30 of 1980 - Confirming the assessment rolls and levying a tax for the assessment of property in Curb and Gutter ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE confirming the assessment rolls and levying a tax providing for the assessment of property in the Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Curb and Gutter Special Improvement District Extension 38-596 for the purpose of paying the cost of curb and gutter, driveways and other miscellaneous work necessary to complete said improvements in the proper and workmanlike manner; and establishing the effective date of this ordinance. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby confirms the assessment rolls for Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County Curb and Gutter Special Improvement District Extension 38-596 (the "Improvement District") and hereby finds that the assessments are lust and equitable; that each piece of property within the Improvement District will be benefitted in an amount not less than the assessment to be levied against said property; and that no piece of property listed on the assessment rolls will hear more than its proportionate share of the cost of such improvements. SECTION 2. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, does hereby levy a tax to be assessed upon the real property described in the assessment rolls for the Improvement District. The assessments shall be levied on a front foot basis in the amounts set forth in the assessment rolls, a copy of which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. The property being assessed is within the boundaries of the Improvement District all as is more particularly described in the Notice of Intention adopted by the City Commission on the 26th day of July, 1977. Said description is incorporated herein by this reference. The assessments hereby levied are for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of curb and gutter, driveways, and miscellaneous work necessary to complete the improvements in a proper and workmanlike manner. Said assessments are hereby levied and assessed upon each of the 30 parcels of real property described in the assessment rolls. The assessments are levied to the extent the properties being assessed are especially benefitted by the improvements constructed within the Improvement District. Said assessments are levied at equal and uniform rates. The tax hereby levied and assessed is in the total sum of $418,351.50 and consists of $418,351.50 or $163.10 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 2,565 feet of curb and gutter, decorative walk, asphalt paving and miscellaneous. The amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed does not exceed the total cost of the improvements in said special improvement district, including interest on interim warrants a 10% allowance for administrative costs. SECTION 3. The assessment rolls prepared by the City Treasurer are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. The tax based upon the assessment rolls is levied and assessed at equal and uniform rates with the full depth of each parcel of real property to be assessed within the Improvement District. SECTION 4. The whole or any part of the assessments for said Special Improvement District may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days after this ordinance becomes effective. Any part of the assessment not paid within such fifteen (15) day period shall be payable over a period not to exceed ten (10) years from the effective date of this ordinance in ten (10) substantially equal annual installments with interest on the unpaid balance of the assessment at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum from the effective date of this ordinance until due. At such time as bonds are issued for the Improvement District in an amount not in excess of the aggregate total of unpaid assessment balances, the interest rate at which interest will accrue on the unpaid balance of the assessment shall be modified to equal the average interest per annum of said bonds. Interest shall be paid in addition to the amount of each such installment annually at the time each installment becomes due. After said fifteen (15) day period, all unpaid installments of an assessment levied against any -2- 30 immediately upon its passage and approval and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, this 15th day of April , 1980 • Ri CHAIRMAN ATTEST: lilt !/• /441 CIT RECORDS Transmitted to Mayor on April 15, 1980 Mayor's Action r_ 2/4/;,,(2,./K:± MAYOR ATTEST: CITY ORD.,R 14 444- (SEAL) BILL NO. 30 of 1980 Published April 23, 1980 (Certified copy of ordinance sent to City Treasurer's Office April 15, 1980) -4- 30 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake S hana D. Conaty O Not MANC AN ORDINANCE confirming the a enl rolls and levying,tax providing lor'the assessments rf property In vile Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,Curb and Gotta:Special Improvement District dxtensiiodreve96fforanpurposeofply- �eoi k n scary tp<m;,,I=z Id Improyement,,n ae Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is legal proper ands orkm6hkke manner:and establishing the rites five dateoBe it th'iso bnanc4Hyt:dgn<i:arsaltLakra,y,Dtarr advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily SECTION 1.The Cl+y Council of salt Lake city.Utah, (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English hereby untrCu the ent pelts for Salt Lake Clty.Salt language with general circulation in Utah, and Lake County Curb a and Cutter Special Irviplwvemenl