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31 of 1941 - Amending Chapter LIxk, relating to traffic and travel, creating Traffic Violations Bureau.
KULL. ‘...P.1-1... 1 AYE NAY June 26 ] VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah, , 194 I , ,•.,i , , Coggin ' V Keyser In the matter-of Bill #31 for an ordinance , -! .....--' amending Chapter,tIX of the Revised Ordinances of Matheson - - - - ,,-.1 Salt Lake, Cityittah, 1934, and all acts amendatory McConkie -r .„--- thereto, presdnted to the Board of Comsrs. June 24,1941 kbetcdix - - - - and referr;O/to the Committee of the Whole; I move Mr.Chairman - - - that the o dinanee be taken from the hands of the ....1...-'' Committee of the Whole for consideration by the Board of Commissioners. Result _... ,tirt -_-_.-e" n:111 Chai4 'a ittee of the Whole ./.. /.., JUN 8 Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Laklicityz......irlah 2 NI ..„.. .‘ip Recorder ,. Mayor 7.'/ Ree.123 3M 1-16-40 OB ROLL CALL JUN 26 WI VOTING o Salt Lake Ca?,Utah, 194 Goggin - I moult that the,dxdinance he passed. Kepeer - - - l✓ -" f� 'Matheson - - Murk& - ::: irman - - - ;/ _ A DINANCE - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LIX OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1934, and all acts amendatory thereof. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, and all acts amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: "CHAPTER LIX. TRAFFIC AND TRAVEL ON STREETS. SEC. 1345. DEFINITIONS. The words and phrases used in this chapter, which have been defined by the provision of the Uniform Traffic Act, shall have the meaning therein respectively ascribed to them except that the following words and phrases shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to theta in this section. "BOARD OF COMMISSIONE.RS." The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. "SIDEWALK." That portion of a street between the curb lines and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. "STREET CAR." Any bus or electrically operated conveyance carrying passengers for hire upon the streets of Salt Lake City. "BUSINESS DISTRICTS." There are hereby designated "business districts" within Salt Lake City, Utah, which shall be all the streets ,t; and parts of streets within the following two districtt which shall be clearly defined by signs, =sta-te,-voark emm -ast4estr) posted on the streets at the limits of said districts, which dis- tricts shall be designated and bounded as follows: 'MAIN BUSINESS DISTRICT.' 3 -2- Commencing at the intersection of the east line of First Test Street with the north line of South Temple street, thence east along the north line of South Temple street to the west line of North Main street, thence north along the west line of North Main street to the north line of North temple street, running west, thence east to the east line of North Main street, thence south along the east line of North Main street to the north line of North 'Temple street running east, thence east along the north line of North 'temple street to the east line of North State street, thence south along; the east line of North State Street to the north line of South 'lemplle street, thence east along the north line of South 'Temple street to the east line of Second Fast Street, produced, thence south along the east line of Second Fast street to the south line of Fourth South street, thence west along the south line of Fourth South street to the east line of State street, thence south along the east line of State street to the south line of Ninth South street, thence west along the south line of Ninth South street to the east line of F'Iai street, thence south along the east line of Main street to the south line of Fayette Avenue, produced, thence west along the south line of Fayette Avenue to the west line of Main street, thence north along the west line of Main street to the south line of Fifth South street, thence west along the south line of Fifth South street to the west line of Test 'Temple street, thence north along the west line of 'lest temple street to the south line of Fourth South street, thence wes along the south line of Fourth South street to the east line of First West street, thence north along the east line of First .'est street to the north line of South temple street, being the point of be- ginning. 'SUGAR HOUSF BUSINESS DISTRICT.' Commencing at the intersection of south line of 21st Sough 1 street with the west line of 10th East street running south, thenc: north to the north line of Fist South streetAto the west line of� llth Fast street, thence north along, the west line of llth East street to the north line of Hollywood avenue, thence east to the east line of llth Fast street, thence south along the east line of u , -3- 11tjn. Fast street to the north line of 21st South street, thence east along the north line of Fist South street to the east line of 12th 1Fast street, thence south to the south line of 21st ,south street, thence west along the south line of 21st South street to the east line of lath East street, thence south along the east line of ii.th Fast street and southeasterly along the east line of Highland Drive to the north line of Simpson Avenue running east, thence west to the Hest line of Highland Drive, thence northwesterly alone, the west ' line of Highland. Drive and north along the west line of 11th cast street to the south line of 21st South Street, thence west and nor,h- westerl.y and west along the south line of 21st South street to the west line of 10th East street, being the point of beginning. SEC. 1346. TRAFFIC COMMISSION. CREATION OF. There is hereby established in the Department of Public Safety a Traffic Co - mission, to serve without compensation, consisting of the Comrr,issi•n- er of Public Safety of Salt Lake City, who shall act as Chairman of said. Commission, the City Attorney, City Engineer, Chief of Police and such other persons interested in problems relating to the regu- lation of motor vehicle traffic or representatives of unofficial bodies, as may be determined and appointed by the Board of Commis- sioners upon the recommendation of the Mayor. All of the members of said commission except the above named city officers shall be ap- pointed for a period and serve for a term of one year. It shall be the duty of the Traffic Commission and to ths end. it shall have the authority to coordinate traffic activities, 1 to carry on educational activities in traffic matters, to surervis the preparation and publication of traffic reports, to receive coml • f I plaints having to do with traffic matters, and to recommend to thel Iboard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City ways and means for improv- i ing traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations. f SEC. 1347. V'IOLA'TION. It is unlawful, and, unless other- wise declared in this chapteilwith respect to particular offenses, j it is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden or fail' to perform any act required in this chapter. -4- SEC. 1348. WARNING SIGNALS((a)Eyerymotor vehicle eden operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a horn in good work- ing order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal condi- i !tions from a distance of not less than 200 feet but no horn or othe7 warning device shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably neces- sary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his horn but shall not otherwise use such horn. (b) No vehicle shall be equipped with nor shall any perso use upon a vehicle any siren, whistle, or bell, except as otherwise permitted. in this section. (c) Any authorized emergency vehicle may be ecuirped with a siren, whistle, or bell, capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 500 feet and of a type approved by the Chief of Police, but such siren shall not be used except when such vehicle is operated in response to an emer- gency call. or in the immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected i violater of the law, in which said latter events the driver of such 'vehicle shall sound said siren when necessary to warn pedestrians and other drivers of the approach thereof. SEC. 1349. MUFFLER AND CUT OUTS. Every motor vehicle shal at all times be equipped with a. muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoy- ing smoke, and no person shall use a muffler cut out, by-pass or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway. SEC. 1350. SMOKE. No motor vehicle shall be operated in such a. way as to emit unnecessarl smoke or offensive vapors or cans any unnecessary noise. SEC. 1351. VEHICLES STANDING UNATTENDED. No person drivin .. 'or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended Ic without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition and removin the key, or when standing upon any perceptible grade without effect ively setting the brakes thereon and turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway. SEC. 135P. BRAKE EQUIPMEINT REQUIRED. (a) %Avery motor veY i .7.e, 5- other than a motorcycle, when operated upon a highway shall be equipped. with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold such vehicle, including two separate means of aprlying the brakes, each of which means shall be effective to apply the brakes to at least two wheels. If these two separate means of applying Ithe brakes are connected. in any way, they shall be so constructed ((i that failure of any one part of the operating mechanism shall not II Leave the motor vehicle without brakes on at least two v:heels. (b) Every motorcycle, and bicycle with motor attached, when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with at least one brake, which may be operated by hand or foot. PFC. 1353. LIGHTS(a)Every vehicle upon a highway within this city at any time from a. half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not sul.i.icient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead shall display lighted lamps and ilLuminating devices as respectively required. for different classes of vehicles by the Uniform Act regulating traffic on high- ways in Utah, subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicle•• as therein stated. (b) Every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle shall be equipped with lamps, marker lamps, tail lamps, reflectors and cfea - ante lamps, which shall comply with and be used according to the requirements and limitations set forth in said. Uniform Act regulat- ing traffic on highways in Utah. (c) Every motorcycle shall be equipped with. at least one and. not more than two head. lamps and one tail lamp which shall com- ply with the requirements and limitations of said uniform Jet. (d) Every vehicle equipped so that the driver may select at will between distributions of light projected to different ele- vations, one an uppermost distribution of light, or composite beam Fand. the other p lowermost distribution of light or composite beam shall while operating such vehicle in Salt Lake Pity use only the lowermost distribution of light or composite beam. /S -6- SEC. 1354. WINDSHIELD. No person shall drive any motor 'vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, sidewings, side or rear windows of such vehicle other than a certificate or other paper required to be so displayed by law. The windshield on every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a. device for cleaning rain, snow, or other moisture from the windshield, which device shall he so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the driver of the vehicle. livery windshield wiper upon a motor vehicle shall be main- tained in good working order. SEC. 1355. LICENSE Of VEHIC,LES.(a)It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, operate, or allow or permit any motor vehicle to stand. on the streets of Salt Lake City unless said vehicle has been registered in accordance with the laws of the state of Utah. (b) Every motor vehicle, motorcycle, trailer or semi- ' trailer, or tractor, while being used on the streets of Salt Lake ! City shall at ail times display the number plates assigned to said vehicle by :the state tax-commission, or in the case of a foreign vehicle, the plates issued by the authorized department of said foreign state, by attaching one plate in front and the other plate in the rear. the number plate assigned to a motorcycle, trailer or 1semi-trailer shall be attached to the rear thereof. Number plates 1shall be so displayed during the current registration year. 1 (c) Every number plate shall at all times be securely fastened to the vehicle to which it is assigned so as to prevent tY plate from swinging and at a height not less than twelve inches from the ground measuring from the bottom of such plate, in a place and position to be clearly visible, and shall be maintained free from ` foreign materials and in a condition to be clearly legible. SEC. 1356. LICENSE OF OPERATOR. No person shall drive or ' operate a motor vehicle upon the streets or highways of Salt Lake I City unless such person is licensed as an operator or chauffeur by 1 ��the state tax commission as is provided for by the laws of the state of utah relating to the licensing of operators and. chauffeurs. j • -7- SEC. 1357 NAME OF DRIVER. Every person engaged in the business of renting or hiring out motor vehicles except motorcycles, and employing drivers or chauffeurs to operate such vehicles, shall keep a record containing the name, address and age of each driver or chauffeur in his employ, which record shall be shown any police of- ficer upon demand. (very person lending his motor vehicle shall keep a record of the name, age and address of the person to whom loaned, and furnish the same on demand to a police officer. SEC. 1358. RECORD OF BUSINESS. Every person engaged in. driving a motor vehicle for hire, other than a motorcycle, shall keep a true and exact record of every trip he shall make between th, hours of six p. m. and eight a. m. of the next day. Said record shall show the exact time of departure from the place of employment the place where every stop was made and the length of time that elapsed at each stop, and the exact time when his employment ended, and the place where his passenger, or if more than one, where each passenger was discharged, which record shall at all times be open to inspection and copy by any police officer of this city upon demand. SEC. 1359. PARKING PRORILITED. (a) No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the foLloging places: I. On a sidewalk. In front of a public or private driveway. 3. Within an intersection. 4. Within 5 feet of a fire hydrant. 5. On a crosswalk. 6. Within S0 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, 7. Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing signalter- ' con, stop sign, or traffic-control located at the side of as roadway. B. between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within II 70 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless the chief of police indicates a dif- ferent length by signs or markings. 9. Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. '� 10. Withi_n. 0(0 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to I B any station within 75 feet of said entrance when properly signposted. 11. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or ol- i struction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct,- traffic. fi -0- ! 12. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street. 13. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel. 14. At any place where official signs prohibit stopping. lb. With the left hand side of the vehicle to the curb. (b) No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under his control into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such dis- tance as is unlawful. SEC. 1360. VEHICLES MAY PACK - REGULf1TIONS. (a) No person shall between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m., er- f cept on legal holidays, park a vehicle or permit or suffer ary vehi cle registered in his name to park upon any of the following street 'in Salt Lake City for a period of time longer than herein specified. 1. fifteen Minutes. Such streets or parts of streets as the chief of police of Salt Lake City shall designate by signs posted or painted thereon. The Chief of Police is hereby directed, with the consent and approval of the board of Commisi- ' • sioners, to so designate streets or parts of streets when in his judgment congestion in parking conditions so'warrent,5 2. Thirty Minutes. Such streets or parts of streets as the chief of police shall designate by signs posted or paint- ed thereon. The said chief of police is hereby directed, with the consent and approval of the Board. of Commissioners, to so j designate streets. or parts of streets when in. his judgment con- gestion in parking conditions warrants 3. One Hour. Such streets or parts off streets as the ti chief of police of Salt Lake Lity shall designate by signs post- ed or painted thereon. The said chief of police is hereby di- rected, with the consent and approval of the Board of Commis- sioners, to designate streets or parts of streets when in his judgment congestion in parking conditions so warrants 4. Two Hours. Such streets or parts of streets as the chief of police of Salt Lake City shall designate by signs post- 'f ed or painted thereon. the said chief of police is hereby di- rected, with the consent and approval of the board of Commis- sioners, to so designate streets or parts of streets when in his judgment congestion in parking conditions so warrant. s'� -N- I 1 (b) The chief of police of said city shall establish, I with consent and approval of the hoard of Commissioners, and plain) mark in convenient places along the curb in any of the above street-, or any other streets in the business district or congested area, 1 zones to be known as truck zones, loading zones or safety zones. Truck zones shall be used solely by the drivers of trucks or delive •y vehicles for the purpose of making deliveries tetween the hours of 9 o'clock a, m. and 6:30 o'clock p. m. on any day other than a leg-1 holiday. The driver or person in charge of any truck or delivery vehicle shall not park or allow any such vehicle to stand in any 1 truck zone loner than fifteen minutes between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 6: 0 p. m. on any day other than legal nolidays. The driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall not park or allow any such vehicle to stand in a loading zone longer than fifteen minutes between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 6:30 o'clock p. m. on any day other than legal holidays. It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle in a safety zone. ' (c) The chief of police of Bait Lake City, with the con- sent and approval of the board of Commissioners, is hereby directed to post or paint "no parking" signs on narrow streets, upon appreaih- es to hazardous or congested places and adjacent to school proper- ty when in his judgment traffic conditions require. Then such i 1 signs are so posted or painted, no person shall park a vehicle in ` any such designated place. (d.) No person shall at any time park a vehicle or permit) or suffer any vehicle registered in his name to be parked on eithef. 