32 of 1937 - Levying a tax for the assessment of property in Lighting District Number 12-B, 2nd and Final Estimat Rea.108 100 1-2-37 ROLL CALL NOV 16 193; tv3 Salt Lake City,Utah, - VOTING7AYE +' Goggin - - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - V N4 6 Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - _ AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX AND FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PRO- perty in Lighting District No. 12-B-, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor. Be it ordained by the Board. .of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 12-B, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrol- ling of incandescent lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor, to-wit: Lots 43 to 56 incl. of Blk. 13, Lots 27 to 37 incl. of Blk. 14, Lots 1 to 3 incl. and 47 to 60 incl. of Elk. 15, Lots 1 to 11 incl. of Blk. 16, Lots 1 to 16 incl. of Blk. 17, Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Elk. 22 and Lots 1 to 12 incl. of Elk. 23, Bonneville on the Hill Sub. (unfiled), being a part of Sec. 33, T. 1 N., h. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., abutting on Arlington Drive from Alta Street to 190 feet northwesterly from Military Way; Circle 'Tay between Penrose Drive and Hilidon Avenue; and Hilldon Avenue southeasterly 140 feet on the west side and 65 feet on the east side from Circle bay, in Bonneville on the Hill, in Salt Lake City. This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps (said lamps to be fifty-two (52) in number, each standard to carry one 250 candle power incandescent lamp),said lamps to be illuminated by elec- tric current, and the furnishing of electrical em3rgy 'for the same on 32 !i f :the all-night schedule for a period of ten years from October 17, S, 1937, to October 17, 1947, the circuits for the operation of said system of lamps to be underground and the portions of said streets ?, opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is [hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will, He especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby jlevied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal 11 and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not ] exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Twelve Thousand, Seven Hundred Nine and 20/100 (1vU,709.20) Dollars or Two and 27812/100000 ( 0.27812) collars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 5578.81 feet abutting said portion of said improvement, and the cost !jof which operation, maintenance, patrolling and furnishing of elec '; trical energy and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter se %; out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters' cost 0 and cost per front foot of said improvement for a period of tem years, according to the contract entered into for the performance II of said work and making said improvement with Utah Power & Light Company, dated the 17th day of October, 1937, said levy to date anq be effective from October 17, 1937, which is the date service begat, and the city treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purees herein mentioned: Fronting on the northerly side of Arlington Drive: All of Lots 1 to 12 incl. and the -westerly 57 ft. of Lot 13, of Bl.k. 22; and all of Lots 1 to 12 incl. of 01k. 23; bonnevili.e on-the Hill Sub. (unfiled). Frr.ontinK on the southerly, Aide_of Arlington Drive:, All of Lots 43 to 56 incl. of Elk. 13 and all of Lots 27� to 37 incl. of Blkc. 14; B,onneville on-the Hill Sub. (unfiled). II ii • F o nting on the easterly, side of Circle, Cay: Beginning at the N.V>>.Cor. of Lot 47, Blk. 15, L:onneville- I ' on-the Hill Sub. (unfiled) thence N. 57° 35' 05" T. ].11.41 ft.; i I ( thence around a curve to the right had. 15.17 ft. a distance of 1 14.39 ft. of Lots 1 to 3 incl., and all. of Lots 47 to 59 imcl. of Blk. 15, Bonneville-on-the Hill Sub. (unfiled). Beginning at the S.h.Cor. of Lot 11, Blk. 16, Bonneville-j Ion-the Hill Sub. (unfiled) thence N. 31° 45' 27" W. 102.48 ft.; Ilthence around a curve to the right had. 15 ft. a distance of 10.40 ft. of Lot 11, Blk. 16, Bonneville-on-tte Hill Sub. (unfiled). on Fronting,the easterly side of Circle Way and Hildon Avenue:_ j Beginning at the S.T. Cor. of Lot 59, Elk. 15, Bonneville on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled) thence around a curve to the right had. 120 ft. a distance of 31.08 ft.; thence around a curve to the left illad. 