32 of 1979 - Amending sections 25-2-2, 25-2-4 and 25-2-5 assigning certain departments to the Commission as a Who ..ROLL CALL 1) / VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 8 lg 79 Mr.Chairman , I move that the Ordinan passed. Agraz . Gr finer Phillips ✓✓ff Result AN ORDINANCE die/ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 25-2-2, 25-2-4 and 25-2-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to department officers and offices. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ctiy, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 25-2-2, 25-2-4 and 25-2-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to department officers and offices, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 25-2-2. Department of public affairs and finance. There are hereby created and established within the department of public affairs and finance, the following offices, and the Board of Commissioners may appoint competent officers thereto: (1) City treasurer's office (a) City treasurer (b) Deputy city treasurer (c) Finance office manager (2) License department (a) License assessor and collector (b) License inspector (3) Cemetery superintendent Sec. 25-2-4. Department of public utilities. There is hereby created and established within the department, which shall consist of a division of water supply and waterworks, and a sewer division, the following office and the Board of Commissioners may appoint a competent officer thereto: (1) Public utilities director Sec. 25-2-5. General government. There is hereby created and established under the supervision of the Board of Commissioners as a whole, the following offices and the Board of Commissioners may appoint competent officers thereto: OFFICE & OFFICERS OFFICIAL LIASON WITH THE COMMISSION (1) City Auditor's office (a) First deputy city auditor (b) Second deputy city auditor (2) City attorney's office Commissioner Public Affairs (a) City attorney • (b) Deputy city attorney (c) Assistant city attorneys (3) City recorder's office Commissioner Public Affairs (a) City recorder (b) Chief deputy city recorder (c) Deputy recorder and administrative secretary (d) Deputy recorders and clerks (city court civil & criminal divisions) (e) Deputy recorder and supervisor (city court - civil division) (f) Deputy recorder and supervisor (city court - criminal division) (4) City purchasing depart- Commissioner Public Planning ment and Development (a) Purchasing agent (b) Assistant purchasing agent (5) City personnel department Commissioner Public Planning (a) Personnel director and Development (b) Assistant personnel director (6) City data processing Commissioner Public Works (a) Director (b) Operations manager SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 8th day of March , 1979. /_a , 2 /4'2 CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 32 of 1979 Published March 12, 1979 -2- 32 npm-aen Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AfiaoaofNANGE- Shana D. Conaty AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 25-2-2,25-2-1 d 269-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1565, relating to deportment officers and offices Be it ordained be the Board of Commissioners of Sail Lake I City,Utak SECTION 1.That Souris 9S-2.2,7Ss,a and 2,2.5 of Me Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal Revised Ordinances of sat Lake City,Utah,1965, lreev ro r P Y h apartment officers and ices.be,and a same hereby is, advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily andada-1713e s: g a Sec,ebb created an established of Public affairs are ricpari Then rebY sawl and foll following offices. s. d theB an i (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English w,elnminalreamfinance,Ietthe ometentofficer thereto) language with general circulation in Utah, and C I Issla)ars may ePPoht}comcetent officers thereto)f�IrCltr treasurer's orate City treasurer published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the h Deputy cnytreasure; State of Utah. c Finance onitt manasler (2 icenee dePar "1-1 (a�a License esaessor and collector c;m`` =�6 ^��^°°°r That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto rreSec 25-Y•a.Da tit of a Site urllniee.Tttare ii hechat consis7 and eaiob11yytied WW1,l and dwato work anich shay Ise, a foplowIn wept r or4 loarel of Co,ands sewer dvtielon,ma fcomPet nt ooe eftd the Bperd of Commissioners Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to ay eDpoW ecoitias conker thereto: m Se Public 6.2-6 Wie er l o000rr Is esrabllsheedy led General suppervhion of the Beard./hereby created eesaWWhoolle^}�tafoapoewinures EthaH9ardofCommssioners department officers & offices OFFICE 601PFICERS o1flcars OtW CtO.L LIAISON WITH THE d COMMISSION (11 City Auditor's office otdite , bbl Sec etl°p(ittyy itraudtlor (2)Cltyatt vsoffice Commissloner Public Affairs to'Cite dllornenn (0 Depulycityy if9rner lc s recor s tiff fIcornbv', (Si II1tyC�memordo,off Ice CommI sot ones Public Affairs fbl CMefd oerullevci1y ' recopep dry,ye aacyy (c) inisirotivdrecrdtarr ml Deputyrec°rd°'ae"d waspublished in said newspaper on Marco 12, 1979 clerks divisions) 4 (et Openly recorder d clll division) \ if)Deppp aeu tt tty recorder and .n� 1/\\/ `\_ !� Is chasi ulrchaart- t �'\,Y"`<"V,,,,,,,r.:‘,., ,\1 ..I ^1_/\\/.`J)/),,\,�\_ 1, s visor(city snarl— _ (q City Pamenl hasbto CM - Commissioner PUbhC Planning and UcveloPment cai Pwc Intgaoen, Legal Advertising k bl As I (S)City oersonneldeg lnton Comn,IssionerPubiICPlanningl�' (hI Asssrantlpersonnnel sad DevCl°Dmant� (( tg`fan Lore me this 16th (a)Cit enceor using Commissioner day of ((11 DBe tin (E)TION 2.Itn manager SECTION 2..tInI the necessary of Me Board ofhe lM and eifars Cl (l Solt lakeictants if Clad Lake Polleehat this and welfare of A.D. 1J..7.9-.. eettfeeefiveblftingedid(te5ylt Lake CID,That this orAAlnance become SECTION 3.Th1IIs orelealtce shall take effect upon Its first Publication Passed by the Board of C �j Commissioners of Salt Lake Utah,this Ph daY of March,19/9 ,C •)/f MILDREDV HIOHAM TEDL t/�A 26R /s. 14 .Dl.:.l J... .. d�.r,. CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Notary Public Published0 Marich of 12,1979 My Commission Expires Feb. 11, 1982 S�;cC,.