33 of 1960 - Levying a tax and for assessment of property in Curb and Gutter Extension No. 285. lt�iL�r I .i
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . 1/'
Geurts . . .
Piercey . . .
....A-- _-----
Romney . . . ✓ .
Mr.Chairman „e AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property
in Curb and Gutter Extension No. 285 to defray the expense of con-
structing curb and gutter, roadway paving, sidewalks, miscellaneous
and private driveways.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. To defray the cost and expense of the improvements
now entirely completed in Curb and Gutter Extension No. 285 consist-
ing of the construction of curb and gutter, roadway paving, sidewalks,
miscellaneous and private driveways, the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City does hereby levy a tax and provide for the assessment
of the same upon the real property within the following boundaries,
fronting or abutting upon or adjacent to the following streets which
have been improved and which real property is generally described
as follows:
BOUNDARIES: North - Parleys Creek
South - 27th South Street
West - 17th East Street,
East - 20th East Street
STREETS: Hillcrest Avenue between 17th East & Preston Streets
Stratford Avenue between 17th East & 20th East Streets
Kenwood Street between Hillcrest Avenue and 27th
South Street
Melbourne Street between Hillcrest Avenue and 27th
South Street
Wellington Street between Hillcrest Avenue and 27th
South Street
19th East Street between Hillcrest Avenue and 27th
South Street
Preston Street between Hillcrest Avenue and 27th
South Street
Fronting on the North side of Stratford Avenue
Commencing at the N.E. corner of Stratford Avenue and Preston
Street, thence East 346.64 feet, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB & M.
Fronting on the North side of Stratford Avenug-
All of Lots 627-632 incl.
All of Lots 596-602 inc.
All of Lots 565-569 inc.
All of Lots 534-542 incl .
All of Lots 506-514 incl .
All of Lots 480-488 incl .
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , TIS, RIE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the South Side of Stratford Avenue
All of Lots 2127-2133 incl .
All of Lots 2196-2202 incl .
All of Lots 2269-2271 incl . and the north 78 feet of Lots
2272-2275 Incl .
All of Lots 2341-2343 incl . and the north 70 feet of Lots
2338-2340 Incl . and 2344-2346 incl .
All of Lots 2409-2414 incl. and the north 70 feet of Lots 2415-2417"N'e
All of Lots 2480-2488 inc.
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , TIS, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 528-533 incl . and the north half of the alley on
the south, Highland Park Plat "A", Sec. 21, T1S, RiE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the East Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 515-522 incl . and the north half of the alley on the
south, Highland park Plat 'A', Sec. 21, TIS, RIE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the East Side of 19th East Street
All of Lots 492 and 493, the west half of Lots 494-496 incl .
and the north 16 feet of Lot 491, Highland Park Plat 'A' ,
Sec. 21 , T1S, RIE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the North Side of Hilicrest Avenue
All of Lots 412-437 incl . and the east half of Lot 411, HigkakanA
All of Lots 438-471 incl .
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , TlS, RiE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the South Side of Hillcrest Avenue
All of Lots 615, 616, 646, and 647 and the north 9 feet of Lot 645
All of Lots 613 and 614 and the west 60 feet of Lots 583-585 incl .
All of Lots 581, 582 and the west 60 feet of Lots 553 and 554
The east 61 feet of Lot 549-552 incl . and ail of Lots 524-527 incl.
All of Lot 523
All of Lots 494-496 incl.
The above described property located in Highland ark Plat 'Al
Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M.
Fronting on the East Side of Preston Street
Commencing 140 feet south of the S.E. corner of Stratford Avenue
and Preston Street, thence south 474.05 feet, Sec. 21 T1S, RiE,
All of Lots 3 and 4, Country Club Garden Tract, Sec. 21, TlS,
Fronting orb the N r h Sid of Hill r st Ave u
Al I ul Lots $0 -410 ei, c1 . and the soulll 4 feet of Lot 404 and the
west half of Lot 411, Highland Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E,
Fronting on the South Side of Hillcrest Avenue
All of Lots 497-499 incl .
All of Lots 472 and 473 and the North 2 feet of Lot 474
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Scc. 21 , T1S, RiE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the West Side of Kenwood Street
All of Lots 615-618 incl .
