31 of 1944 - Amending Section 5705 of the Revised Ordinance 1944, relating to fees for street excavation " � r Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney .. �. Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5705 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 5705 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to streets, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 5705. PERMITS, APPLICATIONS, BONDS, FEES. (A) No permit for any street excavation shall be issued until written application therefor has been made to the supervisor of streets and irrigation, signed by the party making the excavation or by the party at whose instance it is to be made; nor until the applicant has filed with the supervisor of streets and irriga- tion a bond of indemnity to the city, with sureties to be ap- proved by the board of commissioners, conditioned that the per- son making the excavation will erect and maintain about said ex- cavation, and until the street is restored to its normal condi- tion, sufficient guards, signals, barricades and lights, to pre- 3 1. vent accident, and will, as soon as may be after the completion'9 4 of said work, restore said street to the same condition in which it existed prior to said excavation, and will remove rocks, dirt and rubbish from the street, and will save the city harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, demands or damages, for any and all injuries to person or property arising in any manner out of or by reason or any such excavation. Such bond shall be in the sum of five thousand dollars, for excavations in all streets; provided, however, that whenever paving, macadam, oil mat or gravel rock is removed in the process of any street exca- 31 -2- vation, such paving or macadam, oil mat or gravel rock must be replaced by the supervisor of streets and irrigation or under his direction and to his satisfaction, and at the ex- ppnse of the party making the excavation at the rates as set out in paragraph (B) of this ordinance if the work is done by the city; and,provided further, that any person operating in or using any of the streets under a franchise, or any person who in the pursuit of his regular calling, has frequent occa- sion to open or make excavations in the public streets, shall file a bond with corporate surety in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned as above, to cover all excavations, made for a period of one year from the date or filing, but permits for all excavations, except for the replacement of street rai - way rails and ties in unpaved streets, must be applied for and issued before it shall be lawful to make any such excava- tions; provided further, that in excavating through asphalt or cement, or beneath stone blocks, the excavation shall be c t perpendicularly at the sides and ends from the surface, the full length and width of all excavations to the necessary dep.h; on top of the back-filling tnere shall be placed a base of stone or concrete, as the case may be, uniform in constructio and in depth with the base of said pavement, and on top there.f shall be placed a sand joint one-half inch in thickness, and .he balance of said excavation filled with cement mortar in the proportion of one part cement to two parts sand, flush with tYe ?? pavement, all of such construction conforming in character of O. materials and workmanship with the city+s specifications for street paving, and in all cases, whether the excavation is ma.e through asphalt or otherwise, in back-filling the material usod for that purpose shall be thoroughly sprinkled and tamped, or a sufficient quantity of water used to properly settle the ma terial so used; and after completing an excavation and back- filling, all dirt, rocks and rubbish shall be removed from the street; provided, further, that failure on the part of any pe - son to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, shx -3.- be a sufficient reason for the supervisor of streets and irri gation refusing a permit to excavate in the streets of this city; provided further, that no excavation shall be permitted to remain open in any street of the city for a longer period than ten days. If any of the provisions of this ordinance are violated the supervisor of streets and irrigation may fill an such excavation or do anything else necessary or proper to re pair said street at the expense of the person making the same. (B) The supervisor of streets and irrigation shall chard: and collect, upon issuing a permit ander Sections 5704 and 5705, the following fees and charges, to-wit: For excavating across or at any angle over any side- walk or in any public street, alley way or thoroughfare, permit Yee $2 08 Inspection and replacement, fee 4 0 Provided further, that in the case of public service cor porations, the supervisor of streets and irrigation may, in lieu of the fees provided for above, charge and collect, upon issuing any permit, the following fees and charges, to-wit: For excavating in any cement sidewalk, permit fee . $2.0 For each square foot or part thereof •2 For excavating in any paving or macadam street, 2 Of permit fee 2 0f For each square foot or part thereof For excavating in any heavy oiled streets, permit fee2.0' For each square foot or part thereof For excavating in any dust-oiled streets, permit fee 2.08 For each square foot or part thereof For excavating in any street, alley or public pro- :A 2 O, perty not classified above, permit fee For inspecting