32 of 1945 - Sidewalk Extension #235-2nd and final estimate \ROLL GALL
VOTING Aye Nay 'Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Romney i 0,
Mr. Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCX iEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro-
perty (Sidewalk Extension No. 235) for the purpose of constructing
concrete sidewalk.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION L. That the Board of Couuaissi oners of Salt Lake
City does hereby .levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described (Sidewalk Extension No.
215) for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalks, to-wit:
Lots 2063 to 2124 incl., Highland Park plat A, part of
S.w. 1/I. of S.E. 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 ,. ., E. 1 E., S. T.. B. &
M.; Lots 10, 11 and 12. and Lots 15 to 39 incl. of Bik. 3, and
Lots 53 and 79 and Lots 58 to 76 incl. of Blk. b,, Union Heights
Sub. of Bit. 46 - 10 Acre plat A, Big Field Survey; Lots 1 and
7 of Blk. A and Lot 1 of Blk. B. of Johnson Sub. of part of
S.W. 1/A of S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 2?, T. 1.S., R. 1 E., S. L. B.
M.; also part of S.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 and part of S.E. 1/4 of
S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 22, J2. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & 55
The tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing
concrete sidewalk five (5) feet wide on both sides of 17th. East Street
from 137 ft. south of Stratford Avenue to 27th South Street; and both
sides of Ashton Avenue between Highland Drive and. 13th East Street
(except where walk is now built); and constructing four (4) foot side-
walk on tje aputh side of 27th South Street between 20th and 23rd
Hast Streets; all said sidewalks to be four (4) inches thick; upon the
?'Z portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and here-
inafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said
improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established
that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the ful
ammunt of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereb
assessed at an equAl and uniform rate in accordance with the linea
foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership
back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied
and to be assesse( upon said parcels of land is Nine Thousand, Nine
Hundred one and 56/100 09,901.76) Dollars; Three Thousand, Nine Hun
dred Five and 95/100 ($3,905.95) Dollars or One and 655/1000
( 1.655) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for
constructing four (4) foot walk, there being 2360.09 feet abutting
said portion of said improvement; and five Thousand, Nine Hundred
Ninety-five and 81/100 ( 5,995.81) Dollars or One and 955/1000
($1.955) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for
constructing five (5) foot walk, there being 3066.91 feet abutting
said portion of said improvement; within the boundaries or the
lots, blocks and streets above mentioned, which is the total abutte s'
cost and cost per front foot of said sidewalks, according to the
contract entered into for the performance of said work and making
said improvement with Rex F. Moss, dated the 13th day of September,
1944, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess
in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the pur-
pose herein mentioned;
Fronting on the South side or 27th South Street.
All of Lots 1 and 7 of Blk. A and ail of Lot 1 of Blk.
i:, Johnson Sub. of part of S.W.1/4. of S.W.1/4 or Sec. 22, T. 1 S.,
1 E., S. L. B. & M.; beginning at the N.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk.
6, Johnson Sub.; thence east 271.25 ft., part of 5.w.1/4 of S.W.
/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., b. L. B. & M.; beginning qt the it-
ersection of the South line of 27th South Street and the east line
.f 2090 East St.; thence east 57.25 ft., part of S.W.1/4 of S.N.1/4
.f Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., s. L. .b. & M.; beginning at the in-
ersection of the south line or 27th South St. and the west line of
0140 East St.; thence west 360.0 ft., part of S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4
.f Dec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M.; beginning at the inter-
section of the south fine of 27th South. Bt. and the east line of
2140 East '.t.; thence east 1259.70 ft., part of S.}-10. o ..S.0 .1/i-
of Sec. 22, T. 1 , ., R.
1 E., & --.•; beginning at a point
15.7/. it. west of the intersection of the south. line of 27th So.
.t- one the lest _Line of 23ra _ast i-P ., thence vest 66.94 ft., par
of S.C.i./X. of ,.4..1/4 of Sec. 22, T. I S., F. 1 E., P.L.O.: & MI.