Ali of Lots 627 and 628 and half of the alley on the north
All of Lots 2132 and 2133 and half of the alley on the south
All of Lots 2134-2160 Incl . and half of the alley on the north
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21, TIS, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Kenwood Street
All of Lots 613 and 614
All of Lots 607 and 608
All of Lots 600-604 incl . and the 12 foot alley between Lots
602 and 603
All of Lots 2196 and 2197 and the north half of alley to south
All of Lots 2167-2195 incl. and the south half of alley on north
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Melbourne Street
All of Lots 2272-2275 incl and the north half of the alley to the
All of Lots 2276-2304 incl and the south half of alley on the
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Melbourne Street
All of Lots 2338-2340 incl . and the west 5.5 feet of Lot 2341
and the north half of the alley on the south
All of Lots 2309-2337 incl . and the south half of the alley on
the north
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21, TIS, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 2344 and 2346 incl . and the east 9.5 feet of Lot 2343
and the north half of the alley on the south
All of Lots 2347-2376 inc. and half of the alley on the north
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21, TIS, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 2409 and 2410 and the north half of the alley on
the south
All of Lots 2379-2408 Incl . and the south half of the alley on
the north
Thb above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21, TIS, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of 19th East Street
All of Lots 497-507 incl and the alley between/505 and 506
All of Lots 2415-2417 incl . and the north half of the alley on
the south
All of Lots 2418-2445 incl . and the east 58 feet of Lots 2446-
2448 incl . and the south half of the alley on the north
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , T1S, RIE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the East Side of 19th East Street
All of Lots 487-490 incl . and the south 9 feet of Lot 491 and the
alley between Lots 488 and 489
All of Lots 2480-2482 incl . and the norXth half of the alley on
the south
All of Lots 2451-2479 incl . and the south half of the alley
on the north
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat
'A' , Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Preston Street
All of Lots 2487 and 2488 and the alley on the south
All of Lots 2489-2514, the east 59.32 feet of Lots 2515-2519 incl .
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat
'A', Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the North Side of Hillcrest Avenue
All of Lot 406, Highland Park Plat 'A; , Sec. 21 T13, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the South Side of Hillcrest Avenue
All of Lot 523, Highland Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Kenwood Street
All of Lots 619-626 incl . and the north half of the alley
on the south
All of Lots 2161 and 2162
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat
'A', Sec. 21 , TIS, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Kenwood Street
All of Lot 609-612 incl .
All of Lots 605 and 606
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat
'A', Sec. 21 , T1S, RiE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Preston Street
Commencing at the S.E. Corner of Stratford Avenue and Preston
Street, thence south 140 feet, Sec. 21 , T1S, RiE, SLB&M
All of Lots 1 and 2, Country Club Garden Tract, Sec. 21 ,
Fronting on the East Side of Preston Street
Commencing at the N.E. Corner of Preston Street and Stratford
Avenue, thence north 331.38 feet, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Preston Street
All of Lots 472-481 incl . and the alley between Lots 479 and 480,
Highland Park Plat 'A', Sec. 21 , TIS, RIE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the West Side of Melbourne Street
All of Lots 555-562 incl .
All of Lots 563 and 564
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat
'A' , Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Melbourne Street
All of Lots 540-548 Incl ., the West 57 feet of Lots 549-552
inci. and the alley between Lots 542 and 543, Highland Park
Plat 'A', Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB&M.
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
The east 58 feet of Lots 524-527 incl., Highland Park Plat 'At,
Sec. 21 , T1S, RiE, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 534 and 535 and the south half of the alley on the
north, Highland Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21, TiS, RiE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 513 and 514 and the south half of the alley
on the north, Highland Park Plat 'A', Sc. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the South Side of Hillcrest Avenue
The east 58 feet of Lots 553 and 554
The west 57 feet of Lots 549-552
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , T1S, RiE, SLB&M
16i FT Or _'aNC EHAL7-
Fronting on the West Side of Melbourne Street
The east 58 feet of Lots 553 and 554
All of Lots 563 and 564
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , TiS, RiE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Melbourne Street
The west 57 feet of Lots 549-552 Inc] .
All of Lots 540-542 incl .
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat
'A' , Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB&M
r c
Fronting on the North Side of Stratford Avenue
All of Lots 563 and 564
All of Lots 540-542 Incl .