1 side of North State Street from South Temple Street to Second North Street except as permitted by the chief of police with the consent I � and approval of the hoard of Commissioners. Notice of such excep-1 tion shall be given by appropriate signs posted or painted upon the street. (e) It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any vehicle registered in his name to park or leave unattended any vehicle upon any street in Salt Lake City for any period longer than thirty minutes between the hours of two o'clock a. m. and si; , -10- o'clock a. m. of any day. SEC. 1361. PASKINC M TEE ZONES. (a) For the purposes of this ordinance: "Parking Meter Zones" means zones, areas or streets estab1 lished or designated by the Board. of Commissioners es those within or upon which the parking of vehicles shall be controlled, regulated and inspected with the aid of timing devices or meters, herein re- ferred to as parking meters or meters. (b) The following area within the City of Salt Lake City is hereby established as a parking meter zone: The area bounded on the north iy the north line of North Temple Street, on the south by the north line of 5th South Street, on the east by the east line of End. East Street, and on the west by the west line of Vest temple Street. (c) The Commissioner of Public Safety is hereb, authorize and. directed to install meters in all parking meter zones hereby established or hereafter created by the Board of Commissioners for the purpose of and in such numbers and at such places as in his `judgment may be necessary to the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles therein. (d) Parking meters installed in parking meter zones shall be placed upon the curb immediately adjacent to the individual park- ing spaces hereinafter described and each parking meter shall be so constructed and adjusted as to show or display a signal that the apace adjacent to which it is established is or is not legally in use. (e) the Commissioner of Public Safety shall have lines or markings painted or placed upon the curb or street adjacent to each parking meter designating the parking space for which said meter is to be used and. each vehicle parked adjacent or neat to any parking' 4 meter shall park within the lines or markings so established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any such line or mark- ing or to park a vehicle in such a position that the same shalt not be ehtirely within the space designated l> such lines or marlin€s.•{{' (f) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, alloia,b�;;l ii -11- permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his name or operated or controlled by him to be or remain in any space upon any street with- in a parking meter sone adjacent to which a. parking meter is esteb- ilished for more than one hundred twenty (1t)) consecutive minutes or any time during which the meter is displaying a signal indicat-- ing that that space is illegally in use, except during the time necessary to set the said meter to show legal parking and e:rcerting also, during the time from 6:30 P. M. to 9:00 A. M. and during Legal holidays. (g) Parking meters when installed shall be so adjusted as to show legal parking during a period of twelve minutes upon and after the deposit of a United States one cent coin therein and twenty--four minutes upon and after the deposit of two United States one cent coins and sixty minutes upon and after the deposit therein of one United States five cent coin and one hundred twenty minutes upon the deposit therein of two United States five cent coins. (h) It shall be unlawful to deposit or cause to be dedoe.i - ed in say parking meter, any slug, device or metallic sui,stf_tute for one cent or five cent coins of the United States. (i It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break., destroy, or impair the useful- ness of any parking meter installed pursuant to this ordinance. (j) It shall be the duty of the chief of police under the :ai'et,' to keep account of tkirection of the Commissioner of Public , violations of this ordinance. 1. He shall deep an account of and report the .number of each parking meter which indicates that the vehicle occupy- , i.ng the parking space adjacent to such parking, meter is or das been parked in violation of any of the privis_ions of this ors=i.- nance, the State license number of such vehicle, and any other facts a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough under- standing; of the circumstances attending such violation. l he shall. attach to such vehicle a notice that it !>I has been parked in violation of this ordinance and instructing l.r -1?- the owner or operator to report at the office of the (fleck of the City Court at the Police Department of F'al.t Lake City in regard to such violation. Cach such owner or operator may, within twenty-four (P4) hours after the time when such notice fas attached to such vehicle, pay to the said. clerk or other offi- cer in charge at his office, in full satisfaction of such violation, the sum of fifty cents ( .50) which shall be remit- ted. by the said clerk to the city treasurer. (k) Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance and any person. rho aids, abets or assists therein, shall„ upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of any amount not exceeding P'ifty Dollars M0.00) for each offense or violation or be imprisoned in the city jail for a term not exceeding one hun- dred days, or both. d! jddgment that a line be paid for a. vi_elation of this ordinance shall provide that the person against whom it is directed shall in default of its payment serve one day in the city jail for each ;''2.00 of the fine. (1) The coins deposited in parking meters as provided herein are hereby levied and assessed as fees to provide for the proper regulation, control and inspection of traffic upon the pub- lic streets, and the cost of supervising, regulating and inspection of the parking of vehicles in the parking meter zones created There- by, and to cover the cost of the purchase, supervision, protection, inspection, installation, operation, maintenance, control and use of the parking meters installed therein, and the fund created there- by shall be devoted exclusively to those purposes. (m) This ordinance so far as consistent therewith shall be deemed to be in addition sea supplementary to, and not in con- flict with nor a. repeal of prior or existing ordinances of this City, but shall be an additional provision for the regulation of traffic and parking in the parking meter zones provided for herein. 4 (n) The Board of Commissioners may vary the fee herein .required to relieve traffic congestion in designated areas in ace cordance with this ordinance. -13- GEL. 1362. HOW TO APPROACH LUNG. Uvery person in charge o,f a vehicle when parking such vehicle within any business dis- trict, or on any street in e residential district where angle rark- in-, is permitted, shall approach the curb at the angle indicated by the signs or painted lines placed on the street by the chief of police and in the absence of any such signs or painted lines at an angle of forty-five degrees and in such a manner that the front right-hand wheel of such vehicle when stopped shall be approsimatel , twelve inches from the curb; provided, it hell be unlawful to park any vehicle at an angle with the curb lines: (1) on any street less than four rods in width; or (2) on any street where parallel parfint is direct- ed by signs posted or painted on the street or curb; or (3) on any street outside of the business district except the following, to-wit: South 'Temple L t.rcet from West Temple to Third Pest Street; First South htreet from West temple to Third 'est Street; Second South street from test Temple to }Wirth vest Street; Third South ;street from West Temple to die Lrande Avenue; unless such vehicle is parked parallel with the curl. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle with any wheel of the same in the gutter. r,cept where angle parking is permitted as aforesaid, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there is an adjacent curb shall be stopped or parked_ with the right-hand whec:Ls of such vehicle parallel with and within eighteen inches at the right-hand curb. 6TC. 1363. COUPLE PACKING. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing upon any street any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in the rear of any other vehicle garired at the curb, or along the side of any parked vehicle where such vehicle is parked parallel with the curb, except that an onerstor may stop temporarily provided he -14- does not leave his vehicle, during the act of actually loading or unloading passengers or when necessary in obedience to traffic reg:ul- {lations, or traffic signs or signals of a police officer. SEC. 1364. DRIVING PAST STDE11 CARS. The driver of a vehir cle overtaking any street or interurban car or electric trolley coach stopped or about to stop for the purpose of receiving or dis- charging any passenger shall stop such vehicle to the rear of the nearest running board or door of such car or coach and keen it. stationary until any such passenger has boarded such car or coach or reached a place of safety, except that where a safety sone has been established. a vehicle need not be stopped before passing any such car or coach, but may proceed past such car or coach at a speed not greater than is reasonable and proper, and with due caution for the safety of ,pedestrians. This provision shall not apply to passing upon the left any such car or coach on a one-way street, or where an electric trolley coach has stopped at the right side or ed -,e lof any street. SEC. 1S566. PASSING VEHICLES. Drivers of vehicles proceed- ing in opposite directions shall pass each other to the right and upon roadways having width for not more than one line of traffic in each direction, each driver shall give to the other at least one- half of the main traveled portion of the roadway a..s nearly as possi Die. The following rules shall govern. the overtaking and psssin, of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to those limi tations, exceptions, and special rules hereinafter stated: (a) The driver of a. vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. (b) Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give waZ to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible sig- nal and shall not increase the speed. of his vehicle until com- pletely passed by the overtaking. vehicle. i' '{x -15- (c) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and, pass upon the right of another vehicle which is making or about to make a left turn. (d) The driver of a vehicle nay overtake and, allow- Ing sufficient clearance, pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction either upon the left or upon the right on • a roadway with utnobstructei pavement of sufficient width for four or more lines of moving. traffic when such movement can 1.,e. made in safety. (e) The driver of a motor vehicle shah not foilcw another vehicle more closely than is reasonaile and, prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicle and the traffic I upon and the condition of the highway. (f) The driver of any truck or truck drawing anot'ieri vehicle when traveling upon a roadway outside of a business or,, residence district shall not follow within 150 feet of an0therl truck or truck drawing, another ve'.iicLe The provisions of t.1is gf subdivision shall not be construed to prevent overta inp and passing nor shall the same ajn.M.y upon say lane emeciaILly de: ,g noted for use by trucks. (g) No person driving e vehicle shall, in v rt hlnl streetcar, electric tr t1 i_ ei �ann, into„uri an _ail r .^r or train, pass to the left thereof e_ccot '!gden streetcars, tarinsl electric trolley coaches or interurban ra:i1way cars are over-- I f ated along the right side or edge of the street. ` . ��EC L=6f . L8PdL0 13TCifh r, ienevei any .ear dway has Inen divided into thre or more clearly methe'- lanes for traffic the 1'cld lowing; rules in addition to ail otlicrs consist-nt der cw i Lit shell r ';pP%y: (a) p vehicle shalt be driven a; heart' aa aracticel entirely within t simple Lane aret shail r_,t he move-'. ' ,_w rued lane until the driver has first r sc -reined Lot, sure .n ,ce°neat con be made with safety. (j (s) "'hen a street is not -Larked with lamer every per- /1 son in charge ci a. vehi cle on any street dl t415 city, -hen ' O 4I -16- signalled so to do by suitable and audible signal given by the' driver of another vehicle approaching from the rear, shall, w h..n there is room so to do, pull over to the right of the street far enough to periit such signalling vehicles to pass on his left and. on the right of the center of such street. (c) Upon a roadway which is divided into three lanes a vehicle shall not be driven in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle where the roadway is clearly visible and such center lane is clear of traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for a left turn or where such center lane is at the time allocated exclusively to traf- fic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding and is signposted to give notice of such allocation. (d) Official signs may be erected by the chief of police directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or allocating specified :Lanes to traffic moving in the same direction and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such sign. SEC. 1367. UNLOADING COAL OI: COKE. It shall be unlawful for any person to unload coal or coke by way of any coal hole in any sidewalk or by carrying same across any sidewalk in the business district, except during the hours after 1" o'clock midnight and be- fore eight o'clock a. m. of any day. SEC. 1368. OVERTAKING VEHICLES. Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of toe roadway, except as follows: 1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle pro- ceeding in the same direction under the rules governing such movement; 2. When the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair; 3. Upon a. roadway' divided into three marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable thereon; or 4. Upon a roadway designed and signposted for one way') !qr traffic. � �� -17- SEC. 1369. BICYCLES. (a) It shall be unlawful for any per son to operate or ride a. bicycle upon any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public ways of Salt Lake City unless said bicycle has ('first been licensed and registered as hereinafter provided. The Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to issue upon written application a bicycle license, which license shall expire ©n the first day of July of each year, and shall be renewed an;uel- ' ly upon written application to the Police Department and upon pay- I eat of a fee as hereina.iter provided. Such license shall be valid 1 only during the registration year for which is it issued, provided that all licenses issued between January 1st, 1941, and July i, 19n' , ' shall remain in full force and effect until Juiy 1, 1942. (b) The chief of police shall provide metallic license plates, together with registration cards, said license plates and registration cards having numbers stamped thereon in numerical order beginning with number one (1), and indicating the date of expi_ratioa of said license. Such metallic plates shall be suitable for attach- ment upon the frames of bicycles and shall have printed thereon in raised letters the following: "5 L C B." It shall be the duty of ithe police department to attach one such metallic license plate to the frame of each bicycle and to issue a registration card to the licensee upon the payment of the fee herein prthvi_ded. Such metallic License plate shall remain attached to the bicycle during the issu- ance of said license. the said police departriieht shall also keec a corresponding record of the number of registration, the date of the issuance of such license, the name and address of the licensee, and all other information necessary to the proper enforcement of this I ordinance. (c) It shall be the duty of each person who sells or trail:- fors the ownership of any bicycle to report such sale or transfer Eby returning to the police department the license plate and registr - tion card issued to such person and such purchaser or transferee shall apply for a transfer or registration within five days of such sale or transfer. (d) it shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully or ;, . -18- imaliciously destroy, mutilate or alter the number of any bicycle r frame licensed pursuant to this ordinance, and it shall be unlawful for any person to remove, destroy or mutilate any license plate or jregistration card while the same are operative, or to operate any bicycle without having attached thereto a license plate issued as ! provided herein. (e) The fee to be paid for each bicycle registered or for each transfer of license or for re-issue of a license plate or regis- tration card because of lose or mutilation, or other reason, shall be twenty-five cents (PP56 and shall be paid in advance upon the application therefor, except no fee shall be reeuired to transfer the license plate and registration from one bicycle to another acquired by the same licensee, if proper application for such tran-- fer is made by the licensee as hereinbefore provided. (f) Pedestrians using the sidewalks of the city shall ha e right of way over any and all bicycles and every rider of any bicycle shall turn off of the sidewalk upr"in meeting pedestrians an. give an audible signal before overtaking or passing any pedestrian. { (g) It shall be unlawful for the riders or operators of bicycles to ride more than. two abreast upon any city street and ' shall proceed in single file upon all sidewalks where riding is eei- r muted and all operators or riders of bicycles shall at no time carry extra passengers or carry any package, bundle or article whi h would require him to take his hands or hand from the handle bars of said. bicycle or to permit the bicycle he is riding to be towed by another vehicle. (h) It shall be unlawful for the rider or operator of any v bicycle to pursue or in any way interfere with the free movement oft emergency vehicles and every person operating a bicycle upon city streets shall obey and comply with all city ordinances relating tol the movement and regulation of motor vehicles using the public streets except those provisions which by their very nature can hav no application. i E fp (i) All bicycles operated on the public streets of this city shall during the period of one-half hour after sunset to one7, . . -19- half 'hour before sunrise be equipped with a lighted lamp on the i front of the bicycle, visible under normal atmosuiperic conditions • for a distance of at least 500 feet in front of such bicycle and reflector or shall be equipped with a lighten. lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible under like conditions froma distance of at least 500 feet to the rear thereof; and all such bicycles shall be equipped • with a bell or horn which must be sounded to warn all persons of it. approach, except no vehicle shall be equipped with and no person shall use upon any bicycle a siren or whistle and no bicycle shall be equipped with and no person shall ride a bicycle with handle bar. which are more than eighteen (18) inches apart, or adjusted to a lower level than the seat of said bicycle. (j)' 'The parent of any minor and the guardian of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance. (k) All judges of said. city shall be empowered to revoke or suspend. all licenses when it appears that the parser of aiy1 bicyc e is not the licensee of record or that the owner of such bicycle or the licensee thereof has used. or permitted said. bicycle to be used in violation of this ordinance upon the streets or sidewalks of thi city; and that said. police department is hereby directed and authorL- ized to impound_ any bicycle so used in violation of these ordinance3 for a. reasonable period of time pending investigation of any alleged violation of this ordinance or until such bicycle is registered by ; the owner thereof and equipped with signal device and lights as herein provided. SEC. 1370. TURNS. