33 of 1904 - Ordinance 33 of 1904 – Sidewalk Extension No. 57. AN ORD I N ANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the east side of First WWer.;t Street between Third South and Fourth South Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 11, for the c:-nstruction of a ceffiensrsidewalk. Be it or ained by the City Cou11cil of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurert as corrected, approved and completed by the Boardof Eualization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose., of the property abutting on the east side of First West Street between Third South and Fourth South Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 11, of Salt Lake City for the purpose of constructing a cement sidewalk upon said portion of said street, is h o,eby con- firmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. 1 II SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 57. (l f''" L4°__ -_ Cil,y a'rr 1, 0°144 ire,-6, II 33 - 1 v :-;•_:, . 110IATfICIFIO &IA -- 1 erid• no 7,,„J•1:,cinIci art' (TOCILI tf,91-Taameetas fadt -n•trq•113nos tvsrf-ntb-co nA rfJ•r.ro Xisoq ['fp 1uo8 b-a.,1 norawIed d•:,,IA J-L,oW $-:•In lo einla J'ElE0 ,2 'in noiDkr1Jan o uo. -n3 ,II .oil .I.-t- r!.,,fa .1ripvielA8 ni ,t-•:: .'7;1'8 i \ .fC.frile.)1 `it,p•I.10 \ (.`,)r'I.7 ,\9•P3 pr 1.1,2 5.tati lci 1141fuot) y,*tn f,-*•,,,.-1 skrapb-0 ti keA, ' \,. „ C4 '-.k\ ,vivikrtisl:Tyr ..,,tn f.)1.. vie", ,ir:.stkrIf,,Anter. ,,,,90, 7,4 g I •gorittke k & I- i-±ilail3s..r 3oh-citier ed. •v„ct.)45;f- ewo.- ,):..v0-,.:Ft4 ,:-,b±ftenk•-trcr r`t -Lc", l'ow on V ig (1,g1rtnto _ . ,ro. figss '. ,-,-0 14t, f1\r.brIk. •\ N ih, I ,, 3o e.#0,ta.on:aAJOno nak.t:f• qitn,9't 3n „k's1 rul'IA 1 Zi 7.;...fe'refiln nt I vF aillP, 1-.7,tsiol iiii•Tuoir 1D4 Iri•ir P &tritrebneel•1• 1 tt.3,--firlN , 0 i ,rtJ-0,-1,+cf no '1, f3;"ocricr: er•f-1- •in't 1,-;,tn •.• ,,Tik ffr .ow ..4kt.„, „„itt \ _ , ,; " ..... , I: •01,7\* --I -Ilf ••;,-r, - ' ?„1 ,J•r+fr•fie bPra 3n rrotl'sn,. L t- r. .i-webtc. tc5i.mn • , ck bo&stcligtoo bitua tit bsirsul• 1 f'1-.e abiza, etr.: eiktse frft bnr ttri+m-Lt! 1 .13eftnilPoo IcefEvrert elis ictati.1.evolt.qs nogli Ioerle 93i,f-f Ira oon.snib-ro aff7T .S TIOITMI . .01 notao.o*.)ff 11.swabiti I.., 1 . ...... ....., —......-----...— ,T_ --, I • i ;••,-: cil.t)