The above described property located in Highland Park Plat 'A'
Sec. 21 , T1S, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the North Side of Stratford Avenue
All of Lots 633-635 incl ., Highland Park Plat 'A', Sec. 21,
Fronting on the North Side of Hillcrest Avenue
The East 12.54 feet of Lot 411 and all of Lots 412 and 413 $ 61 .07
All of Lots 414-416 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 417 to 419 incl . and the west 7.5 feet of Lot 420 44.74
The east 17.5 feet of Lot 420 44.74
All of Lots 421 and 422 and the west 15.08 feet of Lot 423 66.51
�,/ The east 10 feet of Lot 423 and all of Lots 424 to 426 42..02
�0 All of Lots 427 and 428 and the west 3 feet of Lot 429 44.74
'The east 20.08 feet of Lot 429 and all of Lots
430 and the west 10 feet of Lot 431 69.23
The east 15.08 feet of Lot 431 and all of Lots 432 and 433 74.67
All of Lots 434 and 435 44.74
All of Lots 436 and 437 85.55
All of Lots 438 and 439 45.75
Ali of Lots 440 and 441 45.75
All of Lots 442 and 443 58.35
All of Lots 444 and 445 46.38
All of Lots 446 and 447 62.72
All of Lots 448 and 449 4.4.74
All of Lots 450 and 451 and the west 7.19 feet of Lot 452 44.74
The east 17.89 feet of Lot 452 and all of Lot 453 and
the west 14.33 feet of Lot 454 44.74
The east 10.72 feet of Lot 454 and all of Lots 455 and 456 44.74
All of Lots 457-459 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 460-462 incl . 63.78
All of Lots 463-465 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 466-468 incl . 58.35
All of Lots 469-471 incl . 63.78
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21 T1S, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the South Side of Hilicrest Avenue
All of Lots 646 and 647 and the north 9.0 feet of Lot 645 50.04
All of Lots 615 and 616 50.04
All of Lots 614 and 613 49.01
The west 60 feet of Lots 583-585 incl . 49.01
All of Lots 581 and 582 79.63
The west 60 feet of Lots 553 Amx1x and 554 53.26
The east 58 feet of Lots 549-552 incl . 53.26
The east 58 feet of Lots 549-552 incl . 53.26
The west 60 feet of Lots 524-527 incl. 53.26
All of Lot 523 92.80
The west 59.27 feet of Lots 494-496 Incl. 53.26
The east 59.53 feet of Lots 494-496 incl . 52.48
All of Lots 472 and 473 and the north 2.0 feet
of Lot 474 72.25
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A', Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the North Side of Stratford Avenue
Commencing at the N.E. corner of Stratford Avenue
and Preston Street, thence east 346.64 feet, NI.E.'-,
Sec. 21 , TIS, RIE, SLB&M 61.81
All of Lots 482-484 incl . 36.19
All of Lots 485 and 486 40/46
All of Lots 508 and 509 36. 19
All of Lots 510 and 512 36.19
All of Lots 536 and 537 42.59
All of Lots 538 and 539 36.19
All of Lots 565 and 567 59.66
All of Lots 568 and 569 36.19
All of Lots 596 and 597 38.32
All of Lots 598 and 599 36. 19
All of Lots 600-602 incl . 55.40
All of Lots 629 and 630 36.19
All of Lots 631 and 632 36.19
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the South Side of Stratford Avenue
All of Lots 2485 and 2486 30.92
All of Lots 2483 and 2484 30.92
All of Lots 2413 and 2414 36.19
All of Lots 2411 and 2412 36.19
The north 70 feet of Lots 2344 to 2346 incl .
and the eaat 9.5 feet of the north 70 feet of lot 2343 51 .13
The west:. 15.5 feet of Lot 2343 and all of Lot 2342 and
the east 19.5 feet of Lot 2341 36.19
The north 78 feet of Lots 2272 and 2273 and the west 2.5 ft.
of the north 78 feet of Lot 2274 36.19
The north 78 feet of Lots 2272 and 2273 and the west
2.5 feet of Lot 2274 36.19
All of Lots 2269-2271 incl . 36.19
All of Lots 2203-2204 incl . 36.76
All of Lots 2200-2202 imcl . 36.76
All of Lots 2198 and 2199 36.19
All of Lots 2129-2131 incl . 40.46
All of Lots 2127 and 2128 40.46
The above described property located in Highland Park
Plat 'A', Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Kenwood Street
All of Lots 607 and 608 44.74
All of Lots 603 to 604 incl ., and the north half of
the alley adjacent on the south 41 .11
All of Lots 2196 and 2197 and the north half of the
alley adjacent on the south 63.78
All of Lots 2194 and 2195 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 41 .43
All of Lots 2192 and 2193 41 .43
All of Lots 2190 and 2191 414.74
All of Lots 2186-2189 incl. 44.74
All of Lots 2184 and 2185 44.74
All of Lots 2182 and 2183 47.46
All of Lots 2180 and 2181 44.74
All of Lots 2178 and 2179 33 44.74
