33 of 1931 - Lot 1 Block 7, 5 Acre 'C' part of Blocks 7, 8, 13 and 14, F. M. Lyman Jr's. Survey of Sections 15 an . .. . 4 \ , _ — ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, :' 1'•t• ''(-)A , 193.A, VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. ------- Burton Fehr L.-- , v-Finch -• X-. V . Lake ---, V Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result - - ilf] ORkI .:',flCL 1/3a1Vii=f, the liTita of dslt T,ae) City. fl-eaLaCC, on .eoteber 15, ITal.„ O. J. 'Cicell.e. sir] oth.cra, beina a rojecity of the. (") .C2f of real droocrty aituate ivn the ;..'a .. tract of TaaC horeinr_oftcr 0.ccribee, ci fltl Iou filed with the City -ecorder of olt Lsi.e City, :,'ct1tion No. .10, recueatine that aa.ic tract of land be taken within the ljalita of ssi.a. city, and . J __co 101CC an accurate OL,'i, to OO MaCn and. coh!tified to by a com- )etent aurveyor anc adadroved. by the City in.vineer, Co be filed with the Ljty ftc..con,1er: and flo' 1,,S, the asi6. tract of Tana la cooLiduoua Co ?sit 33 Lake City ana there la no oroder reason way it abonle not be annexeC to ana .elade n. hart of n -ib city; aad iLci , the Ymre. of Cormisaioncrs of :;a1t Tube City after ea...amining aaid oct-Ition of said oxners of said tract of land, ane consideriny the circumatances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of 1-1 1.,eml,"s of ,1:5:a ho:JrC in favor of annexina: aie tract to Yalt T,ake City, and directed the City attorney to oreeare an. ordi- nance makine and aectcriny said annexation; therefore !ie it orealbed by the eoaTd of Commisaionbra of Ckilo Lake ii.ty, Utah: c:TION I. That the city limit of Celt Lake City he and. the ashc s.ro heroby extended and enlared ao aa to include the fol.- looina: descrihed tract of lsna in Calt Lake County, to-wit: 33 7eginninm at the lip' Cor. of Lot 1, hik. 7 _cre -'Tat C, i�- iel8 urve.�r, ruanin- thence srs� 95 5. f') ti more or l e:s, to the present city limits, thence north a:1on? the -•./resent city 1_i_aits, F95.n ft., thence west alonm the orosent city limits 707.9 ft., thence north aloes the ;resent city limit:: f7../15.0 ft. more or less, thence vast son^ the present city limits 79,:.0 ft., thence north alonm the aresent city ?[sits 8 4 ft. thence east 073.0 f1 more or I ess to the >resent city limits, thence south sa_one the ',resent city 570.80 ft., thence west alon<< the present city -waits 594.0 ft., thence south alon, the _orem•ent city limits 574. ft. to the saint of .hedinnin , con.ta.-ininf 110.'08 acres, ;.n_.' i-emny n:.rts of r3lks. 7, 8, 1" and 14 of Lyman Jr.is survey of Sections 15 and 11, T. 1 .., 1 _., and parts of Sections 15, 1C, %:1 and R. t _., . L. dad Sc" it further ordainod and declared that when thi.s ordinance takes effect that the sai.; tract of land above described •shall thenceforth he within the corporate limits of said ;kit Lake City, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obli. *otions of or -) rtto1ninf; to said halt Lake City are extended over and made as- ulicable end aerti.nent to the said tract of land, anc6 the streets, blocks, all ero an rays of said tract shall. be controls ed and =overned by the ordinances, rules and renula.tions of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City a:,naineer shall thence- forth be token therein a:' the standard of locations and distances. 5 104 Soon the ryassair,,c3 of this ordinance the City :iecorMor of "alt Take City shal1 file, and she is hereby directed to file cith the County becor: or, a copy of the map and plat above mentioned, duly certified and a.cknowled ed as ssrovided in such cases, together with a certified co_:•y of this ordinance. i LCTION S In t.heaei ni on of_ be--i f - i s n-e-e-es '.r_T 3-�'}.1'.af l�."'p-e�r}v ti-.. nf-efy 5201104 4. '-'his ordinance shall take effect thirty-days,' atter.its paxxxxxx first pabli.cation. sac: ea by the board of Come. stoners of ��a.l_t Lake City, Stah, this day of October, r•_. H. 97,1 _ I • • • fr I • • • I • Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } County of Salt Lake ) AN ODD/NANCE. ' -otdf nince extomino the l;mitt'of :irtit I+aks Cif..,.