32 of 1946 - Annexation Extending the limits of Salt Lake City v-1.., VALE V
- Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck Z.----
Matheson . . . -------- I move that the ordinance be passed.
Romney L%"'
Mr.Chairman . . . -'`
aWHEREAS, on the 18th day of April, 1946, there was filed
_A with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 372 by Owen
ry �O
rl Duffin, et. al., (being a majority of the owners of real property
P situated in the tract hereinafter described) requesting that said
tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and
also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to
by a competent surveyor and approved by the Salt Lake City Engineer
il to be filed with the City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt
Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annex-
ed to and made a part of said City; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of
land and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous
vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract
of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should
a ,, ., be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city
t limits of said Salt Lake City, accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
H` SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be
'•.,y and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include
-t5 - the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
='2z 4-3A4't Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, Blk. 15,
c t}l' Five Acre Plat '0'; thence S. 89° 53' 42" E. 76.08 ft.;
thence S. 0° 02' 52" E. 574.2 ft.; thence N. 89° 53' 42" ,
Yi.76.06ft.;-thence N. 0° 04' 04" W. 574.2 ft. to the point 61,`}
of beginning;
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map or plat. -
VS 't
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above
described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential rAt
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shal
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City
and zoned as Residential CAI District as in the ordinance provided
and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per
taining to said Salt Lake City are extended .over and made applica-
ble and pertinent to theaid tract of land, and the streets, bloc s,
alleys and ways:, of said t.ract shall be controlled and governed by
the ordinances,':rules and,regulations of said city in that behalf
and the monuments ef-"the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken
therein as the Standard of locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon-the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as
provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication. {�
Passed by the Board of Commissioners_ "-`Sal \Lake City,
Utah, this 4 ,,J day of MA7
, A.D. 19,21„.T
44, i City Recorder.
r a..T
Premed to the Board of Commissioners
MAY 161946
cmY xaaoa�w
Fast Publication in
AN ORDINANCE ly staked ou
11n the ground as
shown upon themap or plat.
THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. ED that the whole of the above
WHEREAS. on the 18th day of described property be and is hereby
April,1946,there was filed with the zoned as Residential 'A' District.
City Recorder of Salt Lake City Pc- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN
Anion No. 372 by Owen Dutfin, M. ED and declared that when this or.
l being a majority of the owners
dtnance takes effect the said tract
of real rtcecr�ty situated nt thetract of land above described shall thence-
hereinafter described) u esting forth be within the norporale limits
that said of land requesting
taken of said Salt Lake City and zoned
limnswithin the limns of Salt Lake Cite, s Residential'A'District a in the
and alalsosed an accurate map o ordinance �vided, and all ordl
obit to be made and t'erltficd to by minces,S jurisdictions,rules and bit
etent and approved gati0na of or pertaining to said Salt
by the Salt Lake Cite Engineer to Lake City are extended over and
be filed with the City Recorder. r applicable ottO pertinent to the
WHEREAS.the said tract of land said a tract of land, and the streets,
Ls con s to Salt Lake City aad Ibloeks,alleys and ways of said tract
there tl o proper d why it the
d controlled s a regulations
should�o l be C xat and
and made the ordinances,in rules bed l gstid the
i port of said City`',ardo 0f said city that behalf and the
WHEREAS,the Rama of CR mate hens thenceforth
the City Engineer
sioners of Salt petition
ofC so. after math tstandardth be takentoltt therein
said petition sold o s the standard of InrnLlpns and die
examiningown- a
of said ti road of landance and nm. la SEC
voted g the thereoi. SECTION ordinance
Upon theopmeage of
voted et l Of hit talc ordinance the City Recorder f
embers said
satract of Iau favor 0f Salt Lake City shall file and she
members annexing e ufd tiros of land it Salt a hereby directed Salt the with the
Lahr City and directed anal nerd County Recorder of Lake above
:should Ise the extension
annexing said the at a copy ofide tn.t Hlatan shave
territory and the a all :on of the ned, dilly provided
and tirS
city tamale of said Salt Lake City, aces gad a is a in such
tc ordtngly. ill together r e,e'a rertifled rove
NOW, by the
it l OR. �It ordinance.th
by lte akerd of Commis -"`—S Hoard
of 3 the opinion of the
Y Salt Lake City, Utah: ROnrd hCommissioners,peace.
e it
is tier-
"' Sall La 1.III l the city limits to the p c,health and Lake
a Sall Lake City he and the l sty the inhabitants ordin of gab Lake
are hereby le extended and enlarged s City thatffthis ordinance shall be-
ar include the following Coumsertb• rotor ION 4 Thisimm ordinance
ut tract ti land in Salt Lake Conn-s ake effect
a This Rsoon It shall
v to-wn: take effect at once noon its first
Beginning at the Northwest - t l'ado b.
