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31 of 1942 - Amending section 874 Revised Ordinance 1934, organization and salaries Police Department
ROLL C LL 1 VOTING Salt Lahe Citp, Utah, JV� �y 1 2 194 I move that the ordinance he passed. Keyser - - - - Mathee - - - v" . NIcConkie igt,moa Tedes a - - Mr.Chairman - —_ RDINANCE Result - - AN ORDINANCE' AMEpiNG SECTION 875 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City;` Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 10, 1934; October 6, 1937; January 12, 1938; December 5, 1939; November 19, 1940; September 17, 1941; February 19, 1942; and April 28, 1942; relat- ing to the Police Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 10, 1936: October 6, 1937; Janu- ary 12, 1938; December 5, 1939; November 19, 1940; September 17, 1941; February 19, 1942; and April 28, 1942; relating to the Police Department, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 875. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Police Depart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the Board of Commis- sioners, within the limit specified: Not to exceed: Chief of Police, who shall be head of • the Police Department . . . . . . . . . $4200.00 Inspector 3000.00 2 Captains 2760.00 1 Superintendent of First Aid and Safety 2460.00 1 Superintendent of Detective Bureau . . 2580.00 1 Superintendent of Records 2460.00 1 Assistant Superintendent of Records . 2280.00 1 Secretary to Chief of Police 2460.00 1 Supervisor of Instruction 2460.00 6 Lieutenants 2460.00 1 Radio Technician 2340.00 12 Sergeants 2280.00 3 Radio Operators 2220.00 Patrolmen, First Grade 2100.00 ° Patrolmen, Second Grade 1980.00 Patrolmen, Third Grade 1860.00 Patrolmen, Fourth Grade 1740.00 Policewomen, First Grade . . . 1860.00 Policewolhek, Second Grade 1740.00 Policewonen,Third Grade 41620.00 Clerks, male, first grade . . . . . . . . 2100.00 Clerks, male, second grade 1080.00 Clerks, male, third grade 1860.00 Clerks, female, first grade 1560.00 Clerks, female, second grade 1440.00 Clerks, female, third grade 1320.00 1 Police matron 1260.00 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect i«miediately. SECT1O . This + +inance 11 tak_feet at once upon ~ ; •7 its first public, � on. -- .3 Bo. ■r Passedjrh of Come 3'i= *rs ' 'salt Take City, rii '•- vt ,px G � ='1 e' Utah, this q o r4 ' '-,:. _ 1-'',--A,�'U 1942i' .lif , 411&,i .11 1. ...,� .},.,w.-( . �;:, Mayor. City Recorder. G. „ ff • t- ., V .rl - - - ..., . t..., , . , ii,... „ ` r a x- .. f .., c... k e J i' t a Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Leo H. Yo>3n_g Legal Notice • Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- AN ORDINANCE vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION '818-of the Revised Ordinances of Salt' i.:..Lake.Clty,Utah,1034,ne amended by ordi. eons passed by the Board of Commie published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State stoners'on November 10,I030:October 8, I o37:January 12,1030:December 6,10311; of Utah. • November 19, 1940; September 17, 1041; February 10,1842:and April 78,1042;rn Iatine to the Pollee Department, I Be It ordained by the Board of Com-i missiooers of Salt Lake City, Utah: That the advertisement Ordinance Bill No. 31 SECTION 1. That Section 876 of the - -- r'Revised 34, as a of Salt Lek° City, 1 ' Utah, by a menfeC by non Deese.by the Board of Commissioners 8. 1; - relating to the Police Department ..November 10, lDec October 1I. ; N:Jan.1 - tery 9. 19 JB: September 8. ,BBB; Novem- ber IB, 1B191 Septdmber 11, 1041: Fre- iatln9 Loy the47Pollee Department,be'and I Salt Lake City ' ' the MIME is hereby amended to read,a t • follows: "SEC.876.ORGANIZATION AND SAT.-t ARIES. The,Police Department of Salt O6,,ke City hell consist of the following • oYficere, whose a eel eelariee.ehnll be as fixed by the Board of Commissioners, - ,within the limit specified: was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Not to exceed: Chief of Pollee, who shall be .,Inheaetoof the Police Department 04200.00 B 10th day of June A.D. 1942....- a 2 Captains 2760.00 1 Superintendent of First Aid and Safety 2400.00 Once ' 1 superintendent of Detective Bn- 1 and was published 2580.00 1rSuperintendent of Records.. 2400.00 f), 1R000ede"` B°0`ri"ten°°"t of 2280.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 1 Secretary to Chief of Police 2400.00 1 Suqpervisor of Instruction 2460.00 • 6 Lieutenants 2960.00 1 10th day of June -.-.-._--...A,D. 1942- t Radio Technician 2n40.00 .--. • 12 Radio nL 2340.00 3 Radio Operators 2220.00 Patrolmen, First-Grade 2100.00 i Patrolmen, Second Grade 1960.00 Patrolmen, Third Grade... 1860.00 Patrolmen, Fourth Grade - ' 1240.00 Adv" tising Clerk. Policewomen,First Grade 180000 - -Policewomen, Second Grade 1740.00 Policewomen, Titled tirade 1820.00 c Clerks, Male, First Grade I 2100.00 I 1 Clerks, Male, Second Grade 1080.00 I Clerks, Male, Third Grade 1860.00 ' Clerks,Female,First Grade.. 1580.00 , Clerks,'emale. Second Grade 1440.00 ' 12th 'Clerks, Female, Third Grade 1220.00 1 Pollee Matron 1Boar0 Ile f ore me this day of SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners It le necessary to the • 42 'lassie'of sale i kea Wets, tl;attihle"mHi- A.D. 19 ante shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3, This ordinance shall take effect at-Once upon its 11ret publication, • Passed by the•Board 1'Commissioners of Sall Lake. City. Utah, ill. Oth day of-June,A.D.1042, 1, AB JENKINS, ETHEL MCDONALD,fS A _ Notary Public, Mayor. tyLl Recorder, DILL Published 2June 10. 1642, h I i.I 11::i • 1 4V,.. 8 Z-0 0.. © % : ,,,,...iz , ....._ v.--,) ,??.'. I "Z a ct zz _ co ,-•- ,? i.a• P0 ° :77---- 1 1