32 of 1930 - Paving Extension No.228-2d and finale estimate ROLL CALL Salt Lake City Utah AUG 28 1130 193 VOTINC AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed Burton qq ^ Fehr J/��__�j1�'V7�C.. Finch U Lake Mr Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro- perty in Paving District No 32 (Paving Extension No 228) for the purpose of grading, constructing drainage system, installing sewer connections to edge of pavement end paving with Portland cement concrete thereof Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of alt Lake City, Utah SECTION I That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District No 32 (Paving Extension No 228) for the purpose of gracing, constructing drainage system, installing sewer connections to edge of pavement L, c: and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, to-wit In Lots 3, 4,7 and 8 of Blk 16 and Lots 2, 6 and 7 of Blk 27, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on and adjacent to both sides of Windsor Street from 5th to 6th South Streets and Sego Avenue from 8th East to 9th East Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, con- structing drainage system, installing sewer connections to edge of pavement and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof (said Pavement to be seven (7) inches thick and saic. roadway to be ten -l- and four-tenths (10,4) feet wine on Windsor Street from 6th South Street to one-half block north, twenty-three (23) feet wide on Windsor Street from 5th South Street to one-half block south, eighteen (18 0) feet wide on Sego Avenue from 8th Fast to a point 2e ft west of 9th East Street and fifteen and two-tenths (15 2) Meet wide on Sego Avenue from 9th East Street to a point 2e ft est), the portions of said property hereinbefore and hereinafter !described opposite said streets are to be especially affected and lbenefitea by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined land established that said property will be especially benefited hereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, anu said par- Icels of land are hereby assessea at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire l'eoth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, Viand the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-two and 33/100 ($6,282 33) Dollars, One Thousand Seventy-five and 80/100 ($1,075 80) Dollars r One and 63/100 ($1 63) Dollars per front r linear foot of abut- lting property for ten and four-tenths (10 4) foot roadway, there Hing 660 0 feet abutting saia portion of said improvement, Ninety- , ive and 04/100 ($95 04) Dollars or Two and 16/100 ($2 16) Dol]ars per front or linear foot of abutting property for fifteen and two- enths (15 2) foot roadway, there being 44 0 feet abutting said port / Iion of said improvement, Three Thousand Seventy-seven and 20/100 I I 1($3,077 20) Dollars or Two ana 45/100 ($2 45) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for eighteen (18 0) foot roadway, there being 1,256 0 feet abutting said portion of said improvement, One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-eight and 29/]00 ($1,968 291 Dollars or Three and 02/100 ($3 02) Dollars per front or linear foot of abuif- t ing property for twenty-three (23 0) foot roadway, there being 651 75 feet abutting saia portion of said improvement, Twenty-one and 00/100 ($21 00) Dollars, for sewer laterals, there being one (1� sewer lateral at Twenty-one ($21 00) Dollars per sewer lateral, twenty-five and 00/100 ($25 00) Dollars for sewer laterals, there r being one (1) sewer lateral at Twenty-five ($25 00) Dollars per ,l. I 1 -3- installing 'sewer lateral, the cost of/which sewer laterals and the property ,benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the bounda- Ilries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentionea in said dis- ltrict, which is the total of said abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according to the contract entered into 1I 'for the performance of said work and making said improvement with 1 Christensen-Gardner Inc , Contractors, dated the 26th day of June, 1930, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to !assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for ;the purpose herein mentioned II 10 4 FOOT ROADWAY,_Windsor street from 6th South to one-half_1214ek_aort_h_ 1 I Lots 2 and 3, Block Plat 'B�ti 27, , Salt Lake City Survey 15.2 FQO_T ROADWAY, Sego Avenue from_9tk_East_to a point twenty-two feet west The east . ? ft of Lots 7 ana 8, Blk 16, Plat 'B', (Salt Lake City Survey 18 FOOT ROADWAY. Sego Avenue from 8th_Eaat to_a_point twenty-two feet west of_9th Fast_$t.reet,. Lot 3, the west 160 feet and the west 150 feet of the east 160 feet of Lot 4 and the west 308 feet of Lots 7 and 8, Blk 16 Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey 23 FOOT_ROADEAY, Wynds.or Street otp_5th_South tto o e- half block south Lot 7 and the north 115.5ft and the south 206 25 ft .of Lot 6, Blk 27, Flat 'B', Salt Lake City Survey PROPERTM ASSESSED FOR SEWER LATERALS IN ADDITION TO TIE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. (Sego Avennel_ 21.,00 per lateral. The east 165 feet of Lot 8, Blk 16, Plat 'Bt, Salt Lake City Survey PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR SEWER LATERALS LaADDITION TO_ZHE REGULAR ASSESSMENI_LAVandsor Street)525.00 per lateral The south 41 5 feet of the north 115 5 ft of Lot 6, IBlk 27, Plat 'B', Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upo the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same own r- i 4 1 ship back from said streets and to collect said tax a. -4- i SECTION II That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of this ordinance in Paving Extension No 228, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of grading, constructing drainage system, installing sewer connections to edge of pavement and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned in saio completed lists, and the report Of the Board of Equalisation and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed SECTION III Said tax shall be payable in ten equal year- ly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on he whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable ;at the time each installment is due, provided, however, that one or Iuore of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, ay be paid without interest anithin fifteen (15) days from the date jhis ordinance becomes effective In the event any installment or 1 he interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due, 1 ! he whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said install7 i ant and interest are due,shall become due and payable, and shall I.ras interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the 1 ale of the property assessed 1 SECTION IV -chic ordinance shall take effect one day after 1 �ts publication -- - __ -- Passeda by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, I tah, this day of C r I D 1 O H 1 c Mayor 1 ity Recorder aving Extension No 228, nd & Final Estimate r ' 4 ©¥ ` � �* k i $ , \ , ' ! \ 7.\2 E &_ � £ ` © « s } � 7 ! t1 � \ 2 !, : k / 2 d (�� S. �� » - , s le% Proof of Publication llllllllllllllll UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH ,s County of Salt Lake 1 .11i1D Evelelgil, being first duly _ ...t t-.. and eav that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE 0ty I nit block south a 6bteen O{te 0 o him— One Th sand 16 Plat B Salt Lake City Survey pay cg with,F tla boncretet ' [vide oh Sego Avenue from gib et i 1`Y,.r, -. d fight and 29 100!S FOOT ROADWAY SEGO AVENUE th resf es he by -ed and Meg lion published every day AN ORDINANCE a point 22 feet west of eth East Str, " r•n., I1ceata or Three and 02 100 FROM Y EAST TO A POINT as s men l made d returned AN ORDINANCE oneLEVYINayea A TAX and fifteen and,two tenths(152) - ttlohars per front or line y t TWENTY TWO FEET WEST OF aid comp)ted 11 te, and the renal and for the assesmoot of prone ty in w d on Sa 10 pbenue !rem 9th iytln(property for twenty th ee ,9TH EAST STREET of the Boa d f Equa 1 Wlon and R Pairing Ellett Ct No,3 LPa Ing Eaten Street to a point p ty wart) feet roadway there Delpo 175 e t 3 the west 160 t et a d the le to the B a d of eb�": y-eliraaa-���,,, tan Na 2 S)for the porno e of glad portions l[ fie property herenapinbppo0epbf,,' 'j 1'Apditin sa(8'pot'U n p(Said lm weir[150 f t wefteast 160 feet of of Salt Lake C tp are aer py c,r$n log epabnst acting!)nonage systedg 1n and hoe matt r described on M i% eat'¢"dtiyefop One and 30,100 Lot 4 and the wet 308 f et I Lot fled per v el and confirmed stalling seWer connections to edge of said tree[¢are to b eoleci l Y'I.ql; •'I o14 ,for ow r l;feral$ Y and 8 Blk 16 Plat B Salt Lake SECTION III Spjd tax hen p pavement and pa.vi',qg with Portland feoted and benefited ley said o d.. is IAr4($51(1) ewer lateral at City Sur y payabl in t n qua/ yearly tall extent con Mete theRroi ant and it is he eby*Cadged, ap Y,t,t: t1 B- (62100)D ha s per sews $3 P1p0T' ROADWAY SOUTH TO men[ as prow dad by law. and old 1y t 32 Bolto donned by Lek Board of Corp *ermined and established that 1)' Twenty, fif1 and 00 100STREET FROM 5TH SOUTH TO dance w th inter pt on the Whole gu r m ones t Salt Lek City Utah p petty will be especially be i �,r 0 b Dollars for sew r laterals, Lot HALF 87 OCE SOUTH unpaid at the rate of a .fres tent D 'I S)rCTION I That the Board of!hereby to the ced amount of the a ae one Cl) ewr lateral at Lot t abd the no th 1155 ft as7 endure pa obi at the dad each In Commiant net. of