32 of 1949 - Amending Section 3670, relating to miscellaneous licenses, fee ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, to :t 1V4 VOTING Aye Nay • I move that the ordinance be passed. Affleck . Matheson . . Romney . Tedesco . . . . Mr. Chairman . . ,--AN DINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDIWA1 6E AMENDING SECTION 3670 of the Revised Ordina es Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 3, 1947, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 3670 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 3, 1947, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 3670. MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES. It shall be unlawful for any persons to engage in or pursue any business, vocation or calling hereinafter mentioned, without first obtaining a r\" license so to do; and he shall (except where otherwise pro- vided) make yearly payments into the city treasury, in ad- vance, for such license, as follows: Assayers �l2.00 Bakeries . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Bottling works 50.00 Building, loan, discount and investment institutions, when outside capital is employed 50.00 Distributor of advertising matter . . . 20.00 Exhibiting apparatus, per day 2.00 Exhibiting freaks of nature, per day 2.00 Exhibiting machines or appliances, per day 2.00 Exhibiting natural curiosities or speci- mens, per day 2.00 Use of apparatus or implements for public entertainment, for each such apparatus or implement, per day $5.00, but in no case shall such license be less than $20.00 per day. Exhibition for the trial or test of skill or strength, per day 25.00 Exhibition for trial or test of speed or endurance, or both speed and endurance, per day 100.00 e3f. -2- Photographers ii $15.00 Second-hand dealers 25.00 Shooting gallery . . . • . . . . . • . • 50.00 Skating rink 100.00 Museum or exhibition of souvenirs, per day 2.00 Slack rope performance, per day . . . . . 10.00 Chain scheme or sates device . . . . . . . 250.00 P+Iobile stores or Pollyannas 500.00 Sleight of hand or other trick performances, per day . • • . . . • • . . . . . • • . . 15.00 Solicitors of crayon, oil or other art pro- ductions, and enlargers of portraits or pictures . . . . . . . • . . • • • . . . 50.00 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, hgalth and safety of the inhabitants of +' Salt Lake City ;that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3., Thisrdi4nce shall take effect upon its first • publication Passed. by the BoArd of Co io rs f Salt Lake City, Utah, this yb day of , - 1949- or. II Deputy C_ y Recorde . is • • ,4 y a .._.,.....444., ,...,-- mu ..,2 3' • 0 m " A:, 3. 31: T k N Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 }ss County of Salt Lake J AN.06DINANCE l "-AN ORDINAN E AMENDING SEC- TION 3670 of'the Revised Ordinances' T -y of Salt Lake Cott' V Wh, Tet V 11 O C k e mendea b9 rdtssion passed toyy the Board oft Comel1seeloners of Sam r Lake Cloy Utah,'..., Il 3,1997,re- Being,first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- lCCating to flcppeneeedd.,,:.yy. Utrh,asldnets eof betithaLakea Cloyrd } SECTION 1.That Seeder{3670 of vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper the e Herbed 18 einanced eon SlitbLadke yy, 9 p published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State ordinance passed is yyathe Board of Commisslonere of Salt Lake city TT Utah,on April 3,19e7,relating to il- o f Utah. an s, be and the Dame Is hereby mended to real as follows: "SEC.3870.MISCELLANEOUS.LI-I yyCENSE&It shall be unlarawpful for any 'levelness,t0 e:Gogn or eherein That the advertisement tafter entioned, orithout first b- alillng-a Moen,.eo to do: and ob- taining An n ♦ hall (make where otherwpayments p Ordinance Bill No. 32 the c make treasury, payments into c city se, asyf o dvance, for Assayers 6Y fellOwtl: Eakerlea g 25.00 Bottling works 50.0o '�a It Lake City Cornorat ion Building, loan, discount lad i n vest ment fnetltutlnns, wheyn ostelde capital le em- Dised tribuutor of advertising mat- 10.00 Exhibiting apparatus per day 22.00 0.00 'Ex pibittiiYny freak. of nature. ,� was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Exhlbltmg machines or app4- kneee,Per day' 2.00. Exhibitinc trral curloaitiee day of A. D. 19 UYer of*pDa 66ue a or a lmDle- 2.00 menya for pebllu entertaln- aarat tar ch each per peas*ytna r implement, per and was published -on_L.av-.28- -]949 puniOh'ifcenw be cedes than 9920.00 per day. Exhibition;or the trial r the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the teat 05 kill r strength, Exhibition for trial or Met ig.00{ I ep d r .ndnranee or day of A. D. 19 both speed and•endurance, I p r day' IOn.oO' Photographers H000 • (7_.- 'Second-hand dealers 29.00 .Shipiiing,.Ecry 50.00 k L t6-'G'7c C-.Zi' vinSkating 100.001 .: -- Mueevm,'Or exhibition of mu- venire, per day 2.001 Advertising Clerk Slick rope performance, per Chain schema a sale.device 25000 Sleight of band!or other trick 800.00 Solicitors antes,per day11.or 18.00 other art production.. and enlargers f portraits or tto before me this twenty-einth day of pictures 10.00 SECTION 2.m Irt the re it le et the soda of Ca peace,heart a L necea- A.D.19 e the peace, health d ty 49 theof that thisOrdinance becomof Salte effectiake ve immediately. SECTION 3.This erdlnsnce shall take effect upon its first publica- tio n. y Gn toners of by Lake Ct Y.of Commis. - rath day'of May.A.D.1969. EARL J.GLADE, Mayer. Notary bloc DePuty City Recorder. 1 (S E A L1 ILL NO,32 uY AIM May 25•1941, Proof of Publication OF Attorney