31 of 1928 - Vacating alley in Douglas Park Subdivision lb + ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, duly 25 192 8 Burton - yrll I move that the ordinance he passed. —�s Fehr - - - Y Finch - Moran - - Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY OR PEDESTRIAN WAY in Douglas Park Sub division, in Block 29, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That that alley or pedestrian way in Doug- las Park Subdivision, in Block 29, 5-Acre Plat "C", Bit Field Sur- vay, ,Salt Lake City, Utah, and more particularly described as fol. lows: Commencing at the S.V . corner of Lot 39, Block 13, Douglas Park Subdivision, Block 29, 5-Acge Plat "C"i, Big Field Survey and running thence North 89 57' 20" Eas 73.39 feet, thence south 70° 17' 25" East 22.42 ft., thence west 98.82 ft., thence North 29° 57' 20" East 8.66 feet to the place of beginning, also commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 39, Block 13, aforesaid and running thence South 29° 57' 20" West 8.80 ft., thence west 27.34 ft., thence North 70° 17' 25" West 22.49 ft., thence North 89° 57' 20" East 52.90 ft. to the place of beginning, be,- ing a part of said Douglas Park Subdivision. Be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be a public alley, street or pedestrian way. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 3 f, 11 1;2" Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ptah, this .1clay of _, a. D. 1928. • (:—.) ;••"1--4t44-. Mayor. 111_LitattilL City Recorder. , • I !,! ; -,••• . 3 . • . . • . • . . • . . • • . . . •. . . • • . • , -..- . . .• . .. • •" . t . .• • . . ... . • i . . ,.... .. '. i., ''.•.. 6". . • Z;e:cm.k.. "iplp ..i. ) .--"'"..- f • 4 ; s.. .... c , . /sr, .0 ,,,,, , 7] ., P: Z. ' fer. ;`,, f'-'''.. '', : 1(- -."' ....„...., f',, x-, O CO 0 Z.: ,_. •,, . = O CZI ,, ..... . ! ,.:.', r (-',.,, S. . ....Pf. , . , , . . . , I _.$ A Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake 1 :"&i,:e t AN' o•pINANCH VA�/� oati Al, ' I�'HY PR EUH6TRIAN WAX I Doua- la* Park 6 bdl 1 1 el Blb k 88 3- Acre -_- ../ la* 'Plat "C" E.Iedon,Tin, 1.4. dal- -- Latiq.OILY,.)felt .. Tao It ordained by trye 13e d, of 6bnt- mle q oe sax x,xb clLe -oohs beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the principal 6 an ''i I1 Th t that trey pc d. l y p pa eetrppldn'}9a9 14 , 6-Acg Perp''eto,Plat .. 19,- Field ISurrvey xSalt Lake CIO,Uta a g more ganloma[lY-deeormea bg [ 1..' clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Earonen ing at the 9.W, op et. f Yqt 801 $lock 18 Mogi.Park Sandl- Ielon, Block E9, 5-Acre Plat' f1,11 Elg pp'ieta ifuFvey,and onnning'Ehdn North Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Co ity',in t tate of Ut Se deg. 67 all n.20 e..Heat 7341feet. ftt[[aha ednth 70'aag 17 Vi &6 eee Haet -.... ' - - ------ / $gtth E9 deg.fit In 80 goo, +f 8.00 hat the notice feet to theglace of beginning n1- ¢ " s t h q! a eI dt7 en r4fi Lqt thongs'tooth 2 deg 8 MA,. 0e �(./' . S k 11sE7 9 i, u44-C,Q-/ l.- / th rallorth 70 dee• a nyBec West MO it., thence North, B ' -- des. 57 min. 80 eec, Hut 51.90 ft te ill, qrocs f b e ning,bnlnR is Dafd fi .bid ..- G----------- ------ Umbel Park 6ub91efed d de the loam t hereby publld arid teelaray • ire Tonga t be a Dubllo al1gY.BEleet ay sca• g. of C 2, I the Dl 1$ 7 the Iiaerd [al h, net ate it le D,If the to the health, D 11 0 end brs tt f the Inhabitants r salt Lakeglen tilt tnis ofwhich a copyis hereto attached,was first ub had in said etmnan ION 1,onT ehot.ron,e.shel lake f p effect u :n This ordlnanctt mbar.lake efface uEd b Ito'firer Heard ofn Coo ." Peered b9 the ity. of l% ltd1.elcne newspa r,in its issue dated theday of ate of a It;Lake City.Vteh, Inla 88tb ------'--'-^-- day of dbn.F.•EOWDIAN,Mdyat., Ethel Macdonald, city Racord'er, 4. D. l92 ... BMNb.-81. , YnbRghed July 87,IBM and as ublishe ! e.. iGrk[Q ._ 7 4/ the last publi t n thereof being in the issue dated theL._ day of A.D.1921 62'4,C1c1..7&/1:16.rt.._ I f �� of Subscrib d sworn to before me this day A. D. 1921... Notary l , V K '', 0 ---.:I Q‘, -. S 0