31 of 1915 - Amending Sections 571-2-3-4-5-6-8-9 etc. electric wiring nVLL CALL VOTING Yes No Lawrence Salt Lake City, Utah, February 17,___1915. Morris _ I move that the ordinance be passed. 111 Shearman \: Wells Mr.Chairman . Result AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance amending Sections 572, 573, 574, 576, 576, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584 and 585 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1913, as contained in Chapter 12 of said Ordinances, relating to electricity, installation of electrical appli- ances, etc., and inspection of same. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 572, 573, 574, 575, 676, 678, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583 aM4,684 and 585 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1913, as contained in Chapter 12 of said ordinances, be, and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 572. It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Meohanioal Inspeotion to attend to the enforcement of this ordinance and inspect and supervise the construction, installation zand repairs of all electric light or power wiring, fixtures, appliances and apparatus in or running to any building or structure in Salt Lake City, except as hereinafter provided: To inspect all electric light and power wiring, fixtures, appliances and apparatus heretofore installed as soon as praotioable,mad to require the correction of any defects therein which are dangerous or apt to cause fire; and said Bureau of Meohanioal Inspection must require the correction of such defeats as are actually hazardous to life or property. No fee shall be charged for the inspection of electric wiring, fixtures, appliances and apparatus heretofore installed, ex- cept where such inspection is made upon request of the owner or user of said wiring, fixtures, apparatus or appliances, in which ease fees as provided for permits for installation of new work shall be paid by the person, firm or corporation requiring the inspection. Sec. 575. It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Meohaiioal Inspection to inspect any and all work for which permits have been • issued as soon as practicable after notice in writing by the contractor that the work is ready for inspection, which will not be considered ready for inspection and covering until all enclosed plumb • - ing, steam heating, furnace work, and gas fittings are in place. Inspection shall, when necessary, be made two or more times during the progress of installation; first, when work is xo ughed in, and last when work is completed; and it shall be the duty of some officer or representative of the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection, to indicate inspection of any work by a tag or label attached to the service wwitch • wires, and a certificate issued to the person taking out the permit. Such tag or label shall state the date and whether first or final in- spection has been made. Italia]. be unlawful for any workman or any other person to lath over or otherwise conceal any electrical work until such first inspection tag has been placed. Sec. 574. Upon application for inspection of any wiring, apparatus, fixtures or appliances as hereinafter provided, the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection shall, after inspection and examination, issue a certificate showing the result of such examination , and any • corrections in said work necessary to be made. Sec. 575. If any officer or employee of the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection shall be unable to inspect any electrical work within twenty-four hours after notice of its completion, a temporary permit may be issued by said Bureau allowing current to be turned on pending the inspection of such work. Sec. 576. If the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection shall find any part of any electric light or power wiring, appliances, apparatus or fixtures in or upon any building in Salt T.eke City, to have been • installed without permit or installed not in accordance with the • provisions of this ordinance or to be dangerous to life or property. eta t e Bureau of Mechanical Inspection shall have the right and power to dilleren4Ftweee such defective work, fixtures, appliances or apparatus, and place a seal upon the same, and shall at the same time give written notice of such disconnection to the owner or occupant of the building. After such disconnected wiring, fixtures, appliances, fixtures or apparatus has been put in the condition required b this ordinance; ance, tie eal so placed shall by remov di �*�y v °� to. 54. A 1 peootsons who des re tlectric light or power,wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus installed in or on any building (except power houses and substations belonging to eleotrio light or street railway-companies operating under a franchise granted. • by Salt Lake City) shall secure a permit from the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection. Permits for the installation of electric wiring, power,. fixtures, appliances or apla ratus, shall only be issued to a lioensed electrical contractor or the owner of the property where the work is to be done, or an authorized agent of either said contractor or owner. Seo. 579. It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm or corporation engaged in electrical work to install any electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus in or on any building,unless and until a permit for such work shall have been secured from the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection as provided in this