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection shall do so as follows: (a) both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practical to the right-hand curq or edge of the roadway. (b) Approach for a left turn shall be made in that portion. of the right half of the roadway nearest the center Lie thereof and after entering the intersection the left turn shal be made so as to leave the intersection to the right of the ce go- { ter line of the roadway being entered. (c) Approach for a left turn from a two-way street into a one-way street shall be made in that portion oi' the right half of the roadway nearest the center tine thereof and by passing to the right of such center line where it enters the intersection. I,, left turn from a one-way street into a two-way street shall be made by passing to the right of the center line of the street being entered upon leaving the inter- section. (d) Chief of Police may cause markers, buttons, or signs to be placed within or adjacent tc intersections and thereby require and direct that a. different course from that specified in this section be traveled by vehicles at an inter- section, and when markers, buttons, or signs are so placed no driver of a. vehicle shall turn a vehicle at an intersection other than as directed and required by such marker, buttons or signs. (e) All traffic approaching an intersection in the right hand lane of traffic within the business district, when said lane has been plainly marked, shall make a right hand turn upon entering. said intersection; and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to continue on through any such inter- section, or make a left-hand turn from the marked right hand traffic lane. CFC. 1371.DRIVIIIG FROM ALLFYS. the driver of s vehicle .merging from an alley, driveway, or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk .rea extending across any alleyway or private driveway. FEC. 137f. LIGHT OIL PAY. h) The driver of a vehicle ad- Broaching an intersection shall, yield the right-of-ray to a vehicle ' hd ch has entered the intersection from a different highway. (b) When two vehicles enter an intersection from diJ .ergot Highways at the same time the driver of the vehicle on the left shall Meld the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. (c) The foregoing rules are modified at through h ghrayt 1 -21- and otherwise as hereinafter stated in this chapter. 1. 'i-he driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching, from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute as immediate hazard, but said driver, having so yielded and having. given a signal when and as required by law, may make such left turn and the drivers of all other vehicles aporoachi_ng the in- tersection. from said opposite direction shalt yield the right- of-way to the vehicle making the left turn. 2. The driver of a vehicle shall stop es required by this chapter at the entrance to a through highway and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered th intersection from said through highway or which are approacti.n- j so closely on said through highway as to constitute an iri edia,e hazard, but said driver having, so yielded may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection on said through highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehic__e so proceeding into or across the through highway. �. The driver of a vehicle shall likewise stop in obedience to a stop sign as required herein et an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto although. not a part of e through highway and shall proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop which axe within the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, but may then proceed. 4. the driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a. highway from a private road or driveway shall yield the right- of-way to all vehicles approaching on said highway. 5. Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emer- gency vehicle, when the driver is giving audible signal by ! siren, exhaust whistle, or bell, the driver of every other vehi- cle shall yield. the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the highway cleat of any intor.sec- ,jrj 1. tion and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized. emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed. by a police officer. SEC. 137'h. AT'TACHINC SLED, T,TC., UNLAWFUL. It shall, be unlawful for the driver, or any person in charge of any vehicle, to knowingly drive or operate such vehicle upon any of the streets of Salt Lake City while any sled, toboggan or sleigh is attached to or connected with such vehicle, or to permit any sled or other similar conveyance to be attached to or connected with said vehicle upon ant of the streets of said city. SEC. lb74. SIGNALS IN TUNING OP STOPPIdC. (a) No person shall start a vehicle which is stop' ed., standing-, or parked unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety. (b) No person shall turn a vehicle from a direct course upon. a highway unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after riving a clearly audible sir- nal ty sounding the horn if any pedestrian may be aH ete_I by such movement, or after giving an appropriate signal in the manner herein- after provided in the event any other vehicle may be allected by such movement. (c) A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during not less than the last 100 :feet traveled oty the vehicle before turning. (d) No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle without first giving an appropriate signal in the man ner provided herein to the driver of any vehicle immediately to the rear when there is opportunity to give such signal. (e) The signals herein recuired shall be given either by means of the hand and arm or a signal lamp or signal device of a type approved by the state road commission, but when a te'hic_l_e is so constructed or loaded that a hand and arm signal would not be visible both. to the front and rear of such vehicle then said signs. s must be given by such a lamp or device. (I) All signals herein. reruired given 1 hand and arm shall be given from the left side of the vehicle in the follo'::ing manner and such signals shall indicate es follows: If'!,:` ' f i 2.3- 1. Left turn. Hand and arm extended horizontally. 2. Sight turn.. Hand and arm extended upward. 3. Stop or decrease speed. Hand and arm extended downward. SEC. 1375. REAR VIEW. Every motor vehicle which is eo constructed or loaded as to obstruct the driver's view to the rear thereof from the driver's position shall be enui.puea with a mirror so located as to reflect to the driver a view of the highway for a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of such vehicle. SEC. 1376. CERTIITICATES; Of INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. ' revery person shall display upon any motor vehicle owned or operat- ed by him the certificate of inspection and aoproval rec;uired by state law or regulation of the state road cocamission, which cer- tificate shalll be placed either upon the lower right-hand corner of the windshield when recuired or upon such vehicle in such position as to be visible from the outside. SEC. 1377. F.hCKLESS DRIVIlV('r. Any person who drives any vehicle upon the streets of this city carelessly and needless- ly in wilful or wanton disregard of the rights or safety of others, or without due caution and circumspection and at such a speed or in such a manner as to endanger any person or proserty, shall be deemed guilty of reckless driving. Every person convict- ed of reckless driving shall he punished by imprisonment for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than six (E) 91;; 5.00 nor more than :'?�''.70.O0, months or bya fine of not less than . or by both such fine and imprisonment. !I SEC. 1378. CAP.ITIS5 ) IVING. It shall be unlawful for aiy I(.! person to drive a vehicle upon the streets of Salt Lake City withoa.t / the care and caution of a reasonably prudent person under the sire m. 1' -24- stances then and there existing. It shall be the duty of every police officer of _olt Lake City who shall observe a violation of this ordinance to deliver to the person violating the same a notice in writing signed by such kolicc officer notifying him that a violation of this ordinance is rlaimed against him. Such notice shall give the name of the person against whom the claim is made, the section number of this ordinanc:., r brief statement of the violation claimed thereunder, the day, month, Year and place it is claimed to have occurred, the license number or the vehicle driven by him, and a statement that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the City Court in the Public L';afety building in Salt Lake City within forty-eight hours after its receipt. li il Any person who shall receive a notice in writing signed b5 V lI police officer of Salt Lake City notifying him that it is claimed j re has violated this ordinance may within forty-eight riours after +i f 'ats receipt pay to the Clerk of the City Court, or to the person in iiHherge of his office, at the Public Safety building in Salt Lake Ci , the sum of One Poller and the same shall be received in full satis- 'action of the claim of violation so made and in that event no com- la.int on that account shall issue. .EC. 1579. PiPSONS UNDEC THE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICATING 'LIQUOR OR NARCOTIC DRUGS. It shall be unlawful for any person who pan habitual user of narcotic drugs or any person who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs, to drive or be at any place n actual physical control of any vehicleAwithin this city. Every 1 I Terson who is convicted of a violation of this section shall be puni.h- d lay imprisonment for not less than 30 dhys nor more than 6 months, er by a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than ''.b9O, or by both .such fine and imprisonment. !I SEC. 1380. 1TST'RICTFLi THIOFOUGHF'ARE FOR I RF.IOEIT VEHICLES. {o person between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock 0 1. m. shall drive, propel, or cause or permit to be driven or proper led upon or over any street in the business districts, any vehicle diarryin€; or hauling friight, earth, dirt, sand, gravel, cement, brielr - 11 -25- tiling, -mortar, rock, stone, lumber, timber, pipe, poles, hay, strat, coal, furniture, hardward, print paper, piano, organ, farm implements, boards or boxes, or any other material or substance of like or simi- lar kind, unless the same is to be delivered to or taken from some place in or abutting one of said streets. In case of receiving any such property from a place in or abutting one of said streets, the driver or person in control of such vehicle shall, after receiving the same, proceed by the shortest route out of such street, and if possible avoid going upon or crossing any other street above men- tioned, and in case such property is to be deliveree at a place in or abutting any of the streets aforesaid, the driver or person in control of such vehicle shall proceed to the plate of delivery with- out, if possible, using or crossing any of the streets above men- tioned. II ii SEC. 1381. LOADS PROJFCTING TO BEAT. FLAC 6Tdn LIGHTb, No person shall drive any vehicle with a load upon such vehicle extend- ing four feet or more beyond the bed or body of said vehicle without having during the daytime a red flag at least 16 inches square at- tached at or near the rear end of the pole or other object so pro- jecting, or a red. light or lantern at the extreme rear end of the load so projecting, during the period of from a half hour after sun- set to one hour before sunrise, which shall be plainly visible under normal atmospheric conditions at least 500 feet to the sides and rear of such vehicle. SEC. 1382. SPEYDING. (a) No person shall drive a vehicle on a. highway at a speed greater than is reasonable anu prudent unde~ the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential baserd then existing. In every event speed shall be so controlled as may GI necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle, or other con- veyance on or entering the highway in compliance with legal reeuire ments and the duty of all persons to use due care. ,(b) .n.ere no special hazard exists the following speeds \ shall be lawful but any speed in excess of said limits shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful: i do er -26- i 1. TWENTY MILES PEP HOUI1, Upon meeting or overtaking ii any school bus which has stopped on the highway for purpose of receiving or discharging any school children, provided, such school bus bears upon the front and rear thereof a. plainly II visible sign containing the words ''school Sus" in letters not less than four (4) inches in height which can be removed or covered when the vehicle is not in use as a. school bus. When passing a school building or the grounds there- of during school recess or while children. are going to or leav- ing school during opening or closing hours; provided, that the chief of police may require a complete stop before passing, a school building or grounds at any of said periods. i 2. TWENTY-FIVE WILEaS pg .. HOLM. In any business or residence district as defined in this chapter or at any railway grade crossing where the view is not obstructed; or In public parks within the city, unless a different speed is indicated by appropriate signs duly posted. (c) THROUGH HIGHWAYS SPEED. 1. The following streets and portions thereof are hereby designated as through highways and there shall be erect- ed at the entrances thereto from intersecting streets or high?, y g drivers of vehicles to stop ways signs notifying before enter- ing or crossing such designated through highways. brio. signs shall be placed as nearly as practicable and the stop shall b made at the place where such cross street meets the prolonga— tion of the nearest property line of such through highway and "=PJi ST , such stop signs shall bear the word " in letters of a 1 size to be clearly legible from a distance of at least 100 felt and shall be so placed as to be illuminated Yy the headlights ' of an approaching vehicle. It shall be unlawful for the Qrivcr of any vehicle to fail to stop in obedience to any of said signs. 2. Where no special hazard exists the following spe:ds upon through highways shall be lawful but any speed in. e cess of that indicated below for the particular district, locet bn ' or condition shall he prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent, and that it is unlawful. in through highways hereinafter designated, signs shall be erected ifVOg notice of the speed permitted upon such highway, as follows: (A) TWENTY-I:1W' ttlIbliTt PEN NOUN Third Avenue from "B" Street east to Virginia Street. "F" Street from South Temple Street north to liLth Avenue. "I" Street from South Temple Street north to C.th Jvcnue. "N" Street from South Temple Street north to ,Ith Ivenue. Third West Street between 1st North and 5th North Streets. FP" Street from First Pvenue north to lith ivenue. Virginia Street from South Temple Street north to wasatch Drive. (if) IFIPTY-FIVF MILES PEE NOUF: Urdwood Toad from Los Angeles & Salt Lake Pat road tracks at 9th South Street north to city North Temple Street frot2g4eqreet west to the Torcen Firer iridc,e. North Temple Street from a point E00 :eat east of ;Mrti iqest Street west to a point 500 feet west of tErd 'est Street. Leek Street from Ninth North Street north to a point 500 feet north of the intersection of Victory Toe , with rack Street. Second Pest Street from Ninth North Street south to Ninth South Street. Main Street from layette Avenue south to city limits. State Street from Ninth South , trert south to city limits. Fifth East Street from tooth Temple ?treat south to city limits. Ninth Fast Street from South 'ample Street south to city Limits. 1 Pieventh fast St reel from hinth tooth Etrert south to 1 Holly-uood Avenue. iivhland Drive from bimeson f,vcflue south to city limits. Thirteenth fast Street from Sooth Temple ; tr,,et sent h to 1 qlphLand Drive. South Temple Street from Second East Street to Virginia Street. Second South Street from Second Fast Street east to 17th Fast Street. Fourth SouthStreet from .econ,-F Fast L',treet east to LOtIr ' /F East Street, thence southeasterly to 5th ,00th Street, -28- thence east on 5th South Street. to U,S.Military leserva.- tion and southeasterly to the city limits. { Ninth South Street from Second 'J'est Street east to llth Fast Street. Seventeenth South Street from Test Temple .'treat, east t 17th East Street. Twenty-first South Etreet from Test Temple edhreet, east to loth East Street. renty-first South Street from 12th fast Street east to city limits. Fourth North Street from 2nd Test Street to Ledwood Soad. (8) FOFTSf NILES PER _`iOUF: Victory Load from Fourth North Street north to beck Street. (D) FI1 TY 1ILr PER OUR: tech Street from a point 500 lest north of its intersec- tion with Victory Road_, thence north to the city limits. North Temple from the Jordan River bridge west to a coin' 500 feet east of 23rd West Street. North Temple from a point 50C feet west of 21 rd Test Street west to the city limits. Redwood :goad from the Los Angeles €,. Salt Lake S'ailroad track at 9th South Street south to the city limits. (d) No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow { speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or because upon a grade or in compliance with law. Police officer• are hereby authorized to enforce this provision Ly directions to drivers, and in the event of wilful disobedience of this provision and. refusal to comply with di::ection of an officer in accordance herewith the continued slow operation by a driver shall be a misde meanor. (e) The prima facie speed limitations set forth in this chapter shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles when re- f spondi.ng to emergency cells and the drivers thereof sound audible signal by bell, siren, or exhaust whistle. (f) In every charge of violation of any speed regulation in this chapter, the complaint, also the summons or notice to ap- pear, shall specify the speed at which the defendant iS alleged to have driven, also the prima facie speed applicable within the dis-, trict or at the location. SEC. 1383. USING STREETS 'OE STORAGE. It shall be unlow_ ful for any person, either as owner, occupant, agent or employee of any garage, sales room or other place of business, to suffer or per- mit any vehicle whether left for safe '-seeping:, repairs, sale or otherwise, to be or .remain upon any street or sidewalk, or to do or permit to be Cone any repairing of any vehicle while the same stand • upon any part of a public street or sidewalk, except only emergency repairs or changing of tires. SEC. 1. 