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31 of 1946 - Annexation Extending the limits of Salt Lake City
VOTING AYE NAY -,1 AY I R 12,4rs Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck Matheson — I move that the ordinance be passgtk �r Romney • Tedesco ?. Mr.Chairman . . j/Y AN ORDINANCE Result v AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. a. I. WHEREAS, on the llth day of April, 1946, there was filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 339 by Wm. E. Naylor and Emily T. Naylor, the owners of real property situated in the tract hereinafter described, requesting that said tract of —t aJ 4 land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused c 3 an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the Salt Lake City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of said City; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract .a �•v of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should 4- be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city "a`+-:, limits of said Salt Lake City, accordingly. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commission- s ers of Salt Lake City, Utah: S= b 1 SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be . t-4 and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include 5 the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 17, Blk. 15, to Five Acre Plat ICI, Big Field Survey, thence north 287.1 ft., thence west 561.0 ft. to present city boundary line, thence south along said boundary line 287.1 ft., thence east 561.0 ft. to the ppint of beginning; and that the same has been correi �y staked out upon the ground .s -2- • as shown upon the map or plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential 'AI . AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shal ( thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential TA' as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are eaet.ended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract op- land and the' streets, blocks, alley- and ways of said tractshall controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regtiationg of said city in that behalf and the monuments of the'City fnkjHeer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of l¢d2,tons and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as provid- ed in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the op inion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants 'of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective im- ►ned.iately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon fits first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners •% s/t Lake City, to this /,id day of , A.D.. 1•.;.• / Cr or. City tecorder. 1 1 I ' ro A 14,04/ r N ik is. a �' fr.! 1159403, � _o;- JUN 2 1949 Recorded at Request© at).y tvi/Fee p�'d $ D'�= Hazel TaggartCh,Reoorder Salt Lake County,Utah �S Z " ey._ 4 A'''e--_—.Dep. look l0 4 3 Page R 3C.t�1'/,t,L 7/ue,tl o F AN ORDINANCE beend Prrec ly snaked out upon the tn s amon man or A ORDINANCE EXTENDING plat. THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE A1•:DND BE E aIT w FUROTHER f E a above ORDAIN- CITY. WHEREAS, on the 11th day of scribed property be and is hereby April, 1946, there was filed with as Residential'A'. the City Recorder of Salt Lake City zoned AND BE I'T FURTHER ORDAIN- Petition No. 339 by Wm. E. Nay- ED and declared that when this o for and Emily J. Naylor. the own- dinanee takes effect the said tract of f real property situated in the land above. described shall thence- tracta hereinafter described, quest- forth be within the corporate limits Mg that sa ft tract of land be tak- of said Salt Lake City and zoned as en within the limits of Salt Lake Residential'A' as in the ordinance Cite, and also caused an accurate provided,and all Ordinances.I ris- ae or plat to be made and certified auctions.rules sod obligations of or to by a competent surveyor and ap. Pertaining to said Salt Lake City are proved by the Salt Lake City En extended over and made applicable ginccrrr to be filed with the City Re- and ne.liaenf to the id tract of land and the streets. blocks, alleys eoWHEREAS.the said tract of land and ways f said tract shall be con- is n tt g u o u s to Salt Lake City trolled and governed by the or. and there is no proper reason why <finances, rules and regulations of it chopld not be annexed