ordinance. Sec. 580. In order to secure a permit for the installation of electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus, and before any addition to or alteration in any old installation of eleotrioal wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus is made, every person shall make a written application to the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection on blanks provided for that purpose by said Bureau, and shall pay said. Bureau in advance all fees as provided in Section 581 of this ordinance. Sec. 581. The fees to be collected by the Bureau of Meohanical Inspection, shall be as follows: (a) For electric light wiring, 4'1.00 for the first two outlets, and 5¢ for each additional outlets the word. "outlet" being interpreted as including a wwitoh outlet and switch controlling same, or a light * . outlet and the fixtures or drop to be attached to the same. -3- (b) For arc lamps and light outlets requiring 400 watts or more, $1.00 for the first two arc lamps or outlets requiring 400 watts or more, and 25/ for each additional. (c) Permit to erect projecting signs, $3.00; annual inspection fee 10/ per square foot for the first 30 square feet; 8/ per square foot for the next 30 square feet, and 5/ per square foot for each additional square foot over 60 feet. (d) Permit to erect roof signs and flat signs, ;2.00; annual inspection fee i¢ per square foot. If illuminated there shall be an additional annual charge of $1.00 for the first two lights, and 5/ for each additional light; but if such sign contains more than 22 lights, there shall be an annual charge of 2/ per square foot, but no sign shall be maintained for a less annual fee than $2.00. (e) For eaoh motor of more than 1/8 horsepower and not more than 1 horse power, $ .50 For each motor of more than 1 horsepower and not more than 5 horsepower, 1.25 For each motor of more than 5 horsepower and not more than 15 horsepower, 2.50 For each motor of more than 15 and not more than 40 horsepower, 4.00 For each motor of more than 40 horsepower, 7.00 For each generator of not more than 3 Kilowatt, 1.00 For each generator of more than 3 and not more than 15 Kilowatt, 2.50 For each generator of more than 15 and not more than 40 Kilowatt, 4.00 For each generator of more than 40 Kilowatt, 7.00 (f) All special circuits for heating devices or electrioal apparatus not included above, that require 660 watts or more, shall be charged for at the rate of 500 per circuit, provided that no permit for the installation of a motor or special circuit shall be issued for less than $1.00. (g) For an elect1ical elevator there shall be a charge of $2.00 for the special control wiring plus the regular charge per horse- -4- power as provided in this section for motors. (h) For inspecting any electrical wiring, fixtures, apparatus, appliances or installation for which no fee is herein provided, a charge of ;1.50 for the first hour and at the rate of 75V per hour for additional time given in making such inspection, shall be made; provided, that no inspection fee shall be lees than 50V. Sec. 582. The following rules shall govern the installation of all electrical wiring, electrical fixtures, apparatus or appliances: (a) All electrical wiring. installation or electrical fixtures, apparatus, or appliances for furbishing light, heat, power, telegraph, telephone, distric messenger and other electrical work introduced ix into or placed in or on any building or structure in Salt Lake City, shall be in conformity with the latest issue of rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code, and all fittings and materiel used in such installation must be sanotioned in the latest list of electrical fittings published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, which rules and requirements and lists are hereby made a part of this ordinance. (b) service switches, out-outs and meters must^be placed in bathrooms, and all switches, sockets and other electrical fixtures and apparatus must be located so that they cannot be reached by one standing in a bath tub. (o) All wires in damp places, basements or cellars, unless conoelaed by plaster, compo-board or similar finish on ceilings, must be run in conduit, and no metal covered sockets or switches will be permitted therein. All drop cords in basements or cellars must be of what is termed "reinforced cord." (d) Each flat or dwelling place in an apartment house, flat building or building designed for two or more dwellings, shall be provided with an independent service, unless the coutouts or meters are grouped in a cabinet or closet opening into a public hallway so as to be readily accessible at all times. (e) Every building other than a private dwelling hereafter erected in which electricity is used for light, heat or power, shall -5- have the supply wires, when from underground mains, enter the building at some convenient location on the ground floor, readily accessible t o police or firemen; and said supply wires shall be provided at such location with main cut-off switches as feww in number as conditions will allow, and so arranged that all current for light, heat or power oan be cut off from the building. (f) In all buildings hereafter erected where service wires are to be more than 30 feet long, fused condulet must be planed on outside when overhead feeders are used, and at entrance when fed from underground. (g) All wires installed for furnishing light, heat or power in any building hereafter erected within the following described district: commencing at the northwest corner of Third East and Fourth South Streets, running thence west along the north side of