31 of 1931 - Lighting District No. 18-a, 2d and finale Estimate• ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193 VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. Burton s/J Fehr Finch Lake AN ORDINANCE Mr.Chairman F Result li 0! 2V,:oc1. LLZTYI9G A TLX ane for the . gee eicnt of sro- rty in Li,htlnm !i-trict r?o. LO-C, for the oc-noore of _)- oviLin- for the o cr«tion, ulten nce an!! a tr ' L:in or i.nc<ceeocrnt l i :.. onC the r ,rni.c h`.no of clectelcc1 cner,y therofor. -'e. !t orG 1 ,ec the T3oarr_ of Co:an i n:i.onrrs of , alt Lake Utah: U 'LC'TIOC 1. j2hat the Doer:! of Comuiissiooer:; of ait Late City Co r hereby levy the tax ric rrovi%e for the assessment of the some u:lon the cro le:rty he r•ei Isft;e:r ctcrcri 3 in 7 L hti t ; trio ilo. 13-1+, for the coronae of -rrovidin _for the oceracion, y,ointenarice and itrol'_in_ of ioca:oc_cccent 1,.;mas o.lo the fa ni_ ;h-- inns of :lectric.1 rear , t rcfcr, to-t,it: Lots L. to 5 inct. of 31:. ", ;pots 1 to 5 inel. of ;alkcr Suh. of 331k. :, Lots 1, 3, 7 iy: 3 of Tr:. 15, Lots 1 ",; 5 of 31k. 13, Lot:. L, , t, 5 of 'Ilk. .'1, mots 1 < 3 of 1r.. �, Lot: 1 '•, 7 C of ulend Lots 5 of '3 1 . ' '1 Plat """, felt r'kc ei tv 'or vex: a uttioo on Crin trs-t 5th to 9th `youth e-�trc':.ts, in cclt Take City. tan is loviec to fr / the c:: cnncr of erovi di.nxx for the o_e �r,.tion, mmint enance c e! ,atro I Lira: of i 1c_:nec`cce:nt l_:re s ( ra'a Leoos to ne one hon ree tc;cl_ve (11 ) in nu-il:icr, each or,iernentc C t v rre.chat ec:uii eu ilth tiro 15Ti 1e _.c Cr 1nceu :scent 3 eel thn 11 eoo 1, 01 if7 ,;,,-!!! Of n; 1_1 71C,!!-ro-!:.;!ent 1 n to he cy OH 1;110 `0::11.1-1'11: 1.-.st--.( en 1: 0-, s o on the 1:11 :"or nt.to(1 tsn ccc:srs. fron Jul;.r , 1071, to , 1fs1.3 ) 100E 1....Trif ;..11 •Ist u1 cc to -oc `'01' t.,11("' :(;,) 7:7:irn 5.; ` ``:: r; 1. "• Do over.hoc 0..1“1 the z-,ort,;ocLs 5c.j.c o .o!.11;ccc the fo c--.c05in1cs0'orcc. erein!21'7er (!!!!nere! !-!ffcctec! rre, to the fh nmou,it of 1;110 , 1. 1 1 .1ou.1.0 of ‘.7 !..n( 010 or-cr!. -,:•3 itn c' 10' '0' i,1 the 1ine5.5 root f'roiltL!!!e i! In to the 00ct100; -th of ti. r: ihn 0105r.-.71 , 1.25(.-5,:-,froi,i not E xece,- ! f'oct, TIC LC) 1--W On. rt'(!elfl 150C, cv,..nts--foor Thows Hrv-,,nty--three 00c1 ccn100o ( 11 „07! .80) 1.1.o1.15rs or i,'ourtccun cncj 1':9rr.7f7HOCIO!) .400 :7) 01:1[!r! -,fer front or 1 inE!5!(.! foot of c1,1_1:tin 5; 711.511 t'Eut nhuttir:: '.L1.(1 .Tortion of ini!!.:1:!ovvlient 10(1 the cot of -],!oh c5per5tion, octro1.111.5.. furn1.51-,..t0-c of 'lCc- S '.i' 1 c.-c-1.‘35:7- cnit: bcnefiteH is her(i_ac-,11tcr , I; out, nc: 511. thc h011i-h0050'ies 1)10' Iftso Tots, titodks stroctn, 5-oc1ve 4:nti oncH in : 5-tc1 (01 eh lc, the toti;1_ uhu-t-tern cost 5nc ec)cct :10ctit foot of cc51.6 :Do )ro-krcient thC: oontrt: et ento.-e(' into for tic :crfor1i15nee of szytc vcort nru; noid rovenient, '.!!!th the hell ;:ov:er i°,11(7 1.''Scc1 nz....c7 of 11-077, 1M.-'771., nd the L.:it--;! -1-)005:200er is he0(3-!5, authorize,'; 520 (. 1.10.(..cte6 to a50.0!," in accorr.rnce veith the :,rovlsionn of tnis orr.!irtn.nco, for thc occfc. 11c:3:m:in -Acrit,,-1.03-itc. : .......F11011.12CE11 0.1Lc_ti'i Lots I. to 5 "Inc-cl.. 07 _?1.10. 1', Lots 1 to 5 1,nr1t. of '511 erls 51)1). of '1_1L. ?Sots B of 15, the south 112.5 ft. of Lot 7 of 5-1h. 15, Lots .1 & 5 of bitis. Lots 1., :1 5 of --h-th. the north ft. sn(1 the south -.U.,1,;.0 ft. of Lot of '111-. 11, Lots 1 & 8 of flat:. 51', Lots 1., 11 11 of .t117.. 