31 of 1940 - Amending Paragraph A of Section 1575 and Section 1586 of Chapter LXVIII relating to gas appliance co ROLL CALL JUL 22 1940 . Salt Lake City,Utah, . 193----- VOTING AYE NAY Go m '""" I move that the ordinance be passed. SS • Keyser t' fiq MathesAn - - - - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PARAGRAPH (a) of Section 1575 and Section 1586 of Chapter LXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City Utah, 1934, relating to smoke inspection and abatement,and amending Paragraph (a) of Section 1601 of Chapter LXX, Revised Ordinances of 1934, Salt Lake City, Utah,Arelating to Gas Appliance Code. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Paragraph (a) of Section 1575 and Section 1586 of Chapter LXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to smoke inspection and abatement, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1575. PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION, ETC. (a) No new power or heating plant, gas turner, oil burner, coal burner or stoker, chimney, stack, incinerator, furnace or oven or any re- cOnstruction of any old power or heating plant, gas burner, oil burner, coal burner or stoker, chimney, stack, incinerator, fur- nace or oven for producing power and heat, or either of them, shall be constructed, installed, enlarged, altered, operated or maintained in any building or plant in the city until plans and specifications of the same have been filed by the owner, agent or contractor in the office of and approved by the chief smoke inspector and a permit issued by him for such construction, re- construction or maintenance. If any work regulated by the smoke and inspection and abatement ordinance and the Gas Appliance Code ordinance for which work a permit is required be commenced without a permit first having been obtained therefor, double the permit fees as prescrib- ed in Section 1587 shall be paid when a permit is finally obtained. 31. -2 The plans and specifications to be filed with the chief smoke inspector shall show the connected load and the amount of work and heating to be done by such plant and all appurtenances thereto, and all other information renuired by ;he chief smoke inspector, including all provisions made for the purpose of securing complete combustion of the fuel to be used, for the purpose of preventing smoke; said plans and specifica- tions shall also contain a statement of the kind of fuel pro- posed to be used, including the commercial size of coal when such fuel is specified, and said plans and specifications shall also show that the room, apartment or basement in which such plant shall be located is provided with doors, windows, air shafts, or other means of ventilation sufficient to prevent the temperature of such room, apartment or other portion of such building wherein such plant or apparatus is to be used, from rising to a point higher than 120 degrees, Fahrenheit, measured at a point 5i feet above the floor; and sufficient also to provide that the atmosphere of any such room, apart- ment or basement wherein such apparatus may be located, may be entirely renewed every ten minutes. SEC. 1586. DENSE SMOKE. NUISANCE.(a)The emission of dense smoke within the city from the smoke stack of any loco- motive, steam boiler, steam derrick, steam pile driver, or other portable or temporary smoke making device or apparatus, for a period of more than one minute during which period the fire box or boxes are being cleaned or a new fire or fires are being built therein is hereby declared a nuisa_,.ce. (14 The emission of dense smoke within the city from the smoke stack of any tar kettle or any similar contrivance, or from the smoke stack or chimney of any building or premises, or from any open bonfire, open bin, dank, vat, basin or other receptacle except for periods aggregating not to exceed one minute in any one hour during which period or periods the fire box or boxes are being cleaned or a new fire or fires are be- ing built therein, is hereby declared a nuisance. -3- (c) Any nuisance such as the above specified may be summarily abated by the chief smoke inspector, or by anyone whom he may duly authorize for the purpose and such abatement may be in addition to the penalty hereinafter provided. a Any erson operating or in charge or control of any locomotive, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle, or other similar machine or contrivance, or any open bonfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin or other receptacle, or of any bu ldin.g or premises, who shall cause or permit the emission of dense smoke within the city, in contravention of the provisions of this section from the smokestack of any loco- motive, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle, or other similar machine or contrivance, or