Fourth South Street to the east side of Second West Street; thence north along the east side of Second West Street to the south side of North Temple Street; thence east along the south side of North Temple Street to the west side of State Street; thence south along the west side of State Street to the South side of South Temple Street; thence east along the south side of South Temple Street to the west side of Third East Street; thence south along the west side of Third East Street to the p lace of beginning; said district including all of Block f 7 to 78, and 'aitall of blocks 85 to 88, both inclusive, all in Plat "A", which is known 1 as fire District No. 1, shall be placed in conduit. (h) That all buildings hereafter erected to be used for public purposes such as churches, stores, halls, school buildings and apartment houses more than one story high, containing five or more apartments or rooms, must be wired in conduit. (i) When wiring for residence lighting, not more than nx+io+a 01,011 he n9ang0 on one circuit. WIRING DATA FOR MOTORS: O The following tables are to be used fo standard speed motors that do not start under full load. The fusee �'�A be heavier than those specified when motors start under full load or when slower than standard speed: SINGLE PHASE, 110 1DLTS, 60 QCLES. :Full Load :Size of :Size of :Size of :Size of :Size of : Horse:Current in :Wire B&S:Switch :Starting :Running :Conduit : Horse Power: Amperes : Gauge :in Amps.:Fuses,Amps:Fuses,Amps: : Power * 4.6 14 15 -- 10 *- 7.5 12 25 -- 10I ; 1 13 10 25 25 20 1 2 24 8 50 50 30 1 2 3 35 6 50 70 45 1 3 4 46 4 75 90 60 11- 4 5 55 2 100 110 70 11 5 7i 78 1-0 150 x 150 100 2 7i 10 104 2-0 150 00 126 2 10 SINGLE PHASE, 220 VOLTS, 60 CYCLES. 2.5 14 16 -- 5 3.5 12 15 5 1 6 12 25 16 10 1 2 12 10 25 25 15 2 3 17 10 25 35 20 3 4 2$ 8 60 45 25 1 4 5 27 6 50 60 35 1 5 7* 40 4 75 80 60 11- 7* 10 53 2 76 110 65 1* 10 THREE PHASE, 220 VOLTS, 60 CYCLES. 1 14 15 -- 3 2 14 16 -- 5 • 1 3 12 25 10 5 1 2 6 12 25 15 82 3 9 12 25 20 10 3 4 11 12 25 25 15 I 4 5 15 10 25 40 20 1 5 7* 21 8 35 50 25 1 7 ' 10 27 6 50 55 35 1i 10 15 39 4 75 80 50 1 15 20 51 3 75 100 65 1 20 25 63 1 100 126 80 2 25 30 76 1-0 150 150 95 2 30 36 88 2-0 150 175 110 2 36 40 100 3-0 200 200 125 2 40 50 124 4-0 x 200 260 150 2 50 75 184 300,000 300 375 250 3 75 100 249 600,000 400 600 325 3* 100 -8- THREE PHASE, 440 VOLTS, 60 CYCLES. :Full Load :Sine of :Size of :Size of :Size of :Size of : Horse:Current in:Wire BBoS:Switch :Starting :Running :Conduit : Horse Power: Amperes :Gauge :in Amps. :Fuses,Amps:Fusea,Amps: : Power 1 1.6 14 25 .5 3 1 2 3.6 14 25 10 5 2 3 4.3 12 25 10 10 3 4 5.5 12 25 12 10 4 5 6.6 12 25 16 10 5 7k 10 12 25 20 15 a 7k 10 13 10 25 30 20 1 10 15 20 8 50 40 25 1 15 20 25 6 50 50 35 1 20 25 31 6 60 70 40 1 25 30 38 4 75 80 50 1 30 35 43 4 75 90 55 1 35 40 49 3 75 100 60 1 40 50 61 2 100 125 76 2 50 75 93 2-0 150 200 125 2 75 100 122 3-0 200 260 160 2* 100 160 182 300,000 300 375 250 3 160 200 240 400,000 350 500 300 3 200 250 300 500,000 400 600 375 3* 250 DIRECT CURRENT, 230 VOLTS. . Approx. -Size of : Size of:Size of wires Horse Power : Voltage Full Load : Fuses : Switch ; B&S Gauge 1 220 4.3 6 10 . 14 2 220 6.5 12 15 , 14 2* 220 10 15 15 ►12 3 220 12 15 25 ' 12 3k 220 14 20 25 4 12 6 220 20 25 25 4 10 7k 220 30 40 50 8 X 10 220 40 50 60 5 16 220 60 75 75 3 20 220 77 100 100 1 0 25 220 964 126 150 0 30 220 116 150 160 00 36 220 135 175 200 000 -9- Sec. 583. Upon the complelition of the installation of any electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus in or on any building, it shall be the duty of the corporation, copartnership, firm or individual doing the work to notify the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection, which Bureau shall at once inspeot the same, and if approved, there shall be issued a certificate of proper inspection which shall contain the date of such inspection end an outline of the result. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or oopartnership to turn on or connect the current with such install- ation until such certificate shall be issued; and it shall also be unlawful to make any change, alteration or extension in or to the installation of any electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus in or on any building after inspection, without notifying the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection and securing a permit so to do. Sec. 584. Any officer, agent or employee of the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection shall have the right to enter any premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting the electrical wiring, fixtures, appliances or apparatus therein. Se A�This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve or lessen the responsibility of any person owning,operating or install- ing any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, construction or equipment for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the said city or any agent thereof be held as assuming any liability by reason of the in- spection authorized herein or the certificate of inspection issued by the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance sha t ke e f of u on is first publication.. Passed by\tfi}�e Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,�\ 1 v , 1915. I. . 1 ' t 2 yr�� 1eatpoi ai V Cha.ir2=. c�1 � � m City ecorder. • CZ •y,Hly 0-•.: -J.LESN (2.,41atiq-citi.Lio `'G rr '.c'- 3: ;!i 1.)01,93_ f ,> - (GjG.G, 1 4- i t i .d ci , 4,0 A-...., —-1-—*--lt, , 6T • zyy' it4.E. . t r.* $ fl. zel 1 a cip st. gicre' a..4,4k easpr 1 - , 14 15 S g (j' 1 . 5.1 • I t 7.4 '1 `," W ,,o 9 I 1 c,