313 of 1900 - Ordinance 313 of 1900 – Providing for payment to Building Inspector of a Salary in full compensati I?l ()PT,TNA5'(;Ts PNOV'1.1,1' r (r FP� .;hli'i' _G 'Ci!N TI‘1.31IcTC, (_ MTT, (- TNCC3' SALT LA'';'=, CITY UTA IT O A. 3A LA RY It! fULL COt+;FfN3A'P'FOld 1'C" f-i" 3'J TTTTCiT3 T?71;I1,FT-MT BY Sit i'r: 01'1'TC;,. TT T3 '11=1;v n9PATUIT• by the City ��'ouncil of ,;e.lt Lake City, Utah, 3TC`i'T011 T. That hereafter the inspector of -;uild.in„s of , alt lake city, Utah shall receive as full comlensation for all :service; rendered by him in connec tion with his office the suwu of 't30 month. 3170TTON 2. The Tnsi.ector of :;uild.ings of ;alt Lake city, ti tah sha]1 file with the City 1?ecord.er a good and Sufficient bond. in /00a, the sum of '1 04 to be au roved. by the city council conditionee. for the faithful perform'.nce of hi; duties under this ord.in_.nce. TTC4TON 3 iha ins'actor of iuiloin of :;alt Lake ;;ity, ITtah shall charge and collect for his Services the schedule of' t'ees heretoforoin existence charged by said. officer:, but the whole -mount thereof shall be turned into the city ',:reas.erweekly and. shall be accounted for in full for which said Inspector of Inge of Salt ],eke city, Utah, shall take from t Ite .;' t,t',,. of 3a.1t Lake Ci_ty,...111tah a receipt in duplicate , one of which shall file with' tine s;its uditor and. the other may be retained. by, said Tnshector of Pia ildings of 3a1t 'fake City, Utah. 3TIrI'Tnly 4. A 13. ord,inancee and resolutions of the C ity C oun cii in conflict herewith are hereby relealed and this ordinance hal] take effect from its allroyal 313 • Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City January 2nd 1900, and referred to the Mayor • for his approval. City Recorder_ 1 Approved.this —47 ---day of January, 1900. 4 .., . .. . ---„ „,,,-- __4, t, I A— As r ........--,_ C'' • ': t.- 0 ..----'r.4 , ,..,‘-'• .: = z )' . ..,.,. • § 0, t ,... . : . . , . , I . . . ' . *,) ..,'-- .k - --