FIvll (5) FOOT W.A. K.
P-roni;:Lrig on the east side of 17th.. fact Street.
All of Lots 2094 to 2124 incl., Hightand Park Plat A,
part of S.1i:.1.0. of S.E.a/i. of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., L. 1 is., S.L.D. I
Fronting on She rest side of 17th. fast Street.
A11 of Lots 2063 to 2090 incl., and the east 60 ft. of
Lots 2091, 2092 and 2093, Highland park that A, part of the 5. .'.1/L
of S.E. 1/.,.. of .iec.21, _ . _i_ S., P. 1 .., .B. t .
Fronting on the north sine of Ashton. Avenue.
Al]. of Lots 53 and 79 and all of Lots 58 :Oo 76 incl. of
Bik. 4, Helen heights Sub. of Elk. 46, 10 Acre Plat i , Sig Yield
Fronting on the south side of Ashton yve i:ue.
Al_ of mots 10, 11, 12, and 15 to 39 incl.. oi' 71k. 3,
Nnion Heights Sub. of Blx. 46, 10 Acre Plat 1, ;)if yield Survey;
as the same are shover upon the official plats of said city to the
entire depth of the same ownership back from said. streets, not ex-
ceeding 330 feet, ant to collect ;said tax.
Si-CTIOI e. That the arse:scient fist made b:•- the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approvcc. and completed by the Board. of
Fir uaiization and Ceview of the property fescribed. in Section I of
this ordinance (Sidewalk intension No. 235) of Salt Lake Cit-, for
the purpose of constructing a aidev:al,t upon said portions of said
streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returns.
in said completed lists and the report of the Boave, of F.pualizatio
and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City ;;.re
hereby ratified, approved and confirmed..
3)'1C1'1OH . aid tax shalt be payable in five equal C
a,.* gri..
instaallments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the
,,hole sum unpaid at the rate o. four _,er cent per cuundi, payable at
the time saes installment is due; proviae , however, that one or
more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) hays from the
date this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments i
the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may
' .) be paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment
, becomes sue by payin` the sage iith interest fr64the date of levy
: r, to the date such fir,. nstall nt is cicx r, e' more instal Lean is
;41 in the oro.er. in ,�rhie t eyy r bayable aof.i ah;ple special tax,
nP :a �'
1 <'s may be paid on the d an' i .i_men� isf-4s ,d"3ef
sby paying the
1 amount thereof and in oft aat frf anneTit' , Default in th
r,„,Pli_` payment of any such i 'taLime- ' grin pa br r3tc!rest I'd-Len due
shall cause th whole of the unpaid prindipaF1
y, or iAterest to becom_
due ens, payable im ieeiately and the thole amount of the unpaid
principal shall thereafter dray, interest at the rate of ten per ce •t
per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale of
foreclosure, the owner may pay the aclouht of all unpaid instaliraen s
past due vdth interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to
date of payment on the delineuent installments, and all accrued
costs, and shall thereupon be restore(1 to the rights thereafter to
pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not occur-
ssc TON I. This ordinance shall take effect one day aftwer
its publication. //
J ,r
Passed by the hoarn of Commissioners of Lalh Lake City,
Utah, the g.. , aay of , 194`��
,A /
69719316 7.. .4°49. ,. -, , _
City Recoraer. f
Sidewalk ins:tension No. 235. r
;nd oc 'final Estimate.
Z • t
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D IA Ockey
. Legal Notices I. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
TAAN X a.ORDI^NANCE LEVYING sessment f ` vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
23)efor thadp�(Sidewalk f nst ct- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
In¢concrete sidewalk,
Be tt ordained by S the Board of o f Utah.
Commlesionees of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and pro.
vide for theassessment of the That the advertisement
non the propery hereinafter
described (Sidewalk Extension No.
236) for the pnrwoac of construct.
Mg concrete sidewalks,to-wn.: Ordinance Bill #32— (Sidewalk
Lots 2003 to alas incl., Highland -
Park Plat A,part of S.W.B4 of S.
