32 of 1932 - Amending Section 1414-X, creating Office Radio Operators. ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah OCT 251932 193
I move that the ordinance be passed
Keyser G�
Lake ✓ l/
Mr Chairman !
passed by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City, Utah, on
aeptember 29th, 193 , relating to municipal government
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah
SECTION 1 That Section 1414-X of an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of ualt Lake City, Utah, on .eptem-
ber 29th, 1932, relating to municipal government, be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows
SFC 1414-X There is hereby created in the Police
Department the offices of chief radio technician and radio
the Head of the Police Department of Salt Lake City
subject to the rules and regulations of the Vivil Service
& 1 Commission, by and with the advice and consent of the Board
of Commissioners, may appoint from the classified Civil oer-
vice list furnished by the Civil Service Commission a competent
person to the office of Chief Radio Technician Before enter-
ing upon the duties of has office, the Chief Badio Technician
shall give bond for the faithful performance of hats duties
in the sum of $5,000 00
The Chief Radio Technician shall have chargE , under
the general supervision and direction of the Head of the Police
Department, of the Salt Lake City's radio station and radio
equipment. He shall operate and maintain said equipment to
conform with the standards and requirements of the Federal
Radio Commission and perform such other duties and comply with
such rules snd regulations as are or may be prescribed by law
or ordinance or are assigned to him by the Read of the 67;9
The Chief Radio Technician shall receive a salary not
to exceed $1980 CO )el annum, payable semi-monthly.
The Head of the Police Department of Salt Take City
subject to the rules and regulations of the Civil bervicc Commis 141,
by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Commi sioners,
may a000int from the classified Civil bervice list furnished by the
• Civil eervice Commission such radio operators as may be necessary
for tee proper conduct of the sofa radio station. Lech radio operal-
tor shill operate the equipment of the said radio station and car-
,form such other duties and comply with such rules and regulations
a, directed by the Chief Radio Technician or the E eadt of the Police
Lacn radio ooerator shall give a bond in favor of Salt
Lake City for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of
W1,000 00
Each radio oecratoi shall receive an annual salary of not
to exceed $1860 00 p,r annum, payable semi-monthly
SECTION 2 In the opinion of the Board of Commission,ls,
lit is necessary to the peace, hesith and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lace City that this ordinance become effective ime(diately
SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication _ `� _Passed by the BoarifFIZ
missioner Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 25jth day of __ o __, I )932
_&& 14.40W;01/1_41lb(),_ Mayor.
City Recorder
�'•ti Cam, a 8.
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rnnt of ilttb itatintt
3Untteb *intro of Amnia'
Sg1An orfnee mn dpne d Sbeyc h
Card of Commis loner
of salt LakeCit .i IR l I i F
g relatl to municipal government
on September 29th 932
mttse it seion0ers of Salt L Lake Cityrdained by the Boa Utah
of m
Section 1 That Section 1414 X of
bar o iensi ioeei pe amtbiakt c t�oars o being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
on September 2Qth 1932 relating to
Municipal advernment be and the
stme 1 he eby amended td read asNe it
of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
oti tlld", .Ant.-
'.eg,g off
ices m
Ol_let1 re ti, T_b‘ma radio
tr d toe Depertm et Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
Q t tc th rnlee
iregu&lion& of wittthe advice
atllan h9 d11 Al CID I i, e
gondent of tiro card 0f commie That the Notice
e nerd nine ape 110 2 om the blab t
yse a Service Setlf Monte a Omby p e
t pp reon t0 the gffl0e 0t Chief Ra .S t i T LAY_., C II 1,itt l•id: :ICI,
d o Technician Before entering upon
Lha duties f hie office the Chief R
dib Technician 11 n give bond for the
faithful performance of his duties In
the sum Of$100000
The Chief Radio Technician shall
have charge under th gene al sup r
vision and direction of the ice d f th
Poll e Department 0f 8 It Lake
CRABe radio tatlon and radio equip
went He shall operate and maintain
said equipment to conform with the
Federal RadiodCommis ion and requirements
f the
per of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
form such other duties and comply
with such rules and regulations ea are
or may be pre oribed by law or ordl 2C t it
dance or are assigned to him by the in its issue dated the
Read of the Police Department paper
The Chief Radio Technician shall I
rec lye a eels y f not to exceed
$19200Y per annum payable semi da of l C t 1,i,L.r 193 2mantle' r
The Read of the Splice Department Y
Of Salt Lake City eteblect to the rulee
and regulation of th Civil Se is
000a mi ban t t andh by satd othe advice and was published in each daily issue of saidnewspaper on
stoners may appoint from the clasel
fled Civil Service list furnish d by the (C C l,i ,,,c,t t
I Civil Service Commission such radio for
operato s as may be necessary for the
p oper conduct of the said radio eta
lion Each radib operator shall operat
th equipment of the said radio sta
lion end perform uch nth r dune thereafter the full period of L.,_,- Lxi_.,.rt 11}n
and comply with such rules and regu
letions as directed by th Chief Radio
Technician or the Read of the Police
Department the last publication thereof
Each radio operator shall give a bond
Ie favor of salt Lk City for th
faithful performance of his duties in
the sum of$100000 26th dayof
annual radioa oaaintbins l roc
ive no being in the issue dated the
per annum payable semi monthly
S ction 2 In the opini n f the
Board of Commis Ion Co it i necesea y C c t o b e r A D 193
to the peace health and &fete of tb
fah bitante of Salt Lake City that thi
ordinance become effective immedi ///J
atelY hl 5/ ee- f
8 ctlon 3 T ordinance shall •
bile t upon 1t first publl lion /
6th dayof
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
October A D 193 2
J Notary Public
Advertising fee $
+ de-
'a1t Ettkr Orihunt
aite-"L) g
Entry No