All of Lots 2175-2177 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2173 and 2174 44.74
The west 58 feet of Lots 2165 and 2166 44.74
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Kenwood Street
All of Lots 617 and 618 44.74
All of Lots 627 and 628 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 44.74
All of Lots 2132 and 2133 and the north half of the alley
adjacent on the south 71.94
All of Lots 2134 and 2135 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 44.74
All of Lots 2136 and 2137 44.74
All of Lots 2138 and 2139 44.74
All of Lots 2140 and 2141 44.74
All of Lots 2142 and 2143 44.74
All of Lots 2144 and 2145 44.74
All of Lots 2146 and 2147 35.99
All of Lots 2148 and 2149 and the north 3 feet of
Lot 2150 35.99
The south 22.0 feet of Lot 2150 and all of Lot 2151 35.99
All of Lots 2152 and 2153 35.99
All of Lots 2154 and 2155 44.74
All of Lots 2156 and 2157 44.74
All of Lots 2158-2160 incl . 44.74
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21 , T1S, R1E, SLB&ld
Fronting on the West Side of Melbourne Street
The east 58 feet of Lots 553 and 554 44.74
All of Lots 555 and 556 44.74
All of Lots 557 and 558 47.46
All of Lots 559 and 560 44.74
Ail of Lots 563 and 564 44.74
1'he north 78 feet of the east 22.5 feet of Lot 2274 and
' the north 78 feet of Lot 2275 44.74
The south 47 feet of Lots 2272-2275 incl . and the north
half of the alley adjacent on the south 44.74
All of the Lots 2277 and 2276 and the south half of the
alley adjacent on the north 44.74
All of Lots 2278 and 2279 44.74
All of Lots 2280 and 2281 44.74
All of Lots 2282 and 2283 44.74
All of Lots 2284 and 2285 44.74
All of Lots 2286 and 2287 44.74
All of Lots 2288 and 2289 44.74
All of Lots 2290 and 2291 44.74
All of Lots 2292 and 2293 44.74
All of Lots 2294-2296 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2297 and 2298 44,74
All of Lots 2299 and 2300 44.74
All of Lots 2301 and 2302 44.74
All of Lots 2303 and 2304 38.71
The above described property located in Highland Park
Plat 'A', Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Melbourne Street
The west 57 feet of Lots 549-552 incl . 117.74
All of Lots 547 and 548 91 .74
All of Lots 545 and 546 85.25
All of Lots 543 and 544 and the north half of the alley
adjacent on the south 55.23
All of Lots 540-542 Incl . and the south half of the
alley adjacent on the north 88.27
The north 70 feet of the West 5.5 feet of Lot 2341 and the
north 70 feet of Lots 2338-2340 Incl . 49.07
The south 55 feet of the west 5.5 feet of Lots 2341 and
the south 55 feet of Lots 2338-2341 incl . and the north
half of the alley adjacent on the south 49.07
All of Lots 2336 and 2337 and the north 20 feet of Lot 2335 and
the south half of ;the alley adjacent on the north 75.06
The south 5 feet of Lot 2335 and all of Lots 2333 and 2334 57.25
All of Lots 2331 and 2332 and the north 12.5 feet of
Lot 2330 57.25
The south 12.5 feet of Lot 2330 and all of Lots 2328
and 2329 55.23
All of Lots 2325-2327 incl . 61 .85
sit 9
All of Lots 2323 and 2324 55.23
All of Lots 2321 and 2322 55.23
All of Lots 2319 and 2320 55.23
All of Lots 2317 and 2318 55.23
All of Lots 2315 and 2316 55.23
All of Lots 2313 and 2314 55.23
All of Lots 2311 and 2312 42.51
All of Lots 2309 and 2310 42.51
All of Lots 2307 and 2308 81.67
The above described property located in Highland Park
Plat 'A' , Sec. 21, TIS, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Wellington Street
The east 58 feet of Lots 524-527 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 534 and 535 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 44.74
The north 70 feet of Lots 2344-2346 incl . and the east
9.5 feet of Lot 2343 39.30
The south 55 feet of Lots 2344-2346 and the east 9.5
feet of Lot 2343 and the north half of the alley
adjacent on the south 39.30
Ali of Lots 2347 and 2348 and the north 12.5 feet of
Lot 2349 and the south half of the alley adjacent
on the north 42.79
All of Lots 2350 and 2351 and the south 12.5 feet of
Lot 2349 42.79
& 2353
All of Lots 2352/ and the north 12.5 feet of Lot 2354 44.74
The south 12.5 feet of Lot 2354 and all of Lots 2355
and 2356 44.74
All of Lots 2357 and 2358 46.72
All of Lots 2359 and 2360 63.05
All of Lots 2361-2363 incl. 44.74
All of Lots 2364-2366 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2367 and 2368 and the north 19 feet of Lot 2369 47.46
The south 6 feet of Lot 2369 and all of Lots 2370
and 2371 44.74
All of Lots 2372 and 2373 44.74
All of Lots 2374-2376 incl . 44.74