to and and city in that behalf and the men• P a n do part of said city; and aments of the City Engineer shall WHEREAS, the Board of Come thenceforth be taken therein as the mof Salt Lake City, after standard of locations and distances. examining n vom oningrs said petition of said SECTION 2. Upon the passage of of said tract of land and this ordinance the el Ly Recorder of considering the cireumstances there- Sail Lake City shall file and she is of.voted by unanimous vote of all hereby directed to file with the embers of said board in favor of County Recorder of Salt Lake Copnle annexing said tract of land to Salt a cope of the m or plat above Lake City and ul rlibceted that an or- knowledge.] duly provided and - iny eti should be passed annex- mentioned, ce provided in such held territory ofd extension s. tog Linn with a certified copy of:he city limits of said Salt Lake of this 3.In the o Pinion of the City. HERE. t NOW. - by Boar BE 0 OR- Board of peace.heal It anal n RAINED by the is Board of ahmmis- o ry to the peace.health safety stoners t Salt Lobe City,Utah: [the It natc of allt comake City SECTIONSalt I. That the to limits that this ordinance shall become of of Salt Lake tend be and the latcSEC ON 4,This e hereby extended f o ng dese same SECTION at ordinance kilt include l:the Salt Coun- take-effect a.oncenon its shall ed tract Of land In Salt Lake Coma- mblssed b. the Board of Commis" ty, eiaoie; r of enPnysed by Lot g17, lath.ing t 15, Fiv the e Acre st rnePlat 14th daot f May. A. City,. 11946'this 'C'. Big Field Survey. thence north u EARL S.GLADE. 287.1 ft., thence west 561.0 ft'to present city boundary line, thence (SEAL) IRMA F.BITNER. south along said boundary line 287.1 City Recorder ft.,thence east 561.0 ft.to the point BILL NO.31. of beginning:and that the same has Published May 17th,1946. STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Frank A. Shields, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 14, 1946 40a as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this.„ day of June,_ I-949 *ger (SEAL) SILL NO..,31 of 1946 Chief Sep y City Re order. 17th, 1946 Fox Published May "' 4:- „S- • iQ42t745 �V MAY 2 8 1948 recorded at Req eat f --_ � ,-, Li`i'f"r--e 1 1� "" '" Qornelia S. Lund,RecorderS.L.I�ounty,Utah 4. � �,. �� __. B^ok �Pa e ;ef• .ZP• `. AN ORDINANCE been ro recoly staked out u n the ground as shown upon the man or A O R D I N AN C E EXTENDING plat_ THELIMITS OF SALT I.AICE AND HE IT FURTHER ORDAIN. CITY, ED that the whole of the above de- WHEREAS, on the Ilth day of scribed property be and is hereby April, 1946, there was filed with soiled as Residential'A'. the City Recorder of Salt Lake City AND RE IT FURTHER ORDAIN- Petition No. 339 by Wm, E. Nay- ED and&Oared that when this o for and Emily J. Naylor, the o elinanee lakes effect the said tract of ors of real property situated in the land above, described shall thence- tract hereinafter described, request- forth be within the corporate limits oew g that said tract of land be tak- of said Solt Lake.City and zoned as n within the: limits of Salt Lake Residential 'A' sin the urdinanee City, and also caused a rate provided,and all ordinances,jrie- t or plat to be made and certified Motions,rides and obligations ofl o to by a surveyor competent s and a nrtalning to said Salt Lake City are proved by the Salt Lake City En uell pled o and made applicable if grnonr to be[fled with the City Re- and pertinent l to the said treat eof s corderW . land and the id tract b halls, alleys Won t i p u the said tract land and w of said tract shall be con- , b-n on eta LakeSalt why Molledes. el ned by thy o ,tad should o proper r why dame mite, nthil t and t sdlatlens of • it .eo add not be annexed stoli and lad lcity in that behalf and the shall made part of saidoard of mmecef cl the City Engineer shall 11 WHEREAS, the Lake le Cam- thenceforth be locations taken thereon to the missioners of Salt eake City. after shSECTI of becUpone and aisa ercf examining said petition of of mildand ord.: 2. Upon the I of of said tract to land and this ordke nee the City Recorder of slated the c. uto cote there-all Salt Lake City shall o file and she is neeiohcro by a vote a all hereby directed In file L with County rnexing of d tract unanimous of In favor itf ConntY la) rder n y Lake Cobote said tract to land to SOIL of the m Ulna above Lake ianeCity houl df renal thatmentioned,, dilly certified