31 of 1910 - Ordinance 31 of 1910 – Franchise, Granting Utah Light & Railway Co. permission to lay tracks on 2n zaula, An ordinance aaonang "An ordinance amendinr'; and ContLv..., 3,:q7 tua odinancoo r•ait 74:1..zc on,ttlod, "An o,t1nAnco fjr nA6 conflz,ninP. t-,:,a:pxf:.r of frcanhigoe to Utah Lif711... and Ralliw OonazI4 a c,-.:?:,o2af.;:ont, e40:ta,n6inrt. itr or nate, rwA314eilio und mixaturl, incluLlnr7 ,ho fmactini2, to trall Po*or Qftpaavis Allrfal..4,t tOr.M'p a ; J,"oveci Zate Zied e.1* of DoomenGro 1901, ne 1; ordaln.-,d 4hoi. , '4ouncli c :41r...; "An OrdinAnco ocalf!...mlnr7 au orinance of Salt Latto inz,i'4104 "An ::.) ,°,1nanco ou7-,41"nr,7 coaftaln trarbefor of rvare1,1%or to Uto,b LtRht ',;onpa-.111 a co,.Tomtion* mob !;;Anl(lintt no (& rAb'inent wnondin,. thoitl incaudinr, Tho 1tc1tt c. U z ',1Oni•=;7/1, N.1171. loklboo 1 anC 1,1 1,. .'01V te.1,.11.0.(;e. ,in Itoro- ,1 of !=.1.(1rjumne: riame m3endi-X.; b nutlx1f- Wentv-fivnt in fr..U0 "Taoconia--A .0.11 ;rac'c. on 9outY. a4;*oel, fr ..711 7o.up1:A WOW., 2,4111O 0-.sy Goll'ao tri.e. on S,;!u4h boundo.* or fl:.:4.:71,727. Th4t gran , J v0000norl or unnJ4741, %hula eon- 11.1-raut,. oonpl:--4<4 bag? in opvi,w,IonUfr 1ousf, ono InAil-,44, tioneact n9cmalow:i pcwt,lour; cj' 4414 covOrod. • by Ude ordinance on o:' bM!oi4,, Mrs's% W1)0 - i)10 am) intlue.4.,o of oc.L.,i Tarsi+oe carrbp:Id-t,oll arc 1.T., 1 1 oadb' EIL loant one traa;.; on Adiror maid Ante Or to the non4anodo ?hot as IlIcarcxx.y. oaucaga4.1e,c2ciamistvoe4n no'. no. occuvl-ad mt th!!! otpiration of sald p4a'ioa h ;;!cin prOsaribud feannhAno as4 all !!!.hi! provillsnn 11.c -sof nhall bb null and vOla. Thin tr-nohlni;% nhall oet0nd un4i1 the e-17.piratii4n al tb.o frazt6h1s0 L!) wtieht ln an anpnam,w4 LAWAI th dJ of lulyi„ 104b; ucul 4110, .!trhtos h!A,bv grantca b nubj4c6 conet4tonn 01 c!1.!Anunc to uhlch 14 is an o:nontlz,st4 Linc. -ass an ta: 11 ht.).V43 CW.:4tainCla 1r,44. b11- innl!rt#43s1 in anc: actn" ntl;,u4o4 a vvv!. saia oeOlnan000 !'77,!.:T107!! rv. Twantos than ml'2%.1.1.4 1actr tho tvenoval or '411.1 wAlinarloo filo i1 amip4anco It wv1,,,ln. ttawoof .:Ath tho ,11.t.w :?6cordi!! natC, ethominot.hnumo Shall bs null dud Void. ST=IOY • Tnlo oranumcs shall ort.tct upon ap,i7:vmal ana acm. an6 accapsinci, IJ Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, h, March 28th, 1910, and referred to the Mayor for h ,p va y see er. Approved this !l97 day of March, 1910. o,,,,.''G '�cf' '''''\''.:;. \ ' ,b:." '.'* ' 4'.‘,- ,yr 981910 ,,,,,4014\Ito ,. ..y w• .....n«�n�rw ., 0 ittQatMt. r • First Publication in - /,V 2-1910 Oily RFOORDft. • •y i Y £F3 4a 4 3 f t:... f *�t'.—.. �'.? _..rs - �....:,. aye " 6'� ...e ;:