00!:l Lots !1 34' In P,l.r t r:-n, d o.lt j,c ke City f.urvey; ,..s the name :re shown a 'on the official la+ts of saAd city to the entire uea th of the a ac eonershi a back from said :;tract one to collect srid tax. di,-CTIo II. That the erseanment lint made ny t the City TraasureT, as corrected, actroveri ono cori ;feted by the houre of ecunli.ration end -,eview of the droeerty aascribed in "ection. I of chi a ordinance in Liehtinn 'e-istri ct no. 18- . of talt Late City for the -our-rose of rrroyiCing for the o-eration, maintenance and. atrol-- ding of incandescent lrsmns, is hereby confirmed, and the anacrencntr made anc returned in said con.:letod lists and the rceort of the 'oars of �cu ofiiation and review to the dearc_' of Commissioners of a.lt Tate City arc hereby ratified, s oeroved and confirrief. i1LC'TION ITI. ,laiC1 tax shall be _oeye,J._e in advance in ten -eeoal yearly installments, ar >rovic_c, by lax. �iru'. ordinance wi.th interest at the rate of ten der cent cr an-um on each i n td__,_ment not :o ,.aid a.rovised, hoverer, that one or more of such installments in the order payaicle, or the whole tax tsasy be paid without interest within _fifteen (1.5) uidys from the date this ordinance become of- fecti_ve, andany such a:y ents i'i.thin suid fifteen (15) days also nill bu allowed a discount of three aer aC it, (°;,',) . In the event any ido te'v_-cnt aforermie is. not -;oic on the day the as ne becomes Coe, the whole amount of the s,oci al tax unreaic' at the tin acid instillment i s due, shall becone due arm nslc end aha].1. JIrs in- teremt at; t'e rate of ten -..or cent cor r nnum until_ the sale of the ,ror,erty arscrsea, „CCIO"' IV. his ordina oec shall tad-:a effect one <:dy after its. first _aebticstior. "a.. oc y the of Comii> si oner„ tail; L a h... J, Utah, thi 1 of / _ u inyor. City -c.cordce . Linht-i l district No. 13-A, n :Ina' :time;te. . • • tt1 ;41e, • -a ra Cam' V R (� • • • Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, }County of Salt Lake • AN tauxu 43 A TAX and for the aa.aboltl10t ent Of of Property In Light** /11.trlct No. 18-A, for the porpoise of provddtor for.thee o eratlen, maintenance and petit:Ming� Ipn�o! dewent lamppqq ( the Meotrle- aalhua bhetoo rdlaiiolne+rdmf nSalt�Tmke CityrUtuh ffi- 81DOTICN 1.That the Heard of Corn being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- rn4Yeldnere of Salt Lake City deem here- by o tax f the and ne Mi nither the pcw- erfy hereinafter deaorlhea In lighting ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in district No, 18-A, for the purpOee f 'providing for the operation, ma4nte- li fie and tenet-patrolling shim Int tip echo Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. enetlY,Literati*, to-wit: Lots 8.t0 8 incl.of Slk.8,Lots 1 to 1.g q of Walker lk r ui�s./ilLots 4 4.Lets That the notice._. ✓ PIM. 18, Lots 2, 8, 4 &6 of Pik. 91, 1 8 of 8 A88.Leta 1 r *8 &oY S 8 lk.33,and Lots 4&6 off 81k. -84, Mb A, Saplt Lake City Surrey; -- abutting on Idaln street from 6th to nth,Muth Streets,In Salt lake City. Tile tar is levied to defray the eY- pebbe o1 provddinr for the operation. ---- -------------- mJlntepanoe. aqyy DatrolWnr, of tncan- deeeent Jeanne (641e1'leen7ne to be oils hundred twelve (119) to oraber, each ornamental two-way bracket agtp0pped with two 1.600 omidle power 10080- 7dt ghtnt 8001010,en steel toUtah l Idote01 ]nett'-dx 1 Sala a lana011ear LmDe of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said to be operated on the midnight(ohad- ille and'the remaining sixteen lamp.to opp'{ate 0 4kb all night.chedule, for newspaper,in its issue dated, the �--7 day of a period et ten y - our July 19, 198E1241 fo July,23,1941,four(4)-f said land.operating on the all eight omhad- lan to to pale for in the City),• Pill �� A. D. 193/- -.ale be be Ilfutn loafed by el0c[rld uproot; the ceroultn for the operation •of surd eyetent Of L.1npn to be overhead, and the Dartione of said .treete Pupa- and was published.... .