32 of 1963 - Amending Section 24-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances, relating to the meetings of the Board of Commissi May ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, 28 , 196 3 VOTING Aye Nay �� I move that the Ordinance 6e passed, Christensen . . 7 Harrisoneq Romney . . Smart . . / Mn Chairman ✓ AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 24-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the meetings of the Board of Commissioners. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 24-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to the meetings of the Board of gommissioners, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: • "Sec. 24-1-6. Meetings. The board of commissioners shall hold at least three public meetings a week. Until otherwise provided by commission action, the regular meet- ings of the board of commissioners shall be held at 10:00 a.m. on each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Special meetings may be ordered by a majority of the board or by the mayor or temproary chairman thereof. The order must be signed by the members or mayor or chairman calling such meeting, and must be entered in the minutes of the board. Not less than three hours notice of such special meeting must be given by the recorder to each member not joining in the order, said notice to be served personally or left at his usual place of abode. All meetings of the board to which any person not a city officer is admitted, must be kept public, The books, records and accounts must be kept at the office of the city recorder and open at all times during business hours for public inspection. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May this 28th day of ) 19 . / MAYOR CITY566/!4i 4644 R E C O R D E - Chief Deputy (S E A L) BTU NC), 32 of 1963 Published May 31, 1963 32 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, It ss. County of Salt Lake R. R. Aveson Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising ORDINANCE j clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- AN ORDIN ME NDING Sec Ilon�q�l.b of}he Revisetl Ortlinances �ps;'llno"mee;!�;,° �e B�erdali GRAM, a daily 'except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- Cpmm 551°n¢rs, ° h - Be oream¢B'Ev me Boara or fish language wit general circulation to Utah, and published in imi ^¢r5 of yqn rase,q1r, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. �ian': L kd C555 IUt ,955 [es1^I]Salt:'.lakem mgt°Upah,"1953 Iooflnc to Jh¢ a1 `the Si a rrC '`ebr That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto r^Issmnere ne,aeu lne same nerebr ll. hree ce_�1tlq¢1ers Mee;l h The boartl of ahree 140irm sllalv5 a°Iw f leas) m¢ry,�C r°r`aea by eoe," wrn An Ordinance Amending..Section_2tk-1.-6 of the 'b ld a?10:05 mmlar Meefinys aS be hale aI e;ep a Issloners hall 'be we^estlal and'Tnursd y,T yp"a; Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1955 loniv1Oo°i Ine oo�tl°rea¢e nr..a or lam^ovary chairm:Onb lhe`reoi.'The arse,L nee by the bea5`or chatrman. iiln to themeetings of the Board of i�ne nr n`t of°he o rea:fJCI'iees relating �'. gar IhreelBnooero notice of su h o °me o�yr,I oucbeie base�d Cnmmiesionara-, etc, Pi sans¢. ail t !Iis I place to hich a Bretln°s of lhelYn ofid ferWls tlmlfeC,me5f b¢akept ueb. �slbea kepi sa?tOerdfic¢¢�fafhe DIY reorbUe'nesstlhouis for nlublie nspap ° published in said newspaper on P es s¢e by me�Bparo of comis. was 1- p day ofyale ajg6J�"r.Utah,this t( J.BRACKErN LEE, zLey..3].,1963 1 d 0E Mayo EL RITA BE�SLEY Chief p¢pury Cily Recoreer �i• BILL NO.J]of I PubIishee May 1,19 196]. C"� I Legal Adver Cl tisingerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 3xd day of June A.D. 19.63---. -22) Notary Public My Commission Expires November 25,1965- li Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake R. R. Aveson Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising AN sR�INRpINAN„ENs;N� clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- °n It a e Crt,LIN;hd GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish s2�,Lake NI�,, 1:5�, ,5 10 the I eol Inns o the tl°arU of I Cammisslcona,s^ r fish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in �omms�,g6`e�, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Ulatlo SECTION I. Thn, Sec,1°n k 2t-Ib P�,keh`crr �'�'a ordrnaoc�s or san me�^ect'9s�oi hihd90 ara`of n%om= e °hnrchy That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto ee°i Mrcoa ,inn g Tnc bo.i rtl°I ehrec uu�°ic rs shall haltl nsl ll � Ihl rwisc P°vidcd9 by C°m U.�d ti .one ��m�ar n,omin��1^14a1°n Qrdin�unco.-limending..Sae_tic�n_2 .-6 of the aoa�a , ^ i„ron�rs ,n.,ii rye wee ns�o o`o°adrn o stray rsp°`iA; revised Ordinances of Solt Lake City, Utah 1955 of,T�n°°a.d°o"5rtl m.i1v ia- nr remoorary dgro,;1n''%60° me beder mu-,be signer! by rh°rnem- I such ,r rnavor cnnlllrn, calking f °6 n,>r he p, relatingto the meetings of the Board of man ,..`4 Viwg,r'hg,"m,rn.Hnakr ,iess --_ ° C- r; , , hi me ° , , ° oramissaooeia, etc. of wnd n¢ r;,9 r hti fa`ine"e�1ue°d, r o°uv or,i- :e,i ire eni nuis us,br kegf sal�ll e�rra(f'ice d�,of quit_ evuhusi,��.sd horn 'r nu r,sic inL��r ticp a3,Pb hY ,ai °' y was trblished in said newspaper on I Salt yak^Cily,U•a1�„,hls 1BIh tlaY of Mav,19J !SEAL) , 6'RrN K-N I.E E. t• y-3.1,19.63 EI Rle NEE.S 1F VBIL +ec rn Chief Drpy Fero Ls aeul d Mavn 311063 (C1I1 ; Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3xd._ day of June Al). 1963 . 1 • Notary Public My Commission Expires November 25s1965.