33 of 1908 - Ordinance 33 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. l78, Third Partial Estimate. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described within the district bounded on the north by the north, ! line of First North Street, on the east by the center line of Main ! Street, formerly East Temple Street, on the south by the south line of I South,Temple Street-, and on the west by the center line of Third West Street,', in Sewer $ts'!triot No. 1, for the construction of sewers. Be it ordained'by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: j SECTION 1. Viet the assessment list made by the City Treasurer �. as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly appoi*ted by the City Council for that purpose, lof the property im Lets Nos. 1 and 8, Block 96, and-,in Lots Nos. 1, 2 134 4,.6, 6, 7 and 8, Block 96,. Plat "A", abutting on,First West Stree between North Temple ,az4 First North Streets, on West Temple Street !between North Temple and First North Streets, on North Temple Street . . North ! between West Temple and,, First West Streets, and on First Wan Street !between West,Taejle and First West Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, [ of Salt Lake Citr for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said [portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments ! made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This o niino.nce shall take effect upon approval. ! Sewer Extension No. 178. Third Partial Estimate. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6th, 1908 and referred to the Mayor for his a vs . . li cos er. Approved t y of Apr 9 77) � I May . t � -.-: -., V-,.'l OT9ciolg offt proqu JnemoosseA Bet leimmrimoe ionaomlblo aA 1:0(1 f.,; ' -,',41 r.lf!,.or ao bohimod toti.eth erit olialw bodkidmost lerft,p, riffq., '..10 Oall 7E1f100 oaJ 0 hin4 06* no ,10aTte Afts% tontil '10 gall dtvon oni. 0 Almoti offt no .**sn. alciuT testi gInsmiol ,3.9mntv -k-4 .,..-.. se lo of..nilanos ..8 ri ,-,- 1:0 :al *r.,;e lo.lkoasee x t stvo K !--)'1.. # 0.; d 'tam .1 80 OPEk r --Ji6-N4Z-0:,,, bisof sift 0 bsktel ,hasob .8-qqa thedwito ea C f'-:,[ a• , - Eo0 glIt *A* 0 60400kcknar,1 _ Ato'lotaime ,§1,t P.1, 1'.-wt , a' ews .,1t, Aomfff ,8 hultOkSig .. One- og alttird A' * lc 0 . Alt: fan a ." * —.ilk 45-0 : ... * I' ,a , - 1 *s*:. ao .* seitf diftsi Swill hnigN4i 0T Atiolf .1-qaT A_ITO. [10 .tifteeT/T AftsI *antt hns ofqmoT ft:Piot Jess*.a[fno,,1 : :[' ,.4-fIT. tinint fantii no ham ,....n.e ...W /11'f.eii kiss diAmeT d*LAW mewled ,fat( T631,, at oate-oIte *goW levytt flas signs/. .ms, neewfon z.,',Gt ciewse 74niftwx$airoe to faaotmq off: 101 001D 91E01 tl" 1° "fA9"-' 'laf* 0111 51a2 .-bwrila00 Vicomn et ..* . tine '!e, anolt.soq -1,,-_,-,*.! .:rc vderfRif wts A.oll bot/o,-qmoo Llse al benlptel baB &bar! aoqm d.oelle elat lioli& oonottliiio sin .3 110ITORP .8VC .oR ilOirlaX2: IcelL .F4sii.!1*0E Imi&.1a,-.L balaT INciA .0.0-17 ,%410 slat $.1*.i-= 10 'trill:RID 7.#10 sal Ilif -4amaq ,...imsitrigs mIA int no%miti *At cid UT/miton ham AOQI ' .imblonS-7[7ifrr - , - - -, .9pi._1411n1A lo ,1411b ? tit' bevo-fq1A ....r.......- ..-.,--.....r... • Iklik11":Pi , .._ _