S31t Lake CIO,dean hereby!soled and said parceplks(qdf ri on 00)D hate per elar blot B. Salt Lake City Survey that one or more of Such a whOlMeetsd•� 1i 1Tia�1 BSt Neste. the assessment of the`same upon the uniform rat in a eordanc th t i f f'Ofmterata a d the Pr party bens FR 'ERTY ASSESSED FOR SEWER to the order payable tithe whole taxi, property sera $ter-de eribed in Pay linear footC fr nt1g swop ad t t ' ll waby is bareinaltrt et out, 7 'O$RALB ADDITION TO THE tinny by paid w{thout interest with! , log District No$2 Way rig Egtens on ant re deRtbemir of of 0000 he ;Wneta y t'�i Il eSo a th@ b 0ta rips of the 006I It ASSESSMENT (Soso fifteen (15) day from tp date thi No MS) for the D rpoae of grading: ha k thereifte h not exceeding 380 to 1t't fib, q g d ucats above me Avenue)!21 per lateral ordinance become effective an onstruettng drainage }stem instal and the tax ha' w levied 4nd I oil Fa dierl t which is the 'the,Last lA!feet of Lot 8 Blk 16 event any inpta116napt or th Int re ling ewer a oppecio s to edge pf paver a saps d upon roglP paraQ p(ld Lp ate/thuttee6 oft and gest rat $t' �4 tg.Lelte C ty Survey aforesaid is not Daid oh the day tie merit and p$yfng th Portland ce Six Thousand 'bw 33uti pIi Sixty 1 `t Indpti_root of said 1 prei•dent P1 TRSA BESSED FOR SEWER same bcome due th hale am un Melt oncret taer�t¢t°of te yvft tab end 33'10, '38)YTpy tr°Oner"^ tit 0 the enrtttdctleentered ink) ZAtS AAS7TION TO THE of the specie,tax unpaid.at the him�t(}a In Lots 3 4 7 Mt 8 2 Rik 16 and 1'housand h�sayy'pti ISM 4ad 21 a, d+' �ppee df 1.10 p eind F EOUL R ik$SESSMEN'e• (Wind said tit taliai nt and ipteteet stair: 'Lots 2 3 6 and 7 o$gBlk 27 Plat B (31,075 S0) Holleman`One i lad 77��"1- Pins f'einent with chile - nor Striaf) $25 o0,dter lateral due shall became ettie,arid.-'Oayeble lt" Salt Lakep City Sather' d opting on (6I'63)Dollars per best or 11ne ,)' of Ina Conti tors The Meth 415 feet f the north and shall draw interest at the rare* and ailiM01t to opts s d 11 tlf Willdeoe of abutting peepers,for tan,a to t•,08t1t dapiot dupe 1930 lad 16 ft of Lot 6 Irk. 27 Plat B of twelve per cent par,aM6M tint I St et from 5t5 tb'6th south St tot nibs(104)feat rpadW§e th r b , °ke dkuter is bereby outlets}S.It$cane City SUrrey ap the same the ale f the prepeety•agsespf4 , t published in said news rid Sege Avehde{{regin Sth East t 9tlr scent fegt aputt�ng �id port! 'f` 7,,,,l C 8 pe areas m ac 3r0 shba n ap the o1.Ocea1 plat of ke OftON 1V This ordinance shah R t Sweets ih!lade Lake City Utah aid Ittrprnv)Shent N net}If era••.l,,,v 1f t b rpWdoe Cps oC nee slid 'own to the ntifr depth t'the take e[tect one day after rte pifbb Tile tax is levied,t d f ay th ex 4g 1po ($9 04) Della s or an,•. 1 F]tier`fO h purp0 a hatch Mkt tame awn rahlp back frond paid streets cation T p rise of'trading Constructing drain 15400 162 la) Doll re per f ]tit pl1 {tpp Ile sad tag Pa aed by th Bead of Comm s. age systeminstalling sewer cornea 1 par tot of obuttin' pr, Y ff. �' ROAD4ttgY W7NDSTO CT'dON II That the assessment((loners of Salt Lake City Utah this Allg118 4 1930 tons t e e f pa eqt al d pant fifte n and two Yentatr t 5 ) nto e QN-IL4 F#tOltr 0YH SOUTH Tb clef,ptade 04 tke Cdty Treadyr as.8th day f Aug Nt,A D 930 ins with orratd mast ancrete x away theta b Ingga140.)0 e�et5s�.abet[rig pb7Esrt�ttO BL CH NORaH o r fed appro a and compteted by ,IOHN F SO MAN thereof (sad pat/silent ent to b mein said I.Minn of gird IpuMpNern tit •Fs 2 and 3 Yids* 27 Piet B the Bead of Equellyatl n Pa.,d Re Mahar (71 'oche thick and said roadway Three Thousand a6,velify a0'rti a •. 'Mk Ctty Suivey yrete et the prop rtv de cribed n Sec,- ETHEL MACDO ALD of said newspaper on to b ten arid four tenths(10 4)feet 20 100 (63 071'20)Debars Tone a • t E 0 ROADWAY SEGO AVE time I f the dinanc in Pa Ing City Rewriter '�' wide on Wind r St et f oin 6th South 4 100 ($2 4) Dollars per front Cr i UE FROM 9TH EAST TO A Exton ion No 2 S f Salt Lake C ty B 11 No 3 Str et to one half block north tw my lin ar foot of abutting,prepvpparty ter ,'YNT TWENTY TWO FEET r the Zia se of,g a rug construct Pa g E t n Ai fiso 228 I throe (23) feet wide n W rids r eighteen (180) font roads(t'Sr there FST-.• M.¢d alnege system of long N w r 2trrd 441 I n Estimate *** 'k IS$et from 5th South street to one being 1 256 0 feet abut[ ea Q petit• Mtie egd$22 ft of LDla 7 and 8 281k eannettt toe 2 vetuent and P bbshed Au thereafter the full period of One Insert Jeri. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 29th. day of august. A D 19 30 %r,44 g'ir,144' . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th. day of • September. • D tip ! /, Notary Public My commission expires L Qv. 23. 1933. Advertising fee $ - ,A 4 , 4 r Z Z Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No r ,