from any open bonfire, open bin, tank, vat, basin or other. receptacle, or from the smokestack or chimney of any building or premises so owned, controlled or in charge of him shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this chapter, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as hereinafter provided. Each day of such emission of dense smoke shall constitute a separate offense. (e) For the purpose of grading the density of smoke, the Ringelma.nn Smoke Chart, as published and used by the United States Geological Survey, shall be the standard of comparison, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part of this chapter, and is hereby approved and ordained to be the offi- cial standard for Salt Lake City. Smoke shall be considered "dense" when it is of equal or greater density than No. 2 of the chart, or smoke too dense to be seen through when viewed directly over the top of the stack. (f) No person or persons, firm or corporation shall cause, permit or allow the escape from any smokestack, chim- ney, furnace, flue, boiler or any open fire or incinerator or III from any heating appliance into the open air or into any build- ing of such quantities of fly ash, dust, soot, cinders, acid or other fumes, dirt, or other material, or noxious gases in such place or manner as to cause injury, detriment or nuisance -4- to any person or persons or the public or to endanger the health or safety of any such person or persons or the public or in such manner as to cause injury or damage to business or property within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City. SECTION 2. That paragraph (a) of Section 1601 of Chapter LXX, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to Gas Appliance Code, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) GAS APPLIANCE. '.,q,as Appliances" under this Code refers to gas furnaces and gas -tjoilers, gas floor and wall furnaces, and gas conversion.burners, circulating heaters, space heaters, water heaters, radiant heaters, unit heaters, and all heating and water hea.ting`anpliances. SECTION 3. In the opinion of, the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this �i�/li day of _C(L,e- .4./__ , A.D. 1940. L.14L-d'Sitr"--- mionmnt _' _' V wA ._ City hecorder. • g z I-� • tff1 . . . . .. . 4 1 • Affidavit of Publication pantile, ler a period of more than one minute during which period tbo fire box or boxes are being cleaned or a now firs or fires rire being built therein is hereby declare.....:.puisanee. lb,:.!,,..,.:.,wasion of dense ImVse!with- ! ,...., ir,! STATE OF U.I., ,,,.,..4,..,-141M0Yenet,ack or chimney of .."...-', ,..1j8lebtanglt"t7t, Wsin"conr County of Salt 1.: .'.. .!.%'-'stPt.o except'for Perieds au- • 7.-.- not to exceed one minute in,anY - L.. 1.,during'which period or period%. =.------- —7.7.-- ,Syc box,or boxes.are being.cleaned. • Legal Not•1litdtt,,,.,,eip,is hereby declared a nuisaece. re f d.: (c) A, nuisance such as the above: .. Peeilied may be summarily abated b by . .I.rt.-.4,-e.,. :-the chief smoke inspector, or y an, ,AN ORDINANCE "Cu di-, one whom he may duly authorize for An ORDINANCE AMENDING 16ikRA,L'heare..,gocm„t tiThpearzrnet,noTty,tty sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- oiton (a) of.Section 1575 end Section omelded 1586,of Chapter LXVIII, Revised Ordin• (II) AnY'person operating or in charge lc of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper ances of Sal,Lake.City Utah, 1934. re- or controt of amy locomotive,eteam roller, being to smoke inspection and abatement, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar and amending Para.graph (a) of Section kettle or other similar machine or 1601 of Chapter LXX,.Revised Ordi-trivan.ce. or anY open bonfire, 0 jmn.)alt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State minces of Salt Lake City,Utah,1834,re- tank, vat, basin or other receptacle. or lading to Gee Appliance Code. of'any building.or premises.•who-shall cause o.,;•,iigr,mt the emission of dense Be.it ordained by the Board of Com- one:done.of Salt Lake City,Utah: theity, in contravention roMsions of this aeetion from SECTION•1. 'net Paragraph (a) of IIle trihn!iokPestack of any Ieornotive, steam Section 1575 and.Section 1588 of Chapter roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, LXVIII, ftevised Ordinances of Salt Lake tar kettle, or r open bdtfire. other similar machine oe; advertisement Ordinexce - Bill Z1 se Lake City, Utala, 1934,relating to make contrivance, o from any - inspection and abatement,be and the same open bin,tank,vat,basin or other reeep- are hereby amended to read as follows, tulle,or from the smokestack or chimney -"SEC.1575.PERMITS FOR CONSTRUC• of any ed building or preMises so owned. abgtteMent & inspection - 1MON,ETC. (al No 110W Power or'beat. controll or in charge of him shall.be ire plan, gas burner, oil burner, coal deemed guilty of a violation of this chan• burner or stoker, chimney, atack, in. ter,and upon conviction thereof shall be einerutor, furnace or oven or any re- ine . ereinaer rovie. Eac day -.