32 of 1909 - Ordinance 32 of 1909 – Franchise, Salt Lake & Los Angeles R.R. Co., to operate a steam or electric ii J AN QRS)T.WAXrs. AAARTIWt< PJ3urtor If7f TO SALT L1134,1 AN:) T.09 A11Ri[T.R' RAILWAY COWAN; Or A CORVORATIQ7, TO r!t!T^TRTJrt ANA A^PTIATJi A RTJ.AU APO RLAOTRIr RAILROAD TF ROIJRJr "AT.T T,A gg r.I;Y. lif IT nR1'AIrfA Br TPA erne. rgtmr.I7. OP s,AT.T T.A.YR CITY, i1TM: , "notion 1. That tho Salt Lake And Lon Angnlne Railway ro,- jpeaty, A corporation, its nurannsorn anti aileiiii‘e, }logy the e'cttority an4 nonoant of the City Council, And the prresi,nton in herehy 1 'granted it for tho eanatruotion, sottntenanne Anti ap,,rxtinn of a •ingle",t t k, oitosiat else:trio or other native: i'fwsr nt n4er�4 grutgo rAilroeulla As.-1^s:rctir.:,•f*-r --rift ^, togeth.ir with All nanennary an4 nonemnia„ nwitehen, veil for t irnoutn, sill* tramko ord organ"- a 1 *oar trA.)tn est the ereolicin of rs ltne of palm, or t co liner, of poles, when nema9xar;{ Hrrytnp telei:hone, telegraph, trolley se. t trsn csoinwion wk. ;1, 4 c r7!'tTFr,,T .,�! .kf:k-*1a1_t.er, is^.tin t'. Pnllt++..:►+(, ru.R ; rod tttr«wf.►a•-Af- k lett..,r,.i, l'ir,,,�4<;-7,.a'::. A single tr:u,k oormenn ing ;,t A ;.oink in Fourth sent rtreet en ; the Perth lino of feauM South 'treo►t, c, miningn.i wting thence north f along ►uai4 Fourth 'Tont "treat to ^out,), Tomo.* Rtrnet, sold riming thrnae wet on south Temple Street to the City Unite. {. Rer.tion 2. All treeke *half lie laid so AN to confern with ,E the /mole e of %ha streets. _ L 4\i goe.tion .l. Raid pronto* anti its euoeeeaorr .or assigns sisal k*gap in fond rs Htir the vaster, h*twaen the rkixn ww At /root two feet ►st the entries at *mesh roil, so ►cs not to interfere with the street for , t,thlio 1:r;a, feet, if re pair:rl, Altell ,NOM n;'rh vote and side portions with the Hann .x tow inl as the street to aosip*and of, Ier:tian 4. The City reserves the right to regulate and ror- i trial th* «scant ill,.,,r..4w4% _ loot ton 0oe4 end stiff icitwit boxes to padre; wirier shall r „/��f 1 2. suxda and ataintainM4 in Rood craw itian 'At th v rm.:Mn.n eef 04,14 grantee at All the **tar ditnhaa eronsinr the said ratios.: Pit) an to admit of the fret* partnere of water. Section ' Said r,it,y of ?ait I%aka ,$)uUi in no way her 1inhl.At or moo: innibin far arty anntAant nr drurtag, that iorky aenur an nail re in raiir.„an aT tha 4Irani% or ;a ice}ndeuot/ �aId railway con- ,',, /OP 0nrt,,loyean. d Oka said grantee, its auestiesore •r ee.:Q panto an 40 tn flaw'. tho t. .htrreinn /:rf,rt end _ ,,tiityj 4114 Ll.:ahility,_la�#,us+ ' ,1 ,., 41 rally ni44artairif ant of + .cis � .mindott tjf 4,111,1 railwa7 z O I ,i whiah ma���wr ,'�fV ,• r. ne;n f;f 71,.: „i in;Rr'i' Ki4.1, , fir C I` ,Iy, ,/ '11r, � t ..rattnne r4' Denney i>i ar yy��� �.� � �' ol,.{{ Ocp,-cy d railwaty, rand inlet nn T r, t4 tty n2t ioan, :es any inri td irh� l�' hM n t ad b; �,olok:auras nr eliislxf.re► of any ouch defau).�t ril adore!iutt, eecn1Annt or ri nr4r: and if arty iurtplomt far drawee far arty lanes, dcftthit 1 rtimeonnunt, acni don t or tn;tarn Rita).i hoe re,ror• retd etro,trtat nr,.td ('ity, rha r rneover' tb4r4,.,f tenft the ?urgent theerr.af, nhrtll ha finx.X Nn bwt'unn a id rtt.y rand Hold .•rantm->, lto Aunonttr'enrr or 000Apnc,., and eon n:lve cm to the liathi,).ity of the ia,tLar to the ,rouser. ,,,- Se *Ian bQ Xn ennsidaration of the granting alrod acce.;,t ng of thin .rwnrhtMf, .ail former fretnrseii as hereto ore Brenta- to ttta Sal LAS and Lan Anp+tleer; Rai ligaty Cost;>pny, a corrtertitJon, are herw' aiund1ad. Section ILL That if this grant, with the conditions heroin coritained, he runt xace- tad in writing by ert.14 grarttr.a ',O.*.tn. r.hir 1.1, ,._.i dart after the peonage or thin OTlitu'.:nu:a, then the sold froatchico '' shall become null end void. Sent ton (r: The r ipht herretb;y conferred shall expire an i the lee day of January, A. n., lutist. -1'.-P Thin drdinfartga phial tetka offaat upon pep ,rarui. i .. ar . c3 , ' ',..\....*„ •"\..k.,,,,,,4,4 C. i:. 41 y • • • fi n