E.y,of Sec.21,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,
S. L. . & M.; Lots 100 11 d 1 v
17 and Lots 15 to•39dnel, t Blk.3, T tens�.on !¢2..)5
and Lots 53 and 70 and Lots 68
to 70 incl.of Blk,4,Union Heights
Sub. of Blk. 46 — 10 Acre Plat
A. Big Field Survey: Lola 1 a ,'c f j,r77,� f!'tzr r.crnr)rcticn
7 of Blk. A and Lot 1 of Blk.
B. of Johnson Sub. of Dart- 01
S.W. ya f S.W. y, of 9er. 22,
T. 1 S., It. 1 E., S.L. B. &H.' was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
also part of S.W,np f S,W ;
`-efd part f S.E. .. f S.W. /a
Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1.E., S.
&M 6th. day of July A.D.19 45
expense'ai fIs leviedt inR defray the
sidewalk Eve CO(51 feet wide con�o
oth sides of 17th East Street
.137 ft. south oftrStratford and was published l tune
both sides t Ashton Avenue Sc.
'East' :�aplghlexc Drive and 13th
la the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
o t built):(except constructing sli nr
(4) loot sidewalk no the south
aide of.27th South Stet between
.25th and 27 d East Streets; 6th day of July A D. 19 45
Maid-ia. ll to bo 1 (4)inches
ir k n t portions said id
'lbt to P Ito the P tY here, f'- /
1 bloc ❑ hereinafter described
L d especially affected d b t
'd d `:
aajudged,pro and determined Advertising Clerk.
tablieh that 1 property _ _..
benefited tax he to
levied 11 amount ar the lux hereby
levied aassesse parcels of land n
hereby assessed a at cd eons&and
,form rate In accordance'with
the linear fret frontage (molt and
to the entire depth o1 the e
ownership 3 bark therefrom the not gents
330 foot,and the tax here- 'to before me 7th'
sa levied and to be assessed upon thisday ()f
said parcels f tare i ur a• 76- S54
eand, Nine Hundred One and 78- _
aso(49,901.78)Dollars:Three Thou- • A. D. 19 45 �f,{
d, Nine Hundred Five and 95-
100 ($3,005 96) Dollars or Ono and •
050.1000 con lbl.tin) Dollarsu per frontf
or linear foot of abutting property
for ,there tin fore le) toot
walk,there Ueina,2380.0A feet abut-
ting �
said porn.'of said )mDovc,-• _
Wilt; nd Five 'Thousand, Nine'
Hundred Ninety-five and, 81-100 - -Notary Public.
ollars or One and
1500 8(21.055) Dollars per front 96or
utting Property
for linear
cting five(5)foot walk,
there being 3080.91 feet abutting
said portion of said improvement;
within the boundaries of the lots,
Nooks and streets above mentioned, SECTION 2, That the assess.
which is die total abutters'cost and ment list made by the City Treas-
oat per front foot of said side- urer, se rr ted, approved and
walks, according to the contract completed by the Board of hind.
entered into far the ➢erformance 'ration and Review of the prop.
O1 said work and making said arty described it Seeli0n 1 of this
improvement with Ilex F. Moss, ordinance (Sidewalk Extension No.
dated the lath day of September, 235) of Salt Lake City, tar the J
1944, and the Treasurer is hereby Durpoae of constructing a sidewalk
authorised and directed to upon said portions of said streets,
in accordance with the oviisii ne is hereby confirmed. and the as.
of this nrdiumtre, for thea e mo oats made and returned in
herein mentioned; said completed lists and the
TOUR hooting
F00T WALK port at the Beard of the nd ofzation
South i Street.