c� I Lot tie 8.. 15, P Acre Passed by the Board t Cnmmie-
3 42 L thence 6 89 de. e stoners of Halt Lake Ll0, Ulah
X� 42 ._ .,4FUHflLI; S 0 ft 16thdos ARL AD.1946.1 g 02 2 E. 742 ft, EARL.1. f.LADE.li N 89 d . 53 in. 42 May'or
r W. 7806 ft.; 11 N. 0 deg. 04 IRMA F. EITHER,
v 04 W. 742 f to the ISEAL I City Recorder.
if point of beginning,h
1 BILL NO. 32.
0- .and that the le oe been correct- Publish. May 21. 1046.
,,i V.LSI If 1JTS
MAY 2R rnnti
flehered t. ._--
May 15, 1946.
DUFFIN ANNEX PLAT NO. 1, (Description)
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, B1k. 15,
Five Acre Plat "C"; thence S. 89°53'42" E. 1 08'ft.; thence
S.0°02,52" E. 574.2 ft.; thence N. 89°53'42" W._-76reB'ft.;
thence N. 0°04'04" W. 574.2 ft., to the point of beginning.
// ( ..
1..._ (\ J ` 1'
iday 15, 1948.
DUTFFIN ANNEX PLAT NO. 1, (Description)
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, Blk. 16,
Five Acre Plat "C"i thence 3. 89°63'42" B. 78.08 ft.1 thence
8.0°02'52" E. 674.2 ft., thence N. 89°53'42" W. 78.08 ft.;
thence N. 0°04'04" W. 674.2 ft., to the point of beginning.
,Q �j�
Recorded at Request .4�j`.e w�?-Pa _ t _ JUN 2 1949
at) /�M $ Naeel Taggart lOhhw1'Reaorder Salt Lake County,Utah
8y C Reek Iit D Page i17 Real
AN ORDINANCE ly staked out upon the ground as Vhil
shown upon the map or plat. `��-•�,�f�,
THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. that thea whole of the above •
WHEREAS. on the lath doe of described property be and is bereb➢
April,1948,there was filed withe the ed a Residential 'A' District.
City Recorder of Salt Lake City pe- Eli AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN.
titimt No. 372 by Owen theoDuffle,et. ED and declared that when this o
(being a malorlty of the owners tee takes effect the id tract
of real property situated in the tract of land above described shall thence-
hereinafter described) requesting forth be within the corporate limits
that said tract of land be take: of said Salt Lake City and zoned
within the limits of Salt Lake CRY, as Residential'A'District as in
and also caused an accurate
pap orordinance provtded, and all ardi•
Plat to be made and certified to by risdictions,rules and obliL
competent a and approved rations of org to said Salt
by o the Salt Lake City
ecrde. to Lade City extended overe
be filedES the Cily Recorder. made applicable and pertinent to the •
WHERuous the gold tract f land a tract,alof land,. and the streets,
is contiguous r Salt Lake City and blocks,alleys one ways of said tract
i o proper r why t than be Conn,controlled and governed bys
a part o not be City:
tl to and made one ordinances,in that and regulations
a part f 'd he and m sumo nits In that yalf Engineer
WIrs of the Board of e, te of the City
of Salt Lake tot afterw as shall thenceforth be taken therein
mtn ing said petition ofon of said o s the standard of locations and din.
ers xa on said tract land and col, fences.
eider theusv.circumstancesthereof,1ci is SECTION 2.the the eco der o1
voted es• f vote of elf belt Lotte i the City Recorder e
members saidsaid of in favor t h Lake City shall file and she
said tracte of ad to Salt is hereby order of b tits with the
Lake Cityo and directed that a orad County Recorder m p o plat
ounce should be passed annexing f said mentioned,a soon oP the r plat above
ci yStory and she earl Lek of theddduly certifiedidd and aek.
aeon ding) of said 6a14 Lake City, ases.tar as withSerbTHEREFORE, a certified eepY our BE o OR. of Sonia ordinance.
