31 of 1950 - Amending Section 6714, re: zoing, adding Items 77 and 78. K1JLL L.M t..,.. Salt Lake City,Utah, Vu n iv aJv .195 VOTING Aye Nay A£fleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . Romney . . . . � :: aman . DINANCE k AN ORDINANCE AMENDING,SECTION 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,/Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners, relating to zoning. Be it ordained'by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5, 1945; August 17, 1945; December 18, 1945; March 26, 1946; April 5, 1946; June 4, 1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 1946; November 5, 1946; December 5, 1946; December 11, 1946; January 7, 1947; February 11, 1947; March 5, 1947; March 25, 1947; April 16, 1947; May 27, 1947; June 5, 1947; June 26, 1947; July 22, 1947; October 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; December 18, 1947; April 26, 1948; Mqy 26, 1948; June 16, 1948; September 22, 1948; September 28, 1948; October 28, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61; March 9, Cry 1949; June 1, 1949; July 12, 1949; August 3, 1949; November 15, 1949; and February 23, 1950; relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said section two paragraphs to be known as Items Nos. 77 and 78, which shall read as follows: "ITEM No. 77. The following described real property in Residential ''A-3' District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Residential "B-3v classifica- tion and the Use District Map is hereby changed and amended accordingly: Lots 35 and 36 and the north 1 ft. of Lot 34, Blk. 1, C`\ North Waterloo Subdivision in Blk. 13, 5 Acre Plat 'A'; Lots 12 and 13, Blk. 2, Webb and Palmer Addition in Blk. 12, 5 Acre Plat 'A'; Lots 1 and 2, Pendletons Subdivision, Blk. 20, 5 Acre Plat 'At; Lot 1, Jackson Square, Blk. 21, 5 Acre Plat 'At; all in Big Field Survey.i 1 -2 That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended to show the above described tract of land and the whole there of as Residential "B-3" District." "ITEM No. 78. The following described property in Resi- dential 'B-2' District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Residential 'B-3' classificatio and the Use District Map is hereby changed and amended accord ingly: The north 165 ft. of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Blk. 33; Lot 1 and the east 165 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 38; and the south 165 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 3 and'i4, Blk. 39; all in Plat 'B', Salt Lake City Survey: ,. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended to show:the above described tract of land and the whole there of as Residential 1B-3' District." SECTION 2-.. ,In the opinion of the, Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION 3, This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of C ntriiss ners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this ,30.‘7 . day of . , A. D 50( City Recorder. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 }ss County of Salt Lake J Oltit1NANf J.. AN OBIBNA,C:;AM1BrriiSNG SErJ- TION t;914 of the Itovin,d O,dL nanr,of Balt Lokc City,Utah,1944, an m � a'terl by the Bali,or] o oml n,lsslonrl-s, e lacing to coning. Be It nl'de:ncol b5. the Board of Utah, 6fanelt or Salt Lake cite. Il._.�'°,_. OChY Utah, SEC LIONr. That Section 14 f the Revised Ordlnanehs of Salt Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Lake Cate, Utah, 1954, n r ended b;/ rdlnancas pa_,ed 'Y`` Board he Brd of Cnq In,,.ioners rt, Beh rnary 21, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper J 945; Pell.5. 9.15;Angus,17,1945, Dr-en:Sri 18, 1945;Marsh 26,1946; Apo11 5,;1946;Sen June 4'1„1D91'o,�August published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State tabor B. 1946; November 5, 1946; December 5. 1998, Dace/ran, 11, of Utah. /b 7ta1. 1996,January 7 1947,Bebrcaly 11, 1947; March 5. 1947; March 25, 1947;April 16,1947;May 27, 1947; a 5, 1947; J 1947; July 'Jd,n ei 2. 947,Dec i9, 1949: Do-947, That the advertisement r r , 947 December 19, June April 48, Sept;May 22, 1948,;Jape 16,o , 2 Be1948, ' 22, I948, Srp- 948, known as hills Nosto6et 60 28, nI1961; An Ordinance Bill No. 31 March 9, 1949; Juno 1, 1999; JIB, 12, 1949;August 3, 1949; Novemanr 15, 1949; anti February 2%, 1959, ar hr.,ante 1 hereby lb further enende,4kiling,be and td be add. Ink In abd,to said section twn pare graph,O°}.pe 117 - 1[ems Nos. lIo 4;t 9 whl;.h small road s Tllow3;s t- a gbed;M'•91 t'IR':The ollowlnk de- rdbed ,LI F,kk shy nIn n Residential 6A-3'6t sEYIF shown on the amended and ChMr/, to beside nmendct, was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the cladssl ChM, tl.an9 he ldil"craDint,,it t Y C Map t„hereby Changedr and amend- day of A.D.19 cQ rordlnaly: ,Lgty,rl Q 36k and IncNorth War - lo 6$rlu4 34; Rik, 1. NO11, 5 Iv, Water- loo.gnbdiv le,nn h1 ',Bk. 3, ; 2 y on P.Sarch ']1 1p 0 P4Ap. Lops et and Ion In 2, and was published .1 7 95 1. Acre Pint'' Atl1.91, 1n BI2, 12,5 pure slat A': Lot:, 1 an, 2, -� 1 tpg2'-Subdivision, Mk. 20, 5 ae; at'A.,Lot 1,Ja°"'°°sal. in the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the A11t'JX 1 5 Acre Plat A'. I: In J.That That;uaW_Use Districtam Men 1n henwy 44fe144.venged and amended fA day of A.D.19 nhou th4tn'+bose ne=rrlUrrl tract t land andi8G8e.P'hote thereof rts licc- Identl 1 B-8 Mak,t "ITEM'Not.78.The f 11 llt6 Sc. , � ' I4M-i property In R I 13 2 < LV6h18t h n th Le Dls- tri V 15 I 1 er by 1 d and Advertising Clerkk- hanFcd to Residential B-1 clasrl ffcatton'Tn'd the Use District Map la I,e,eby changed and amended nl- narrllnftle The north 165 It. of Loin 6. J and a. Mk.13;Lot 1 and tho cast 5 ('. n 2. Mk. 38; and the .Youth 165 (tf.of 1of, I, 2, 3 and 13t 4. Mk_ 39, nil In Pia 'M. Salt D before me this day of Lake City b cry. t Tha :aidnrlifc ❑BL,kL Mnp In be,eny hanged and amendnd a A.D.195 0 ow the above wholemot tract aof n land the lRenklrotin"B 1' Bli thereof as whole SC Lotto II in the Ehr B a.rd of , pro r. health of eof to Lhe rabic. health and afetyoom [ th. Inh bit. ( Salt, 1.< Lake Cityh t h1 II shall h [N i a hn II man SECTION 2. n first ry lishall take f en Be11 at publlra NotaryPja lie Fsione by the Board on Com- missioners 70ers of Salt Lake City, 1950. \v+ this 30th day of March, A.D.GLADE, EARL .1. ui.ADF, Mayn r. City Fcrordcr. SEAC.1 SILL NO.9L PUUllshr-d Mat mh'S 1.1950_