25.28 ft. a distance of 47.49 ft.; thence S. 41° 29' 37" E. 58.6E ft. of Lot 60, Elk. 15, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled). li Fronting on the westerly, side of Circle Way: it Beginning at the N.F.Cor. of Lot 2, Elk. 16, Bonneville- { ii Ion-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled) thence N. 57° 35' 05" IN. 69.94 ft. thence around a curve to the left Rad. 15 ft. a distance of 9.77 ft. of Lot 1, Blk. 16, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled). Beginning at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Elk. 17, Bonneville- on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled) thence N. 31° 45' 27" W. 60.53 ft.; thence around a curve to the left Lad. 15 ft. a distance of 13.1.5 ft, of Lot 1; Elk. 17, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unfiled). Fronting_-on the wester1y,_northerly or easterly^ides_ of Circle Way.: All of Lots 2 to 10 incl. of Elk. 16, Bonneville-en-the- Hill Sub. (unfiled) Fronting, on the ueetez_ly_or southerly sides of Circle V': _ All of Lots 2 to 10 incl. of Elk. 17, Bonneville-on-the- 1 � Hill Sub. (unfiled) fronting on the southerly side oi', Circlev.'ay and the westerly side of Hilidon Avenue: 1 I Beginning at the N.E.Cor. of Lot 10, Blk. 17, Bonnevillef . r l -4- on-the Hill Sub. (unfiled) thence around a curve to the left Had. 470 ft. a distance of 144,07 ft.; thence around a curve to the light had. 29.27 ft. a distance of 30.2`r' ft.; thence S. 41° 29' '67" f. 1'63.07 ft. of Lots 11 to 16 incl., Elk. 17, Bonneville-on- !I the Hill Sub. (unfiled); being a part of Sec. 73, T. 1 N., P. 1 E.,; S. L. D. & M., as the same are shown upon the official plats of said ( city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets and to collect said tax, it SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City !i I Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Lighting District No. 12-B of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrol-, ling of incandescent lamps and furnishing with electrical energy, is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned in said it jl completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and E Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in advance in! ten equal yearly installments, with interest on any delinquent inttall- ment unpaid at the rate of ten per cent per annum, which interest shall be charged from and after the due date of each installment, to-wit: One-tenth thereof fifteen days after the ordinance levying the tax for the payment of the improvement becomes effective; one- tenth tenth thereof in one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two yeas thereafter; one-tenth thereof in three years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in four years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in five years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in six years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in seven years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in eight years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in nine years thereafter; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payab14, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (lb) � days from the date this ordinance becomes effective and any such payments made within said fifteen days will be allowed. a discount of three per cent (3%). I � -6- Default in the payment of any such installment of princi- pal when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to be- come due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid in- stallments past due, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right there- after to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occurred. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this Ro ' 4 day of n G t J , __, A. _ . 19 >7. jE .,vid r, I / City Recorder. I E Lighting District No. 12-B 2nd & Final Estimate. I � I i •- • • 422 zu. k 11 [APO pgr Irma S.