PAINED0ecenby the Boers of Commis-- SECTION 3.mi the opirrs, iso eyeit .
at'SaltSECTION 1. That the city )Semen dry to the aeita,health d Lake
ar her Lake City od be and the Eysyf the inhabitants in of SalthLake
are hereby a the following od dose ice City that this ordinance shall be
a tor tof l the a de Conn- m ION I.This ordinance
ed tract of land in Salt Lake Conn- take ect e ordinance hall
take effect at once upon its sliest
• Beof Lot at the Northwest cr. publication.
ner 01 '. t 1L H1.. 18. Five Acre passed the Hake i Commis.
plat c. thence S.89 tee. e S. stoners of SaltoSlay. City. Utah
42 see. E.m . sec.
thence S. 0 this 16th day of May.A. A E,
ace.e m 52 a E. 874.2 sec.
thence 0 t.: tee.ce t 42 s Mayor
W. 78e.; thence N. deg. a IRMA F. BITNER,
Beo see. W. g: ft. to the BILL NO. Cite
Point of same
N0. 32.
and that the same has been correct, published May 21. 1946.
•p .t if., ; i ,(
0 0H
*t..+i)`at ',V ,hl 1ice _ ) , _ ._
CE-A? .;
24 • p
14 pg
ii (1
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Frank A. Shieldst DeputyCity Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Kay 16, 1946 pry •
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this 2d, day of June, 1949 xygtx
(SEAL) i= `
BIZL NO., 32 of 1946 Q,
Chief Deputy City Recor er.
Published_P,ay___211 1946 p 77Q(
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Irma F. Bitner City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16th, 1946 3pF5x
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, t day of_ y, 1946 I
'..:{zzd - ----
BILL NO.. 32 �//LLJ `� City Recorder.
Published_ MaY21st, X gtSamx--1946
1042697 +,
i\,..-7.‘: i • -
aoprati at aequ s for -._ _ ` _... .._�-.... _' _._ MAY 2 8 1946
EAW Z:j- Ytj�j�/y)44. 1.4-7 ""! Cornelia S. Lund, Recorder S. T,e:ounn'y,Utal
By • �`1����— (�Dep. Book�;Page; Ref:6ZQ-f96 A6
AN ORDINANCE ly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map or plat.
THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. ED that the whole of the above
1 WHEREAS. on the 18th day Of described property be and hereby
April,1940,there was tiled with he zoned asResidential 'A' District.
\ City Recorder of Salt Lake City Pe- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN.
titimt No.372 by Owen Duffin,et. ED and declared that when this or.
'I a.., (being a majority of the owners dinanee takes effect the said tract
01 real property situated in the tract of land above described shall thence-
hereinafter described)q. requesting forth be within the corporate limits
•that said tract of land be taken of id Salt Lake City and zoned
within the limits of Salt Lake Cite. s Residential'A'District asin the
and also caused n r to man or ordinance Provided, and all o di-
riot to be made and certified to by e, Jurisdictions,rules and bli
•r_ c the Salt Lake Citory
and ineervttoo Lake it or Pertaining to soverd
by the Salt Lake City Engineer approved
City ta perild r e
1 be filed with the City Rues01, made applicable and pertinent to rho
WHEREAS,the said tract f land aid tract of land, and the beets,
is cot ttiguen to Salt Lance City and blocks,alleys and wave of said tract
there ie do proper moon by is shall bedi controlled and regulations
ooet 0 raid C a and made the ordinances,in roles and Band the
at part f said City:and ofm said is in that yalf d the
WHEREAS,the Board i e, otter n ln then of the City Ethirein
sioners of Salt Lake City. owe- shall thenceforth heo taken therein
of said circumstances
ircoa petition of said own- as the standard of locations and dfa-
ofI said tract ni land and c Lance..
sidore of the pre of )ante thereof, SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
voted rbye vote of all this ordinance the City Recorder f
embers of said Board in favorBe Salt Lake City shall file and he
�^ ntannexing said tract f land
to Salt hereby directed to file with the
\��, Lake City and directed that an ordi. County Recorder of Salt Lake Coum
terc should be passed annexing said ty a copy of the map o plat above
ritory and the extension of the mentioned, duly certified and auk
city limits of said Salt.Lake City, nOwle,i6ed as Provided In such
ac cases,
d'gly. cases.together with a certified copy
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- of this ordinance.
PAINED by the Board of Commis. SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
Monroe of Salt Lake City,'Utah: Board of Commissioners, it Is n c.
SECTION 1. That the city limits essary to thy peace,health and nets.
of Salt Lake City be and the same ly of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
re hereby he d and enlarged a City that this ordinance shall be.
as to includea the following deacrib- come
ffeeive immediately.
ed tract of land in Salt Lake Coun- SECTION 4.This ordinance shall
ty.to-wit: take effect at once upon Its first
Beginning at the Northwest publication,
nee of Lot 11, Blk, 15, Five Acre Passed by the Board of Commis.