the South Alde of 27th lesionerewofo Salt Laked City are
All of Loin 1 and 7 of Slk. A hereby ratified. approved cad cos
sod all of Lot 1 of Otto.B. John. firmed,
on Sub. of part of S.W. Si at SECTION 3. Said tax shall be
S. W. V. of Sec.22, T. 1 S., R. payable in five I yearly i
1 E.,S.L.B.&M.; beginning at stallmenle as provided by law and
the N, E. Car, of Let 1, Blk. B, o dinance with interest on the
Johnson Sub,: thence east 211.25 whole sum unpaid at the rats of
It, Part of S. W. Va of S. W. feur per cent per anu payable
11 f Sec. 12, T. 1 5., A. 1 F.., at the time each installment ie
S. L. B. & M,: beginning at the , due provided, however, that one
intersection of the Smith line of o of such installments in the
27th South Street. and the east order payable, or the whole tax, -
lion of 2090 Eaat St.; thence mat may be paid f thout interest with-
' 67.26 1t., 0
pert f S. W. V. t S. in fifteen (15) days from the date
W Va of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., A 1 this ordinance becomes effective.
E.,S.L.B.&M.;beginning at the One or mare installments in the slim.' or
1 termetion of the south line a( der in which they are payable.
27th Smith St. and the wet line . the whole sial tax.man be paid
of 2140 East St.: thence west 360.0 . after said fifteen days and before
ft., part of S.W. v of S. IV, n' . the first installment become)) due
of Sec,22,T.1 S.,11.1 E.,S.L.B. ' by paying the a with 'ntet'est
& M.; beginning at the i terse,- from the data f levy to the date
oti0otof the South Cue of 27th such first installment is due. One
South-St,aod the east line of 2140 or n tallment)) in Inc order
East.Si.: thence east 1259.70 ft., mom
ithey re payable.-or the
eat f S. E. Ve of 5. W. i/ f .whole special tax. ins no paid
SIa the date any installment be. _
&OM.; beginning t point 15.74 comas due by paying the amount
ft.west of the intersection of the I . thereof and interest to the date
south line of 27th So.St.and the of payment. Default in the ear-
west line of 23rd East St., thence went of any such installment of
'aVa 4 68.94 H„ part of S. E. Drtndpal or interest when due shall
f S.W.IrA�of Sec.22,T.1 S.,A. Muse the whole of the unpaid
L. ; principal or Interest to become due
P1VE (5) FOOT WALA, and payable immediately and the
Fronwhole t of the paid prin.
BaeEEiSlreet, the east aide a 17th Meal hall thereafter draw inter.
es att
All of Lots 2094 to 2124 incl., nm until ate 1 ten per cent per
paid,but any time
Highland Park Plat A, part of S. prior to the date of sale or tore- -
W. Ca of 8, E. V4 of Sec, 21, closure, the r y pay the
amount of all owner
n Fronting o the west side of 17th east due with interest at the rate
Eeet Street. f ten per ant Dec annum to date
Alb of Lots 2003 to 2000 Incl., of payment on the delinquent in.
andth0 t ell ft. of Lots.2001, • etallment0. and all d costs,
2002 and 3093, Highland Park Plat and shall thereupon be realored to
A. part of the S.W, Va I M. E. the rights thereafter to pa In
Va 1 See.21,''P.1 S.,A.1 E.,S. installments the egos manner
L.B.&M. as if default had not Occurred.
Fronting on the north side of Ash- SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
ten Avenue, take effect one day after its pub-
All of Lots 53 and 79 and all of Ration.
Passed by the Board of Commis-
Heights to 76
f l.of B49, 10 UnionAcre {loners of Salt JulLL�ake City, Utah
Plat A, Big Field-Survey, tM]d day of ARL J,H A. LADE
BfOnting on the south side of Ash- Mayor.
to Avenue. IRMA F. BITNEA,
All of Lots 10, II, 12, d 15 City Recorder.
to,39 incl.of Bik,3,Union Heights -
Sub, of Blk 40, 10 Acre Plat A, gidowo 10. II.
Big Field Survey; a the same Sidewalk Exteminn No. 236.
shown upon the official plats are
2nd&Final Estimate.
said city to the entire depthPublished July 6, 1645.
the a ownership back frog said
streets,not ))
exceeding 330 test, and
to collect said tax.
. . .
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