84. DRIVING Oh NEW PAVR FNT. No person shall driv-, ride or cause to be driven or ridden any animal, or ride, drive or propel, or cause to be ridden, driven or nrope_lled, any vehicle ove or across any newly made pavement in any public street, across or around which pavement there is a. barrier, or at, Over or near which there is a person or a sign warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement, or a sign stating_ that the street is closed. SEC. 1385. CHILDREIN OPERATING VEHICLES. It shall be un- lawful for the owner or person in charge or control of any vehicle to permit the same to be operated or driven upon any street of Salt Lake Oity by any person under sixteen years of age; and it shall be Ounlawlul for any person under sixteen years of age to operate or 'drive any vehicle upon any street of Salt Lake City. SEC. 1386. NO TAKING HOLD OF ILUICLE. No pedestrian or rider, driver or occupant, of any vehicle shall lay hold of any part of any other vehicle, street car or interurban car or electric trolley coach while the same is in motion. No person shall without authority of the owner or person in charge of a motor vehicle climb upon or into or swing upon or hold on any motor vehicle whether the same is in m tion or at rest, sound any horn or any other signglling device, or attempt to manipu late any of. the levers, the starter, brakes or machinery thereof, o_ et such vehicle in motion or to damage, tamper or interfere with 'the same. SEC. 1507. DRIVING OR RIDING ON SIDEWALh. No person shell drive, ride, lead or leave or cause to be driven, riroen, led or left any animal or vehicle upon or along any public sidewalk orl: : i -30- I crosswalk. I i SRC. 1388. PLACEMENT OF TCAITIC CONTROL Lt_ ?CF,S. The I Ichief of police shall cause to be placed and maintained such traffic • ' i (control devices upon the streets in said city as shall to recu-:Lred by the ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of the roord of Com- missioners or to regulate, warn or guide traffie which traffic control devices shall conform to the state manual and specifications:. NEC. 11109. AUTHORIZED EJIIRGENCY VOT3I .LEE. I'he following vehicles are hereby declared. to be authorized emergency vehicles: Vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles, ambulances in the I service of Salt Lake City or public service corporations, the emer- gency vehicles of all municipal departments of Celt Lake City ur of public service corporations. SRC. 11190 r'UNJ}v;L Pb0CFSSIORi-. Ii.i91]IP.UPTTiOI. It shall 1 unlawful for any person to drive or propel, or cause to he driven or propelled, any vehicle, electric trolley coach, or street or interurban car so as to break the consecutive line of march or line of travel of any funeral procession upon any of the streets in Salt Lake City. SEC. 1391 f O.LLOIFINC- FIRE APPAI:AT'US. The driver of any vehicle other than one of official business shall not folios any 1i e Lppn.ratus traveling in response to a fire alarm closer than COO fee' for drive into or park such vehicle within the block where fire :ppara.tus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm. �' No railroad train or vehicle shall be driven over any un- Iirotected hose of a fire department when laid down oh any street, rivate clrivevtray, or railroad track, to be used at any fire or alga^ fire,without the consent of the fire department official in corn- eta rid. Every person in char. ,e o1` any vehicle or street car or Ilectric trolley coach upon any street of this city, neon the coos-roach �P any vehicle or apparatus of the fire c?epartnent or any police I atrol wagon, or any ambulance, or the emergency crew of the w<ter- corks department, or any auxiliary fire apparatus, shall, when sir- ailed, immediately Stop such vehicle as neer as possible to the -31- right hand curb of such street; nor shall such vehicle be moved un- til such apparatus, police petrol, emergency crew, auxiliary fire apparatus, or ambulance shall have .sse' the some. SEC. 1392. Retie VIE OCSTIUCTdD. No persona shall drive vehicle when it is so loaded or when there are in the front seat such number of persons, e;.ceedi_ng three, as to obstruct the vies of lithe driver to the front or side of the vehicle or as to interfere !with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle. No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such position as to interfere with the driver's view ahead or to the sides, or to interfere with his control over the driving wachanism of the vehicl . SEC. 1393. OSOTEUCTING IPTITONTTOh For IlVF, IlIb i S. Nor, person or employee of such person operating or in charge of any _„il- iroad or train shall cause or permit any cad- or train of cars or any portion thereof to obstruct any intersection so as to prevent for a period longer than five minutes any person or vehicle from crossing the tracks in said intersection. SEC! 1394. OBE r UCTING INTI I1,-FCT`ONS. No person in charge of or operating any vehicle, bus or railroad train, except fin emergencies or as an incident in the course of travel, shall stop } the same so as to obstruct the free use o-f any street intersection. NEC. 1395. WHENOO TO STOP STPIPP I SAPS OE FUNdFE . No perso operating or in charge of a street car or bus shall stop such sire t car or bus to take on or let off passengers except at designated. stops, approved by the chief of police. SEC. 139e. PEIDFC'TPIANS. (a) Pedestrians shall be subject Ito traffic control signals at intersections as heretofore declared in this chapter, but all other places pedestrians shall be accorded the privileges and shall be subject to the restrictions stated in this section. (b) When traffic-control signals are not in place or not � iF: operation the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian I crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon Ilthe half of the roadway upon ,:hick the vehicle is traveling, or when -bit- the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger, but no pedestrian shalt suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety anti walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. (c) Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk !or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedes- trian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other veh.:Lcle ap- proaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such stopped behicle. (d) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any poidt other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarieo crosswalk at on intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (e) between adjacent intersections at which trapfic control signals are in operation pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk. (f.) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due carp to avoid colliding with any pedestrian upon any roadway and shall give hwarning by sounding the horn when necessary and shall exercise proper precaution upon observing any ciilc or any incapacitated person upon a roadway. (g) pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon Ithe right half of the sidewalks and crosswalks and shall not ob- struct or prevent free use thereof by others. (h) The chief of police of Salt Lake City may designate both in business and residential districts such crosswalks es will best promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians in crossing the street. ouch crosswalks shall be naked with paint- ed lines extending from curb lines across the street or roadway. II SEC. 1 s97. IIINO PERSONS CAR ` T6G Ci..NES, It shall be an- lawful for any person, except persons wholly or or rtially f ind, t• carry or use on the streets or public places of Salt bake City any canes or walking sticks which are painted white in color end. are 7/dths of en inch or more in diameter. Such canes or walking sticks may be used on the streets and other public places of the city by persons wholly or partially blind as a means of protecting and for 1 the purpose of identifying them to drivers of vehicles, operators of motor driven vehicles and other persons with whom they may asso- ciate, approach or come in contact with on such streets and public places. When carried for the purposes enumerated alcove said canes must be kept clean and white at all times. The driver of any vehicle or pedestrian who associates, approaches or comes in contact with a person wholly or partially blind carrying; a white cane as described in this section shall im- mediately come to a full stop ant take such precautions before pro- ( ceding as may be necessary to avoid accident or injury to the per sons carrying such white cane or walking stick. Joy person, other than a person wholly or martially taint , who shall carry such white cane or walking stick as is described. in this section, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, or e ho shall fail to heed the approach of a person so carping such white cane or walking stick, or who shall fei_t to stop upon seprcni h- ing or coming in contact with a person carrying, such white cane or walking stick, or who shall fail to take due precautions egsinst accident or injury to such blind or partially blind person after coming to a stop, as provided for herein, upon conviction thereof shall_ be guilty of a. misdemeanor. 'FC, 1. 98. SOLICITING A FIDE. FOPTItLLIJ. It shall l:e un- lawful for any person to stand. in the public ,streets for the purpose of soli.citine a. ride from the driver of any private vehicle. SRC. LP99. SEMAPHORE LIGHTS. S1;henever traffic Ia control' led by a traffic-control signal exhibiting the words "Caution", or "Stop", "Go", or exhibiting different colored lights successively one at a time, or with arrows, the following colors only shall be used and said terms and lights shall indicate and apply to drivers Hof vehicles and pedestrians as follows: (a) Green alone or "G0." 1. Vehicular traffic facing the signal, except when prohibited under Section 1364, may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless e sign at such place prohibits eith•r such turn. Tut vehicular traffic shall yield the right of Ito. to other vehicles and. to pedestrians Lawfully within the into - section at the time such signal is exhitited. P. Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk. (b) Yellow alone or "CAUTION" when showing, following the Green or "GO" signal: 1. Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, tut if such. stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be drive cautiously through the intersection. P. pedestrians facing such signal are therety advis ed that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway, and any Oedestrian then starting to cross shall yield the right of way to all vehicles. (c) bed alone or "STOP". 1. Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at en intersection or a such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible lin.> and shall remain standing until green or go is shown alone; provided,f the,b--a-teeisrt sr'c±trrns -where....ai*ns-.on-s4gneas-mnetrid -r'M'tg "vehicular traffic stopped in the lane nearest the right hand side of the highway may cautiously enter the intersectio l for the purpose of making a turn to the right but shall not - interfere with other traffic nor endanger pedestrians iasfull, within a crosswalk. P. No pedestrians facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so safely and without interiertng with any vehicular traffic. -35. (d.) iced with Green Prrow. 1. Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiou,]- fy enter the intersection. only to make the movement indicated by such arrow but shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully u.si. p the intersection. 2. No pedestrians facing; such signal shall enter th. roadway unless he can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic. (e) Whenever special pedestrian control signals exhibit- ling the words "WALK" or "WAIT" are in place, such signals shall i_n- Iuicate as follows: 1. "WALK." Pedestrians facing such signal may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal and shall to given right of way IT the drivers of all vehicles. "WAIT." No Pedestrian shall start to cross the roai- way in the direction of such sipne.l, but any pedestrian who has partially completed his crossing_ on the walk signal shall pro- ceed to a sidewalk or safety island while the wait signal is showing. SEC. 1400. COMPLY V[TTH DIFF':C"TIOIv OF POLICE Ol'IICI'LG. No Person shall wilfully fall or refuse to comply with any lawful orde, or direction of any police officer invested by lave with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. SEC. 1401. MOVE, WHEN I.very person in charge o any animal or vehicle standing along or near the curb of any street within. the business districts, shatll, at the recuest of any police officer, move such animal or vehicle away from such curb. SEC. 1402. DISOBP,DIFIVCF TO TI_AFTIC CONTFOG DFVICF-. No i /driver of a. vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any official !traffic-control device placed in accordance with the provisions of law or of this chapter, unless at the time other,Ni.ge directed Ly a police officer. SEC. 140G. QUIET ZONES. The chief of police may estatlisi zones of quiet in the vicinity of hospitals and other public instj.' '=1 _U6- tutions, and other places, end notices shall be conopicuously place`': designating the limits of such zones. Eery person in charge of any vehicle, street car, interurban car, or railway train, shall exercise special care to approach and proceed through such zones as noiseles?- ly as possible. SEC. 1404.. INJUTINC TLAP1IC SIGNS. No person shall drive into, deface, injure, move or interfere with any sign, standard, post, chain, rope, or other device installed or placed to indicate safety zones or for the purpose of directing or regulating traffic. SEC. 1405. INIJUhING tiA.'IEFIAL PLACED ON 8TbE T.(a)No person shall throw or deposit upon arty highway any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans, or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal, or vehicle upon such highway. (b) Any person who drops, or permits to be dropped or thrown, upon any highway any destructive or injurious material shalt ' immediately remove the same or cause it to be removed. (c) Any person removing a. wrecked or damaged vehicle from II ra highway shall remove any glass, oil or other injurious substance dropped. upon the highway from such vehicle. SEC. 1406. FAILING TO STOP hT ACCIDENT. EEP(MT4)Thedriver of any vehicle involved in en accident resulting only in damage to ila vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene o' such accident or as close thereto jar possible, but shall forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of such accident, give his name, address and registration number of the vehicle he is driving, and upon request and if available exhibit his operator's or chaui._'eur's license to any person struck or the driver or occupant of or any person attend- ing any vehicle collided with. Every such stop shall be made with- out obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Any person failing to stop or comply with said requirements under such circumstances 'shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. I (b) The driver of any vehicle which collides with any vehi- mle which is unattended. shall immediately stop and shall then and .-� here either locate and notify the operator or owner of such vehicle • ' -37- iof the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended. vehicle or shall leave in a conspicuous place in the vehicle struck a written notice giving the name and address of the driver and. of the owner of the vehicle doing: the { Istriking and a statement of the circumstances thereof. (c) The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident re- sulting only in damage to fixtures legally upon or adjacent to a highway shall take reasonable steps to locate and notify the owner or person in charge of such property of such fact and of his name and address and of the registration number of the vehicle he is driving and shall upon request and if available exhibit his opera- tor's or chauffeur's license. (d) The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident re- ! suiting in injury to or death of any person or total property damn€ Ito an apparent extent of i•25.00 or more shall within twenty-four (04) hours after such accident forward. a written report of such oc- cident, or a copy of any report thereof reruired to be filed with the state tax commission, to the police department of dalt Lake Ci_t, . SEC. 1407. APPLICATION OF CHAPTVD.(a)The provisions of thi, chapter applicable to the drivers of vehicles upon highways shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or operated by the Up_itei states, the State of Utah, or any political subdivision thereof and this city subject to such specific exceptions as are set forth in this chapter with reference to authorized emergency vehicles. (b) The driver of any authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call upon approaching a red or stop sig- nal or any stop signs shall slow down as necessary for safety but may proceed cautiously past such red or stop sign or signal. At other times drivers of authorized emergency vehicles shall stop in obedience to a stop sign or signal. (a) No driver of any authorized emergency vehicle shall ' assume any special privilege under this chapter except when such vehicle is operated in response to an emergency call or in the immediate pursuit of am actual or suspected violator of the law. (d) 1he provisions of this chapter shall not arnLy to -38- persons, teams, motor vehicles, and other equipment while actually engaged in work upon the surface of a highway but shall apply to such persons and vehicles when traveling to or from such work. SEC. 1408. ANIMALS - SUBJECT TO REGULATION OP TCAT'FIC. Every person riding an animal or driving any animal-drawn vehicle l upon a roadway shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except those provisions of this chapter which by their nature can have no application. SEE. 1409. DRIVING PAST SAFETY ZONES. No person shall drive, ride or propel any vehicle in any part of any safety zone, me any vehicle, other than a motor bus operated By or as a part of a street railway system, to the left of any safety ;.one, where such safety zones are maintained on the street, except that at any inter section. within the business district where an enclosed safety zone or platform is maintained, vehicular traffic may pass to tine left of said enclosed safety zone or platform. SEC. 1410. ROUTE FOB EXPLOSIVES MAY BE DESIGNATED. the chief of police may with the advice and consent of the Board of Commissioners designate a route through Salt Lake City along which all drivers of vehicles containing explosives shall proceed. All vehicles shall follow a route designated as herein provided. spy vehicle containing explosives shall have plainly marked thereon the word "explosives." SEC. 1411. The provisions of this chapter relating to tha operation of vehicles refer exclusively to the operation of vehicle upon streets and highways in Salt Lane City except that the provi- sions of Sections 1377, 1379 and 1406 shall apply upon streets and highways and elsewhere in the city. SEC. 141u. RECORDS TO SY KEPT BY DEALERS ICJ USED CANS. IIt shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business, of �wrecking, buying, selling, exchanging or dealing in used or second- hand motor vehicles, tires, radiators, magnetos, speeu.ometers, equipment, storage batteries, parts of such vehicles, or accessorie of all kinds and descriptions, to fail to keep a record of the pur- chase, sale, wrecking, exchange or storage of such articles, which . ' -b9- shall at all times be open to the inspection of the chief of police for any officer detailed by him, or to fail within twenty-four hours 9lafter the purchase, sale, exchange or acceptance for storage or !wrecking of such articles, to make out and deliver to the chief of !police a full and. complete record of the purchase, sale, exchange or acceptance for storage or wrecking of such used, or second-hand motor vehicles, equipment, or accessories, and deliver to the chief lof police or any officer detailed by him, when any motor vehicle or !motorcycle is wrecked, junked or demolished, the certificates of ownership and/or registration and the license plates last issued ! upon registration of such vehicle or motorcycle Lld the licensing state. the said report shall contain the name and address of the person from whom purchased or taken in exchange, or for storage, or to whom sold, the make, state license number, motor number, body number, generator number, carburetor number, magneto number, stor- age battery number, transmission number, radiator number and speed- lometer number, or any other mark of identification, make, size and serial number of each tire, including extra tires, ttyle and seat- ing capacity of all second-hand motor vehicles purchased, sold, ex.