- Site the property hefore and hove• -" ftter described to to be be,eepedially a1• footed and benefited thereby to the fon amount f the tax hereby levied, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the •BM Said parcel.of land arehereby ee- Seeped'at fin ettuld and uniorm r to in a000rdanoe with the linear foot front- .are-Upon-and to the entre depth of day of A.D.19...-1./.' the Mims ovdnerehlp back therefrom not ,%Deeding 930 fee/ tax hereby looted 1 087.300000 to or I)Don meld and the and t fie assessed n paod Sort lane h eoventy-d Thou- ...- nd eeventythrae n d 80.100 11009s.8e) Dollars or an and g p per Coter linear foot of abfeet prooyp Advertising Clerk. Ly there being paid It foot Improvement and the portion.4of of said improo mt and the soap of patrolling operation,fuiingtnfe- fiance, l energy. and furnishing e- • eleoerlaed orgy and the Property out. .enter thereby is hors natter f out. and all within the boundaries of the Into, blookasaid and etlot, oche men- Honed in ersfl ootten Which isont r ,tdtat buttery Seat and cost per*rent!ore me this day of foot et maid vement according to the °entrant entered Into for the per- •said lure of said work end Making sold improvement with the Utah Pow- A. D. 1 .../.. ar & Light Company, dated the lord day of Jely,here 1831.an here d the City Treae- Lenf..ls by authorised f d directed e .... to tames in aa0oraegde with the provl- done Of doom nedlnancl,for the purpose 7Notary • Dereln menlioneA: P i . 0 _ Irta 0 01:1 v77- 1.1• , • 5 4 -1 n Lets 2 ttoon6incl.of Bile 3,Lots 1 to 6 Incl.of Walker's Sub.of Blk,4,Lals 1,6-&8 of Blk.15,the south 148.E ft. of Lot I of Blk. 16, Lots 4 & 6 of Bik. 16, Lots 2, 4&6 of Blk. 21, the north 4.0 Cl.,and the eolith 166.0 ft. f Lot 8 of Bilk.21,Lots 1&8 of Hlk.22, Lots'I, 6. 7 &8 of Blk. 33. and Lots 4&5 of Blk.34,all in Plat"A"Salt Lake City $LLtveo: ae the salve are phown.4pon.the lficfat plate of said cite' to the entire depth of'the same ow nerehtp back from said street tad to SN:STI t rIId ta.z. maA�,y tithe City Trteasurears,Ce 00 recit- ed, approved and oa4Dfteted by.the Board of 9kmallettlon and Review of the property described In Section I of this ord}nand in Lighting District No, 18-A of Skit Lakd City for the pure of providing for the operation,tnathteh- once and-patrolling of Incandescent lamps, Is hereby confirmed, and the aseeskmente made and returned in bald coMplHoardeet hate ID44a11aa t he ionandpirt of Review the d fo the Board of Carnmieslbnars of- Skit LaBgaake C.„fl are,hereby ratified,approved aTS8iCTfMS SECTION ,kale tea shall be pa-', equal yearly' installments, as provided by law and dince wit..Interest at th! ate of tenper e per anaum ah"aa0h tnstali-' ment not ab veld; provided, however. that and or more of enh Installments- in the order payable,or the whole tax. mny be paid without iniere0t within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance become effective, and any slosh peymeate Within said fifteen (15) days also will be allowed a discount of three per cent (9 per Cent), In Poe v t any y Inetkument aforesaid Is t paid on the day the game becomes dud, the whole eunount of the spacial tax tin. paid at the trine Said lnetallment ie dne,shall become due and payable and per der w Interest at the rote. f ten the pr peony aaseesedlntil the eaulb of SP effect IV. Thin ordinance shall take effect ape day after Its first p4b- Ilcelian. .Passed by the Board of Conrmidelon- ere af Salt Lake-City, Utah,.this 25th day of September, A.D. 1931. • .IORN F_;SOWMAN,Mayer. Ethel Macdonald;'City Recorder. , Hill No. 81. Lighting Dletrict hio. 18-A.. • Second and Sinai $alienate. pukUeheed arpteeDbar Aetk. 1031.