--- 3f Corp. - City Recorder eehetruetion Of any Md power or h f d h it en,M such emission ofp dense Id h 4 emoke shall ••- thg b late? g" ""gg' g" bug"k ' g' 7:ilnlaor g 11-7=oV"o"rr.di. urner or stoker, chimney, Orator, furnace or oven inert"pr.oduncegr.r dCh.ifY el erne.' the R.th 'n'an” Chart,as published and used by the Unit. Power Mu heal, or either of them,shall ad States Geological Survey; shall be be constructed,installed,enlarged,altered,•the standard of 00991Parlson,,a copy of operated or maintained in any building or which is hereto attached and made a part plant in the city until plans and epecifi-of this chapter. and is hereby approved ../ • Cetione pf the same have been filed bY the and ordained to be'the official standard L. in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the .•,,who.r. agent or contractor in the office for Salt Lake City. Smoke shall be co, of and approved by the chief.amoke in- sidered "dense" when it is of equal'or __ specter and a permit issued by him.1er greater density than No.2 of the chart. day ! ,such .construction, reconstruction or or smoke too dense to be seen throegh of July A.D. 19.4.0.... .maintenance.. when viewed directly over the top of the •It any work regulated by the smoke cfaicA• No oerro,0,errroer.fire,or co,. and inspection and abatement ordinance „rat,,,,,,i „th.fished 1 t ine and the Gas Appliance Code ordinance i or encape from any 'smokestack, chimney, which work a permit is required be fu,„„. ri„, 0,, or , o„,, lice commenced without a permit first'ham „ rorrnerator or from ,,,,, heating ap. ing been obtained therefore, double the eireere rero tnteat, ,Permit fees as prescribed in Scenic, 15.7 Cr of such quantities,of CY ash.wion thereof being in the issue dated the shall be.paid when a permit fa finally Ob• dlle0. 9001, cinders, acid or other teener. -:tained. dirt, or other material, or noxious gases ' 1 The plans and specifications to be filed Is elle', P.Iecc or meccer as ic 2.4.. .with the chief melte insPector shall show injury.detruncilt or,nuiTianeer7o,6-9.,2,,,,!.11l,',•ay of A.D. 19 I the c...ected h a"d °lc ct.m" e'geTee°14.11'Or t'sIcl.'.; Oef gany gin7G-Tick. • work and heating"to be done by such pla:t ir son or persons or the pnblic or-It`,-,..e:e all appurtenances thereto, and , information required-by the chief r,.. a:r fcroc=7,n l go smoke inspector, including all Proch,...11=8"of Stilt Lake City. .•••• me,t'' SECTION 2. That paragraph Ad r sing Clerk. \ Plete combuetion of the fuel to be lia-Section 1601 of Chapter LXX, Revised ed,for the,Purpose of preventing°mike; Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Utah. 1934, said plans,and specifications shall also eon,relating to Gas Appliance Code, he and tam a statement of the kind of feel Die,the came le hereby amended to read posed to bo used,including the coinmer-as follows: etal size of coal when such fuel.is aped. (al GAS APPLIANCE. "Gas Appll- fled, .and said plans and specificationsunder this Code refers to gee. .ihall Mee show that the room. apart. turnacee and gas•boilers. gas floor and meet oe b.ement in which such plant tvall furnaces, and gaff conversion burn-! shall be located s proved with d oors, ets.drculatlng bectcr4.Mmee herri-tc,i,..,..... 25th windows, air shafts,i kl or other „ire, or ter heaters, radiant heaters, um ea er,f,., day of ventilation sufficient to prevent the tem.and all heating and water heating aPPli. mat en of such room.apartment or oth- GTION 3. In the opinion of the er portion of such building wherein such or co„,,,e„„r• rt.ir eerrea, ..--- rilsainetg 7o'aPPT3o.ai'nut'hisi g 11 eor hel'ha'n"l'20f're.to the peace health and SafOlY Of the' „ inhabitents of Salt Lake City that this ..---' gores,Fahrenheit.measured at a poiet 577 ordinance MIMI take effect immerlietele. kiboi above the Dour: and sufficient also SECTION 4. This ordinance shall inks Provide that the atmosphere of one effect Don its first publication. !th room,apartment or basement where- Passed by the Board of Commissioner., n such Maps:rates may be located,may be rif Salt Lake Cite. Utah, this 22d.day -entirely lenewed everY ten minute, 'of Jute, A. D. 1940. SEC.1586.DENSE SMOXE,NUISANCE. fa) The emission of den.emoke within the city from the smoke stack ot 009, locomotive, steam boiler. steam derrick, (Z1115,1,f. MACDONALD, steam pile driver, Dr that portable Or RILL NO. Temporary Chairman. temporary =eke making device og OP. Published July 23d, 1040. N7,ary Public..._ • ,... - • . • (- p•fra o cA co _ • cS • k \