- changed or placed in storage; make, size and number of second-hand motor vehicle tires; make and number of secondhand radiators, magnetos, and speedometers, equipment, storage batteries, parts of vehicles, and all other accessories having a serial number, and such other information concerning said articles as may be necessary i to prove ownership and identity of said used or second-hand motor vehicle, equipment or accessories. Said report shall be written in the English language in a clear and legible manner, on blanks furnished by the chief of police. SEC. 1415. OBLITERATION OF PrurmER OI' VEHICLE. (a) It is unlawful for any person to remove, deface, alter, change, destroy or obliterate, or in any manner whatsoever cause to be removed., de- faced, altered, changed, destroyed or obliterated, any trade-mark, manufacturer+s number, identification number or serial number on or from any motor vehicle, unless such person shall apply for and se- cure a written permit therefor from the state tax commission. Amyl. _ I ' -40- person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a. mis- demeanor. (b) It is unlawful for any person to have in his .pos•ses- sion any motor vehicle, or any part or parts thereof, from which an, ,trade-mark, distinguishing or identification number, manufacturers, `number or serial number, has been removed, defaced, destroyed or lobliterated, or so covered as to be concealed, or where such trade- mark, distinguishing or identification number, manufacturers' num}e, for serial number has been altered or changed. in any manner whatso- ever. Any person. having possession of any such motor vehicle or part thereof is presumed prima facie to have knowledge of such con- dition. (c) Any person owning, conducting, managing or operating fa service station, public garage, paint shop or repair shop for motor vehicles shall immediately notify the police department Band the state tax commission of any motor vehicle whereon any num- i lbers have apparently been altered, obliterated or removed. (d) It shall be the duty of every peace officer to arres , 1 1w1t.hin the limits of Salt Lake city, any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, and to immediately bring him befor 6 any magistrate having jurisdiction; and. to seize and take possessi i I# of any vehicle on which any manufacturers' number or identificatio kark has been defaced, altered or obliterated, and to hold the sam- as evidence pending trial of the person accused of violating any o. the ;provisions of this section. LTC. 1414. SPILLING WKIPLJAL ON S C LTS. It shall be un ' lawful, except in the repair or maintenance of streets, for any per- : 1 son conveying any material, sand, gravel, paper, waste or other sul- stance upon or along any street in Salt Lake City to permit any po - a tion thereof to be spilled from any such conveyance, or after nevirp H been spilled to permit the same to remain longer upon the street 1 than is necessary to remove the same. 1 SEC. 1415. i:,L-CISTF:pfI01! CARS TO Be Gkr.:ISO. every ovine of a motor vehicle shall at all times carry the registration card issued by the State of Utah in the vehicle to which it refers, or -41- it shall he carried by the person driving or in control of such vehicle and shall be displayed upon 1e,mand of any police officer i of this city. I SFC. 1416. PFNALI'Y. Any person violating,: any provision of this chapter excent where another penalty is provided shall be punished by fine in any sum less than 'i',00.00 or It: imprisonment not to exceed six months, or b, both such fine or imprisonment. SECTION P. In the opinion of the board_ of Corn iissi.onors, it Iif s ngce spry to the plc* hesit y"r in.i safety oC the innal itants of 1 81s,e City that th s' rdinn become e ective mmodi.atei�r. ,,r „„ k' CbCT10 f. 1n_e' 'cE�anc%sha-1 1 to e ruct i ©n its first V pui.lica i-ou. v , 1,. 1, ;,ft Passed by tt Board m ssiond s of ,a],t-Lake C',ty, l 1 // ''.�Ut�rtl,'�.trhTS �(pp day of , I .i041. 7favor. a .,, ,,,,,,a,',,-,,: . ca :. w "f i ,r. frotif of fithltrattitit mittt #tatto of Amerint STATE OF UTAH ss• COUNTY OF SALT LAKE . . • • ,• •• M.CONNOR • • 1.6 Saturday Evening— AN°RUFZIMEING GRAFI being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of "ktiPODFTINIi.,HTVP,N.81:1 ut THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake blE`g4rOifi.!`"1.talitikecg,td.4 le of tho mirlsztrvagt's there- of, be and the same is hereby amended toread as folCHAPTER LIX lows,to wit: City,State of Utah. • " TRS/re-.1134*NDDERIV/VIVILONOSN'211.1'sifrtg • 1%.'tine ilretr dMendedm4hVIVoev`isiXthIcol AN ORDINANCE AIENDINO CHAPTER the Uniform Traffic Act. shall have the That the Notice themtish'rtekhA‘irefoilv'V,rog'ZbdVarlTi phrageos sncetiallfer the purpose of this Chgpter have' the meanings respeetivelY L1X 'BOARD Tt•PcOmtigsnitio°A.s.- The Board of CommissiOners of Salt Lake City, between the mm 1T=PanrY'fie:f aNdj'at.= properg Bites intended for the Use on: P'"STREET CAR." Atm bus or °Merl,• :Vier rg'Illre"UPOenrtnhe efteerl'allfis Lotte"BUSINESS DISTRICTS." There are IrreSbaYStal:IftrAlty',Valet?'s'vil•ritegq:arl'itifLa i'ottraei%7't"1,‘O Pgiri:t`e, .arenghlhhIll of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- streets at cgrIPAlteb&raid diVrre`tie.',41titc1/21 districts shall be designated and bounded • " N4'0'11114 BUSINESS.DISTRICT' the paper in its issue dated the 26th Commencing at the hatersection of last Pee Of First West street with the sect.allltg?.tiesgAl Prrrle roUtilt•_4AZInpi: street teu the weAdh Ilflfg,of tuf:orwl:;fMg4 day of JUNE gtfregrth'Atotio”rcireet to In north line , 193 41, North Temple Btu.°Twig,viglA tAfte igence°2u!thea:iongnethe-ca'st line of Nortli and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Mali,street to the north line of North • 42712TkA'thlretortVnillirtf c7Ai:,ovr Temples,,m,'to the east line of North State re g stet. thence south alon the east line MINE 28 of North State street to the north line of for ttru:,,,,Tnnirg:1"&tt,t.";Alpinir,g'1,1 the Mat line of Second East street, pro- duced. thence south along the met line 1 TIME of Second East street to the eouth line of thereafter,the full period of Fourth South street, thence west along the south line of_Fourth'South streetuto the east line of State street,thence tgouttiti Clot the colt i.ijin'thaPAine:e'er:el, thence west along the south line o.lff f;pgfile olgg the last publication thereof 'AVe`;',outt.r.3`0*the east line of Main street to the south line of Fayette oaten.. Erno,du.roldoolg,:e.vs‘xte t .eon, being in the issue dated the 28th day of St Main street,thenteetnorg a=futhl7u:ve,1 41.hofriouthi'mtforeet7 ti4nce west along the, soleth line of Fifth South street to the TuNE • zest line oftuWest s St.Woeftt,„tgaut: ,A.D.193 41 Street In the Lt‘.':th linest of FourthuSoftta •' • • ine Vto'urt'llenSeollti'1"Pre:j'Iog 7-72. • lite"notett71 inlet'or'South Temple street, being the • - IN'WJARTIO3VI3USINESS DISTRICT' • • Commencing at the intersection of south: 'line of enyi rst S out h s t reett”nrit.it•F 1 before me this 1st line oft Tentuh attfoateth rifuo of day of • . Ttvnhtp0trrt C,r4h :tr.ot, thence,. PO toTA 1Pr`e,e0VItheiteer gItth—?,-;,n..t t rkilv,e1,.?°Nast tA etha streetoug , A. D. 193 41 est"VAtha',eVst 114°o1d•E"1".:XiNEast street,thence south alongtutoheugttt kwien.t‘y_t!'4,711.4`67:tret:,,thence east along the north llne of Twenty-first South street to the east line of Twelfth•Nast_street, thence scagh to theustoun liztofoZuengo Notary Public. Vulh liii, :tfre?lt:cventey'-firet. South street to the east line of Eleventh East street, thence south along the east llna of Elev.by.2 ,19 j. •enth East street and southeasterly along toe met air of Highland drive to Bole 1.:WI"'esqf tlihAttrv:srlitfe rgriahTttini d tht'e' ence northwesteey along the west l'tr .th of Highland drive and north along thns west of Eleventh East street to .the south line of Twenty-first South!street, thaoce west and northweeter,,,I,F 1 along the south line of.TTwenhylir:t f7fogt;; l'oteiTlIgeroigt°,euge?,!„.:.." t Advertising fee$ • 31 SEC. 1846. TRAFFIC COMMISSION, CREATION OF. There la hereby estab- Bohol in the Department of Public Safety a Traffic Commission, to serve without rongre"grktitIr'gfettr of of the City, who shall act as Chairman of said Corn. MI%toss attrZecyli ColthyerEngstenri interested in problems'relating to the regu- lation of motor vehicle traffic or repre- sentatives of unofficial bodies as may be determined and aPpoMted by the Board of tommissioners-upon.the'regornmendation of the Mayor: All of the members of said commission except the above.nained city officers shall be aPpolated for a Peried Sc 1.erve for a term,of me year.. • 4,It the duty of the Tattle Corn- Mission and to-this end-It shall have the authority'to.coordinate traffic activities. to carry on Opcationab.activIties In traffic matters, to aupervist the preparation and publication of traffic reports, to receive epmplainta having to do with traffic mat- ters, and to recommend to the'Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City wave and means for improving traffic conditions'and i the administration and enforcement of, trang."raklhoLATioN. It leon'1 lawful, and. unless otherwise declared I in this chapter with respect to particular offenses. it is a misdemeanor for any I Person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this chapter, SEC.•1348. WARNING SIGNALS. • (rt) Every motor vehicle when operated ‘=‘ hyaabIa'n'vith 1 t highway shall order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a.distance of not less than 200 feet,but no horn or other warn- ing device shall emit an ireasonably loud or harsh sound,or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall,when rea-• amiably necesaary to insure safe operation, give audible warning with his horn, but shall not otherwise use such horn. (b) No vehicle shall be equipped with nor shall any person use upon a vehicle any siren,oohietle or bell,except as other- Wise permitted in this section. (c) Any authorized emergency vehicle TIZI,be equipped with a siren,whistle.or bell, capable of emitting *Mind audible under;normal conditions from a distance gp'rt erVy gi2f of Folios,bolt euoh I etre.,shall not be used except when such vehicle is operated in response to an emer- of ri"anciAlloVs'apelgecryToeIrdtreoPtrifnm, tit which said falter events the driver of such vehicle shall sound sabl,.siren wtrer dIrgrOf tthewiTOroPaCh'IVreof.and r SEC. 1349. MUFFLER AND CUT. OUTS. Every motor vehicle shall a.t all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order bud in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke, and no Person shall use muffler cut.out.by-pass or similar device Upon a motor vehicle on a highwaY. SEC.1350. SMOKE. No motor vehicle Shall be operated in such a way as to emit Unnecessary smoke or offensive vapors or Cause any unnecessary noise. SEC. 1351. VEHICLES ST ANDING UNATTENDED. No person driving or In charge of a motor vehicle shall penult it to stand unattended without first storming the engine, locking the ignition and re moving the key, or when standing upon' any perceptible grade without effectively Ntet'Prgontb4heberteo'ttg'crt=orsideao'rf"Itg highway. SEC.135g. BRAKE EQUIPMENT RE- QUIRED. (a) Every motor hehMle, other than a motorcycle,when operated upon a high- Way, sha21,be equipped with Make8 ade- quate to'control the movement of and to stop and hold such vehicle, including Byo separate means of applying the brakes, each of which means shall be effective to FTPLI!'stgm=alteatnil:Ws. Iwo Wherie the brakes are connected In any way, they shall'be so mnstructed,that oaluirr of Carl shT nat Irane the m0000 nehicle; withont brakes on at least two wheels. (b) Every motorcycle, and bicycle With motor attached.when operated aeon a highway shall be equipped with at least• • one broke.which may be operated by hand or foot. • SEC.1353, LIGHTS, (a) Every vehicle upon a highwaY within this city at any time from a half hour after fill.et to a half hour before aunrise and at any other time when there Es not sufficient-light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a dietance of 500 feet ahead shall.dltiplay Ightedp la.mps and illuminat. !lift egirr 01555cc or nrhiclre WIred form Act regulating traffic on highways in Utah,subjrvt to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles as therein stated. Oa) Every motor vehicle other than a mOtorcycle shall be equipped with lamps. marker lamps, tail lamps, reflectors and clearance lamps,which shall comply with and be used according to the requirements and limitations set forth In said Uniform Act regulating traffic on highways in Utah. (c) Every motorcycle shall be equipped faith tint sad Virtu:re:lair lazTrUlershall comply with the requirements Uniform Act. and limita. tions of said t.heelrivergy grt'ateTiliVA, tributions of light panjeoted to ditfepeni• itrirPOr*enoWo'sitrgelgir,qtaitinherr a.lowermost distribution of light,or com- posite beam. shall while operating each vehicle in Salt Lake City use croly•Whe lowermost distribution of light or com- Poshe - SEC. 1354. WINDSHIELD. No per• *on shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign.cot material u postepor.n'or .other..non-tranans, the trout YvIndshield, aidewings. eide or rear windows Of.e.101 Vehicle other than a certificate or other lia.per required to be so displayed by law. .• . .., • ... • . Proof of thibliration Initth Tatra of Amnia STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE 1 . , M.CONNOR ) , , ,-I6 Saturday Evening— , AN ORDINANCE 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CRAP-1 being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of 'nlicidOraLBIL2FOR.UTAH, "it inirdaeny%rat:jet'otthe= mission°.CTION 1 at Salt'Lake City,Utah: THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake SE . That Cha,pter LIX of the BevInd Ordinances ot Salt Lake City, Utah,1939,and all mots amendatory there- of, be and the same Is hereby amended to read as follovvs, to wit: "CHAPTER LIX City,State of Utah. ' TRAFFIC AND TRAVEL ON STREETS SEC.1345. DEFINITIONS. The words and phrasea used 131 thia chapter, which haVe been defined hy the provision of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CI-IPPITE ttle untform Traffic Act, shall have the That the Notice meaning therein respectivel ascribed to them except that the followiy ng words and phroaee ehall, for the purpose of this chapter, leave the meanings rcapectively L1X a.ribed to them in<hie section: .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS" The Board of Com/UN...era of Salt Lake City, Utah, •'SIDEWALIL" That portion of a street between the curb llnee and the adjacent .. . Lnes Intended for the ime of 1 "STREET CAR" Ally bus or eiectri- igPiirererrr'ftietrgtrel=te ere f ra Laq3UO9gIESS DISTRICTS.. There are •iatrhler eTfoldlowiEng.`tcwo" aPrstri.'s,1t:ree'ts" he l th pdit in which ahall of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- he clearly defined by sive posted On the treats.the 1twit,of said districts,which districts shall be designated and bounded . Re follows: 'MAIN BUSINESS mamma- the paper in its issue dated the 26th ComMenc1ng at the tinterscction of east line of Fires West street with the north line of South Temple street, thence east,along the north line of South Temple / 'street tO the w eof North Main day of JUNE 193 41, /greet. thence northest along the west line v of North main street to the north line of teh.aenchteo Tsoueth alo nitg t. in;ee elof thtre'ne7rtr =l Not, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Main'street to the north line of North Temple street running east, thence east o Ui line of North Temple It'f, 'Jr Cr r east line of North State street. thence south atone the ea line _TUNE 28 of North diet°street to the north list ne of for South Temple ntrect, thence east along the north line of South Temple street to the last line of Second East street pro. duce SecondEaat& thence eolith ton the east 11. 1 TIME of etreet to the eouth line of thereafterperiod ,the full of Fotath South atreet, thenceg west along the aouth Mc of Fourth South etreet to the east line of State street,thence sotgli, ._ VA tItge left glietli°'Sruttlt'egreeeett, thence west along the south line of Ninth South the last publication thereof street to the east line of Main etreet. that.south along the east line of Main street to the South One of Fayette avenue. roducedi,thence west alon the sollth being in the issue dated the 28th p. 14.1,t.1•YaethriCeur7onth along the west day of it'.ot Main'street to the south line of Vieth South street,thence west along the, south line of Fifth South street to the 3-uNE ' etreet thence ,A.D.193 41 Z7tili%Our theVe4teetTIVcof West Temple street in the south hoe of Fourth South' Week, then. west along the ;south line of Fourth South street to the eaat 11.of 7.77• e, Flrat West street,.thence moth along the ' • east line of FIT.West etreet to the north line of South Temple etreet, being the P°4-11•eAltgaTnallgBUSINESS DISTRICT' ComMencing at the Intersectimt of south south th street with thg)e MITIrTh IT t treet runnin before me this 1st west line of en as e thence north to the north line or day of • _ m,....ir.fir.t South street, thence east ng alo the north line of Twenty-firat South street to the west line of Elev- enth East, street then. north along the weet line of ifleventh Eaat street to , A. D. 193 41 "\ the north II.of oily wood,avenue,thence, east to the.eaet lino of Eleventh Ea5 re'v'ept thUla",t'sgel'itnirn=11Z of ___----- T!venty•flrat'South street,thence east along (----- L.1----/-- --e---.- -• the north line of Twenty-first S..outh etreet , to the east line of Twelfth,haat etreet, thence south to the south line of Twenty. first South street, then. west along the Notary Public. south line of Twenty.firat South street to the east line of Eleventh Eastrstreet. El.'',boy.25 194 1 thence south along the east Une o . , enth East street and southeasterly along ,the east line of Highland drive to SIe tiz line ex Nmigor;vgt-ige no,'I Agghlatitd drive,thence nOrthwcaterInem,grttilie=s; __...7 \ Ithe v?‘estHreV AVYloth East street to .the mouth line of Twenty.first South atrest. theoce west and northwesterly and Still along the eolith lind of Twenty.first Soutn street to the meet line of Tenth East etre.. helve the point of heah,,,,,,,, Advertising fee$ I 31 I . ._ ._. . .... _ I .I The Salt '"aka Telegram -June 28, 1941 The wiodehield omotor vehicle•show or display a signal that the apace T such movement can be made with safer take' from the opposite diroctionaqulre s Omplete stop before passing a No passenger i vehicle ehall ride any vehicle involved in accident result. + shall be equipped wit everya evice tforr clean- adjacent to watch it r established is or (b) When a street is not markeq wi which is within the intersection or so close school building or grounds at an of said�i such position as to interfere with the 1lrg only in damage to a vehicle which is mg rain. n other m f not legal in use. lanes a ry person in Charge f a vehi• 1thereto a t0 constitute n immediate has- periods. y driver's v head o t0 the side:.or to driven attended by any arson shall the windshield,snow, device shall be so °le) The Commissioner of Public Safety o any d street of thie city, when signal lard, but said driver, having so'yielded 2. TWENTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR. interfere wile This control over the driving f inedhtelc stop such vehicle t the scene as to be controlled o operated shall have lines o markings Painted or o-to do b, itable a d a dible sign and hthing given a sinal when a d re In a Y buslnesa or reside ce district as m hanism Bf the hicle, v of s haccident as lose thereto constructed the driver of the vehicle. placed on the curb orec adjacent so-to by the driver of another`)vehi•a required by law,may make such lett turn defined on this chapter or at a railway SEC, 1393. OBSTRUCTING INTER- 0 ible, ut shallr forthwith return to '°'Every windsield wiper upon a for to each egove parking meter de°ignatu: the approaching from the rear, shall, b y and the drivers of all other vehicles ap- grade crossing where the view is not oA SECTION FOR FIVE MINUTES. No and i event shall remain at the •vehicle shall be maintained in good woirking On be apace for which said meter is there is m o to do, ono r to a preaching.the Intersection from id ° strutted.or y person r employe of such personopera, scene nofev such accident. give his name, I order. to be used and O each vehicle parked ad- right of the street far enough to pe•� Peelle direction shall yield the i000- In public parks within the is Unless g r In charge of any radioedor train address and registration number Ofth S.C.1355, LICENSE OF VEHICLES. latent or next to any parkin meter such signaling v hide t0 pees n his t, way to the vehicle making the left turn. a different peed is indicated by Dermal. „Mali c er Permit any c train vehicle he '_. driving, and upon request (a) It shall be unlawful for any person shall park within the"lines Srmarkings and the right of the enter of a 2. The drive[of vehicle shall stop a ate signs duly po°fed, of c cause any portion 30 thereof to t obstruct d-e available exhibit his Operator's or to drive, operate, allots permit so established. It shall be mdawful to street. ° required by this chapter at the entrance to (c) THROUGH HIGHWAYS SPEED. per100 tersecton to prevent for a and license to a n struck or no thr v hide to orstand on the [reels Park any vehicle a such line (e) Upon a roadway which i d d through highway and hall,Yield the 1. The following streets d Portions period longer thou five min y peran the driver o occupant any any person Salt Lake City unless said vehicle ormaking r to park any i such into three laves vehicle malt sot right-of-way to other vehicles which have thereof e e hereby designated ted as trough ° vehicle Rom c sing uthee$tracks n attending any vehicle llided itth.Every Pas ame eRissezed i dance with position that he s shall n t°be driven in the emtei lane apt entered-the intersection ere said through highwaysr d there shall be erectedat the said teraectlon, rO9 i sn0h step shall be made without obstruct- , :be laws Er the grate of Utah Sntl[ely within the s ee designated Dy O rtaking antl passlvc other W.a Lowly 0t ° hich' a Approaching entrances and from intersecing treets "SEC. 1394. OBSTRUCTING INTER- trig traffic more tan is necessary.'Any ile Every motor vehicle, motorcycle, Such lines r markings - where the roadway.as clearly visible cl0aely in thr ugh Mg..,rd to con-so r highways signs notielrying drivers of ve- SECTIONS. No person in charge [ person failing to stop orcomply with said- trailer a semi-trailer, ortractor, while °C(f) IL hall be unlawful for any per- such center lane Is Clear of troika se• tltute aw immediate hazard, but said bioe t0 stop before taring or...sing aaoeyting any vehiole,bull or railroad train, requirements under such cirenmatance° { sing u ed n the street o[ Se Lake to c ola allow, it o suffer any a sate distance,er In prtParatfon for driver Tavieg a yielded y pr geed and such des1'F sed through hiehwascogreg- t - emergencies an incident shall be guilty of a isdemeanor. City shall at ill times Id ay the umber vehicle. renlstered in his r e Ober- left turn, or where ell'i center]sae the drivers Of all other vMetes pproach- signs shall be placed rl as - 1n except course travel,shall atfp the same (b) The driver ofm any vehicle which- Plates assigned to said vehicle by the sled or controlled by him to be or i m at the time allocated xcluefvely to tr. hta the intersection o said through high- Doable d the sloe shall he de at Ore Ig as to obstruct the tree a Of any collides with anyyr vehicle which Is rta- te tax mission. In the Of to sty space u y street owithine1a moving in the direction the ebite v y shall yield the on to the place where such the meets the streeti[election tended Mall immediately atop and shall foreign hide, the late$ Maned e9bv the parking meter zone adjacent o wTMn a proceeding and 1 sRnPosted to give not "hide poceeding Into o[ s the rolonRatlOn of the Dares[ pert; line SEC.