31 of 1926 - Curb and Gutter Extension No. 56-3rd and final ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, j.Rly...2.9., , Burton / I move that the ordinance be passed. �,--Fehr V Finch Moran Mr.Chairman - - - - —_ Result AN ORDINANCE • AN ORDINANCE. LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Paving District No. 32 (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 56) for the purpose of providing for the curbing and gutter- ing. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in raving Dis- trict No. 32 (Curb and Cutter Extension No. 56) for the purpose of providing for the grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter; ,cand drainage system, to-wit: Lots 1, 5 and 6 of Elks. 2 and 9, Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Elks. 3 and 8, Country Club Acres., being a part of the W. 1/2 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., N. 1 E., S. L. E. N PSI.; Lots 1 and 6 to 9 incl. of Blk. 12, Lots 15 and 1 to 7 incl. of Elk. 13, Lots 1 and 18 of Blk. 14, Lots 1 and 20 of .Nib. 15, Lots 6 to 11 incl. of Elk. 16, and Lots 1, 13, 14 and 15 of Elk. 17, Amended Blat of Elks. 11 to 18 incl., Country Club Acres, being a part of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., 3. 1 E., G. L. & .. ., abutting on both sides of 22nd East Street from 21st South Street to Club Country„Drive, and Country Club Drive from 22nd East to 23rd East Streets. This tax is levied.. to defray the expense of grading, i i �F I T ....,- -2- !curbing and r:Jutterin with concrete, and constructinF drainae sys- I tem, aid E.radinc:. to be twenty-seven (27) feet betwecn curb2 with cii-,hteen (10) inch cutter on both sides of 22nd f;as t 8treet from 2.1st South Street to 0ountry Club Drive and nouatry Jlub priVe from 22nd East to 23rd East Streets, the :portion of said streets o-:)po- site the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be cc- specially benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established. that said property will be especially lbenefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and, I said pay:cola of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform 'Irate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portions lof said streets, fronting ubon and to the entire depth back there-I L 'from, and the to:: hereby levied and to be asbossed upon said parcels of land is Twelve Thousand, one Hundred '8wenty-tdo and 05/100 Al2,122.95) Dollars; or one and 95/100 ( /i.93) idlers per front or linear foot of abuttin property for twenty-seven (27) foot roa4.- Lay, there being 5,281.32 feet-of abuttinz property within the I boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said, !district; which is the total abutters cost and cost per front fooit 1 of said. improvement accordin,-,,, to the contract entered into for the' [ .performance of said work ad maZ.-in said improvement with L. H. Sins, Contractor, doted the 17th day of september, is 5, and the City 1 Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in accordanbe I jwith the provisions of this ordinance, for the bursose herein men- tioned. _...1V.&]ff- 12YJ:f00R =DJAYL 1 The east side of Lots 1, a j!.: 6 of 811:. 2, Country ':lub acres, the west side of Lots 2, 5 r:; 4 of 81k. 3, lountry blue .Acres, the west side of Lots 2, ''3 & 4 of blX. 8, Country blob Acres, Ithe east side of Lots 1, 5 J.: 6 of 81k. 9, Country 8lub ',ores, Pa- in E part of the d. 1/8 of bee. SS, T. 1 2., a. 1 8., S. L. 8. ,,, (1; the East side of Lots 6 to (., incl. of P1k. 12, mended. blot 81ks. 11 to 15 incl., )oentry blob 8ore , sort of 8ec. 22, T. LS., -E. 1 E., S. L. 3. fe. 18; commencing at the g.8. coo. of Lot I, 81k. 12, Amended Flat of blocks 11 to incl., Country i , i Ili 1 I !Club Acres, running thence 2. 0` 07' 44" J. 168.28', thence along !a curve to tLo ripht radius 20.03', 42.77 ft,, bein,- a part of Lot 1, ,ilk. 12; the west side of Lots 2 to 7 incl. of E1'2. 