30 of 1977 - Amending section 33-1-4 providing for proceeds from real estate sales by City to be deposited in a s ROLL CALL /VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Maprh 1 ,19 77 Mr.Chairman ✓ E �J Agraz ✓ I move that the Ordinancesed. Gr: • sen ✓/ • fillips ,/ Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 33-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to proceeds from real estate sales. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, • Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 33-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating. to proceeds from real estate sales, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Sec. 33-1-4. Proceeds: from real estate sales. All proceeds or revenue received from the sale of any real property sold by Salt Lake City shall be deposited in a separate property account and expended solely for the purpose of acquiring real property needed by the city; provided, however, that upon sale of real property containing facilities or buildings, the proceeds from the sale may be used to construct new facilities or buildings to replace the facilities or buildings lost by the sale of the real property. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this March last day of Rebmmawy, 1977. MAYOR YRCO C T RECOR R (SEAL) BILL NO. 30 of 1977 Published March 4, 1977 1 1.111-904. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jr SS. County of Salt Lake wN _ Shane U. Palmer uaolNn.rvceAN AMENDINGRD ORDINANCE the Revi,d Ordlnwce 3ai Suit alp City,Utoceeus ah,14 ,arel,,In° Being first duly sworn.,deposes and says that he is legal adver- ate "Iiatinrdain�oyih, ardof rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) Comsni ssloaers f Salt I-ako atv,urah 71etrspaper printed in the English language with general cir- tla-l1-4 of"he'Revised Oran cnlation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake !lances f Salt Lake City,Utah, `965.relating to nrocendn from County, in the State of Utah. .I astute ales,be,and the e shoreby Is amended a same Sec. ash-s- ProceedsAllproceeds eeds That the legal notice of which a ropy is attached hereto real evenue salon-ed from he even re«i vpe i'°m the ,Alf of any real shall I.degby ,Alf Lake Chv.shall Ue onerl Fred unarde nelyfor Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to bur and oof acodsolely for ___... _.-- tlecerly needed f a ul the r Properly r, the upon provided, roperl,that upon proceeds from real estate sales t real properly containing pr,a -- ------- saeis fr or bolls sale,the p c eetls from the sale may es used buildings dingsi to new ace facilities S iiiti'esdor buildings replace fhv the -------- --- sale of the real pre°crtc. SECTION 2.This ordinate, ;hall take effect 00 days aft, its firstpubhcalion. -------------- — - Passed by the Roar°of Corn. this 1, 1 it day o If March, I ltat 'lCD I. WII.iON --�---_ MIi_DRE,.O V.IdIGITAM °vR°`OYtl1r waspublished in said newspaper on March 4 1977 'ILL 51 Nat NO.30of 19-n PoUlished March A,19" (C-3) Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of --- April A,D. 19 77 . Notary Public My Commission Expires FEB. 13, 1978