receive a wage in excess of the minimum rate of pay for a similar job under the wage structure for regular full-time employees." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is neces- s.ry to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9th day of April, 1968. (SEAL) 'i �Lv`t ,� BIL NO. 30 of 1968 MAYOR Publ shed April 12, 1968 CITY_ E 'ER 30 ADra•a0A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jt ss. County of Salt Lake D Ni Ocicey ii AN ORDINANCE 1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- 14N yORDINANCE"AME bING to l;. �Ili"",D`-ai11 ed 2f Salt Lie ci4:', lasing clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) oyprotleg4 10e44`4IP a°cleda'; newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- mgldv es, ana To- o tl n rl -relefl�rllg}o Ferlh of sal ry F vmenc, culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Be'1tortlaincd by ifie Board of�� Cpnnalssioners a Stitt Lake'City, County, in the State of Utah. stab: d 2541ON of1 T at Revised Os 2E11-Ordinances �e�nd 2 t Laathe Revised Ordinances YYP'II{{.Salt Leke City, O}eh, 19ya�55I }he.. o Iedof-Employleees,tandrthe second That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto aectign elating to Form of.Selarvl ;Pavalent,ha,- d flw s m0 hereby'.' are ,ementlea.ig gad as falpws:s Salt Lake City Bill No 30 If 1968 hec.ons1-ein lbyed ionery period. AII.persons played b e Salt Leke- ---'- City reaular full-time malo Tent hall oe.aeemetl tg ben K ups,i An Ordinance relatingto Probationaryperiod �tr'ene shundrad I Ohio flee) :g I7'iDuri g the date f mooeiOVee '.ohell uu perled, rr lovee phalli be s bled al with or ewe out aeuse, or Gduring such o without r of Employees,. Ice use,and during such aerlod,the j13e1T hall shave one of thel ---- — --- rlpl,� ,S god gas der Sec-V :Vona ao il r res of this g,e"mnr but all suer rids,'shall Insld a • red-a such period t hell be consld- Slf a guC t fu Forcatot employee r- e1re Lake City. For. Wladn our- ppa0o9tf5,time1'11,0' tl"a probe- In ac i {II be counted , towards Elon el pl Of salary y _ Sec.it reg l Form of mpl oars inapt,Ail regular tul4tlme rigs,Pee. , April 12 1968 haw be pale monfhly salaries.Pert•, iBlle and aeasonel emploveea shall a S waspublished in.said newspaper on Bald d n hourly•.basis. No emoloVee n e hourly basis-shalli5 (m�a Iva a Ware in°aces of the Im' m le of oar fame o?teaulet Yd the wage structure.for reamer _ aSE a levees., I and or 4 is ih a lIroj of to i ra tothe'pea a health and I fao'the i h bt t f S It L k _ --._ r�ry ih 1 ails dly ana be f, aS5EGTION 31 Tll ordinance shall pall OW upon its firstpublication. /�C. -�L L—Z -_ 5 Pass d by ih Boertl f C Is� ___ ---- \ �M rs f 5 It L ke cK Ot h this ' /J n say or spin,lee, Gaga! Advertising Clerk t .. J.BRACKEN LEE Mayor S. 'MERMAN J,HOGENS N :IDEAL) City Recorder i BILLL is 36 o�f 19aa I IPubllspetl,ADril 121969. (A-2l). Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th - day of April A.D. 19 68. ) Notary Public y Commission Expires Mar 23 1972 30