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33 of 1916 - Amending Chapter 38 in relating to employees Public Safety Buildings
ROLL CALL VOTING HE NAY Salt bake City, Utah, march. 2O., -. 191 6 Green I mov,rIi t the ordinance be passed. Scheid . Shearman Wells_ Mr.Chairman . Ret mik AN ORDINANCE An o:cdinence emending Chapter 38, relating to parks end public :property, of the Revised Or'inencea of Salt Lake City of 1913, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City July 1, 1913, by adding a new section to said chapter following the sections added tnereto by ti.e ordinance of July 1, 191Z, to be known as Section 918x8. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cit , Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 38, relating to ppe rks and p alic crope_ty, of el-te Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1.915, as amended by are ordinance passed by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City July 1, 1913, be, and the same is hereby amended by adding a new section to said Chatter following the sections ended thereto by the ordinance of July 1, 1913, said new section to be known as Section 918x8, anti to read as follows: SECTION 918x8, The Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City may employ the following employees at the compensation named, to per orm duties et whet is known as the Public Safety Buildin situated on the corner of First South and State Streets, to..wit: One custodian at compensation not exceeding .,2U.U0 per month; One engineer-firemen et e compensation not exceeding 025.00 per month; Two stokers at a compensation not exceeding 05.00 per month, each; Two janitresses at a compensation not exceeding .,40.00 per month, each; and such other employees as in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners may be necessary for the proper care of said Public Safety Building. The custodian above mentioned may be the same person who acts as custodian for the Joint City and County Building. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect April lot, 1916© Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 30th , 1916. May o r . iil/ i' ff Lam ' _ City Eecorder. -2- Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED MAR 291916 / A First ubiication ill 1916 ,,4,ittel-Ar".