31 of 1909 - Ordinance 31 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 273, establishing three garbage districts in AI O R D I N A N C N . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Seotion 273 of the Revised ' Ordinanoes of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council November 5, 1908, and approved by the Mayor November 6, 1908. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: III SROTI0N 1. That Seotion E73 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1003, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City ! Council November 6, 1908, and approved by the Mayor November 6, 1908, be, and the sane hereby is amended and reenacted so as to read as follows: SBCTION 273. T ZB GARBAGE DISTRICTS. There shall be and li it there are hereby established within the limits of Salt Lake Cit , three (5) garbage districts, to be known and designated as Gar- bage District Jo. 1, Garbage District No. 2 and Garbage District No. 3. it The Board of Health is hereby empowered to employ not ex- (seeding sixteen (16) men, each with team and wagon, to remove - garbage from said districts, under the following terms and pay- ments: For men with teams and wagons to haul paper, to be known as paper wagons, who shall each receive not exceeding four dolla s and fifty (vents ($4.50) per day for each and every day actually employed. One man with team and wagon to haul garbage, to be known as Wagon No. 14, who shall receive not exceeding fifteen (15) cents per hundred pounds for **oh and every hundred pounds of garbage hauled from said district, and deposited at the garbage station. Eleven men with teams and wagons to haul garbage, to be known as wagons Nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 16, who shall each receive the following price per hundred pounds for each and every hundred pounds of garbage hauled from said die- 31 -2- triote and deposited at the garbage station, to-wit: Six (6) acute per hundred pounds from November first until April 30th; and seven (7) 'lents per hundred pounds from Nay first to Novem- ber first of *ash and every year. SECTION 2. All ordinanoes and resolutions or parts of ordlnanoee and resolutions is oonfliot herewith are hereby repealed to the exten 44, sue ognilliot. SSOtl0/1 3. Thie 'ord,inanoe than take_Offeet upon approval. ... . : massed by theflity-Conneil of :;alt ',„aCity, Utah, March 0, 100 and referred to the T.,Iallor for his approval. ,9 OP- Adett i i -0 orc or iilly / Deputy ,- --) Approved this (---- day of .T_Iarch, 1909. ele ,Nale Ilaor Tro T . 1 - ••-•,,_ 'i•-:-!';44-:1----7- . , -3- , (3) xi e :t..hr•-o/ ,tro.ttate *Mello *lit Ja bettsogeh baa istotx* r1,-POP, II-sca. 11*,ast tall1 zedervolt sett ehtlitog beibeird tog etas° . -movoTt of J•evrt xalt tetvrt obasog Isetbauti leg *time (,) aerea bus .•sairg Immo baa gloss to twirl 784:1 9130CCetit670 /0 8/7811 YO sitottirloass/ baa a soasatiPro IL .3 SOITDIS 1cc, wit ol. Delsega-X xifirtert wta dtrwitost teirtrtoo Kt astotJal art has N., \ P v" .,. c1\ ti.g lav:Nrwi, sr ' : , t .1 eortaitireaterf .8 : 4. • ND"-2 st, 8 g • a,., . rp, dork Er3 g c- \ \P 4 —2 c-',1,s':- . -) :IL .. bt : . . .,... 2 ° . , .. • •'''''' i..: ,I , ..., . , : . . „ . . . .. _ cl-i)