- \aD 4 I Of 0 .77 01 • • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake Jr Legal Notices '7 • • AN ORDINANCE Leo -''..Yount AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX AND FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF d'ROP- ERTY in Lighting District No.12.13, for the purpose of providing for the operation, Being first-duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the a vertis- cenfntenance and patrolling of udes. t lamps and the furnishing olnelectrf- cal enargr therefor, clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper ofgeneral Be It ordained Sal L the City,U of Com- pap ce SECTION of Salt Lake Utah; ing SECT SON That the hoard t Comme- ra of Salt provide City does hereby levy lb he s me ponri"e for the ereaemem circulation,published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lance County, in f the upon the property No.1fter j for Vhed r Lighting Districtigfor the or. for the slate nI ptadpat o op: erallon. alntenancn vd pauolhis of Tidrival lr aria the turnianing o the State of Utah. •electrical 4 energy 2 inel,ther o1 Ile. 1< Lots 43 to 58 fvcl, of Blk. 13t Lots 27 'l0 37 mcl, f incl. 14, Lots 1 m 3incl. Ordinance L'i11 And 47 to 80 '.1 I to 1 16, 6 in to That the advertisement El incl.ti f Blk. Lota 1 to Il incl.of Lots 17, 12 1 to 13 Elk.2 of Blk.tl and Lots 1 l incl. tif edt a Part o 'the Hill Sub. .,R.ha), being a part of Ll"�7t 1li(� illStr.o l: 14—I'' Ind and final C.SlJ.P:".'GC ae T.1 Ar a.o Alta abuttingtre 9 eetivg t Drive from Alla Street to 190 Seel northwesterly bet wy from Drone Darr way: circa way ue: an Penrose (City i;eeord,or, Avers and heast v Avenue; and t, den Avenue southeasterlytf ee eet on t e east stea n the west- aide and in Bonneville n thelHill,in Salt Le Way, on m Lake City. Thin-tax is levied'the peraion,-the tenanse of patrolling the operation,lamps (cant andnce pa toll be of incandescent esce) lam fro bar, lamps tands n totcarryo n15250 ianaieopo r: was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the +ilincandescent lamp), said lamps to be luminated by electric current, and the 17t}1 bfoveni2,er 37 furnishing of electrical or lne same day o f A.D.19 n the all-night chedulee1for a period of ten years from October 17, 1937,to Octo- ber 17,1947,the circuits for the operation of aand'ISO portion.of to tr�eets"en and was published 1 j;irne groundoaite the.property hereinbelore sad here- inafter desm'ibed to be esumdally affected and benefited by id Improve ent,and is hereby adjudged.determined and°stab`. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Bohed that said property will be especiallY benefited thereby to the full amount of the lax hereby levied,and said pa t rcels f land are hereby aaseeeed at--an dual andA.D. 19 foil rate ance in accord with the linear day of foot frontage upon and to he entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom t ding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be sae ea upon said parcels f land is Twelve Thousand. Seven Hun- ertisinrr Clerk. Hun- dred Nine and 20-100 (212,709.20) Dollars p or Two and 278 12-10 0000(t2.278121 Dollars Iper front or linear foot of abutting p - erty,there being 5578.81 feet abutting said portion f said improvement,and the cost of which operation.maintenance,patrolling and furnishing of electrical energy and the. property beenefitedit thereby te is reinafter(ore me this azia__ day of the lots,blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abut- ters'cost and cost,per front foot of said A.D.19 37 improvement for a➢eriod of ten years,e cording to the contract entered info for /- the performance of said work and making1 said improvement with Utah Power AI _ Light Company,dated the 17th day of Oc-I - - tober, 1937,.said levy to date'and bn el-1 ,/��.7� - feetive from October 17. 1937, which to '\ ,}/ the date service began,and the city treas. rer to hereby authorized and directed to N-fiPublic. assessordanea with the provisions of this ordinance'for the purpose herein mentioned( Fronting on the northerly side of Arling- ton Drive( All of Lola 1 to 12 Incl.and the westerly 67 It.of Lot 13, of Blk. 22:and all of Lots 1 to 12 incl.of BIb.23; Bonneville- on-4he.Hill Sub. (unttled,) Fronting on the southerly side of Ar- lington Drive: All of Lots 43 to 56 incl. of BIk. 13, and all of Lots 27 to 37 incl.of Elk.14; Bonneville.on-the-Hill Sub.(unfilled.) Fronting on the easterly side of Cirde Way( Beginning at the N.W.Cor.of Lot 47, Blk. 15, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. Orb filed) thence N.57 dogs.35 mine.05 sec W. 111.41 ft: thence a and a ° a to the right Rad.15.17 ft.a distance oft 14.39 ft.of Lots 1 to 3 incl.,and all of Lots 47 to 58 incl. of Blk. 15, Bonneville-on.tlte. Hill Sub.(unified.) Beginning at the 5.W.Cor.of Lot 11, Mk.10,Bonneville o e Hill Sub. (un- ified) thence N.31 der.45 min. 27 sec. W. 102.48 It.; thence around a e to the right Rad.16 feet,adiatanceof v10.40 ft. of Lot 11, Elk, 16, Boneville.on-the. Hill Sub. (unified). 