°1395 WHERE TO STOP STREET hen end there either authorized department of id foreign barking meter is0ethDlLmed for m f s h Vocation. through highway. O° oP ouch throuRb highway d Ch etoo CARS OR BUSES. No person operating or the operator llertof"such"vehicle state, by teaching on late in from than o hundred twenty (120)) ore Id)Official elgne may.be sated 3. The.driver o1 a vehicle Shall like- ans hat Dear the en 'STOP'"'iv let- in charge f a street caror bus shall stop of th a and addrea f the driver and and the other plate In the r The lice minute° o any time cal eo°which the chief of polio directing slow-m°vl atop o obedience to a atop sign as lets of a e tO ba Cleo;ly legible from ach street c i bus atf designated o [let o of vehicle striking fR! una[- i her "late signed to s motorcycle. the ter is displaying e1Rna1 indicating traftfe to use a dealRnated lane or all• equired_herein at Intersection where distance e f at least 100 feet rid shall oft passengersiex pt ignnated Hope, tended vehicle o shall leave In s trailer e e hit-trolls[ shall be attached that[Rat space-e Illegflally m e ITT ranee [o Gaffle to tit- stop sign to erected at 0 - be placed as to be illuminated i LY the Sty ed Dy the CD E f AN spicuous place in the vehicle struck writ- 0 the ear thereof. Number plates shall miring the time necessary to setlthexsad the a direction,and drlvera,of vehlc ' trances thereto although n t aopart[off a hertlli t e yr hinR vehicle. IL a SEC.1 PEDEBTRIANB. (a)Po- once Rivinn the n and address I Sr so displayed during the current reale. meter to how legal marking d except- Mall obey the directions of every a - throu.R highway o and shall P sed au- shell be iewr irfor We driver f a v deatnsane shall bei subject o as ee Ofn the driver d f the mo n of [ha [ration year. Mn also,during the time from e6:30 m. sign. tlouely,'lemma to v hiclee of ob11R<d vehicle to fall to stop i obedience to any trot signals at , bone a heretofore vehicle doing the biking wdera S[ate- (c) Every umber plate shall at to 9:00 ,and during legal holiday°, SEC. 1367. UNLOADING COAL a to stop which ithin the intersection of id sign. declared in this[chapter, but 1 [her met of Ior -sums antes thereof. all times be °rely fastened to the (IC Parkig stela when installed COKE, R Mall be umawful for PPrOaching closely ne to constitute 2. Where pedal hazazd 'ate the Places pedestrans Mall De accorded the fc) The drive[ [any vehicle involved ,,chicle t which is assigned s o Mall De so adjusted as to how legal n t0 unload nal o coke DY way f 8 n immediate hazard,but may then prtr following sDeetls°upon Oh re ...ware Privileges and shah Sc subject to the i an accident resulting only Iv damage arant the ate Yrma swinging Oand at upon nothing during PPe ore of w Ise utea gal hole In any sidewalk Or D Ce d. Mall be lawful,but any a d iv axe aS Strrctrona stated in this section, 11 fixtures legally uPon o djaCent to a Re fight cat Resa than twelve inches from upon an afters fRe deposit oY a United s any sidewalk In;the flu 4. The driver Of a vehicle about to of that indicated below for the particular (bn When traffic-conitrnl Bleats are highway shall take reasonable steps to the ground, measuring from the bottom States 0 m therein and twenty- n amgedistrlct.except during the bouts aI•' enter o a highway-from a private district location condition shall be n t r elate a Ot lu ofte KKthe driver locate and notify the° r person to lv such plate,t8 a DIace and Poaitton tour o unit[upon and after the deposit 12 o`clock midnight and by' 8.o'cl•'. gad or driveway shall yieltl the right-ot- Prima facie evidence that the speed fan sl a vehicle oraet yield ineneedTbefoeeo charge of such Pro erase£[such fact and slowing down opDlios fD o be learly visible, and shall De m - of two"United States cent o and o[a Y da r yy so all vemeles approaching on old a able o prudent. d that ii is n� of his nameand address d of the regis- -tained free from foreign materials and inn sixty minutes u and after the n&Posit e,gEC.1368.OVERTAKING VEHICL+, higawa lawful. On through highways hereinafter yield.so ary0edestrlan ing the dwaY tratlm mar of the vehicle he la driving6 e tlition to be clearly legible. therein of O: United States five cent coin Upon all roadways of s°ffidenf width' 5. Upon the immediate approach of an designated, igna than be Cted Rlvine Pan crosswalk when the cedeatriWn U ad hall aeon r quest and if available SEC..1356. LICENSE OF OPERATOR, and One hundred twenty minute, pen the vehicle shall be driven uLn the right h. thorized a ergcncY vhile, when the flee 0[the peed pemitted upon such Per the half of the roadway Don Ilnch exhibit Pia Aerator's or chauffessr'e li- No person shall drive or operate a motor deposit therein of two United States five of the tlway. D[ follows: drive; to gwng oudible,signal by alien, hlRDway, fohows; to vehicle la traveling,o when the Pedes- ¢s vehicle 01p°n the streets o highways f ce( 1. When overtaking and Daaaam exhaust whistle. r Dell, [he driver Y (a) TWEin'TY-FIVF. MILES PER ormn is approaching closely the (h) The driver f a vehicle invoh•ed Salt Lake City unless such person is Ih)Ui It shall be unawful to deposit Other vehicle proceeding in.then _ ery Other Mete mall yield the Ighs- HOUR: pPOalte Half o the roadway a be n occident resulting in injury o 0 licensed a operator or.chauffeur by O cause to De deposited i parking recfion under the rule governing same e1-way and-°hall fmmediatelc tlrlve rto TRi;d Avenue from "B" Street sat Ie8vee8 Curb o Other pedestrian shall t ea[etydand death of a y person or tat pUroperty dam the tatea5taxn commission[aa is provided meter,m y slue, device o r metallic sub movement, I'v lion'parallel to,8 i lose u Dos- to Virginia Streel. wall; n into the path e[ 8 vMlcle aBe. to a G ant extent f $25.00 or lat by the the licensing of fSttoofUtah Chute for n cent or five cent coins Is 2lorseWhen the rig1whilef Of roadwy sDl¢ l0, the right-hand so tereecmon and n E" Sheet from South Temple Street which is me close that it is impossible for more shall within twenty-tow (24) hours of fRe United Slates. c _.the highway leer of an north to lltn Avenue. the driver fo yield. 'titer chtaceident forward a written re- for Ichauffeurs. O operators e° -(i) It¢hall De unlawful ter Y Pei- tlon 0 pair; U Ons ,¢hall atop and remain m ouch p0aitlon until I" Street from South Temple Street (t) w'Denever any vehicle v slopped [port of s ac ideas, o a Py [ SEC. 1357. NAME OF DP,IVER, n to deface, injure, tamper with, open 3. Upon a adway divided into th; the u[thorised. emergency hicle has nort0 o Sth Avenue, at a marked crosswalk or at unmarked Port thereof rretqui ed tor De filed atth the Every Person engaged in the business of o wBfNly Dreal:, destroy, o wpair Ibe marked lanes for traffic under the ru PPane., t whe trwise directed b N" Strtet frm South Temple Street any state tax c s loq tO lfiil lice the ae lNnae of pp y cross 81t at ea iatereectlon to pcYmil ° yy. P° cepli motorcycles a motor drivers Pursuant to they parking Installed posted IDfI Hereon; or SE1Ct officer.373.ATTACHING 9LED,ETC., and It West Street D¢tweea la[ North a Pedestrian t0 cross the roadway, the pr m. (a)07.Sr a ppnnl loos 0 OF CHAP- tn employing Pon a roadway designed and a and Sth West Streets. driver Z any trier ehlcle p roaching.PER. (a) The Drovialons o1 this hap- hauP[eurs to operate such vehicles, (I) It shall be the duty of the chief posted for Y traffic. " VNLAWFVL. ]t shall be unlawful per tIle B"Street from First Avenue north to from the rearshall not overtake and pass shall keep cod containing the name: of police under the direction 4 the Com- SEC.1369. BICYCLES, (a It eh i driver, any person in Charge f-any such topyedvehicle, ter applicable to the drivers f Vehicles address and ab record each driver o clam, onuto ner f Public Safety to keep hae-e. be lawful for any person to sCre Vehicle.t°1oMwngly drive Or operate ch lltii Avenue. n Pon ht hwsys Shall PPlyo to the drivers bear in his employ. which record shell count f allviolation.See of this ordinance. o ride bicycle upon any of„the$tree Mato upon any of the streets of Salt reef ooa Street from South Temple Entry Bedeasother ian cove/ogwithin s ads ht 11 Bholes v ds p Led D the be Mown a notice officer upon de- O1. He shall keep anaccountOf and Ileys, sidewalks public ways of S Lake City while any-sled, obeggan Street th to WaaoI Drive. way c any an t tb tlntn than Ith,ked United Stales.the State of Utan, r a y sleigh,is attached to orconnected with till THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR: marled walkrOat a lntereectionan°hall¢yield political subdivision [heron, and this city mend. Every person lending his motor report mS the number f each" rkirtR meter Lake City unless said bicycle has Si 0 um eldcla Or to mitany¢led or other edwo0d Road from Los Angel.B @ ehlcle mall keep a record f the a hich.indiatea that the vehicle occupying been licensed and.registered as Tereln9Jper tchr a right-of-way all vehicles upon the bject to such specific e' pllons a age and address of thePerson to whom the markings spate adjacent to such k- provided, The Police Department is her-':-smllar c v ranee to be atfaMed to O Salt Lake Railroad tracks at 9th South IB Set forth this chapter 1[h refereocer[o oane d furnish the me on demand i g ter r Rae been parked viola- authorized d directed to bathe connected with nee., vehicle upon any of StreetNorth Temple'Street from Second West roadway.() Betweetn djacent Interaecti°no at authorized emergency vehicles. to pollee [ricer. then of any or provisions f this ordi- rltten Cplieationa the mcmae.wtr. the 1SC e01.3'f4.maid rBIGNALS IN TURNING Streit west to the Jordan River Bridge. which tuft ontrol igOale are in oiler- eh) The driver of r any authorized I SEC.'1358. RECORD OF BUSINESS, the State license number of such license shall exPittthe firer Tenth North TenPle Street Srom a point.SDO abort pedestrians shall t cross t any ehi rgency vehicle when a Everyy-person engaged in driving a motor vehicle. rid any l other to knowlge July f each year, ond 81.11_De OR STOPPING, (a) No person Mall a place c pt th ked c aw lh ergot;call aeon poachmg ed or vehicle for hre, the[ hart motor- f which is 0 thorough - n allly upon Haan application to v atert Ncle which is osPliped,stand mg. feet t Y 23rd west Street west to fit, Notw'ithst8ndin the foieRR 1� °lop signal or styCo?, i�iu hall Glow 'Cie, shall keep Live and Cs record of of the Set circumstances attending police D parfinenf&rid upon payment of S-Darketl less rid Until ch V e r Min!500 feet eat of 23rd West Street visions o[Nis section-ever s driv -0yCO down peccesary for safety, but,may of every yf trIto he shall make between the eu<R violation- fee hereinafter provided. Stic lice be de with r o able eatety.em Beck Street-from Ninth North Street Dncle shall rcise due re o avoid proceed c tiously past au h red r step D. . and eight a m. o •He shall attach to such vehicle a shalt be v hd only during the regietral`,• to(b) No'DeraOn mshall turn a vehicle north to a Point 500 feat north of the inter- collidln with Sxe Y pedestrian upon any sign renal. AL they time drivers [ tf the next oday, Said record hall show notice that it has been parked in stela- yeah for wb1M is la Issued,Drovltled from a direct course epmn a ni�rnwaY aloe re[ton [Victory Road with Beck Street. ;oBdwaY vtl mall give warning by d- authorized emergency vehicles shall atop he ea time Of departure from the Lion of this ordinance and'nstNC o the all.licenses Issued'between January d ursll e.„h m ant De made Second West Street from Ninth North tg the horn when'necessary ar a d short to obedience to a stop sign or signal. • place exact n r r Operator t0 report r the t toe 0011 f encl.]."e, 1941, mall remain 2. with. a e Safety, d then. o ly Street south to Ninth South Street, proper precaution obs ruing (C) No driver f an authorized ehi r- emasOymant, the lace herre Ot the°CMrk OY the City Court at theafu r i Main Street from Fayette Avenue south exercise assume Y any special -ery top de and the length t full force nd [Sect until 3nly 1.1942. Stv rig clearly a d°Ible grin by any cld orsty c pacitated person pon gene; vehicle shall time that was ypsetl t each step, and }Ire ionee Desu sment f Salt Lake CitV in (b) The chlei f II I'e mall pr°vf sounding the horn I1 any pedestrian y to-city limits. adway. privilege under this chapter except when act time then his employ a ended, ma to h violation. Each Such owner emir llceri°e;late$,together with re be affected by such movement, o after State Street from Ninth South SVat a 1g) Pedestrians hall whenever Ch vehicle r operated in response to a antl the place where his P88senge[, or if r'there Or y,wthin twansy-f°ui f24) tretlon card°,said license platesand r! Riving apD Pilate signal in the manner south to city limits, PracnC D1 upon the rightshalf f the emergency call In the immediate pur- e than o where each passenger was pours after the time when °uch notice tratMn aid° Davin o De[a slams: giving provided in the vent any other S Fifth East Street from South Temple sidewalks wand crosswalks aid Ilan not It [ actual or suspected violator of discharged, which record shall t all w' attached t0 uch vet:lie, pan to Ne thereon 1st n rical rder begiainR w .vehicle may be affected by such move- Street south tO ity limits, tb eruct or prevent•free use thereof by the law, times De peen to Inspection and cony by old Jerk o [her ffiCer in chafes 8t mbar e(1), d fndicativg the meth- Ninth iEIet Sreet from South Temple Others. (d) The provisions of this chapter shall I1ce ffiCer of this city upon de- his office,in full a tmfacti°n of such o S• of expiration f aid license,SUCK et me) Asignal f intention to.turn right Street south to city limits (ham The chief of pol10E f Salt Lake not apply t0 DPrsous,teams,motor vehicles, 1 $ ElevenlL East Street from Ntn1D South City ay designate both in of rid and other quirpment wile actually e a EC lation,the sum I.50 cents($clerk, hich lic.plhe,shall bee for shod o left shall e given continuously feet during Street south to Hollywood Avehue. evidential districts uCT awalka s gaged in work pon the surface Of a higb- m SEC.1359. PARKING PROHIBITED. shall be remitted by the said ark fo the upon the frames of icycles d shall h'_. not lase [Dan the tut 1[10 feet traveled Hi 1 1 Drive tom Simpson Avenue r (a) No person hall stop, stand, city-treasurer. printed'therebn in IMd letters.the by the T(cle before Nng, Rh an will beat promote Lh< staff 8 d c r- Yy,put hall Dply tO ch person0 and Park a velrle xcept when n lk) Any pen,aov Do shall violate a lowing: "SLOB."- It MNl b!Ohe d (d) No person Shall atop o suddenly south tO tty limits. ni of pedestrians r sing.the vehicles when traveling to or from Such to voN conflict exceg other [necessary a[ the provisions of this ordinance and of-the police department to teach • decrease the peed of vehicle without Thirteenth East Street tom South Tem- erect. Such rosewalks in [ked w k. Omploanc!t"th law or the directions y person who aids, abets assists such metallic Iicense plate to the fame ry fire(giving appropriate signal.- the PIe Street south to Highland Drive. Ith tpsnted lines extending from curb °BEC,1408, ANIMALS-SUBSECP TO "(ca police officer traffic control therein, shall, p conviction Isere.be each bicycle and to issue a regietrat'•m provided herein o the driverof any Souh Temple Street from Second East lines ths [reel adway. REGULATION OF TRAFIC. Everymn pery device, any of the mellowing'places: seblect a Pine ot nt not R e d to the lice rwee Don the peym t hicle immedlatety to the ream hen there Street o Virginia Street. gEC,1397. BLIND PERSONS CARRY- Nin an animal Or driving en tmal- 1. On sidewalk. reeding Fifty Dohara ($50.00) for ach card tee herein Ovlded. Such' 'taw':M oilyoriuNt®fo give such sig a1 Seems South Street from Second East ING CANES. It shall be lawful for any drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be 2. In front of a publle or private ffense violation or be mpensmed one license plate shallr remain attached to (e/ The Signals herein required shall Street t to'13tn Eaet Street, person, except person!whol Partially subject to the p ovieioru o[thle haP as driveway. the my]all fora term t edinR bicycle daring the isuance of 'd]feen:;= be either by ea f the Dand and Fourths South Street from Becond East blend, "DI a o n the streets o pplicoat to the driver O1 a vehicle Oe t 3. Within a intersection. hundred days. r both. A dgme.that The said Thmice department mall aMo k•' a signal lamp of of device of street east to loth East Stress. thence public places t SNf Laka City any canes there provls°u Y this chapter which mby 9, Within 5 feet of a fire hydrant. a fine be paid for lation oI thta o re p ding d f the number a oYPPe pproved by the state road Co southas[erly to 5[h South Street hence o w lking ticks ova, painted whine their nature an have application. . On a crosswalk. ordinance hall provide that the ➢arson reRiatratioae the date of the ivauana iselon.but when a vehicle is o construct- t On 5th South Street o U.S.Military " color and areseven-eighths o[s inch -SEC.1409. DRIVING PAST SAFETY . Wlthnn 2D Ieet of a crosswalk at against whom it i directed shall in de- au„ men „the d,address ed loaded that a had and,arm signal Reservation and southeasterly to the City t re In diameter. uen n or n elk- ZONES. No person Mal] drive, ride r n 1n[ersectiOn, fault of its.payment a day in the De 55 ceases, and all°other aforma: words of be isible both to the front and baits, or gosticks may be used n the streets and propel any vehicle In any Dart of away Safety r 7. Within 30 feet u n the approach o city a8 So[ ch$2.00rv[the tine. ry t..the rear f such vehicle, then said signals Nonth South Street from Second West nth public plat t the it by sobs or po (1 The c ins i itetl in parkin Proper lnfOrCOmmt'of city e, y3' senate,Other p than let Y flashing Deacon,slop a g r train' �a g ordinance. -„must DC given by h a lamp required device. Street at to Ilth East Street. wholly Or partially rtially blind ppagoe f operated by a part 1 8 street control signal located at the aide of a and as as herein are hereby levied (c)It shall be the duty of each pens • (f) All.signals herein given from given Seventeenth aet i Street from West Mg the g d for shot pvehicles,fopeeaton soon. a stem,to the left Of an e estat and assess. fees to provide pe the who re r„omtraaefera the owner amp ; by band and shall be given from the Temple Street east to 17tIl E. t Street, it them to drivers f ei e, ][ere such safety zones . Between a safety and the ad- proper regulation, co trill d 'vspa ow any bicycle o r port such sale or tray- left site f LRc vehicle to the following Twenty-first South Street from West of glee-driven vehicles and ther persons tnived the feast, c t Dat main- roadway. y latent curb o within 30 zone of points o so traffic u n the public streets,a she by returning to filetep0 polite department �'i anq Mtn h Mg..Mall Mvdica4 u Temple Street east o loth East Sf[eeL with whom they ay associate,approach ooraection ithiv the Duamesa district the curb metliately pcesi[e [M soda cost of uDpOervisin,, raogui8tivg ;.,i- ,, license plate and r gi sratiov card is Iomowe:. Twenty-first South Street from 12th or me in contactowith dmsich$tree and where enclosed safety o orrrmlattorm of a safety zone, unless the thief OP $PParking Lion Of the,--[king f vehicles--In the to such person and such purchaser ; • 1, Left turn.Hand and arm extended East Stttet east o City limits. public enumerated When carried for rahe must fe maintained,v nl Ol5P traffic u pass Police indicates rta different length °b to k R meter s created hereby, and transferee mays apply for-a. [ f �'morizontally. Fourth North Street from 2nd West POSes elated above, said n t m me left of said m loaed afety v or Police arkirrgs. the cost of the purchraise,sun., registration within Srve,daye..f Such a .'2. "tight turn,Hand and arm extended Street to Redwood ad- be kept clean white t or times. platform. 