work where there is no oil, as,halt, macadam or cement paving, for each 100 linear feet or portion thereof 2.00 Provided further, that in case the excavation is to be made across or at an angle over any street, alley or thorough fare hereinafter referred to and is to be made by the use of . trenching machine or pull shovel)except in cases of public se,- vice corporations in this section hereinbefore provided for, the supervisor of streets and irrigatien shall, in lieu of ;.h= fees provided for above, charge and collect upon issuing any permit, the following fees and charges, to-wit: tit For excavating in any public street, alleyway or thoroughfare which has been, in whole or in part, paved, oiled, macadamized, graveled, or otherwise improved by the city, ardiess of whether such p , -4- excavation may or may not traverse the or any part of the paved, oiled, macadamized or graveled or otherwise improve&part of such street, alleyway or thoroughfare, permit fee $2.0 For inspection, resurfacing and maintenance 30 01 No permit snail be issued where the excavation is to be done by a machine other than a trenching machine or a pull shovel and then only where the bucket on such machine or shovel has a cutting width of not to exceed 30 inches. No such ma- chine J% or shovel and no machine used in back-filling shall be equipped with rqr use cleats, spikes or Q r protruding parts coming in cont4ct, with e strit'ace hen such machine, <•' shovel or ()the!, ac1`rine pis in and violation of this 4 provision shalt o;e ,% ffici�nt Sh4 revocation by the is.E, �;t� supervisor of tiriee .all rrig i of'/permit granted fi hereunder. ij „„. Permits mast be e*BLbited fit' •excavation at all times. (C) The exaction and payment df any of the fees and charges mentioned in paragraph (B) of this ordinance shall not relieve the person granted a permit from his liability to the city for any damage done to the street, alleyway or thorough- fare or to any city property, arising from his operation in pursuance of such permits other than providing and placing a 31- permanent street surface topping over the cut made in the sur- face of the street, alleyway or thoroughfare in making such 3l excavation. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Beard of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ci , Utah, this q t day of , A.D. v4. g14ayor. !?�� V, -tie, City Recorder. lwnf of nbltrtt#tnn *atied*rain at America STATE OF UTAH Ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE M.CONNOR • being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,State of Utah. That the Notice ....A,N..ORDINANCE.EILL_#3 of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper in its issue dated the let JULY 44 day of , 19 , and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on JULY 1st for thereafter, the full period of 1 TIME the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Ist day of JULY , A. D. 19 44 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3RD day of FAY , A. D. 19.44 \ J � l Notary Push, My commission expires Nov.25,1945 Advertising fee$ 31 • nonce are Violated the supervisor Of streets and Irrigation may fill any such excavation or do anything 61ae necessary or-proper to repair aa}d 'n n street at the expense of the person making the same, (B) The supervisor of streets and irrigation shall charge and collect, upon Issuing a permit under Sections 5704 and 5705,the following fees and - charges,to-w•lt, For excavating.acrosa or at any '•' angle over any sidewalk or • n any public street, alley AN ORDINANCE. mil way fee r thoroughfare, per-• 6 2.00 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- Inspection 4.00 ection and replacement, an TION 3705 of the Revised Ordlnces of Salt L Cilty,Utah, 1944,relating Provided further,that In the case • to atreeisf. - of public service corporations, the Be ttt•d,;'1...by the Board of Com- supervisor of streets and Irrigation 'mioslon.,,:-. --Lake City,Utah: may,In lieu of the fees provided for • SECTI.` t Section 5705 of the above, charge and collect, upon is- ' ,Revised ' of Salt Lake City, suing any permit,the following fees .'Utah I,.' to street;, be and and charges, to-wit: the am, -:1of amended to read For excavating in a e y cement se fo110 aldewalk,permit fee $2i00 "SEC.. !PERMITS, APPLICA- Fore h square foot or part TIONS, FEES. (A) No per- thereof mit for .t excavation shall be For excavating in any.paving Issued tl ten application there- or macadam street, permit for has, -e to the aupeovisor fee 2.00 `of stile'Y.` 'W.'Mallon, signed by For each square foot or part _ the P .i i,, the excavation or thereof 1.00 by the, hose'instance it is For excavating In any heavy , to b,(10111 i tjl.the applicant oiled streets,permit fee 2.00 "'has filed L supervisor of For each square foot or part st a itsy sy7I•, q i°py bond of In- thereof 50 'd mhtty , y1,r'fgl sureties to For excavating In any dust- be atop , •ekppppp�[rd of coin- oiled streets,permit fee 2.00 misslon ned°that the per- For each square foot or part 'eon m , ..':Vatlbn will erect thereof .25 and •a '••gpldd-excavation For excavating 1n any street„ and un le r...toted to its alley or public'property not' n mat 1• c guards, classified above permit fee. 2.00 - ven le c' i 1 If'-f toapre- For inspecting work here ant{x�d0 57'1•111 ,Y moo there 1s nooil, asphalt, ma Ve .rt ld itad mid macadam or cement paving, woryy11yy�YYee tli, for each 100 linear feet or ontlll"b - ' _•t-a prior portion thereof 2,00 to