c i
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A', Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Wellington Street
All of Lots 513 and 514 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 69.23
All of Lots 2409 and 2410 and the north half of the
alley adjacent on the south 74.67
All of Lots 2406-2408 incl ., and the south half of
the alley adjacent on the north 44.74
All of Lots 2403-2405 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2401-2402 44.74
All of Lots 2399 and 2400 44.74
All of Lots 2397 and 2398 44.74
All of Lots 2395 and 2396 44.74
All of Lots 2393 and 2394 44.74
All of Lots 2391 and 2392 44.74
All of Lots 2389 and 2390 44.74
All of Lots 2387 and 2388 44.74
All of Lots 2383 and 2386 incl. 44.74
All of Lots 2381 and 2382 44.74
All of Lots 2379 and 2380 44.74
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21 , T1S, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of 19th East Street
All of Lots 497-499 incl . 55.62
All of Lots 500-502 and the north 21 feet of Lot 503 50.19
The south 4 feet of Lot 503, all of Loth 504 and 505
and half of the alley adjacent on the south 44.74
Ail of Lots 506 and 507 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 71 .94
The north 70 feet of Lots 2415-2417 incl . 44.74
The south 55 feet of Lots 2415-2417 and the north half
of the alley adjacent on the south 44.74
All of the lots 2418-2420 incl . and the south half
of the alley adjacent on the north 44.74
All of Lots 2421-2423 incl . 44.16
All of Lots 2424 end 2425 44.16
All of Lots 2426 and 2427 44.74
All of Lots 2428-2430 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2431-2433 incl . 52.90
All of Lots 2434 and 2435 44.74
Ali of Lots 2436 and 2437 44.74
All of Lots 2438 and 2439 44.74
All of Lots 2440-2443 incl. 61.07
All of Lots 2444 and 2445 44.74
The east 58 feet of Lots 2446-2448 incl . 44.74
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A', Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of 19th East Street
All of Lots 492 and 493 and the north 16 feet
of Lot 491 44.74
The south 9 feet of Lot 491 and all of Lots 489 and
490 and the north half of the alley adjacent on the south 44.74
All of Lots 487 and 488 and the south half of the alley
adjacent on the north 71.94
All of Lots 2480-2482 and the north half of the alley
adjacent on the south 66.51
All of Lots 2478 and 2479 and the south half of the
alley adjacent on the north 44.74
Ail of Lots 2477-2475 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2474-2472 incl . 44.74
All of Lots 2470 and 2471 44.74
All of Lots 2468 and 2469 44.74
All of Lots 2466 and 2467 44.74
All of Lots 2464 and 2465 44.74
All of Lots 2462 and 2463 44.74
All of Lots 2460 and 2461 44.74
All of Lots 2458 and 2459 44.74
All of Lots 2455-2457 incl. 71 .94
All of Lots 2453 and 2454 44,74
All of Lots 2451 and 2452 44.74
All of Lots 2450 anc 2449 44.74
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A', Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the West Side of Preston Street
The south 21 feet of Lot 478, all of Lot 479 and the
north half of the alley adjacent on the south 27.92
All of Lots 480 and 481 and the south half of the
alley adjacent on the north 27.92
All of Lots 2487 and 2488 48.99
All of Lots 2489 and 2490 and the north 12.0 feet
of Lot 2491 36.19
The south 13 feet of Lot 2491 and all of Lot 2492
and the north 24.5 feet of Lot 2493 40.46
The south 0.5 feet of Lot 2493 and all of Lots 2494
anc, 2495 and the north 11 .5 feet of Lot 2496 36.19
The south 13.5 feet of Lot 2496 and all of Lots 2497
and 2498 36.19
All of Lots 2499 and 2500 36.19
All of Lots 2505 and 2506 66.08
All of Lots 2509 and 2510 53.26
The east 59.32 feet of Lots 2515-2519 incl . 36.19
The above described property located in Highland
Park Plat 'A' , Sec. 21, TIS„RIE, SLB&M
Fronting on the East Side of Preston Street
Commencing at the N.E. corner of Stratford Avenue
and Preston Street, thence north 331 .38 feet,
S.E.4, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M 46.99
Commencing at the N.E. corner of Stratford Avenue
and Preston Street, thence north 331 .38 feet, N.E.*
S.E. , Sec. 21 , T1S, RIE, SLB&M 46.99
Commencing at the N.E. corner of Stratford Avenue
an,l Preston Street, thence north 331 .38 feet,
N.E.4, S.E.- , Sec. 21 , TIS, R1E, SLB&M 46.99
Commencing at the N.W. corner of Lot 4, Country Club
Garden Tract, thence north 40 feet, and all of Lots 3-6 incl .