--_-.g4.1.�.L .: Riddlereae,on other., mbar:.181,A:•J, • ,6116 die and of other-, being.ft r ileac Hied. "Ljs=� ��....---.-- - --t 31.9 tracowners wn rsP land 1 property situate:lin �th'ithe ter decorder Of Sal and erred wl t City Recorder - --- P Salt Lake Csaid,Petition be,re- Attesting ilhWith that said tract of land city and alert Within the accurateofmaDdto beingbeing first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- and certified to by a competent As- Veyor • and approved by the City Ent seer,to be tiled with the City F.:. ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in a d is Wh •the la'"67rtY d ck6re ' t y Itshould'Mt wr.k e,0o hia ° e p a of lard Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. '➢ 61-LakehCitty Board fterexamining-said ' petition °-GailThat the notice .--e— ownere of Nees f Like.CRT, and directed th considering the of tr :thereof, voted by unanin1aua hero.ot all members of said board tar or of:, and annexing said stoat to Sait /-/ 3h � — torna Y' ep B City At- <44fffs'�F ✓ �` y to Dag me an ordinance mhere- vd'daclaring Bald annexation; there- i � y 'Be it ordained by the Board of cent- - -- ----- lhleelonerB of Salt Lake City,.Utah. Section X.That thecity Slants of"halt Lake City be and.the same are hereby attended and enlarged so.as to'elude the following'described tract of land in Salt Lake County,to-wit: 'elkBeginning,6 re P at lat°CSWig Field uor. of rvey, running thence west 826.0 feet,more-err of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said leas,to the present city limits, thence north along the present limits 592.0'teat, 7 thhen°-e t 6lnng.lb prsa�nt city limits newspaper,in its issue dated, the day of 'eataTWffi limits 2343.0rfh along e or pees, the ally est al ng the present mare .leas, thence west along the present city limits 788.0[eat,thence north slang the tires- �.( A. D. 1934 pp$t2.city rialto 18or l esat, thence•east City l fats,.mar°or ltss the erp o s- ent limits,thence south along the prest __ ant city]]mite 2830,83 feet,thence west along the presant city limits 594.0 feet, and was publzshed-- - ',thence south along the present city limits 644,2 feet to the point of begin- I} ing, containing 146.38 re d be- ing pan-of Bike.T,s,13 and and f.F. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the .7 M.Lyman,Jr.'B Survey of Section Nand 18,.T.1 S.,R.1 E.,and parts of Sec- tions s'me,21.Bind zz,T.1 s.,R.1>i., dayof `.ril A. D. I9-1/ And be 1t further ordained andde- Blared that when this ordinance takes affect that the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within 'the corporate limits of said Salt Lake and all ordinances. .Jurisdictions, .. - - rules'andobligations of or pertaining .. -....._..... to.Baia Salt lt Lake City e extended over Advertising Clerk, d made,applies-hie-and pertinent to the said tract of land,and the etrette, blocks, alleys and..w ways of said tract WWI be controlled and governed by the Ordinances, rules and regulations of sold city 1n that behalf,and the mopu- Ment9 of the City Enggineer shall standard '15H.-tbkan dthereitioes the standard lone loos and dletancee. 6ectlon 2. tenon the Re Recorder f-Sala / O day of die C the City til Recdr sh of.Sant before me this Lake City Shall'file, and she Is hereby directedto tyre f the County AM- Order, a copy o the man and Pint duly A. D. I -.�.°boo.ageHama-, certified na�ae- i' i d-als provided In Mien Uses, together with a,certifed copy of•6131a 5.ge98 Thie ordinance shall take 9Meetohe$•day-aft c its'first yu Iloatia Peered t the Board f Co 1 fGth - dray f O Salt ber,kA CD.,193t1 h this•fish / • - JOHN F.BOWMAN, Notary P lie. Mayor: Eisner Macdonald.City Recorder. T3111 No:23. Pabliebea October 4th•1931. 1 I • I Oil • iE y t