33 of 1905 - Ordinance 33 of 1905 – Franchise to Utah Central Railroad Company to construct tracks across porti Ar O DIRA.11Czi1 GRA TING UTAH Cl•;TReL RAILROAD SUCCESSORS CO3: A<,1�., ITS ;LiC(,.�,a,ESS >OIiS AND t.`iSIi'iS, A. 'F];IU?C %I SF h> I) R:[Gil'`.i OP 7:TAT TO COi ;'.'RUCT AND OP7fl AYE IAAILROAD TRACKS ON AND ACROSe A PORTION OF .-eeUTI'TN ', ST STTI'':T S()L [H __:'PL 5 AND 'FIRST S eiees, IN SALT LAKE CITY, U'TAH. Be it ordained by the C:i.t.XX Council of Salt Lake Cite Utah: Sec tion 1. A franc ii se and right of way is hereby given and granted to the iJtr.h Central Railroad Co;pang, its successors and e.ssie75, to lay, construct end operate two switch or re ur standard ,^;ua;e railroad tr.:oks leading from ;9, convenient point on its line in Fourth West Street between South Temple end .First South Street,, in Salt Lake City, JJtah, a;x, thence curving to the left twelve degrees and t irty minutes for ninety-five feet with a eingie track and. thence continuing to curve to the left one track eleven degrees and i; irty minutes for one hundred and sixty-two feet and. rrmether track curving to the left from the ease point for twenty-four degrees, one hundred and twenty :`feet to the east line of Lot 7, Block 81, Plat A, Salt Lake City Survey, and thence with a t _irty degree curve to the left on said Lot 7. Sec Lion 2. During t.toterm f t ti s f rein;.1i e ; ,. �;r.at�t e „Lal'1 be subject to the fol_lowin;; conditions, viz.: (a) That said switch or sour tracks shall be laid upon and. conform to the established grade of said street, and if said grade is afterward changed by order of the City Council the grantee shall at its own expense change the elevation of the tracks so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever the west side of said i?ourth West Street between South Temple end 'First South Streets :;hall be paved, }when said rrantc,e, its successors and ar.mir;ne, shall pare between tic rails and for st nce of two feet outside of each rail lei Irk the same material ae tha ..._. 01111 t used . f the street p rnrement. *, F4,r l C)R.6 -2- . (c) Said grant c shall put in rod naintain such crossings over said switch o-i-spur tracks as fron tire to tine Us reouired by the City Council. (d.) The said switch or spur tracks shall be laid, and ',:;e road operated, no as tn cruse tb upreecesbbry impediment to the oommon and ordinary use of said street upon which they are laid. (e) .Ccod ant sufficient boxes to convey- water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the exTense of said grantee in all the water ditches crossed by the said switch or apur tracks, so as to admit of free passage of viater. Section 3. Nothing in this grant shall be so construed as to pre- vent Salt Take City or its authorized aents fron paving, sewering,laying gas or water mains or pipes, altrin , repairing or in any manner im- proving said fourth West Street beten South Temple and first South Streets, but all such improvements shal be made with as little injury as Practicable in said npur tracks and to operation thereof. Section. 4. This franchise is ,Tanted for the period of one hundred years from and. after the abrroval of this ordinance. Section 5. This [rant and all the tn:r1J.s and conditions thereof shall e accepted in writing by the grante herein within. thirty days from the approval of this ordinance, otherwise the smlie shall he void and of no effect. "q() Passed by the City Ciso. c51 of SElt Lake City,Utat, May 29th .5, spa referred to the Vayor for hib atorc,val. ------ --- 14PN:towel this I. day of Ija ,1251. --/ lip A rf� CSoufh Trr�,o% cSf 1 n Pro. \ � os�� N. ,, \ ,_ '-'4- ' .4: 0 c •\ \ 1 ti VI I 15LOG1'C 8 i- PLAT A. - Z'` '1c\ N k I- I III ! I 1 K. 7674 (5-oufh c5-7f 8 5&a/Q.. // /a, i /7Gy2 90 . i '11; , . ‘. LC.,, \ (5;:•;- ,-,,, .._ VA.. !, -. - ,i,,k ,_< ..... . . ' - 7, `,..'„. :. ,,..) , , - 1 --•_, ,:-..? , kl l,1 -' ti %!-,.' ‘141 a)