Country Club Garden Tract, Sec. 21, TlS, R1E, SLB&M 47.19
Commencing at the N.W. corner of Lot 4, Country Club
Garden Tract, thence north 40 feet, and all of Lots 3-6
incl ., Country Club Garden Tract, Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, 54.05
Commencing at the N.W. corner of Lot 4, Country Club
Garden Tract, thence north 40 feet, and all of Lots 3-6
incl ., Country Club Garden Tract, Sec. 21, T1S, RIE, SLB&M 54.05
Commencing at the N.W. corner of Lot 4, Country Club Garden
Tract, thence north 40 feet, and all of Lots 3-6 incl .,
Country Club Garden Tract, Sec. 21, T1S, R1E, SLB&M 64.34
The tax hereby levied and assessed is levied upon each of the
blocks, lots, parts of blocks and lots, lands and real estate within
that special improvement district known as Curb and Gutter Extension
No. 285 fronting or abutting upon or adjacent to the streets which
have been improved within said special improvement district. This
tax is levied and assessed at an equal and uniform rate on such proper-
ty in accordance with the linear front footage thereof and to the
full depth of each such parcel of real property held in the same owner-
ship but not exceeding 330 feet in depth and, as to undivided tracts,
not to any greater depth than the average distance subdivided real
estate is taxed for the same improvement. An allowance on said tax
has been made for corner lots so that they are not assessed at full
rate on both streets.
It is hereby found and determined that the real property hereby
taxed and assessed is benefited by the improvements which hate been
completed to the full amount of the tax hereby levied.
The tax hereby levied and assessed is in the total sum of
$141,676.05 and consists of $1,922.60 or $7.30 per linear or front
foot of abutting property for constructing 263.37 feet of 4 foot side-
walk, curb and gutter and miscellaneous; $16,335.80 or $8.31 per linear
or front foot of abutting property for constructing 1965.80 feet of
curb and gutter, 18 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $1,049.80 or
$2.90 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
.00 .
362/feet of miscellaneous; $943.50 er $10.27 per linear or front foot
of abutting property for constructing 91.87 feet of 5 foot sidewalk,
curb and gutter, 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $27,356.26 or
$9.81 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
2,788.61 feet of 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 16 foot pavement
and miscellaneous; $1,182.44 or $7.21 per linear or front foot of
abutting property for constructing 164.00 feet of 4 foot sidewalk, 16
foot pavement and miscellaneous; 40d0x,54ixi xJQRx4iixSaixploexiime dRxer
£u@ntx£mmkxpavemen:txxadxmisee3lameonz; $66,563.18 or $8.01 per linear
or front foot pf:,abutYing property for constructing 8,310.01 feet of
curb and gutter, 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $3,906.02 or
$5.41 per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing
722.00 feet of 16 foot pavement and miscellaneous; $3,095.09 or $9.34
per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 331.38
feet of 4 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, 13 foot pavement and mis-
cellaneous; $2,052.01 or $7.54 per linear or front foot of abutting
property for constructing 272.15 feet of curb and gutter, 13 foot
pavement and miscellaneous; $3,490.91 or $6.97 per linear or front
foot of abutting property for constructing 500.85 feet of curb and
gutter, 16 foot 2 inch asphalt and miscellaneous; $186.32 or $7.76
per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 24.01
feet of 5 foot sidewalk, curb and gutter and miscellaneous; $616.00
or $5.50 per linear or front foot of abutting property for construct-
ing 112.00 feet of curb and gutter and miscellaneous; $777.87 or $6.75
per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 115.24
feet of curb and gutter, 16 foot 6 inch gravel base and miscellaneous;
$426.30 or $1.47 per linear or front foot of abutting property for
constructing 290.00 feet of 16 foot 2 inch asphalt; $901.76 or $6.91
per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 130.50
feet of curb and gutter, 6 inch gravel base and miscellaneous; $31.41
or $5.71 per linear or front foot of abutting property for construct-
ing 5.50 feet of 18 foot pavement and miscellaneous and a total of
$10,838.77, levied on the property benefited in the amounts set forth
above, for constructing private driveways.
The amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed does not ex-
ceed the total cost of the improvements in said special improvement
district including interest on interim warrants and the total contract
price due under that certain contract duly let to Larkin & Smith
Construction Company, the lowest responsible bidder therefor, on
December 23, 1958.
