33 of 1928 - Extending the limits of Salt Lake City to include property of Louis A. Bailey, et al. in Sections 15 ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, July 30, 192 8
Burton - - f I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr -
Finch - y G_
Moran - - _
_ Mr.Chairman
Result - _ _
WHEREAS, on October 28, 1926, Thos. E. Vissing:and others,
and on April 13, 1927 and Oct. 18, 197, Walter L. Maas, Louis A.
Bailey and Wm. F. Dickert, the owners of real property situated in
the tract of land hereinafter described, signed and filets with the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petitions Nos. 918, 258 and 800,
respectively, requesting that said tract of land be taken within
the limits of said city and also caused an accurate map to be made
and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City
Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder; and
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake
City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed
to and made a part of said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petitions of said owners of said tract of
land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unani-
mous vote of all members of said board in favor of annexing said
tract to Salt Lake City and directed the city attorney to prepare
an ordinance making and declaring said annexation:
THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land3in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
i ',
Beginning at a point South li .eg'. 32 min.. 30 sec. w , t3
164.90 ft. from North quarter corner Section 22, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and running thence C. 1880.63 ft.,
thence N. 640.60 ft., thence E. 1851.07 ft., thence S.
227.03 ft., thence E. 200.00,ft., thence S. 219.00 ft.,
thence E. 324.56 ft., thence S. 404.88 ft., thence 5. 495.00
ft., thence N. 210.31 ft. to point of beginning and containing:
32.96 acres, the above tract being situated in the south half
of Section 15, and north half of Section 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,
S• L. B. & M.
.And be it further ordained and declared that.r_when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall!
thenceforth be within the corporate limits, of said Salt Lake City,
and be a part of said city; and all ordinances, jurisdiction, rules.
and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extend
ed over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land;,
and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be con--
trolled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of
said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer
shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of locations
"and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and she is hereby directed
jlto file with the County Recorder, a copy of the map and plat above
mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as provided in such cases,
together with a certified copy of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, !
Cit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the city, that
this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. this ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of aalt Lake City,
' -8-
!Utah, this day of , A. D. 1928.
City ecoro.er.
-i---kt. y
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p.:'/) P.
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.S
WHEREAS, n October 28,1928,Thos.E.visaing and ocher.,and on L being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
I,,M IS,
1927 and Oct.I8,1927,Walter .Maas,
Louie A.Bailey and Wm.F.Rickert,the
�act'ef land ahbreiraft r:situated in d..dgn° clerk of ['HE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
dad tiled with the City Recorder of
Salt Lake City. POW°.Noe, 828, 268 nty,in a State of Utah.
and goo, of land be taken
wit that Salt Lake City,Salt Lake
said tract of lane be taken within the GG,
limit) of,ale any and also sawed an
accurate mapmp en be made and ppro tec' �/Lv//P
to by d competent t surveyor and aDDrovad'� '/'trot the notice.- -
by the City Engineer to be tiled with, a//x/////J5'A�'j"
hWHEAEAS other sai andtract of land ie
in n• ouous to proper Salt Le.City
I./"�`s!✓r--!-:K - --... ru.--.-"-.""-"be anneeed to and made a Dart of said
WHEREAS,the Board of Commission-
ere of Salt Lake City, after examining __
said petitions of said 7gOmar*the of said tract
of land,and voted ering the 000s vote of
• thereof, voted by unanimous vote of
all members d of said board in favor of
annexing aid tract to Salt Lake.City
and'directed.the city attorney to prepare
an ordinance making and declaring said
:THEREFORE, be It ordained by the :_t of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said
- j
Board of Commies... Of Salt Lake
( ` day of
City,Utah: //
SECTION I. That the tidy Smite oet news a er,i its issue dated the
Salt Lake City be and the s newspaper,hereby tended and enlarged ° to are
include the following described tract of�
land in-Salt Lake County, to-wit: A. D. 1921..
Beginning at a point South 11 de$,p 82 - -
min, sec,trot, 184.20 ft.from North
quarterer corner Section 22,T. 1 S., R.1
E.,S.-L,.B. Add.,and running thence
W. 1880.83 ft., thence N. 840.80 it., and was published-._d'2c4.--
thence E. 1861.07 ft., thence S. 227.03 /
ft.,thence E.200.00 ft.,thence S•919.00,
ft.,thence E.824.68 ft,thence S.404.28
ft.,thence W.496.00 f4,thence N.810,81 the last publication thereof being in the issue ed the./_.. .-.
rt, to point of beginning and containing
88.96 acres, the above-traot being s1t
uatea In dhe'south half of Section 18, A.D.192
and north half of Section 22,T.1 S.,R: -
Ad be it further ordain°d and declared day of
sa the
id when tract of land'aabove anee tdeseribedakes cs shalt
thenceforth be.within the corporate lim-
ita of said Batt Lake City,and be a part
of said eityl.and all ordinances, lurfe-
QMotion, rides'and obligations of or per.
taining to said Salt Lake City ar
tended overand made applicable and
pertinent to the said tract of land,and
the .fiesta, blocks, alley. and ways,of
Bala tract shall be o0ntrolled and gov-
erned by the ordinance.;rules and regu-
lation.of said city In that behalf, and
the monuments of the City Engineer
shall thenceforth be taken therein..the
standard of Woatlone and distance.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this
ordinance,the.City Recorder of Salt Lake
City elms file,and she Is;hereby direct.
I ed.to tile with,the County Recorder, a
copy of the-map and and
above men-
ttened,duly certified a d acknowledged '
ae.provided In such Dbaes,together with //'yR/(/
a certified o Dy n this Oponoso
• BEd ci C S, Ie the Opinion f the
Board of. he slbnere,it 1s ec say day of
to the peace, health and safety of the
city, that this o dinanoe shall,beoomere me this
'effective immediately..
SECTION 4. This ordnance Mall take
effoct upon Its Bret publication.
-Soiled by the- of Commissioner. A. D. I92. ._..
of Salt Lake Cltv,y, Utah,
ah, this Met day
of July,A.D.,1928,
City Recorder.
u-No. ii 1
sg�f�atge rr a4r 4..wa,rlg
Proof of Publication
gA4-7 4t, 3