33 of 1902 - Ordinance 33 of 1902 – Sidewalk Extension No. 15. AN ORDINANOE. AN4SRDIWANON LNVYIN3 A TAX AND FOR THE ASSOXSMENT Of PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDS Of 3NCOND WEST STREET BNPWNNN 30UPH TEMPLE AND SNOOND OMB STREETS IN SIDEWALK DIBTRIOT NO.20, FOR TEE OO1$1RUCPION 0f A SIDEWALK. Be it ordained by the City Conseil of Salt Lake City Utah: Seotion 1. That the City Conaail doth hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment upon the property hereinafter described abutting on the Waist aide of Second West Street between South Teeple and Seooud North Streets, In Sidewalk District No. 20. Thin taxis levied to defray the expense of eenetrmoting a sidewalk epos said portion of said street opposite the property hereinafter described to be especially affected and beneditted by said improvement, and it in hereby adjudged, determined, and established that the= - same will be especially benefitted thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said paroela of land are hereby asasised at an equal and uniform rate in a000rdenoe with the linear foot frontage upon said portion of said street fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet bank therefroa, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is two thousand Rix hundred thirteen and 80/100 dollars (22,813.50), or one and 32/100 (21.32) dollars per linear front foot, and the Treasurer is hereby authorised and empowered to assess in acoordance with the privisions of this ordinance for thee purpose herein mentioned, all of lots 1 and 8, Block 84, all of lots 1,8,9,and 8, Block 97; all of lots 1 and 8, Block 102, Plat 'A" salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the official plat of said City to a depth of twenty+five (25) feet back from said street. Section 2. This ordinance shall take affect, upon approval. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah (larch 3iith, 1902, and referred to the Mayor for his approve _ _ d• Approved this ./ day of March, 1902. (� ell!{ 40z�(j y✓Oz �3 � • .kuPfli+e II lest *WY IC M OION WO IIIIMEINN Wit MI ea Jai ! 4111lt&d KIAITOAt M MMOINE OM OWN GU SAW MRP!F'::.liiil 00000N IC Sop AMMO I III 21904111101t I Of AP! IDUISSC I OWIE Ii 'l.$ vim+ sae ILA le 1tamA pet de II immJsl+e Si e! t.ve,a Las aN e!I vied gams/ d•* iiewp sett eft Imer .1 se40e0 -.i1 oc tAlii*le be4l1e111t se$1Aeleeed [=leach 804 aoeo JacreF•yteo4 Jee'f i8 44,0 Used Mr .LgpVl Imo! /ewlo/ , tsae�'is die i�ef 0› to eaaea. .It weft,et •Weld et am Ab/t �.A s ,e j Y reoota edi etlebe t+/se•t Mimen. * 4 ! liver s terl sec time to iestl 9°et 10411--'7 -- L7 AJ Jad: HedrileVlse le• ,Efietssy/el of it i ari dnJ *s ;1st Sidi of tI!M41tl.4leeei• ei i!e r lisps se At f-esseaay lifting t 3su1 le alielips Ito* tall ,}ei 're f li nc J1e0 lira eOM MI•Ise0 tee! Iissell eI/ Ills eerltieeer it e091 roc se InE Nced ,feel (CO) eifl-atieess 1b dt+e! • N Isa M* M1teell iehie tfsa Sc c Flettia.s flan re*s beasew N mg Ass beitee! Ms+r s•I Ws !se .w+Ie/.di lc .(cP.F:Ie,t li i) s+a l i ob MAO iat ae+l11 1N Irelsali sit �e/1 waft at faal Ri nruseproyl edi E file .. el tectl 4•eal! 7e, (&Wile. .t.) MAST toe WIG -k. A9iRAVifa eda lstr oessissme s1 anew 6i e Is. tea t rcwi Jre t oe-1 e-d 1 ' o1E .a boo t sJsg Is Us JllMlielo a//eni 0r191110 MOO lei eeserttsc ails i -r 19 Mt •eel! A For t Wed * Ifs m ern A Is..I.I.t s401 Is L!d .is to Jr1a Ialeillc ell row seeds sup sew olds ,sews lilt es& JteE "1e ,10,Pr1e Fir[ .1:vcnoor aoer Jeep, osWIP 11ads Ecaaaiflo efd? At aci4ret 91 ,s4&4 (Iola a.M .Iti'. seed :1st lc Ii.la_ liik adt is fep.sei .towns, Rid eo1 Iota/ so: ca tastes, lerr 411 .ttM