sold remove Provided further,that In case the racks F' rp , from the excavation is to be made across or t e t a!4, ,' harmless at angle over any street alley or •1r a') I liabilities, thoroughfare hereinafter referred to • demand =f"r t.7'pany and all and is to be made by the use of a thlanlea. nept operty'arising trenching machine or pull shovel,ex- ' In any m 'a'isr by reason of cent in cases of public service for- any suns .Such bond shall potations In this section herelnbefore b in .,t-'' 've thousand eol- provided for,the supervisor of streets lore r', fo•'',,,,_•_,. na 1n all streets; and Irrigation shall, In lieu of the ,, pro ided _'. , that whenever fees provided for above.. charge and Paving, •it mat or gravel collect Upon issuing any permit,the rock le the process of any following fees and charges,to-wit: street ' such paving For excavating In any public maoade ILL Met or gravel. rock street,which aY or thorough- mU t b :C a supervisor of fats has been In ▪t to ,rr or under his whole or In part,paved,oiled, dtrectl '•'!" to, s satisfaction,and macadamized, graveled, or at the ex•'j-•:- the party making therwise Improved by the - "lie.exeava/4,at the rates as set out city, regardless of whether 'In paragra• ,(B)of this ordinance If ' such excavation may or may the work Is-'done by the city; and, not traverse the or any part - previded Lather, that any person of the paved,oiled mahada- _ o operating or using any f the mised rgraveled or ther- treeta under a franchise,or any per- wise improved part of such :son who In the pursuit of his regu- street,alleyway or thorough- lar willing,has frequent occasion to fare,permit fee 9 2,00 open Or make excavations In the pub- For inspection.resurfacing and lit streets,shall file a bond with co- maintenance 30.00 porate surety in the sum of ten thou- No permit shall be issued where Band dollars, conditioned as above, the excavation,is to be done by a h otrodcover all excavations,made for chine other than a trenching ma- '_ period ofo one year from the data of chine ore pull shovel and then only filing,but permits for all excavations, where the bucket on such machine except for the replacement o1 street r shover has utting width ac not street y most sad ied for unsaved to shovel 3a inches.No machine machine before,must be applied and issued or shovel and i ma equip used tra before it shall excavations;be lap de mfue hey ortgofilling shall otheregh pr with that excaatiprovidedasphalt aller, or$p cleats,spikesI contacto wittrthe _ that in• cement, excavating through asphalt ing alcott parts coming a witha the'- th fexcava orshallbeneath stone blocks, street outface Mach such maotioe,' the excavation aide and Cut endsfrom shovel a or other machine is In motion, ,- thedic surface,r a,the oll length froth bed a ficient a ofa0 this he a shell tfeil-von the full ton the and width be by the r is for the reVOca- df p ail- nav op of to the ch-filling ton by the supervisor of streets.and �l e on top the back-filling irrigation of any permit granted here- there cretl be placed a base of atone under. • concrete,co as the case may be, t- Permitsxca must be it times. at piece Iran set of sd and Ine depth of excavation at all ines. "Witt the hoes of soldllpavement,and (C) The exaction and paymentioOf on topo one-half shall be placed a sand any a the fees end of tg mrdinance Joint balance�ofl said in and in paragraph ve) of this ordinance Lion rton shall not f relieve the persontgranted with cementpartmorttr s two proportion 0001. a permit nym-his'a liability to the '- of one thtcement m two partsof eared, city for alleyway damage done.0 a 'the.,;:; flush with the pavement,.allcharacter Hoch stre , city p oy or thi.in gfrom' is ofnmaterion C tl workg an hi to any city property, ei from Per- - Of materiels antl workmanship street withv- mit,operationoche In npursuancerovidi'of such png —,- the,C ty'sand eIn all oasestions for aethsr pave a p rm.ent reetltlurf and placing y-a excavation and to all ceech tugh as Lot a permanent street Suhecs topping of OrOtherWI le made through asphalt her the cut'made In the songs of^• se ial used ee, in back-filling the l be the street, alleyway a cora thoroughfare thoai usey for that pardote spell be In king each excavation. thoroughly sprinkled andoftamped,or SECTION Commissioners,2 the opt neon of the"' • 6 apesp sip settle t(e- water used Board of Ith-a it Is ty of arY the t0 pp'byatty ettle the-material so In the pp c hoop'.en sa{ety t the .) 0av5t1,etttl after totitp0 00. n z- ordinance eve of ms L°`6ke CRy tIOt this andr book-filling,_all dirt, te become 'eKletiv0,imm4dl. , racks and rubbish pn alt,be removed atety. ... Prom the street; provided, further, SECTION 3. This ordinance shall,•, that failure on the part of any per- take effect upon Its first publication, eon to comply with any of tli0 pro- Passed by the Beard of Utah, misefon- vlffiofs of this hfor ,],`shall'be a ors of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 29th sufficient reason for the superr day of June,A.D.1944. Of streets and Irrigation refusing a EARL J:GLADE. .-- permit,to excavate in the streets of Mayor. tole mclty;provided,further,that no IRMA F. , excavation shall be permitted to re- City Recorder math open In any street of the city (SEAL) Sit Mr a longer period than ten days. BILL NO.31. If any of the provleloas of this omit- Published July 1st,ISM. PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM Mle OttIt Ear ZeIrgraut /-/ County Entry No