13, mended flat of elks. 11 to 18 incl. Country Club Acres, part of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., A. 1 3., S. L. E. :7. L.; con_.encing at the 3.W. 1 ,cor. of Lot 1, Elk. 15, Amended Flat of Jloc'a 11 to 18 incl. !Country u1un Acres, running thence 3. 0` 07' 44m rr., 77.15 ft., t':ence along a curve to the left, radius 60 ft., 65.45 ft., thencq 15. 62° 22' 16" F. 223.55 ft., thence c1on7 a curve to the loft, radius 30 ft., 52.45 ft., being a part of Lots 1 •., 15 of 31__. 13; 1 coni encing at a point 6. 0' 07' 44'_" W. 114.98 ft. from the 111.3. cor. of Lot 18, !Elk. 14, _!.r:lented Plat of Like. 11 to 18 incl. CountryClub Acres,; runninF thence 2_1onL- a curve to the right, -radius 28.16 ft., 50.12', thence along :. curve to the right, radius 1134.21 ft., 277.47 ft., thence along a curve to the right, radius 136.50 ft., 53.05 _t., being a part of Lots 1 S: 18, of Slk. 14; ! commencing at a point 3. 0' 07' 44" W. 114.98' from the E.W. cor. of Lot 1, -,ilk. 15, Amended Plot of Elks. 11 to 18 incl., Country Club :Acres, running thence .long a curve to the loft, radius 07.2:',* 55.01 ft. , thence olpn ; a curve t; the left, radius 1164.21 ft., 109.43 ft., thence S. 89` 55' 33" E. 119.66 ft., thence along a curve to the left, radius 25.0 ft., 39.27 ft., being; a part of. Lots 1 4 20, Elk. 15; commencing at a ;mint 0` 04' 27" E., 185 ft. from the 2.3. cor. of Lot 11, 313:. 16, ?.mended Plat of Elks. 111 to 18 incl. Country Club Acres, runainr: thence o..1ona a curve Co the left, radius 25 ft., 39.27 ft., thence Sa1. 39' 55' 33" W., 119.66 , thence along curve to the right, radius 1194.21 ft., 542.68 ft., thence along a curve to the left, radius 51.5', 52.76 ft., being a art of Lots 6 to 11 incl. of 31k. 16; commencing at , a point .,. 27° 37' 44" W. 04.0 ft. and 2. 62' 22' 16" E. 133.9 ft. from the a.1d. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. '7,Amaided Plat of 'Elks. 11 to 18 t inc1., Country Club Acres, and running thence along a curve to thj !left, radius 34.0 ft., 513.41 ft., thence N. 62" 22' 16" W., 250.31', -4- thence along a curve to the left, radius 1283.20 ', 100.39 ft., uein,r a 'part of Lots 1, in, 14 G 13 of -Llh. 17; all in. ':mended Plat of elks. 11 to 16 incl. Country. Jlca Acres, p.aet of Sec. 22, 1 ,., 1 E., I. I:. ; ..s the sL i d are shown soon the offi- cial plats of said city to the entire depth of said )szcels of land and to collect said .,52':I00 2. 2hat the assess;:ent list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, aoproved and completed 1p the :goer,: of Equalization and Review of the property described in aectien I of thismordinance in Paving District No. o2 (Curb P Gutter ._:.tension ) :No. 56) of Salt Lake 'City, for the Purpose of providing for the gred.inc„ constructed concrete curb and gutter and drainage system upon said portion of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and. the iassessments made and returned in said comeletea lists, and the -road of 3eualization and _evie;r to the bard_ of report of the _ Commissioner: of ualt Pc e ,it} ELre hereby ratified, Lsleroved and coni'irmud. SECTIONd $. Said tax shall he ,ayohle in five equal year- ly installments as provided uy law and ordinance withi:�.terest on i the whole sure un:>aicl at the rate of six percent per curium, payable at the time each inst-_11menC is duo. In the event any inst:llmenl I for the interest aforesaid_ is not 2oiH1 on the day. tho cocas becoLlos I due, the whole amount of tha :;_bcial t-z__ uno_.id at tha time said i is •t=:llment.> a.i..« inbred cc, _.. .11 t(:)ca .e .Ion _yap1 e. and shall draw interest et the rate of twelve per cent for annurm ' until the sale of the iroderty sseeesed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall _..:a effect one day. I a.f tcs Ito publication. 1 P s,;ed by the Coard. cci7 Copes on ., c:' Salt L .ic City, i Uta rh, the 11 y of ,, ,,,a v„ ' 1926. I _ ( — o .':e order. i C. : G. #SET 13d and final est. ii . . • • , • . , 1 of :1111 1s! ' 0 R.); C14117' ft c r4• f2., • .2,?! §tv