9. Within 50 feet of the nearest rail 'al"' tyrotecti°n n sPectan. tallatrot. r Iramtlr. upward,- (e) FORTY MILES PER HOUR: The driver ofn any vehicle pedestrian SEC.1410. ROUTE FOR EXPLOSIVES of railroad c smug_ Parali0 maivienance, trot rid a Of ° (d) It hall be umati'ful fpr v 3, Stop decrease Sneed.-Had ad Victory Road from Fourth North Street who associates,'approaMa O o n �q BE DESIGNATED- The thief o1 30.r Within 2D feet Of the driveway t Parkin tars is tailed Iherein,3Eatl to wilfully of makciowly dutroy,ym - are extended downward. north to Beck Street. contact with a g person wholly or partially go lice y, with the advice and Consent the food created thereby man be devoted bate or alte the number..f aY Dic• SEC.137. REAR VIEW, Every m bltntl a.r egg Tile Ca desCrttibmee of the Board of Comm esioners,designate to vY fire station rid r the y (d1 FiFTY MILES PER HOUR: :idea oe a street o gait¢ the entrance xelusively t0 thoa Du[p°sea, frame llceued Pursuant,to Uric ordina+.-' o• r'iTtie whlCh'-i sru0fed°t toad- Beek Street from awlOh 00 feet th to [Tie lion man imemedia no to theugt Salt Laaa City aMng wimp to a station within 75 feet-of said t (m) Twit.o deice me and nt Mall be u°lawso for avyvparig rear o ofefrom the drive['$slew t..tall E its north the p Victory Road, before full atop rid take h preeta 95ane sl]ll p oc ed eAll taming a pl°etvea entrance when properly siSnDosted tent therewith shall a deemed to Chesil mil , deelr0n Of mutilate a r kcs t�.. thereof Iron the driver's position Mall thence o th to the ally limits. toa pre reeding ra i ay .. ry route designated All vehicles shall d. A a 11. Alongside o opposite a street • corm and epor a repotery [o and not abates° re-- Lion Card WmBe:the a -re the to d Id 8 r a v w located ashi to North Temple from the Jordan River ar id accident n o l0 the p<[atne to deecooMmtl hereon provided. Ave nation O 'obstruction when stopping conflict with this of prior ppraLve, °..fo operate Tii bMy;:'..way o the dancer a of the bight Went o a point 500 feet east of 23rtl vying such whRre walking tick. vehicle marked t eon the shall have "ample- standing, s PPraf a an a ordinances of this Coy,but Mall jihsut havieg attached thereto I - way for a distance o[view last 200 feet Watrtfreat' Any person blind lha r person.noon piously marked the[e0v Uie word Or parking would obstruct s [rat- be a tlditlonm provision for the re ma- th• the rear f such vehOte st of 23rd West ra.e tNwt 500 feet o partially orItntl 10 mall Om h tic. Lion of traffic yrparking in the par8 ing Plate d fee Provided. for SEC. 1376, CERTIFICATES OF IN- w s f 23rd Wes[ Street weal o the g SEC.1411. The provision+of this chap• and k white a welkin stick is Ee- 12. op the roadway aide of y v (e)The fa O e pad for each Etc-! hide topped or parked at the edge o m ter provided for hereon, rlgrater, r foe ch transfer of I1ce* BPECTION AND APPROVAE. Every city limits- abed a this section, contrary a p to the or rely eel to the Aerates of vehicles vehi e- urb of street. very r(n) The B dot COn+miv-itners aY for•relasue 4 a license:plate :¢'[ owned shall display pon ay moor septets Retlwood Reed from the Le An A povisioru. f LDiea oidirunce, DO Matl ter excDisively fo the pays In f ehiake c 13. Upon any bride Other elevated the fee herein required t areas registration'card because of loss or mutofa ed o[ perated by him the Certificate Salt Latkrer Railroad t,reack ' 9th South fail to bred theapproach °eaane 0 of person u� streets and highway a 981t Lake q traffic cmr"Mt+. designated My of tlon and Street th o the t, limits. ar;yinga R white r walking tick, City'exce t that the of Sections hstructure upon a highway or within a rdaoce M thus rdonavice. ton,or other n,main be tweedy sthterl we O pfrOf euired by (d) No person shall-drive a motor or ho hall flail to loop upon appro..t.g ighway tunnC. a SEC. 1362, HOW TO APPROACH lbecoI liCatfonl•t etor, ex Phone fee On/omission, which oertifi atte shellobe vehicle t such ow speed to iniziovde- [ vg ocaa thw persm r,.cryee and highwnd ays elsewh6 shall ere In the 11. At y place where official°Igoe CURB. Every person i change of be or block the'normal and ble fug°On'h hire doe stick, treeo d ht DroMbit topping, shall De requlRd to traysfet fie BcedlA Placed either upon the lower.right-hand whoa bafl [ail to take due ereaiMione, SEC. 1412. RECORDS TO BE KEPT S5. With the left hand aide of the mot!bwhene9parking rkin Mich vMiel Y street mom ad egoatration-from one hicycek tib r° Of the windshield heT required. "mess of trafficr„fo except When reduced speed r vehicle to the'curb. or °n 8° other aquiiEd py the Inr� upoh h ehlcle n h position u o i nerrwary for ate Operation because against accident o injury so ucomrrblintl BY DEALERS IN USED CARS, It shall (b No person spoil m vehicle in residential district where angle park- rpnr per a5Dmc ton for same traniher• �be able-from the in upon a ade a o pliavice°wloa law, o partially blind person after c m to ingafa prrmbod,shf,approach the curb de by the licensee u Lere'b SEC.1377.RECKLESS DRIVING,An Police ..Mice'or hereby-asthot;. to a op. provided for hereon pia ram. busiinneswdf for wrecking, b°.engaged on the net lawfully der area control t into a t the angle indicated by the 'Rue sided. e[ P Demon whu drive any.vehicle the-.three this proymi°n by dlreetona to nation theist Mall be gutty Up. O. changing or dealingvg,Duyn d giiir elling,seood- u h prohibited r away front°a psi fed liuw placed in th.treat by the t e) Pedeetriana iuing the sndewalkS i°I streets of this city carelessly and heedlessly drivers, ad the event'g mvah..,dis demeanor. d for vehicles, es,radiators, u b such. distances or a lawful• chief of pollee and the bseam.' Y the city shall have right of way-,over any in wilful or.wanton disregard Of the eigghhttss obedience f this PIT d fusel to SEC. 1398. SOLICITDYGU RIDE hand (}r rrmg- C SEGU 1360. VEHICLES MAY FARK Dh igna O painted lines al anglgle and all'be etas and every ride[of any o Sety of others,or without due eaullon nazttmply with dustmen of officer w any p.YDE t It hall he colic st far ba'seriee prams ltfersuehvoit.cles...,.cces- between the he S. of 9 t pars n shall of'tO y-five degrees annd cL n - Dimcasa, l oft-s sdevdalk up°u and cs cum°amann and t ch a°peed rdae0 LBrewlii the Me Use tow Y yy n t0 ststd in the public attests o Of all kinds d desert a m. .. the.front ri ht-hand.wheel-of -a as „a .,e er..,.a or to aLL h er to eedarx, v operation byI-a driver shall be a m18de- for the DUO..of soliciting lieiting ride,from pUom,to Yail e river f rivals vehicle.____- InrlieeP arecoM eY the PPreDase, sale, „---.--- andand 6 o'clock p. m-, except vehicle when stopped shall be 6s, Parkon legal such ao- 51 -^--_ -._ _ - _ - -_ carp signal before overtaking r Daaafna anY nor property,shall be deemed glibly ^" •e vehicle or permit or proximately twelve 1nell.from the o Person (e) The e P �" 'wTtcf�shall all-till's n suffer any vehiC4 registered in his hero pestrian reckless driving.Every person convicted a peed ifro ii at[ona - SEC. 1.155. M r, articles. a to park upon any to the -following Mt.. provided, ot halt be lawful to park (g) It shall be unlawful for the riders rig shah be et Sorts Wtia`nee shall t ply Whenever traffic is controlled Oy traffic- a a• y vehicle at an sulk with the curb off reckless driving pouniahed b, to authorized '`neency vein les when control signal exhdbiun the word,'eau. to Useinapectton of the chief of pollee or streets i Salt Lake City for pelted r operator of bicycles to ride or than imprisonment fogarperiod of t IeeS than ¢ r hibitin dif- r„, filter,detailed by him, or to fail Y y¢ roes: pontlinR to emeuF¢[icy Ira and the lion, 'Stop:' Go,' o n R a5lthin twenty-lour R site[ the OL Hme in than hereon specified-su . (1) ii any sm..lees than four rods t o bmeeet non y c£tu street d five s days 0[e shah. 4 (00 dtiven tDereot s u d afo4.signal by ferent r wit,it DG 9 e9follo o t a Wor pur- l. FIFTEEN MINUTES. Such spolice (2)o o ell�ll pNoc¢.f+i stogie I tO all - shi or gi a floe n nor less than g25V00 Da1L e-t o xmuat Mid.whistle. Hite, with silt a, cc lively ionec at Choi, ;we exchangd ft a_thee for or parts I fiats n the.chief of police n(2)o any street where.parallel park- w k heOr rdtng ItD[ed /�gptpI tTav yY99.00,or bybotD s cD (t) g of lolattov t ,Gall a sod and Bald terms a storage0 king ah ticles to of Selt Lake City nail tlea101Ste by IttR 1 directed Dy signs➢anted or Dalnted not [or rleera oL DICYcIea eDalq et fits m lmprleonmenL speed ie ern'tdpnaln<Cite chaoDter, Ne 11'shta sail Indicate d 1311,LO drly< make ut�ya`aenver of ecchiei of pollee Mrhosted or pains. lneraig The o lime arry tka passenger_ Cir SEC.13y8. CARELESS DRIv1NG. It e m taint• also a me e v lice of n...and pedestrians follows: a full complet* "cord of the Mir- , t Police Is hereby direct. with n the etre¢atno nrD,O and package, bundle or article which anal be unlawful for ny person to drive o ac alone r GO." chase, sale, a hang¢ or. Lance for de (3) excep et utfNe /the bait- 0 ld require him to take h4 Dana¢o a.tvehiitl upon Mt s4eetc of Sall Lake to er shall specify Me speed at x°h4h (a) G en cep the consent and approval of the Boers n a Soli. le t the following,Temple hand Yrom.<handle Dara of saftl Dk le Ci y wf[hout the c and caution of a Me depetevdant 1S aIllRed to have driven. 1. Vehicular tri[ic [acing the aigrli forage or wrecking of auto used or second- ot Commissioners, lb- designate Id streets Sou.Temple Street from West Temple YC are also ore prima facts he to anon. <with- except when Droaig t through or fur[los hand motor ver to qu chi e o 0 cces- r Darts of streets when I Ns Jude- to Third West street; r to permit the bicycle be to riding.o be r bly ptudevan peron limy the cir- fn the district o f Inc location. woes.straight thcpugh or fait Igo{ series,and deliver to the SIB of r police or ine congestion in parking conditions so First South Street from West Temple lowetl hi, lner vehicl aasOthnxa they d mere sUg. SEC. 1383.r USING STREETS FOR or may unless a sign at such lace prohibits any officer detailed by him, whn ants. to Third Wes[Stitt; fh) IL shall be dawNi for Me}Ider v Its shall ➢e the duty [ e y police STORAGE. Il shall De unlaWIUl for any ether 5 ch turn. But vehicular traffic bfor vehicle 0 orcy<lc is wrecked, iia 2. THIRTY MINUTES. Such streets Second South Street from West Temple to operator ofbicy le to purW or officer of Salt Lake City who shall oD9erve ce ether as culant. a ept shall yiatid Me Ight-of-wey to other ounked r demoliert., the certificates f iris o[streets as the chief o[Police to Fifth Wee Street: interfereLID the free move. vloeetelbb f this ordinance n tlelv¢r t or employe of any sissgarage.sales.roomr hlclea d to pedeafrte lawfully itnal perspla s lost neuiatration and the l- shall designate by signs posted or ymUt- Thi. South Street from Wes[ Temple ens Ot c'-eigenty veRicl<a tl rytper- Me pe Notating Ln¢ ems voiles in other Place of Du a lv t[cr o o- IDe inLenection a[ the time aucn erg 7 ce Plates last issued upon[glatrnli0n d thereon. The said chief of police to Rio Grande Avenue; unless such v tun oaera[nc a cycle upon i�;streets nrit fig mfgved Dvsuch police officer notify- roll an➢ venters wbelLer leLt fo[tkafe i eaDlDited. Of such vehicle O 'motorcycle a by.e licevs s hereby detected, with Mt consent and nitre fa narked parallel with the curb. shalt b,end...PI,'with ejl ,t[y'_`erdi- gc him that a ration o[this di.nce keeping. repairs,sale or otherwise. to be a 2. Pedestrian` facing.the signal may ing state. The r id report shall contain • approval of the Board of Commissioners, IL apart be unlawful to Park any vehicle s Lhtiu o so the move. t and Is claimed against him, Such notice hall o main upon a y street o sidewalk,or prooceed a he roadway tuoin any the name d ddress I the person from to so designate slreeta Or parts of s W1,h v wheel of the eh n the Rutter. II, streets of motor vehicles using ihtJ'D D- five the name of the person against whom t0 do or permit to be done soy tenant., marked ears unmarked crosswalk_ . whom purchased or taken in change,or when in 1Ma judgment congestion in park Except where anCII park rtg is permitted tic except those proofs...which the Claim is made,the section number of of any vehicle wDde.e a e [ands u (D) Yel I alone CAUTIOhN" Rep era storage, o[[o whom oN, the ke. fug conditions w ants, aforesaid, very vehicle slopped - by theft very nature Can have n aDpl(ca- flue on ,claimed brief under„statement o[ Me any➢air o[a DUDIic street o sidewalk, snowing following the Green "GO^ rte license nnmber,motor robe[,body 3. ONE HOURi Such streets or parts as kid u roadway where Mere is O• tiov' o moo violation claimefl Hereunder, the day, <eD[Duly emergency repairs or thanking signal: u Der,generator number carburetor carburetor num- of streets as Me eDieP of Police o[ Salt parked cure shall De stopped or Parked (i) Ail bicycles operated on the-Phblic M,year and place it is claimed to have of tires. 1. Vehicular traffic Sating the signal her, agnelo hamper, totaRe Detteraunum- Lake City shall designate by signs posted with the right-hand wheels of such vehicle streets f sofa city hall tlunvg Me p�ri d aired,the lieenx number of M< Df<le SEC. 1384. DRIVLNG ON NEW shall stop before ¢Mon the L her.trnmtsaton number.radiator tuber r painted [hereon. The said chief of parallel with and within eighteen inches f one-half hour`after sunset to...half driven by him,and a statement that he's ''cause No person shall drive,ride crosswalk at the intersection.but ire...met and speedometer number, of any other' police is hereby direct.. with the c of the right-hand curb. hour before roe be equipped bWPM$.4 required to pillar t the office t the o e to he driven o ridden a ant- stop cannot be made in afety, hick,mark of identification.make,size and serial ens and approval of the Board th Con- REC. 1363. DOABLE PARKING. It Sighted lamp on the fro.of the nuclei Cl k i the City Court -n the Public "al or ride,drive or propel, [ e to may .driven cautiously Miran n the number f each tir including.extra tires, of streets [o designate streets or.parts shall De unlawful for any person to park visible 'under normal at at c edvdi- Safety Building in Salt Lake City within be ridden, driven or ed. a - Intersection. style and seating capacity of all cond- of streets when In his judgment congeS- r leave•standing upon any street en tfons for a distance of least 500 fret ipriy-elgbt home foe Its receipt hlcle any newly any 2. Pedestrian facing such signal are hand motor vehicles purchased, sold, ex- in in parking conditions so ante. veniele, whether aliens. o unattended. n front f such bicycle and shall be AnY person ho shall rec- a Lice pavementt!n public tree[. [ass or thereby advised that there is insufficient changed r Mated in forage:make,size 4. TWO HOURS, Such streets in there of any other vehicle park.at i quipped with a reflector or lighted lahm on writing signed by a police officer of Salt and which or there is a barrier. time to cross Me roadway,ro nd Y pedes- and umber f and-hand motor vehicle Parts of streets as the caret of police the curb.or along the side of any parked the rear exhibiting a red light visible Lake City notifying Rim that its claimed Oat.o which Mere person man then s starting to ss anal) yield tires; make and¢number o se nd-hand of Sat[ Lake City shall chief p by vehicle where such vehicle fa parked parr- like conditions from distance [ ty$eeat e Inc.violated Ms ordinance may within sign w•warning pensmis not to drive Me righ4of-way to or hicles. radiators, magnetos, and speedometers, signs posted o painted thereon. The let with the curb,except Ma[a 500 eet to the thereof; d al[;suclo forty-eight hours after its receipt pay to b h pavement.o sign (c) Red alone "STOP." equipment, sorage batteries,parts of v said chit[ Of police Ls hereby directed, may stop ke'° arlly ,,ov idea Matdo<s Meyeles hall be equipped Valid Del a the Cl k of Me Ci0y Court,of to Me person stating the,street is clomd,r a 1. Vehicular traffic facing Me signal icles,and all other accessories having a with Me consent and approval Of the not leave Dis vehicle,during the eel of at- ohm which m t De a ntl d Si :yam fn snarls oL hla fYice,a[the PUDIic Safe- SEC. 1385. CHILE KEN OPERATING shall atop before entering the serial number,and the other Information IBoard of Commissioners,for so designate not tn.,loading o unloading passengers o elf persons OP its approatb, ent.tip.v- C Building.Salt Lake City,the su I VEHICLES. It'shall be unlawful[<r the walk at an n[erection L such C ther e c r ing said articles a noose. streets or parts io streets when In his when n nor r In'.obedience to traffic of hide shall De equipped with and o ryg sped One Dollar d the anal be of owner r 5.It' r charge o control a Wlk may be donated at tharlyy ocher pron ownership and odey.se of said Judgment congestion in parking condi- regulations.,Or traffic signs or signal of Whall v upon y bicycle in full satisfaction f the claim ofaay... ay vehicle to permit Me snit to be visible line d shall remain standing astir usetl o second-hand motor vehicle, equip- tions so rots. pot officec. thistle sand no bicycle shall...l�rpey�yid .0n de and in that vent vo tom Met. o drven open any cstreet f green r 'GO"4 show^ torte; provi d, met o ac ess ri Said report hall be (b)'The chief of polite of said city e`SECe1364. DRIVING PAST STREET with th d o person n ridemaa difev Ie plain[o^mthat a shall Issue, Sall Lake CItY Mr an_ person der art- Dictgfo trattiestreod eo Iaaie nearmeet and egib the English blanks report, rear shall establish,with consent and approval CARS. The driver of a ushers overtaking !th iotle bars wraith a 7ffi SEC, 13'!8:'crKini3 TINDER THE teen yearn of age: and it shall be u- ID< rlgRt-hand 1de f Ne highway y d legible manner, a blanks furnish.by of the Board of Commissioners,and piafn- Y street o in[errban c r electric aiRhteen 118)nines ay i hay d fo INFLUENCE OF INTOXICATING LI- )awful for any Person u der-wxteen ss cautiously h enter the intersection for Me the erg of,_police. v ty mark i en[ placee stool the trolley c ach Stopped o about to top for e a level than Me seat'of said yeti. 9UORh OR NARCOTIC DRUGS. IL shall of am to operate drive v vehicle Purpose f eking a turn '' the rlghf, 9EC.1413. OBLITERATION OF NUM- curb f ariya of the above streets, Rbe purpose of r eeivtng pr doeeharlmg (l5 Tne DaarvenlW of y nes b¢ lawfel tar en[peraov who ts an y trxt [Snit lake D1Iy. Dut na11 not "nterf<re with Lost tra[fle BER OF VEHICLE. tea) If unlawful O[per streets i the business d'' any passenger hall stop such veniele l0 .1t)dien Ot Y a d aha11 n tra aabitual of v tole drugs o any s SEC. iAese NO TARING HOLD OF n endanger Pedestr.. lawful, within for any pLtmn to r ve, deface, alter, tricl o geeted a es to De known the„or of tort n real i niER Doe.w r knowingly permit ny such c o person whoais under the'inflnenee of in- VEHICLE, No pedestrian o ider,driver air alit. changer destroy ce obliterate y s lrucl. stiles. loatitle a safety door . such c Coach and keep of o'rdot0 volal.any of the proviso- of or IIquer or I)artgcovltoI of ive anyo cupauL o sothera vehicleeyatreea shall enter I No ehesroadway trians 'unlesa he cangeo Manger wantaoe•,'er a sea.