33 of 1942 - Amending Section 743 Revised Ordinance 1934, amending bill #9 creating Council of Defense ROLL CALL VOTIlVG ✓ Salt Lake City,Utah, JU!V 1.6 1942 �94' - - - - I move that the ordinance be p • assed. • Keyser - - - - 1111 Matheson - _ 4`aerl .e e.t. x I ?edesco, / ' Mr.Chairman - - / 146T RDINANCE Re.dt - - _ _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 743, of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake Ctty, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on February 10, 1942, and designated as bill No. 9 creating a Council of Defense for Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 743, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City on February 10, 1942, and designated as bill No. 9 creating a Council of Defense for Salt Lake City, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ""SEC. 743. DEFENSE COU?CIL OF SALT LAKE CITY. (a) There is hereby established in Salt Lake City a local Council of Defense to be known as the Defense Council of Salt Lake City. Said Defense Council shall consist of three persons, to-wit: The Mayor, who shall act as the Chairman; a Coordinator of Civilian Defense, and a Commander of the Citizens Defense Corps, both of whom shall be appointed by and hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. (b) The Defense Council of Salt Lake City shall, sub- ject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, form and conduct a voluntary atxilliary police force under the direction of the Chief of the Police Department of Salt Lake City and shall also form and donduct an air raid precaution service organization under the direction of the Com- mander of the Citizens Defense Corps as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this ordinance and the rules and regulations made pursuant thereto. i � -2- (c) Said Defense Council shall have the power and perform the duties set out in the provisions of Charter ter 33, Laws of Utah, 1941, Second Special Session, and such other duties as nay be prescribed by the rules and regulations of said Council and the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. (d) The Defense Council shall ;nake all al.. ointments and persons appointed shall hold office at the pleasure of ~"? the Council and shall serve without compensation. {a I / (er' 'he powo t authority and �y of any person yi appointed her. or sh� be s¢, 'beat the Council. 4Fli 44 SECTION ,, he union o f 1 5 B of Commissioners b it is necessary toili alt peacecnO pafet &f the inhabitants %, of Salt Lake City y is dinancq fi 'bec _e ctive i.- ,edia.tely. SECTION This, xnanceitna i tak f ect upon its first publication. Al, Passed by the Board of Co -i Toners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this /L e aay of , A.M. 1942. City Recorder. ` /% . ki. ,t, ..ii _ , _ , . . ,,, , . g p it _ . ols it 4-.. * ...!. Ip- bit .N 111 h 4 K Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake • - .Legal Notice • AN OIIDIISSANCE Young Ald ORDINANCE. AMENDING- SEC.' Leo- • g TTil�e ��''1i43, f toqq Revteed otdinadeea of Tassed"''by th;Rt2A,-liu, nn Commissioners 'oiaesed-I by the Retard,Of c°nrmiary 0a Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- ,or. S Il Leko lnd P' 9 creating' 10 1942 idol ds5en L d 00 bill No.9 cre Lake ccq I.o? D tense for Salt Laker vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper m BaloIeter etas'albyLake the-Board Utah of : SECTION-I, That Section.943, of the published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. .Utah:-1934, d ordinance Daseed by the 'Board, of Commissioners o[ Salt Lake of Utah. ..City, February 10,194a and deelenate- 'as bill No.9 c tin council of De- ,aoneeleehetebyamended Lake dedCitly, bea and anthe d tole to:„, a°1e That the advertisement Ord.inance...Bill..No...33 SEC. 743, DEFENSE COUNCIL OF SAAT LAKE CITY. (al There is hereby established in Salt Lake.' ity he local C until ao C f f Dee sce to 5 be relating to Counoil of Defame -k Lake City. Said Deleon9 Council shall consist of throe hereone. lo.whit. The Mayyo hn shall a.et a'the Chairman: Salt Lake City Ooosadr.r0r of Clviliann Defense, and a "bommander of the Citizen Detenee Corps. bothof whom shall be appointed by and ' hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners of Salt L. City; (bi The Defense Council of,Salt Lake Cltq•shall, Matt to the approval of ft �yhe„E9ard of.Commissioners. I Salt Lake 'L`ftio"farm':and condpet luntary aux- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Chiefof of the Ps also form Salt 9 City and shall also Stan 17th day of June A.D.19 42 service conduct a, a raid precaution rvho Commander`rounder she direction ui s,Corps . a the Citizens De- 1 +,fence;DOt a ae May benecessary to nar- y n,t the provision. regulations ordinance and was published Once k.d Ih le and eul t a PUrellant.thereto. f l Said Defense Councllhe shall..have the,prey and 'perform the all. t ,»�1^ tp the',pro a f Chapter 33 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the hM1e43 33 qr i s t. and :h Iher t'as n ati be prescribed-Conned by'the lthe aregulation.'C •ai 1 .1.L of said a-Defense and the Board of a ell' -...17th. day of d� 19.42--- mltel appointments and Lake Oity., make sill ` Id) The-Dot efense ake Ci shill a M1 pe.sons appointed hall' re,of the•Coun- 'held dice. t tpe apttokorihynoand oaun hau oil and hall '--- _,le • a s ',serve I A tieing Clerk. —n?nets.The anointed heepnder , be prescribed`by the •Couneil. SECTION'1.In the pinion f the Board P Commissioner's it is necessary.to the, health.-peace and- alely ut the heal-I nl.oo 9f Salt Lake,..City that this r- become effective immediate', It sEC m SECTION 0. Thla ordinance shall take ''`£Peet, 'ppn Its floe°ptrbn0am'' to before me this 1.8th day of PSalt kv the Hoard ,Cois 1.6t day ;f u e Lake Cite, Utah,6bls 18th day of.tune.A.D.,1992, AH'IENKMan or. A.D. 19..42.- May ETHEL.MACDONALD OiA )-rorder - ";ILL O'.23' b1t9hN d Iune IT 1041. ___ ----'/•-- (..—.A./ Notary.Pu ' , • • 0-1 • d i 1 r � •