The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess
the real property hereinabove referred to in accordance with the pro-
visions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned and to
collect said tax as provided by law.
k a�
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer,
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and
Review, of the property described in Section 1 of this Ordinance (Curb
and Gutter Extension 285) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of con-
structing curb and gutter, roadway paving, sidewalks, miscellaneous
and private driveways, upon said portions of said streets, is hereby
confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed
lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved
and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly
installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the
whole sum unpaid at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at the time each
installment is due, provided, however, that one or more of such in-
stallments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid with-
out interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance
becomes effective. One or more installments in the order in which they
are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid after said 15 days
and before the first installment becomes due by paying the same with
interest from the date of levy to the date such first installment is
due. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable,
or the whole special tax, may be paid on the date any installment be-
comes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to the date of
payment. Default in the payment of any such installment of principal
or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and
interest to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of
the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of
ten per cent (10%) per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the
date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid
installments past due with interest at the rate of ten per cent (10%)
per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all
accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right there-
after to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not
SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and.
safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance
become effective immediately.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 24th day of February 1960.
nnn�rn Mayor
S E A )
BILL NO. 33 of 1960
Fifth & Final Estimate,
Published February 27th, 1960
Affidavit of Publication
-r c..lf. T.oa SS.
CV ORDINANCE and I ra oI xt A TAX a d t' e t nt
ev i 1 a e` tl Extension a 28 t a f the
r t h end r- 'I a »- m n'ei :) .tf s Clgle:Ev•
ianrAcr and it,ids
o as nett h.l the Ro':d or C onwhissioneiv of Salt Lake
St.0 ION l 1 rl t1 L tl ^I 11 -
n r 11 Ii tlT 2R.' g first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
d llh 11 I t a t th e '1 C
t I h n l d n k of the DE,SERfiT NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
f 17 n [I! I 1 I within 1
u F h boob tll n it RANI, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Fn -
f n. in which h I l and„h real r t it YJ9
,3oV[JDAhIP L'IN1,i hr n In1s deck h language with general circulation in Utah. and published in
_R2thFoet t.cetlit Lal e City, Salt Lake County the State of Utah
S"r1:1"r,F Fr111c.cct Avon, bolo
-fen l4rh Gast h Reston'
Slraltnrtl n..ennn nrl,oern,',th Et 20,h Gael•. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
f4�Sl at St-L b t - Itlll_ Avenge ndl
2]II S tl :t t
rHm Cl s utn he ocool n xnr t erne aon� r,a1 r "�,rl�r: c3 Y, r h:j'I ;{�rI i�'I r,f�.9P:<}e
We'linclon Stied rw Uvrw Hlllereet Avenue Prlei
2"!tL sulk Serl
nil t hecrnuren r1west Avenue 2114
South Sti et
Pi o nrewrrn Itillmest A ene and "Il (lffl nPY1.CE'. F,i`Vl/ r('FL'I' ^flit �;nl° 1;1Ln
TN1c s r defies Ibc e of constant/o/c corn and
• •ohadh,,v racing,rviaoval.,v,Itiercllancoh ald tuba,
'OOr S 1,15.r rl rn rllr ll.R n1lSrl:l.l.n Nt:Ol _`.., `•.�I r:,11. Cl-� (1'1 r;'(st, ,
rho htilhx
hou' 11
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t 1 irh. F L 6 i 21 r1 .L1F SLHNM. -! C7
!`rPI A ll est F i(II A f LYT.I.AT r�OT15 (�Il l"'�l '71fI (1 f �!f .�',!l, \rl�
i r,nlhA Shdr o SI,1fo A.rnhr _-
A' t Lob.SOti-0I,2 i ihcl.
All el'Lob.��-.BOO hurl.
\11 n .otn .�J9.h,rl.
mI n sees to
Al r. , descii inalf,
'Chu��ni21 aosorl yid n 11,1 lorvi^rl In HlAhlani Pz..'a Plal
rr�ne„r, '�'i�. .a��n Side nr:Ir,unrd nrrl�i,a Ys ublished in said newspaper on
of ' P //yy Au r,Lots 209 91 - d the nerd,9R f S f Lntx 227,-h ' I ,I�, 11 oe,0
A of Lots 2111 22,inel..b, the 1,1 'IO feet of iota 232R
Ali of I.ots 2409 2411 incl cod the no,IO heel or Lola MI5
1All o Io yr2 9R e2 8h I
lne:toe 1 Ili'blond
plat'A'Ser.d^.<,'1'1o5e lill�ntRA1
TIIC r1. ,the
P r ( 1.P•Oiliof
, r
- Allrot. '1-91. lic rwin -.I I r of me
JI I I I rl- A S 2 TIS RIG SLPhTa.