`naeatraredor Truck z shall zones used solely stationary tits any" uch passenger has this dinance, t of safe and •without interfering with any defaced, altered khan byvafbe drivers oftrucks delivery boarded such ear Deck o reached d (k) All judges of said city i . vehicle as any place within this City. Oa a r nterurbanvc electric trolley y obliterated, any de-mark, anufactur- ery person who isconvicted o[ iola- t vehicular traffic. number,identification number or serial vehicles for the p of making de- place Y safety,excepttO ithat where aa safety empXe ea. to yoke or ascend Ii n while the a is motion, (d) Red with Green w liveries between the hoursof 9 o'clock zone has bee elisial a veNcle need when It appears.that the r tfon of-tole amnion sll e punished Dy vivo person shall same authority o[ 1. Vehicular traffic Iacl,,r such signal nun Der on o[ from a motor vehicle, and fi:0 O'clock p not De stoppetl before p otva y bicycle is not the licensee - imprisonment for not less than 30 deYs the owner or person in i charge ag motor unless such person enalitg,to for and s- oa.•b.'may proceed Dail such d vor.Mat the of such hi,• Or ore than 6 nths by a fine f vehicle autiousl�e,etmxthe hers iron soh. written sermit LAnerefor from the tlayv'other than legal PA.i`'.' 18e c the licensee the cot hen used o rPit- not.Tess Man 51000n a Man g299, or hold o any motor vehicle whether the toemakc the f indicated DY such state t. y noon violat- drlver er person i barge of a, truck coach a speed not d with Man t.said bin arrow, ut shall y yield the right of w Y ing the provisions tof this section18 IL i delivery vehicle,shall not,park-o at. sable at Proper, and 'ith due bicycle/o be Sid fu^/1o4I'� [ o[Dy both a R fine o[dmo[prlsovmlTO me motion o at real, u id a to eatreav awflul within os w Ik guilty this ordinance port Me texts 0s side- SEC. 1380. RESTRICTED THO- pe Y ' O[ i-demeanor. low any such vehicle to stand a any I-[t so i. thesafety of pedestrian-, nor, o ianyanipul to ring device. or a^d t0 other [raftic 'awfully using tDe truck zone longer than fifteen in This OProvi3ion shall no[apply to passing walks o[this city;and that d de- ROUGHFARE FOR FREIGHT VEHICLESattempt to manipulate any of Me levers. rection (D) It i ve,lawtul far a p to bettyaRrlvthe M1oun of 9 o'clock a upon Me left o,, Such c r c ch o arfP000 is hereb directed and zed hNe person between the hour. of nine the tarter, brakes o machine,thereof, ^tI NO ooziest, facing such signal have In Tia sp,7,9-7 ion ny v-torn vehicle, and 6:0 p 0v any day other'[han -way street.o where a electric Volley to pound any Dlcy<le uaM eiy old- lock a.m.and sevenso'clock p.m.atiell net such vehicle in slon or to damage, shall role[ the roadway unless Hey any rt o Dar13 thereof.Ofrom which le coach has sopped a[ Me right side o Hon f.th<se ordinances for : able drive, prose], an t aermit [o be or terfere r'th the trade-mark,distinguishing or identoO- gal lsOlidays.tv sari Of anY street. i alleged rf.of time pending investigation any driven Sr propell.v non or a any street SEC.1387. DRIVING OR RIDING ON do ao felt'and 2leout in w!th cation number, manufacturers' umber The driver o person in harm of a SEC, 1365. PASSING VEHICLE$. violation Of this oNhnaoc•••• n the➢vafnee du Mcts, may vehicle car- SIDEWALK. NO person shall drive,ride. ny vehicul8[Iraf[9c, serial number,has been removed,defaced= vehicle MII not k o allow any such Driven of vehicles proceeding in opposite such bicycle i register. by nag' 'yjng or hauling freight,earth,dirt.and, lead or leave o se to be driven,ridden lesg Whenever special pedestrian , aea'�my¢a o Obliterated,o tied a vehicle to stand in a loading zone longer hettof and equipped i ,mar o vehicle upon trot aIS a h]bitinF Me words WAaLK' Dec or o where such trade-mar.5 than fifteen minutes etween the hours directions snail pass.each other o the right DPed xiM signal e • ,g:rvel;cement,brick,tin^,mortar,rock, led r left a, n r r cross 'WAIT" .place,such sfgnats than, distin^Waning i ideriLs,:ion umber, of 9 o'clock and 6-30 O'clock antl upon roadways navinl wid�. for not lights a herein p Ned. -^n I -tone, lumber, Umber, pipe, poles, nay, r along any public sidewalk o tvdicate- arrows: I re than a line of traffic n e cR di- SEC 1340.TURNS. Tfi<d j straw, coal, 'furniture, hardware, print Ora•ik, pe y O 'p. M. on any day other than legal boll- - R vehicle intending to tura at a •-per._piano, organ, farm implements, SEC. 1388. PLACEMENT OF TRAF- ' mg Lpiote.adacra9snsl„eclnrohg suck has beenlvaltered or number dsaitn anvsmtlays. *it'Lion. ach driver ,Dal] ine to N! ^ man- signalal a whatsoever. Any er n havohR p It shall De unia- I to park a vehicle other at least one-half f the main tray- Shall do 6 follows: 'I ds o boxes, any they tenet% FIC CONTROL DEVICES, Zia hfel of the direction f the signal and h I o[a such motors venicie w Wars In a safety z sled or[ion oY the roadway a e ly'6a (a)Both the approach So[nai ri:• �ude4nce I like o Im11ar kinds less police anal c us to De placed and ma session (c) The chief of police of Salt Lake possible. s and a Ight fum hall a made : e 1s to De delivered to o taken fan. such traffic control devices u Ds given rlghDalway by drivers ofS a1L, thereof is r u ed prima facie to have City, with the consent and approval of The following rules sisal govern the practical to the right-have'. m sot some in r abutting one of said e- hicles; knowledge o[a' h condition. the streets in Id city a shall be upon 2 WAIT." No cedes[riav shall atarti (cl. e f person di o Slit Board o[ Consent one[,. 4 hereb a Staking d passing of vehicles pro- edge of Me roadway. 14 yatreetO, In ine of ecefving ny Mich qufred by the Ordinances, lee,r Iatton to the away i the direction of owning, conducting, t directedBo d post or paint park)ng'V' xetling the- e direction,s b sect to (Da APProach fog left piny from a,place in or abutting one of O der of the Boa.of Commissioner such signal, but iy pedestrian who hest,managing Operat511 a i e tattoo, signs o streets,upon-no those IlMil t pions, and pedal he the a ivdway oportion ti d of t the c •f d streets. driver It erMileIn control e or r to Karate o guide traffic .ry,)allyy mpletetl h,s t sing anon,es...es tc e;Saint ah p ors¢pair shop for rules Dereinl[er sr[.: [ r e o which traffic control deWcx anal on it signal shall Proceed t0 a sidewalk Ior vehicles shall immediately notifythe to hazamous narrow congested places d ta) The driver of a vehicle overtak- Of and after termgg.the in,rs- ;J su,Nte.DysMe sliXeMrroufe of of torso to M! state manual and specifics- o safetyisland while the"WAIT"signal,'+'Duce department and Um tale tax adjacent fO Irootl property xhen In eo ins other v alcle aroc¢etli le Me the left turn shall be etle �tt0 F.uch•tree[ d Soo possible Street Oboes Bova. w Dowlg. coin- missionf any motor vehicle whereon any j eRmsri[tra'eic o di[i0vs require.Wheo same direction anal]pis to the left thereof the Intersection o'Md r Rht.of he ',,,.On o 'c o ing y other Street blue SEC 1389. AUTHORIZED EMER- numbers have apparently been altered, uch is.s hosted Or painted, n at a e distance and shall Ot again ter live of the roadway iDeng a [loved. d o e such Droputy la to SEC, 1400. COMPLY WITH DIREf:- '^u [r person hall park vehicle In any such drive Lo the right side of the roadway until (c) .of for a lett turn i t. I'deliver.et la a in or abutting GENCarcV hereby S. The to au no- TION willfully POLICE OFFICER. N°comply oDltl aretl o e. hated P r any hicles hereby declared a De author- shall ny law al o etas o ly td) It artall be he duty t place' haft,'', clear of tM overtaken veDicle. two-way sheet a One-way n the control Of Seenid,Me driver O pet- oa.emergency ens vehicles: Vehicles Of the with any lawful order Or direction of any ce officer to fl tes, Witidn the ]limits designated NO person snail at any time Dark (D) Except when m making and pass. anal De made In that portion oI';lhe D in control Of 9uCh venters Shall pro d fire deparment.Douce vehicles,ambulances-police°Ulcer in vested by law with with.-.of Sall Lake City,a •totaling aey vehicle o nn. o suffer a ing ou the nght is cermlttd, the driver half of the roadway nearest the cents, 'r.'Me place Of deldvery without, if ce r q registered pIn his n e.be'parked thereof and by pa911vg fo Me'r i bite usin of the streets e,te service o1 Salt Lake City or public it, to direct, control regulate traffic. [the visions Iythi9'Ohflpt�[,entl to nitret of a veriakeu vehicle shall Rive way i^ g Or rowing soy i¢ Ice corpor[lor,'s, one e e SEC. 1401. MOVE or HEN kEhQUEST-'ralP ,ehavin bring Lim before ze - ehtherside of North State Street from o the right in favor of he overt akvl ach center line where it enters ine •trove mention.. hicles'gay m nal c sort entsvof Sal[_ ED. Every penou In charge of y a -'take having jurisdiction;and to situ and o eaten Ta a permitted Second North Street to o audible signal antl shall n f se section. A tel fur Irom SEC, 1381. AN PROJECTING TO bake City or so[vl Dubuc service corners, mat a vehicle feet 0 long or near the Of a vehicle i ashci except tted by the chief f i on speed of his vehicle until into a two-way Street hall bew ad ;;'EAR. FLAG ND LIGHtr.. No person lions. ss curb 0[ any s[rx[ ithiu ine business any manufacturers' number Iaentifca- ➢olice with the consent and apnrOval nt u:npI ter passed Dy the ov takihR ass01 to Me Rh[ Y tbL' tI •4ll drive anyh v hide its a land upon SEC,5390. FUNERAL PROCESSIONS. districts Snal, at tare' r quesIn of v floe mark has been defaced,"alter. 0 the Board o[ Commissioners. Notice of i.¢hicle. - yf .e street befog intend potl le.: �¢t':ash Rifle te.ing four feet o INTERRUPTIONS It shall be unlawful for soh. °rii e.: m ach mar any esrerated,and to hold the a - ven xcePUon shall b< given Fy an. (c) The driver of a vehicle n - the Interseef on. 11S.f•eeyyondathe bed or body of said vehicle with. a n to drive o celn o ¢nicie a y from such cur0_ i.since nding trial of the p his prOpsnate signs posted or painted upon take and p upon the right of May Id).Chief I Polite ay ca pt, •L•hav,R during the daetfine red flag toybe etriveu o v[oDellede any vehicles SEC. "Z. DISOBF,DIENCE TO TRAF-.o violatinga of the provisions of this he tree[. vNtcle which sin making or about to make buttons, sign to be piaxE t ''lit l least 16 inches quay attache t r street r Inter- se Lion. v (e) It shall be unlawful I.any➢en a left turn. aayacenf o iuterection and't -y ,.ear.e tear end of[T¢pole or other abject .Isetaic trolley coach, o gtC CONTROL DEVICE. N0 driver of gEC 1414.y SPILLING MA T F,RT Ai, n to permit any vehicle registered In (dj Tim driver of a vehicle may o quire and direst that a-diPlex i a wotrx,xs,o r.lght or I¢nt¢ry at oe r[o tweak thine uthiyv -.role hat disobey the eruf itso ON STREETS It shall be unlawful, his n e t0 Dark Or]ehic unattended any over- A;,' r a line of march.o line f trev,eleo: f y ffitial tr8ff[control d Pons laced vehicl¢upon street lit S.If Lake lake hod, allowing aufr cle d clearance. from Mat Pecoles o-this • 1 e creme rear end o[Me load V ect- Nnerai e n any o[the slreeta In a o dmice wi. Ne pp of law•streets for the repair ormaintenance of anY Pans' ocher veLicie procxdinac in the traveled ry vehicles at an fat! ,. dUHng the.Period of from a half lour 7n,Salt Te'VCity,"e r f .os chapter. unless �lf vthe time ny Person tonveeping anyP a City for ny period longer than thirty ea.ele direction either upon the eft o when m kern,.Dutton& Or '.'ef t. a hour before snnne. SEC, 1391. FOLLOWING FIRE AP ...rods.directed Dy a Ihce officer, tonal,Band.gravel,paper, to r Min minutes between the hours v of ttwa^clock upon the riht o roadway with r placed o driver t-ave-cle all - we Mali be plainly visible under normal pARATUs. The driver f ati vehicler n SEC.1403h. QUIET ZONES. The Chief ',al[t Lake upon or aperrmit'vanyuttportion and I lock Y dayy. obstructed pavement oio[ sufficient width vehicle of a inermetfvn tit-, �'f tmsIde. C conditions at least 6001xt to other than One I official business shall f Pollee may establish z t quiet to thereof to D¢ ,piled from llii a SEC. 361, PARKING METER ZONES. or four o e lines f mo"ngtraffic dimmed d redulfed by hu ti a sides Ae [such vehicle. not follow' y fire aratus traveling the vicinity Of hospitals ands Oi ei noble any s to (a) For the Purposes st this ordinance: when such movement con be made.safety. buttons IV, a.L SEC.1382. SPEEDING. (a) No Per- in r s e to a fir aalarm clout than institutions and other places. a nos..s weyance, after havingrent been spill.;s con- SEC 'Parklyg,Meter Zones" m s zo (e) The driver Of m for velticie fe) Al tratflc app[OacDDig va n Shall drive a vehicle o a schwa at 500 Peet or drive into 0t park such vehicle shall be conspicuously tP Mid designating tpnemiftreeta[tlia a is necessary tosser moos ate to a omitted.designated Close v t 'Peer"other vehicle o section in Aloe right hand'lane Veld tt Speed.greater an Is reasonable d within the block where fire aenartn has the limits f such Every Persmt the , n v a the Board er Commoadoners as those has¢ than fe ' n Me a d prudent 'thin the Dome., dbtrict. hen, •.dent anderhthe conditions and having stormed i answer to a fire larm, in charge of any vehicle,street ,Inter- a [e p 'thin Pon which the parking P v 10 lane has been Plalnly'inark.,shall d.to Me tsar and...al bazards SEC a1415. REGISTRATION z ARDS having due regards for tbe ape.of snub No railroad train o vehicle shall be urban railway train.Mall exercise TO BE CARRIED. Every f a .o holes shall to stroll.. egulal. and 0e0iCle and Me traffic upon and the a ell baud fum span.105 US a elcon ng, In lvetmg a nt speed apart driven r avy es laIct. Rae of ppeeec al tor to es hh oath and arocxd Inspect.with the "d of tlin devices ontlition f.e Righway. [erection: vd it shall be m aasf, troll. y De nee sary o flr department hen hid down a a throhgh such zo oeleesly a pee- for v NCI¢shall ai Il tomes a rry the meters, herein reYernd tomes parking v (t) 19te driver [ y track or truck the driver of hay vehicle o coati old Collldlng with any person, vehicle. stret 'ate driveway,o railroad track. sable. s pr gfaV• cad u ed Dy the orate of or or metes, drawing "her vehicle when traveling through N a b Inte[Beal. •'Other eyanx o e tiring the to be seE at a,fire i alarm f fire, SEC. 1404,n INJURING TRAFFIC Utah• the vehicle 0 r..it z fees,or lb) The following within the upon roadway "side o[ ....as or left-handatu[n from the ma[]tsd ghWay M aMplianCCe 'M legal tt without the of orOthe fore depart- SIGNS, No person shall drive into, de- o anal]De 'e led Dy ine peron driving •City of Salt Lake Citys hereby,eatatr dense district shall not follow within traffic lane. i Pe ffiT,Poe duty f all permit 1oivva t official consent^ and. tax, lelure,- re r inferrer wir y Cuprol•of'such oiclev d hall rbe lined a a parking meter z �50 feet of another truck or truck drawing SEC.13'fl.DRIVING�FR/IK'd are!' a m Every p a charge L�hy enicle ign,standard,post O chain, pe,o other;.fee,or pouf demand f y police f, The area bounded on the north by the another vehicle. -The Provision of thin TDe drive[of a veDicle aYging Y ' �u(b) Where ho special hazard exists the Or Beet cersOn elettrie trolley ch lloon device install.or Maced o indicatetsafety ices of Mis ty. north love f North Temple Street.0 the subdivision shall t be mnstmea to a14Y,driv YY bimdiog gDa11 a1 ! 'Bowing,speeds shall be lawful,but y street I this city.upon ..e. r for the purpose of ducting SEC. 1416. PENALTY. Any peche i M by the north line of 5th South prevent ov¢r.lnnig and assiar nor,ball vehicle Immediately prior Ars drivL : ed n enema f N limits shall be y ore mmotngw any provision f this"provided 8tteet. Me east b the t line f V sidewalk or oo Me eddeVr 1., -rime facie evidence that the peed is not de Y vehicle or apparatus [the gore or C. 14g [raffle. t here then penalty provided Y the a apply non ny especially or any rot any polleethe¢ patrol a SEC. 1405. ( MATERIAL ehen be punished by five y leas 2nd East Street. and the t by desiRaat.for use by troika. m dinR'across any alleyway ',sable or:prudent and that it is un ambulance. emergency crew PLACED ON STREET. (a? No person _ the eat line of West Temple Street- No parson driving a ehicle shall, driveway. I w[ul: of the terworks departmentw r rev shall throw of deposit upon av highway' ta300m by imprisonment toos [to ear P (ge 'teed shins,or D both such ine 0 (c) The Commissioner of Public Safety overtaking Street car,electric trolley SEG-13T2. RIGHT OF WAY. I. 1, TWENTY MILES PER HOUR. s.,lire.pohratue shall, when SIX- any class bottle, lass. ils, tacks, imprisonment. la herebyauthorized and directed to in- toads, mterurdav Tway pe train, driver Of vehicle approaching ;'Loa meeting o overtaking any hool hated. immedfatelY top ch vehicle s or other substance lik<1- SECTION 2, In the opinion of the Board stall meters le ll parking meter z saes to the left thereof, r except when leraectiov shall yield Me r�t to5w.' whom in etopp.•on the highway possible o the right hand curb f to e, as y in person, animal, or veniele f Com sal hOnen, of is ',memory to the hereby established orhereafter reared street a trans, electric trolley wachea vehicle itch ban sere t�e,lots T. Wlpoae f r i.g dischargnl such street; norshall such chicle be upon,s ch higway, ,peace,health and safety of Me habitants C by the Boa. of Commissioners for the interurban railwcy cars operated from a different h ttre- I •r i•7.1n thNdren,pmt d.o,atiah hoot Oa}.until such apohmfue Polic patmL b) Any person who d*ons.or pe m£:s f Salt Lake Coty that this ordinan e of and i such hampers and t along Me right side edge t the street. fb) When two vehicles eater& Dears upon Me[rout and[ inereof e v ctt ur4 han[ire le ratan, to be drupled or throw^, upon a high- became ffectss•e immediallly. f` ctb places as in Tis figment m y be SEC. 1h66. LANED HIGHWAYS. aet[iov from different hlglswaya '1 Plainly v4.. Lgv covfandha the words Oe+R-�re.e 2.a RE s ^a<aed LF�seat. Y any destructive r injurious material .SECTION 3. This o dinanee seal take necessary o the regulation, control and Whenever r roadway has been divided M time the driver [tie`veb'., .•1 Bus'• to tern t less than four sr SEC.1392. REARevIEW ORSTR shall immediately r o Um e o effect apt,„its first publication. pei0n of Me parking Of vehicles into three clearly marked lanes the left sbaII yield the riot ot-wari `I Socha in height-which can be re ov. ED. No person Shall drive a vehicle when cause it to be remove Passed by Me Board f Commissioner thereon, or traffic the following les on ddition vehicle the eight _-.I covered when the oinks 4 not n use it fa so loaded o when there are in the 'fel Any person rem 'R a wrecked o f Salt Lake City Utah.of 26th day of - (d) Parking meters installed,in park- for all others consistent ivherewith shall. (cl The foregoing rules Oachool pus. a front Set auto r umber of•persona, ex- damaged vehicle from av highway shall r June. A. D. 1941. meter z a shall be Placed ,'non pply: f .rough Nghwa-s ads Dane When passing a school building or the a ens teret, .obstruct the view xe m an glass, oil o other injurious • - I Me curb immediately adjacent to the in- fa) A vehicle shall be driven a nearly hereinafter led 1n this DaptRr': da hereof during senwl recess or the driver to'the [runt orside rin the substance-dropped upon the hlahways from AB Jy Retor .. le Mayor. dividual and each R spnoehin�ermollyer snail as andpahalicaLoenfbe entirely•vicRon t agch lane t1 eTlon doitendmg oyturaa u, : . hoof during a R0 a too reCleaving venicll o cas to terore wih the driver's such 'chicle. p -ETHEL MACDONALD,City Recorder. g t a o closing hour: trot o r tie drivng mechanism of Me SEC.1406.FAILING TO STOP AT-AC- Bill No. 31, ber so constructed and adjust. as to until Me eti yw has Sint axertmved that artall Yield the rigntolway to war •via.,that the vchief of pollee may re control v CIDENT. REPORT, (a) The driver of Published June 28, 1943• • • - . 31_