33 of 1937 - Amending Section 39, relating to rules governing Auction Sales and Auctioneers, licenses and fees. ROLL CALL
L NOV 16 1937
VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah, , l93 . _
Goggin L I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser ✓l
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 39 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to auctioneers.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 39 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to auctioneers, be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
unlawful for any person to sell or dispose of or offer for sale
in Salt Lake City, Utah, at public auction, or to cause or per-
mit to be sold, disposed of, or offered for sale at public auc-
tion in Salt Lake City, Utah, any platinum, gold, silver, plat-
ed ware, or precious stones or semi-precious stones, or 'catches
or clocks or jewelry or china or glassware, whether the same
shall be his own property or whether he sell same at auction,
as agent or employee of others; provided, however, that this
section shall not apply to judicial sales or sales by executors
or administrators, nor to sales by licensed pawnbrokers of their
unredeemed pledges, in the manner provided by law, nor to sales
at public auction of stock on hand of any person, that shall
have been continuously in business in Salt Lake City, Utah, as
a retail or whole;a.le merchant of platinum, gold, silver or
plated ware or precious stones, or semi-precious stones, or
watches or clocks or jewelry or china or glassware, for the
period of one year next preceding such sales; provided, further
that such sale at public auction of the stock on hand of such
merchant or merchants shall not be fed or replenished in. antici-
pation of such auction sale, and that said auction sale shall
33 f
I -2-
I be held on successive days, Lundays and legal holidays ex-
cepted, and shall not continue for more than thirty days dur•- ,
ing the period of one year, nor between the hours of six oecl.okk
11 p. m. and eight o'clock a. m., nor shall any such auction sale;
be held during the month of dd,ecember and no license shall be 1
;j issued granting the privilege to hold such auction during said
(B) No person shall act at any such sole by auction 6
as a by-bidder to bid in behalf of the auctioneer or owner to ;
1run up the price or make any false bid or pretend to buy any
EI article sold or offered for sale. The licensee or, if a cor- I
poration, one of the officers of the licensee, shall remain inl
continuous attendance and nothing shall be offered for sale or1
sold r;hich is not described in the inventory hereinafter pro- 1
1; sold
vided for. All sales and all persons participating in sales 1
must truly and correctly represent at all times to the public
attending such auction the facts in respect to quality.
(C) The applicant shall attach to his application fok-
a license a. true and correct detailed inventory, listing the j
1 articles proposed to be sold at sa4.e by auction and shall cans:
each of said articles described in. said inventory to be given 1
a number. Opposite the description of said article in said in-
ventory shall appear the actual cost price thereof to licensee.
The application. shall be verified by the applicant or, if a.
1 corporation, by a duly authorized officer of said corporation.
Said application must be prevented to the License Assessor and;
Collector and in addition. tb the inventory shall contain the
� following information:
1. The name, business address and character of busi
ness of applicant.
2. Length of time he has been engaged in the busir.esLs
of selling jewelry.
Z. The place where the auction. is to be held.
4. The name and address and duties of each person
I �
� I
who Till conduct the auction.
5. That the applicant will be present and will not
permit additions to be made to stock of merchandise.
(C) In case the license is ranted, the licensee must be-
fore such sale by auction attach to each article to be sold a
card with the said number of said article endorsed thereon so
11 that the number shall correspond to the article as it is de-
scribed in the inventory on file with the License Assessor and
(E) Bach applicant before such.license shall be issued.
shall file with the City Recorder a bond in the sum of : MO.00
in favor of any person injured or damaged by any false or fraudu•-
li lent representation made by any pdrson participating in or con]
ducting said sale by auction, said bond to be approved by the
Board of Commissioners.
(F) All such sales by auction are hereby prohibited unlels
a license be obtained therefor as herein provided, and the li-
censee shall pay to the License Assessor and Collector the sum
of $10.00 per day for each day of such auction and the license
issued shall be for the exact number of days, not exceeding
thirty in all, requested Bc the applicant and authorized by the
Board of Commissioners.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
ttah, this / ay of 7L.e-1` , A•_ . 1 9G%l�j�`�/j-�i'///�.
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City Recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
38 of the Revised Ordinances Ut Salt Lake
City,Utah, 1931.relating to auctioneers.