32 Fronting on the easterly side of Circle Way and Whine Avenue: Begin 59, BIb. 15,,mBonnevil Lot Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (un- ified),thence around a curve to the eight Rad.120 ft.,a distance'of 31.00 ft,:thence around-a curve to the left Rad.25.28 ft., distance of 47.40 ft.:thence S.41 deg.20 n.37 see.E. 58.66 ft.of Lot 60, Blk. 15, Hematite-on-the-Hill Sub. (unified). Fronting on the westerly side of Circle way: Blk.e 16,tn Bonneville-on-the-Hill Bof b. (un- tiled),thence N.67 der.35 min.05 se W. 60.84 ft., thence around a to :the left Rad.15 ft., distance of 8.77 ft, 'of Lot 1, Blk. 18,Bonneville.on.the.Hi11 Sub. (unified.) Beginning at the S. E. Cor of Lot 1, Blk.17,Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub- (until-: ed80.53t thence thence 31 deg.around 6 a n,curve2 °toy the. left Rad.16 It.,x distance o 13.16 ft.n1 Lot.1,Blk.17,Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unified). Fronting on the westerly. northerly or easterly shire of ClreletWa: All of Lois 2 to 10 incl. of Bre. 16, Bonneville-on-the-Hill Sub. (unified), Fronting on the westerly or southerly shire of Circle Way: All of Lore 2 to 10 Incl. of Blk 17, Bonnevillown-the-Bill Bub. (unfired). Fronting on the southerly sideline ft{Circle We"and the westerly side of Hlliden Av- enue: Begin IS Blk. 17,tt Botng itievllLot le--en.the-Hill Sub. (on- filed) thence aronnd x c e to the left Rad.470 ft.,a distance of 144.07 ft.;thence rand a curve to the Right Rad.26.27 ft., a distance of 30.22 ft.:thence S.41 deg.30 n.37 sec.01.133.07 ft.of Lots 11 to 16 Incl., Blk, 17, Bonneville-on•the-Hill Sub. (unified):being:a part of Sec.33,T.1 N. R.1 E, S.L.B.er M., as the sante are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the em owner- shin back from said streets and ato collect sa id tax, SECTION II. That the assessment Flat• made by the City Treasurer, a corrected, uuunliad and completed by the Board of Equalisation and Review of the property' described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Lighting District No. 12-11, 01 Salt Lake City'for the purpose of providing for the crxtiou. mainteimnce and patrolling of Incandescent lamps and furnishing with' electrical a orgy,Is hereby confirmed and the ientn made are returned: said ompieted lists and the report of the Boad of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified,approved and confirmed. SECTION M. Said tax shall be payable An advance in ten equal yearly install- marts,with interest on any delinquent in- stallment unpaid at the rale of ton per cent per ann which interest shall be charged from u and after the due date.;,of each installment.,to-win One-tenth thoriYf fifteen days after the ordinance levying the tax for the payment of the improve- ment becomes effective: one-tenth thereof inin one two y thereafter;ear ears t ereafter; one-tenth tnth he reof In three years thereafter;one-tenth thereof in four years thereafter: one-tenth there- of in five years thereafter:one-tenth there- of in six years thereafter;one-tenth there. of In yearn thereafter; one-tenth thereof seven years years thereafter;one-tenth thereof i s thereafter;n provid. ed, however,nine o of such installments in the one payable, or the whole tax, may y he paid without Interest within fifteen (15) days front the dale this ordinance becomes effective and an such payments'mad,within said fifteen days will he allowhd a dlecount.of three Per cent (3%I. Default in the payment of at such In- stallment of principal when duel shall to become doel`aod payable Rent slob, and the whole amount of the unpaid➢oln- apal shall thereafter draw interest at the } ten per rent per Ul Paid, but t. any time priors to lithe date i sore or at the owner mar Day _the amount of all unpaid matallmente pact due, with interest t the rate0D1 ten per t per an um to date of paymenton he delinquent fnslallreents. d ails)000Orued sts,-nd shall thereupon he Ln the right thereafter to peg in instaud aol m the same manner as 2 default had not occurred.m SECTION IV. TEIe ordinance hall take, effect re day alter to Bret public.on. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City.Utah,this i6th day of No. A.D. 1027. H. W. MUREOC t Temporary Chairman. ETHEL MCiitt DQ A der. (SEAL) Bill No.32_ Lightint District No. 12-D, Second ariaFinal Eslrmane Published November 17th, 1937, ''rt-f it y 0 0 &. v-,:-. , ---- 1-1•6 1.4....) 1,,, '''....,) <'.. •_.,---, ,-- •-7.--).. r A, N.:_\ oi• k 1- CA Z , , 1