and I hoe sa should be heal knot. ducel a evicted eerysaid • Cliv, cor linens of saiA Salt Lake of thisON 3.Ill City, a o HERE SECTION 3-In the opinion of the NOW, the Boar of o OR- Hoard of.voter.heal it i Donets o S tee Hoard of Commis- f v to thee it:ec s health and safety sloleers of Sail Lake Lithe.Utah; of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City SECTION 1.That the cite limits that this ordinance shall become e[ or Suit ite.Ice tCityend be and the fe SEC i ee4.Thin e hcrehy le Chef and rigenlargeddesc isob- SECTION 4. This ordinance shall erof l the Sal hale Conn- taketinbl effect ion. t, once upon Its hest t l tract of land in Salt halm Conn- publication. n ty,ginnin Pulsed by the Hoard,ofUtah,Commlis Dot;IT St k. Lhe southeast cower of yf f t Lake City,Ii. this Wooers Lot Id,, Stk. 15, leave Acre nPlatorth 14th day of May.R. D. 1LA, 2tI Big Field Survey, thence ft. th EARL J.GLADE. __ 289,E ft,i thence west ine.p he er Mayor. south city boundary line. thence ISEALI IRMA F.13 Resod oath slant;said boundary t iolat City Recorder if,thence east 6610 It.to theme has DILL. iah 31. of beRiuning;sari that the same hae Published May I'lth, I998. JY, r 111 1'''1a y k ,..I 4.6 I_r VN & 21 4i, 1042054 ., .� �,,4 AN ORDINANCE, been correctly staked out upon the bI--) nand as ahown Upon Inc man or 6�\; O It I N AN C S.EXTENDING plat. ''Pt! LIMITS OF SALT LAKE AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN- O tto p CEPY ED I.ltat the whole of the above de- O WHEREAS, on the 11th day f scribed property betad is hereby Z+\n P ttte City ORocorlter ofwSaltltLake City yoANI12"rft TeFURTHER ORDAIN- „ v' Petition No. 339 by Wm. E. Nay- ED and declared that when this or- ,,,,, Alm.and Emily J. Naylor. the own- dlnance takes effect the said tract of gl �" ence- ,S1 tract ors o real properl f described. in forth be above the lad described the rec sorateltllimits N ping that said tract of land be lak- andzonedsaid pa Cilwithin the limits of Salt Lake Residential-A' as in the orilinanre ty. and also caused an are grate provided,and all ordinances, luris- • p or plat to be made and certified ,fictions.role,,and ohlipa tiooe of or , to by a competent surveyor and p. pertaining to said Sall Lake City a proved by the Salt Lake CA" En ended over and made applicable n err to be filed with the City Re- and pertinent to the said tract of ri corder bed and the streets, blocks, alleys m 'and g o,the said tract f land and was n i f saidshall he cnn- es o n t n F n o n s to er r Lake City anolled and governed tract by the loand there ie o proper reason why dinances, rules and regulations of o it choold to be annexed s to and and oily n that behalf and the mon- C] P nt de a part of said city: and n cots of the City Engineer shall WHEREAS, thy Boani of Com- thenecforth be taken therein as the missioners :m of Salt Lake City, after sldard of locations and distances. .,ex amining said petition of said SECTION 2.Upon the passage of owners of mid tract of land and Ibis ordinance the City Recorder of r voted the.circumstances there- San Lake shall file and she is Q.l of.voted by unanimous vote of all hereby directed to file with the �l� i..members of said board in favor of County Recorder of Salt fake County said tract of land to Salt copy f the.map r plat above 4.-r, I Lakex Otty and inserted that an or-annex- mentioned. duly certified and am d'(finance should be passed blowierI 1 provided ey F e l territory and the extension oases together th withcertified copy I 'ter citylimits of said Salt Lake of this d • City. aceordinglan SECTION 3 In the opinion NOW THEREFOE, BE IT OR Board f L it _ t tree N PAINED by tl a Board of Commis sary to the ncaec,health and safety gioners of Salt(sake City.Utah: f the inhabitants of Salt Lake City i. SECTION 1. That the eIty limits that this ordinance shall become of of Salt Lake City be and the d (active nedintcly. ,im hereby extended i and enlarged mso e SECTION 9. This ordinanac hall �����1��\...\\\ elude the folllowing desedb- take effect at once upon its first `Ija T.ad tract of laud In Salt Lake Coon- publication. ty,to-wic: Passed by the Board of Commis- J N Beginning at the southeast corner of hi of Salt Lake City,Utah,this '.p: \ n Lot 17, Mlle, 15, Five Acre Plat 141hiflay of May. A. D. 1996. <1 f' 'C'. Big Field bleary, thence north EARL,f.GLADE. 