316 of 1900 - Ordinance 316 of 1900 – Sidewalk Extension No. 11. Bill No. alb For, AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT SET FORTH Ili THE ASSESSMENT LISTIAS CORRECTED BY THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF SALT LAKE CITY,UPON THE LOTS AND PARTS OP LOTS,BLOCKS Ai1D PARCELS OF LAND , ABUTTING UPON BOTH SIDES OF FIRST WEST STREET,FROM FIRST SOUTH STREET TO SECOND SOUTH STRUT IN SIDEWALK DISTRICT No.11 OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH. :Section, I. Be it ordained }py the City Council of Salt Lake City, State of ttah,!that -the assessment list made by the City Treasurer of Salt Lake FCity, as corrected, approved and completed by the board of eq- ualization (here,tbfore'>duly appointed by the City Council for such pur- pose) of the property,, upon the Lots,parts of Lots,Blocks and parcels of land abuttingtlupon both sides of First West Street,from First South tree to Second,: South Street, in Sidewalk District No.11, of Salt Lake City, for the purpctbe ,of: bonstrueting sidewalks thereon, As hereby confirmed, and that the asseesments made and returned in said completed lists are k -Iereby confirmed. Section, 2. This Ordinance shall he in fore from and after its approval. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 30th, 1900 and referred to the Mayor for his approval. City Recorder. Approved this :1st, day of January 1900. 4WcMayer. _I J 316 v t < 1.- t ,,,,, f i 1 . E G ,