324 of 1900 - Ordinance 324 of 1900 – Making it unlawful to allow dead trees or tree stumps to remain on sidewal Bill No. r" for,
An Ordinance making it unlawful to allow dead trees'or tree stumps
to remain on the sidewalks in front of premises, or growing weeds to
remain on sidewalks and lots.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake. City, St,Ate of Utah'
Section 1:- it shall be unlawful for;any person persons Pr..
Corporations owning or having the rental or ms9pgement of any real;='.
*lthinthe Corporate limits of said City, to poop.. any dead trees or j
tree stomps to remain on the sidewalk or sidewaJs iin 4nt;«of their
property, or in front of the property which the oq*trol!or.manage.
Section 2:- It shall be unlawflil fors°any persn, persons or
Corporations owning, or having the rental or management of any
real estate within the Corporate limits of said City, to allow growing
weeds to remain on the sidewalk or sidewalks in front of their property,
or on their lots, or on the property which they control or manage.
Section a:- It is hereby made the duty of the Supervisor
of streets to notify all persons owning, or agents having control of
real estate in said City, of the provisions of this Ordinance, and if
after five days notice they fail to remove dead trees or tree stumps
on their sidewalks, or to cut and remove weeds from their sidewalks on
lots shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sun not exceeding
Fifty Dollars.
Section 4:- This Ordinance shall take effeet from and after
its passage and approval.
Paused l r the Cis,' Couriu11 of Satt Jak tv Utah, Ma, t; nn, Lola
referred to the kt,+or• for iqa approv.
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Approved this - day of Nay,
(7,a K 324
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