287,1 ft.. thence. west 581.0 ft. to Mayor, �J1 1 south present city long saiditboundary line 287.1 ndary line. thence (SEAL) IRMA CCityITNER. Recorder cT ` It.,thence east 561.0 ft.to the point DILL NO.31. If a' ,of beginning,and that the same has Publishml May 17th, 1996. F STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Irma F. Bitner , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City" May passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 14th, 1946 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 22c1 day of May, 1946 12502froc_. (SEAL) 3,921/2--A-) .cY/ ,- • .BILL NO. 31 City Recorder. May 17th, 'Published 1946 •,; • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 98 County of Salt Lake • Legal Notices - D M ockey AM,DRDSNANCE • A OS D I N ANON,EXTENDING :THE MY. :ucTa ,or gAlr L"xE• Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- WHEREAS,•on the-11th slayw of ik�ettr04econiere°t was Lake City vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Petition'No, 330 by Wm,.E. Nay- 1 lor.and Emly..L.Naylor. She'°wn- ,etr f real property eitnnted to the . published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State tract hereinafter described,' noels- ins that said lift ct of land be lak- 'en within the limits of Salt Lake of Utah. CIL9,and also'caused'an accurate to loan or plat td be made and°sallied to by a°emnetentsurveyor and e. ',proved efi daw h Citytau' That the advertisement racer to be e S It With the ty Re- eeoer, ' • WHEREAS,the told tract f land Is cent'6 uon s to Salt Lake City (lrriinance Bill No 11 yy a therm to a ann r gqeon _ It heard t S s y "made part bfsaid city; add WHEREAS,f alt Board t Coto- ; Salt Lake City Corporation eianonoy f salt Lake Eg, aster cmrs s• d Petition of said amideof is irceg of land'end considering the circumstance.vote of all of,voted by.t board vote of all • emers'soBaldnd oafd in favor t -m anneal.*Mid}Tare of land to Salt 1 Lake„City and directed that an ory dd{{ should be paaeea nn x- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the gips. oil bent. d the tenake ee1(ha,rt?tylS1-litNte ol�eaid Salt Lake a NOW, THygliA PORM'AR''1T AR- 'Done re of Salt Lake°Cerlty,ofJtehmmte- day of- A.D. 19 ti SECTION 1.Th t the city:limits of salt Lake City'bead the me May 17 1946 are hereb; ktehded d enlarged ao and was published ! to Include the folll°wipe deecrib- ed tract of land in Slit Lake Conn- • &tanning at the a ntheaat corner of Lot.17,Elk,15, Five Acre Plat ....the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the E/x Field Survey,thence north. 52S7.1 ft.,c thence eat ad1,0-ft.to presentcity bonndery lino thence day of A.D. 19 south along said boundary lane 9e7.3 -ft„thence met ee1,0 ft.to the point et beginning:and that the same hoe Been as Ste ensued°i nnep the Ce�G yam`_ • proas shown anon the,man — plat. ., or AND HE IT FHRTHEet bove de- Advertising Clerk ____ ace that the whole b{nd above Ae. s )bad property be.and is'nerabY zoned a!EReeldentialFUR'HE AND He IT d whRen ORDe or- EDend declared that when te orf dandily nc effect then aid,tenet of be d eeco hall thmet- of ide within the cyrand zoned limits' f said SaltA' as to he an 21st provided,. rovd noel'A' m the ordinance.: ule- pmvin.,rt a all o linaneea of or i to before me this day of naortninfnautoasaidaSobligations lt Lake;City are 'extended over.aPd made applicable A. D. 19 and :d.and°the streets•bloolaa. allera 46 'and ways ot,eatd trapps hall be. 'trolled and Ativemed by thA-vay. . c- A11Aletee;%mile and heanlettone,fot • 'ehl�d lty to that'.heheli and the mph. umente of the City Engineer shall, thenceforth be-Laken therein ee the standard of'loeatione and distances. t SECTION-3,Litton the passage of Notary P lit thee.ordinance the City Recorder f Salt ake.City halt file and shale at�oeslpty directed- 'Self o liltwith.the a copy Seconderle p or c Cabnte copy of'LHBy:certified clot at,' Iae nywledged as'yyy ovidedea in and such -oesee,together nth a certified cony •'ef Lpple dinence. SFrdTIf 9, ea the opinion n the Hoard i e matetgnealt it la nave- g eery eo of ppeace,health and',Cite i f the is ordinance os Salt Lake City That this orediatel shall'become e[- lseti a immediately. 9e fON o Thiscne upon shall P take effect at-ono upon its Sires Rll �' `D eft°n Passed,by .the Commis. ! • eettonert.SalLakCiy ilteh,198,- th day of,May A.D. 101fl, !EARL 3.GLADE. Mayor.. (SEAL) IRMA F.EITNER. - II,L p City Recorder ' E?Wished 1May.1711,1946. •k. Mil I P-9 IV II =1" ••••.,