31 of 1964 - Amending Subsection (e) of Section 25-11-2, as enacted by Bill No. 26 of 1963 and amended by Bill No ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, May 6 , 196 4 Christensen I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . Harrison • . . Smart . . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Subsection (e) of Sec. 25-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 26 of 1963 and amended by Bill No. 8 of 1964 relating to vacations and termination benefits. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Subsection (e) of Sec. 25-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 26 of 1963 and amended by Bill No. 8 of 1964 relating to vacations and termination benefits, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-11-2. Vacations and termination benefits. "t * * "(e) No officer or employee shall be entitled to be paid any vacation or termination benefits if his termination is for cause, nor shall any resigning officer or employee be entitled to any vacation or termination benefit if he fails to give at least ten (10) days notice in writing of his contemplated resignation to his-department head. Every other person whose employment is ter- minated for any reason during any calendar year shall be entitled to be paid for all earned vacation accrued and unforfeited but not taken, and in addition thereto, shall be entitled to a terminal tion benefit consisting of one-half day's pay for each full month of employment completed prior to termination during the current calendar year. Such vacation pay and termination benefits shall be considered to be severance benefits and shall not be used for the purpose of determining the average monthly compensation of the employee immediately prior to termination. Such severance bene- fits shall be paid upon the termination of employment which shall be the last day of active service. Such benefits shall be paid to the employee or to his administrator, executor or surviving spouse at the election of the Board of Commissioners, in the event his termination is caused by death." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake 31 -2- City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th day of May, 1964. a►9 TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN 9kjiWitit1117‘tellis". • (SEAL) BILL NO. 31 of 1964 Published Nay 12, 1964 31 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, Bs. County,,,,ofM Sat Blake a Legal Notices 'at "`-ea ORDINANCE `p A M Ockey AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Suh-'2 Rec e (e) I % 2rea of the visetl Ortllnances of Salt Lake N Y'26UoTi9695e'nJaamerrtI ev ek1 Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising Ned a ofl1964 reellanefit to vacations clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- I.a"ee k"o�oa°ea`by it,e Bo of to ilui;hmlaal°"°`: of sate Lake aty, 5 GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- SECTION Thai s1bsecr°n le)tl lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in t or sec.2s-n-4 pf ma Revised o.q�-�� an s f Salt Lake Clty,Ureh,i955 [ r `tetetl by eau Ne. 2a of 196t sl Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. reAaamv ded by Bill No.8 r 196E T helating N vac dons ntl termint M lr y ats be, ntl the s e CI hereby it,a ended to read as oral-it 1°ws: That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto <.25-11-2 Vecallmm and term-1'manors No nenoffii,. Salt Lake City Bill. No 1 of 1 64 be r nrtHiVa rot be nri employee ite a.N! y 3 9 r ion is afor benefits r his°tare y '- ,nation Is officer cause, n shall n.pp to py vacationtiemployee ter °e '�, An Orainance relating to vacations and beef to ° termination benefit If he t t°0give5,0 at lets' lea fml aiey nonce In welling or his so onremplafetl eslgnalon ro his tlC Iwn sa°einom°vmam is`yte°mmatee f°o°li termination benefits. e °"dorms ens calends,Ve ter shall be enMina to he,oltl or all For mltMdbut nrf lakenf°na e In otldllto- }Or thereto,stall be entitled to a leers. ieation benefit consisting of on hall S1 - dany's pay foo'each full month 'of Mo myme"t corn Ieted rrrlorfo term- Rer manors be ve aRe r m amndar nation r.Sbenefit,ashpalIl Pay coo cnd onsidered Rut to be sev r na befnat115 and shall R tamibe ae toe t vrp°se a a°rar-?yen'. May 12, 1964. ng me r�sed idontnly c° �a,t°nrerreiS°nty;�lo{��$uan mediacei>e was published in said newspaper on eroida,ehalgbe"ag oron the°te m-.Aye Ina'in a plovmenctive'si vice! Mop be fhe.lot,da art poi'service! era Move¢offs lo�hly paid Iek°°e: ncolor or sue 050r to fE rn the eleo C r og r tt,,I' r.14'Aommisronar _Id m ft,° r hts rermmau°n fi: s; (B< etl by-°teeth." Let j`j aSFd ION 2.In the opinion,itiof me nee r oard of Commissioners,it I nc - s 1°the ce scoops d s fe Ve �Cl C1Nt inaol:tyr;�s orrdinance become'et.aey teelive inns diatea. Mp ! Legal Advertising Clerk tyke Ceffeect coons its°Y irst P�ilee skr g Pion. Cer Passed by the Board of Commis-Sof 'do nedesn ofo f SMita,L cea dC. Utah,this J CHRISTENSEN 2. -TORARV CHAIRMAN jug (SEAL) H N J HOGEeISEN fair 'CIO,Recorber. 'HILL'NO.3) f 1196 ta, Published/� 12 196d (B-38), „ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of May A.D. 19 64 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov 25 196.5. 6 9