• Be it:.ordained-by the Board of Com- r
ihna ohen of Salt Like City, Utah: L-e>7__U Yo.LLl1v'
'SECTION 1.That Section 39 of.theRe-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,
1934, relating to auctioneers, be and the
Iowa is hereby amended to read as fol.. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
AUCTION- (A) It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to ,ell or ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper of general
dispose of or offer far sale
Salt Lake City, Utah, at public auction,
oor l,to coffered permit
mit�to be sold,dispooeed
l or Lake foCitr le at public auction
circulation,published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in
gold,-silver, plated ware, or precious
.atones o mi.precioue atones,o watches
or clocks or se jewelry or China or glassware,
whether the same shall be his owl, the State of Utah.
property or whether he sell same at auc•
Lion,as agent or employees of others;pr'o•
ended,however,that this section hall n Y 1
apply to judicial sales o c
r sales by a That the advertisement Ordinance Lial i'Oa J3
Lore o administrators,nor to sales by li.
yensed pawnbrokers of their unredeemed
pledges, in the manner provided by law,
r to seise at public auction of stock I'G11t7'fi f% toauctioneers (City T�(-COrdC I')
on hand of any person, that shall have
been ntinuously in business in Salt
Lake City, Utah, a retail o wholesale
rchant of platinum,gold,silver or plat-
ed ware r precious atones,or smi-precir
atones,or watches or clocks or jewelry
or China or next cos preceding
for the period of
one-year recedi cg such sales; pro-
vided, further that loch sale at public
auction of the stock on hand of such
merchant or merchants shall of be fed
replenished M anticipation of such a
&� le,and oei .and auction le shall
was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
legnal:holidays excepted, d shall of
u ve for man IhirIn dare air- 17t1"I y of 1,10VClnix r 4 D 19 37
eg the period d of one year, nor and
day •
the hours f sixo'clock p.m.,o and eight
o'clock shell
le be hood fleeing the men o f Deem. 1 L 17i1C
'nor a license old be issuedse grant- and was published
ing the privilege onh to hold ouch auction rdur
End ano:
ing m
ealeHb No person shall art such
y auction as a by-bidder any
bid in
behalf of the auctioneer or owner to run the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the........
up the price or make any false bid or
pretend to buy any article sold or offered A D 19
for tale.The license r,,f a corporation, day Of
one of the officers of the hor sold
re continuous attendance Bane¢e d noth-
aing of de a abed i for male o sold 'hick
not deided a. 11 inventory sadherein- r
after provided for.All saes and 11 per.
all participatingtlr re n, sales all imai trw' ertising Cle
e correctly epreaini at all roes to me
public nattending such auction the facts In
respect to quality.
(C) The applicant shall attach to his
application fora license a true and correct
detailed i v twat',Bating the articles pro-
posed to be sold t sale by action d
shall cane each of said articles descrlb-
d m said inve.ntorr to be given umB f Ore me this 1 Y.:31 day O f
bar. Opposite the ascription'of said ary a Toe nae eau nur a and Mitten of
Liege in old inventory shall appear the c each ghut who will conduct me present
Dual cost price. thereof to licensee. The 5. That the applicant will M Present
application shall be verified by the A.D.I9j7.and will not permit]dditione to be made
Dlicvnt to a corporation, by a duly to lock o1 metal license
authorized officer f said corporation.Said ID) In case the license Is granted they
application must be presented to the Li• licensee e must Moore such sail by a-'
e Assessor and Collector and in addl- Loch n h article to one sold a, ---
lion to the inventory shall'contain the •
card with the number of Raid m-!Q'�— -,-
following information: ticM endorsed thereon so that the
I.The name,business address and char- Mr shall correspond to the article l sa it is
Refer 1 business of described of the inventory file with
anlicet• 'teicnsennesappli and beOneeor. tart'Public.
2.Length of time ceiling he hoe been engaged (E) Each applicant before u h 1L
n3.The places where the jewelryauction is to M • na hall M issued oe shall Site with the
held. 811C City e Recorder a bond in the sum ut
""----- - --- - - - 9309.00 in favor of any person injured.or
damaged by any false or fraudulent re.
resentation made by any person partici-
pating in or conducting said sale,by a
Lion, said bond to be approved by the
Board of Commissioners.'
1E) All such males by auction
hereby prohibited males,a license be ob.i
Lamed therefor as herein provided, and
the licenses.shall pay to the License As-
and Collector the sum of 910.09 per
day of such auction and the license is-
sued shall be for the exact number of
days,not exceeding thirty in an,.r eat
ed by the applicant and n ed by
-Lhe Board of Commissioners.IIthe
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners, it tnecessary
to the peace,health and safety of the in
habitants of Salt Laeke City that this or.
dinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take
effect upon Its Slrat publication,
Passed by the Beard of Commissioners
of Sale Lake City,Utah,this kith day of
Ethel McMonald,Temporary Chairman.
City Recorder.
BILL NO.33. .
Publiehed November 171h 11137,
4 —FY�.(s'�'1
Proof of Publication
`kt ' _ � 9