Plat 'C'; thence S.89 deg.53 m,n sinners of Salt Lake City, Utah
i 92 see. E. 78A0&see.
thence S. v
0 this 16th day of May,A.D.1946,
deg, 02 m ti 52 a e E. 574.2 ft,: EARL J.GLADE.
thence N. B9 deg.c53 min. 42 s Mayor.
W. 76.06 ft.: thence N. 0 deg. 04 IRMA F. BITNER,
04 see. W. 574.2 ft. to the ISEALI City Recorder,
Point of beginning: BILL. NO. 32.
and that the same has been correct- Published May 21. 1946.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
WHEREAS, on the 18th day 1
•April,edor there was filedLeke with the Being first duly,sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
, 'Won'Reco.31 of'Salt Lake City Pe-
'Won No.373,by Owen Duffin,et.
al„(being a.melority of the owners '
f keel proper described)
m the tract vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
descroii��bed) a takes
.within the litnitea'df land
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
and also.ennead accurate map o
mat to be made and certified to by
oempetal surveyor and Id of Utah.
' by the Salt Lake City Engineer to
be filed will the City Recorder.
WHEREAS,the said tract of land'
le contignoee to Salt Lake.City and
there ie no proper swim by it That the advertisement
should not be City:o to end made
et:part of said City;and -
WHEREAS.the Board of Commis-
. dative of Salt Lake City, after O rrl i r f1 n c e 11 111 No 32
easmining-said petition of'said.own-
snot ef sea tract of land and eon-
. voted bythe unanlmoueeten to thereof.
aRCIty members'of eels Board in favor of Salt Take C t y ornora t on
k�Wey d directed that:ordi-
etoryobandb the passed
city limits.Itraid Salt,Lake City,
DAu&Eb'by the HoaEd of PIEC mmis-- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
.ioaero of Lake City, Utah:
• SECTION.1.That the city Smiteof Salt-Lake'eity,be and•the rams
are hereby emended end enlarged Po day of A.D. 19as
to of nd t d the followingL Coun-
ts,• tract of lam in Stilt.Laks Couq-
t'Beginaiot at the Norut Best tee- and was published May 21. 1946
r f:Lot Il, Rik, 15,Five Ace
Plat!a;thence S.SS deg.'13•min,
dee. 002 E�n7162 lea.E.'07{2Sf6 _-the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
tholes,.N. .: der.,'113 min. to sec.
W. 70Ae- e, flew N. S der. e
(k sea W:1174,3 St, to 'the
Point of beginninal day of A.D. 19
and that the same.has'been sorrect-
]y felled t MVOs,the'trotted'es
▪h tea nppe�p{he men or-plet.
ED that the 1.14010_4)f the ahoy.
e cubed property d. ee and 1.hereby Advertising Cleric d ae'RIT lei 'A'Ds here
ED and deolar -that when this or-
dinance land
•taker egret.the shall
f land ebove dethelbed h air hence-
forth be within the corporate-limits
of.,said Salt-Lake City•end zoned
ae•Roeldedtial"A'IHNHct-'ae'•In the
ordinance provided, end all.ordi-
Ehoer,ncee,jurisdictions, met-and'ob8-
tklan eg or ptrei=d aa°o d and o before me this 22nd day of
made applicable and eertleent ie the
blocks,alleys andd'weys.61 said.tract A.D. 19--46-
shall-be controlled and``overned by
the ordinances,rules'anA.r Wlal e
f said city,in that e gnp the
rnep mente of `.11yN,Pstt, Al 9anape,;
en the-standard
he tend d'of locations)and dl. ) r r
lances. /
SECTION 7.UDon'tha passage of 'c'� Ly4-2 •
flute ordinance the City Recorder of Notary Public,:
breSalt.Lake.City hall tile.and she
to:hereby directed.,to file with the
County -ofRecorder of Salt Lake Come-
tya cony'of the map,or Vat abort
mentioned, duly certified end'ack-
nowledged'as provided In. much
cane.tagether.wlth a certified mpy of thin ordinance. C e�F
SECTION 3,In the opinion of the
Boned 1.he pear,-brae, It le no ,
seat,to the ueace,=bealth and safes
ty of the inhabitants of Ealf Lake
°City that.this ordinate'shall he-
it efleelve Immediately:SEC ..
SECTION-4. This ordinances ehelt
,p effect at once'upon,Its'first
Paeeed oby the Board of Commf.
sinners of-Salt'Lake Clip,-Utah,
this fifth dry of'May,A.'E.,1845.
non:r. BITIBEt, ''.
(SEAL) City'Raooedp.
'BlTb le 3 N '3Stibiieped�M'Mir1.ISsB.-
.._..sue. Fit
- c