31 of 1932 - Vacating a portion of 9th North from the Oregon Shortline Rail Road Company the right of way, west ROLL-CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah OCT 13 1932 193
I move that the ordinance be passed
Knight H--
MI Chairman —
AN ORDINANCE VACPTING a portion of 9th North Street
from Oregon Short Line Railroad Companyts right of way west to
the east side of Culmer Street
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake Sity, Utah
SECTION I. That 9th North Street from Oregon Short
Line Railroad Companyts right of way west to the east side of
Culmer Street, and more particularly described as follow,,
Beginning at the intersection of the north line of
9th North Street with the east line of Culmer Street,
being the southwest corner of Block 64, Kinney & Gouileyts
Improved City Plat, thence south 132 1 ft to the south
line of 9th North St , thence east 423 25 ft to a point
100 0 ft west of the northeast corner of Block 110,
Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey, thence northwesterly 153 4
ft more or less to the north line of 9th Noith Street,
thence west 344 72 ft to beginning, being a part of
Sec 26, T 1 N , R 1 W , S L. B & M ,
t.cAp be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
Said vacation is made expressly subject to the right of
way of the Utah Light & Traction Company acquired under franchise
from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter, and replace the
electric transmission, distribution and telephone circuits of the
Utah Light & Traction Company and poles, together with the necessary
stops, cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto
for the support of said circuits as now erected and maintained along
and upon the section of street to be closed during the life of that
certain franchise heretofore granted by Salt Lake City to said Utah
Light & Traction Company on the 21st day of December, 1q14, or any
extensions thereof
And also subject to the easement of the Mountain States
11 t
leleohone & Telegraph Comoany to maintain, repair, alter or replace
its telephone and telegraph lines that are now within said portion 3
of said street or avenue
Also subject to perpetual easement in Salt Lake City for
t}l /maintenance, repair or reolacE.ment of any water mains, sewers,
ditches or extensions thereof
SECTION 2 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, I
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of halt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this �3th_ day of October , A D. 1932.
Tempo ar Chai an
y RecordE r
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Hon of 9th North street from Oregon
Short Line 1{atlrond Compady a right
of way west to the east aide of Cult CLFF
a r street
Be it ordained by the Board of
OoomMissionere of Salt Lake City
SECTION 1 That 9th North street
from Oregon Short Line Railroad I being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
Company a right of way west to the
east id of Culmer street and m re I
particula ly des rib d as follow
Beginning at the rote aim of the of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
north line of 9th North street with
the east line of Cutmor street being
the southwest corner of Block 84
Plat O thence nth el21 fttve to City Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
Guth line of 9th North treat then
Weegeeqt 42325 ftrr to a point 1000 ft
110t PlothC noSolt�Lake O Oy 800 eY AN (RD IN NCE
thence orthwe terly 1534 ft coo
a That the Notice A T /t
or lees to the north line of 9th North
street thence west 344 72 ft to begin
ning being a part of Sec 28 T 1 N
R 1 W S L s and M he end the
dame Is hereby vacated and desist ed
no long r to be public property for
Use as a street ay nue alley or p
de tet n way
Said v cation 1s made oopreeely
eubl pt to the right of-way of the
Utah Light&Traction Company ac
United and r franchise f om Galt Lake
City to maintain repair alter and re
pinto the electric transmission tic
tributlott and telephone circuits of
the Utah Light&Traction Company of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
and poles t g thsr with the asses
eery stops cross arms and other at
tachm rite thereon or affixed thereto
for the support of said circuit as
now erected and maintained along paper in its issue dated the 15th
and upon the section of street to be
closed during th llf of that t F
tale franchise heretofore granted by
Salt Lake City to said Utah Light&I day of Cct ober 193 2
Traction Company on the 21et day of
December 1914 or any exteneions
th reof
And also subject to the ea ment and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
of the Mountain States Telephone&
Telegraph Company to maintain re
pair alter or replace its telephone
and telegraph lines that are now C et O L er 1 5 t l"'
within said portion of said Street or for
Also subject to perpetual easement
in Salt Lake City fo the conettuc Cne 1nEertl On
tion maintenance repair or replace thereafter the full period of
meet of any water mains cowers
ditch a or extensions thereof
SECTION 2 In the opinion of the
Board Of Commis loners it is necet the last publication thereof
eery to the health peace and safety
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance become effective
ImSECTION 3 This ordinance min being in the issue dated the 15 th day of
take effect upon its publication
Passed by the Board of Commie
alone a of Salt Lake City Utah thi
13th day of October A I) 1832 C'C t o oer A D 1 2
Tempos y Chairman
Ethel Macdonald City Recorder
7 A Shields puty City Re
co der
Bill Nb 51
Elibllehe$October 15 1933
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of
QCt ober A D 193 2
Notary Public
Advertising fee $
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