District findsExte tiara he assessments (the ents are rvcrnanand d silult b and hereby finds ihtlplhe rtvrw hsn"the Imuprav meat District"w'illabe published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the benefit/0 Ina amount t less than the assessment to be levied against sa roperty;and bearl n e of propertyl State of Utah. proported - tionate thereof(h the e costuiment ro rolls improvements.p more iece Its propph- hereEyC1eµoN2la hto,be C Council ii Sr tlilekreal+City,Utah, That the Iegal notice of which a copy is attached hereto scribed In NW assessment rolls for the Improvement District. he assessments shall be levied on a front foot basis in the I hereby}nct forth rated by refen the rences and rriadeop arvofch is this ordinance.the property being as •ed is withinythe Pub notice of an ordinance confirming the bounda- ries of the Improvement District all as 19 a particularly described in the Notice of Intention adopted by the City Commission hern ein bhe y the ref ere of oele wn.Said description Is assessment rolls & levying a tax incorporated assessments hereby levied are for the purpose of -I ing the cost of nay construction of curb end gutter,driveways,and I miscellaneous work.necessary to complete the improvements inI e proper and workmanlike manner. Said assessments hereby levied and a f t d upon I each f thep I 'f Y r p tv descied in the s merit II Thet (Ire levied to e extent thep ernes I M especially benelitlthtted by the mein, 'i' the Improvement alerts, Said es. .levied at equal.}d son foy,n rates 1h a tax hereby ievlcd,arld assessed is in the tote)won-At 3110,351.'A and consists of-1,10,151 Or$169.10 r linear pr front foot of abutting Property of constructing tops leet'0f cd-,ie end yoltor, decorative walk,asphalt naVing,and misci;lla• nee ifs amount of Rie tax hereby levied and attesdoestedt exceed the total co f the impro a ts,ill solo a 1 .rm - • April 23 1980 ent distriel i dl into e t interim Warrants a was published in said newspaper on e la%ECTIO<e far admllhsxativnwSrs.l SECTION 0.The a menenolle prepared toy the City e hereby co eneetdaltalifi cd and a ved.The tax based u n the assessment.edlls Is levied antl assessed at costal and uniform t Th lherdadl deefh of each parcel of real a ty to he a Minlihelmoreyement District SECT ECTI ION A.If le oar)of the assessments for `11 //I/ 4 said Special Improvement DI t let nav be pad without ter- ,.�4/�- ,rE ,n( l\ 1'L i j}t / ' st ill fifteen(15)d Ys 2Re thisdl becomes.If. ((( true Any part of the assessment not paid within such fifteen - -_ f 15)d - !1 Hiatt be.p ble k period 1 d Legal Advertising Cl e�-k ten(10)yea,s Porn the ff tl date f this I' In ten 1101 substantially equal annual•Insfallments withInterest xn per Id - c of ate t t rate 1 seven +( 1 ,e1 from Me if five date f this rill- impuntil due.A.,;ucI line a-bond,are issued for file rovment District it 't not Ix excess of the aggre 3 oth gate total of unpaid assessment belance„the Inforsi rate al lore me this day of which interest will accrue Ipe unpuld Lalnnce of the assess- tent shall be mortified to equal the event,interest per an. n of said fronds.Interest dial!be.rigid In addition to the A.D.19 80 amount of <h such Insotterra annually at he dine am alment herons,due.!After raid fifteen(15)day period,all installments of an assessment levied against any pier the adates property o(Out which}they their beco e dpe,lhuY a paid uch prepay rat roost Include an additional t equalto tito interest which Id acci ue on ill -ses P I it P succeeding' 9 date which interest i l improvement bonds issued in ontielnationf ihe collectionf tk,e assess. nl -h dI I i the plc }tile City f 1 11 availability of '� Wf'�r.�,. • interest'be nay anti any special emius whichm improvement become Notary Public na able on redeemable bonds which may he called in order to utithe the assessments thus paid In advance. Default in the payment of n installment of principal interest when due shall cause the whole of ore unpaid princi- pal and interest to become due and parable Immediately, the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rale of ten percent O%)per annum until WId,but at any time prior to the dace of sale or foreclosure Me owner may pay the a del of all aid Installments n due,with interest at the rite of ten paereni(10%)per ann inr to date of payment on the delinquent Installments,and all ved costs,and shag thereo the be restored to the I'i,bt tlerefler to pay In Installments inn the some manner as if d.• fault had nol ocrured. Sr cT1ON 5.The ffl I- f Sall Lake Ciiy,Marxare V h^rem m 1 I 1. I To an0 -I t ll , ' I f tit re d S LTIOh( \II 1 11 nl (icy with this ordinance 7.Ar h been t SrC of peace, he em Is ergency .b (leiIpecd tlp.the preser- vation an se e,of oh and safely immediately of edit Lakea eery acid the ttine,thisis fd)000e spell be s 000 after Its ado,. ity ec, r dishall tr be signed by the ceMayor c and City Recorder and shad ordinance mns recorded In the ordinance book ken!for that u e.,altl newspaper shall be published once In the Deseret News,a paper, Utah, nod 01 to p cal circulimmediately mmediate In SoltIt pas City. U ale and shall lica olfect as required inlaid bi lalv�n Its passage and approval and publication as Ieq PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,this 15th day of April,1980. RONALD J.WHITEHHEAD CHAIRMAN ATTEST: MILDRED V.HIGHAM CITY RECORDER Transmitted ActionMzvnr'on April 15,1980. TED L.WILSON ATTEST MAYOR MILDRED V.NIGHAM CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO.30 of leen Published April'i.,sure D-Jh i l;'