r I nA la o.( o• N1 r 1'T e]:1 i e.
arRs f(1a:31
e al AdVerti$ing Cle -JrR
nt ,thwasnthellrnolf rots .hurl a tl
lTIrSt ShLI G'enl1n(Lot 9I,Hi^hland Pork Plot 'A' roe 21.
roO1 IDh:IYALES,. : mccNpL an,1 FOOT PAVING
vhnwhhn•l arr11auorraaa1i,1Oiior
tot Alt
nlr i l nl t I I n, Wand ra,lr ry`i-.}t
IF. IRR his - ......... .. ______________ _
nnlioll IJhr So��Ih t-r �f --
Avnf Lots OIR fila F10, .'hnia 0a'a4 t anln the nor',h 9 tent of
Ant h C'
n- nl l.nls a�:i era eta old the,or:t Fo feel or zLc,,Rest,D. 19!>n
'rAo rll of..L lit L rR I.::A2:antl Il:r VJtst 00 frvt `Lnlr F: d:i
uls fir 4 of I.nts 5905:�2 Incl.ann all o[Lnts�52a-5:?'/i,cl.
A I [I t .ot e/
vAi �I�HAMlocoled in D i lane IN Plat
Fiontiec on Me Last Shle Al PAAAto,t Art
Cominoncin, 140 !rot soi'h Ihe SE comer n[ Stnlfold
Avoi, nil ,She_.thence south 1'l1.0. cet_Src. 21 .. ._
All of Lots 3:nut 1,Count,v Club 1,tarn'tract.see.21_T1S. Notary Public
Ir�ool. SID vtnN lhlntaeOO[II Ilrtrr�l P:t.�r nr.RrrS('Irr.LANFOOR
ntl of io%11,410
orlLot 0111.tflfclhl'Ind Petri:Pl.at'A� See 11I'rIS.
n,f'nnnNn u:nmhliih In uonh uTuh��Gc n�n nusrel.cnn'raoc!
A 7
All of lots t' ] bid II N 2!h f Lot n
Theh. des,
I,. n o led in H-I I.nr:P..r'.c Clot
l 11
rin Lt Vr I Ice enl
Ali All I 112All of TAO 7 I'
A 11 1�2 r 211:RilIt Ir ihr if l boa 110o;!o�II'
AThrh aoc 21 rr.ch�iheA:e `I.1..i,f n tedC fn cHichlhnd rook
Prat'A:.�Frr.21.T15.etc. Ita Rlle
rroutt„l r m. r�e.e sear,t Kolb/nod Street
All of l,o.Fn'r and FOR
North Sd at Ddleregt Avrnne
Le l Notices l! al Notices ,FrontingThef L L 12.59 feet s914 16 l Lot 411 d 1I f Lots 412 and 413'A,,1.3
p 1 4 All L t, rr t t 7 d th vest 75 feet of Lot
,L�LA11 f I.t 904.11e•1T I0c! lo(l'ha 12 414L 411C3'bet Y rtl Lots 42f1.TI e t I'f S f t l 42 49'f4
'602 d b All f Lots 421 22 end Itite.west 15.08 feet of Lot 423 66.51
Ail f Lo4 Pl96'and21A7 onto the th half of `Ieyftrt south TI L 10 f I 423 d ell of Lots 424 to 426.
AU-of Lots 21672195 ] thesouth halt f illq I00.0_brth 1
Th b den IF d perry,M�ato4 Art HI 111 tl Park Al f t 4 i 142fl n 1 th =t fe t t Let 42P R4 74
P1 t h 1 TtR M 8$kM Th t 10 feet f f f t 4 429 A all f L[430 and
YronOAl the West 2 I1 f Mel e 040Ae1 f ) t0 f t (L t 431 9 23
All f Lbt 2 2�2..75 Inc.and me M1OPtF btalf•of the alley W.1 ]h t 15.08{ i 1.nt 431 and sal of Lots 432 and 933 71'S,
4lte . yC 111 I1 s.91 I {6- -_ f _
.'All of 1.otR-2276-2904 incl and the 3onllfl'hxff It fI1dY,'p'n:ftie. A l f C x nq6 d _ - 45.7n
n 'tl A l [ Ls 442 J ---
• Th b des b d dPDdrL 1 t d I HIgh18n$ Park All f I is 440 d 1 . ---.. - VI'''
Plat h 'riot
e 1?te noe,,e - All f L is 442 d 4 - -. -- 6 TT
Fronting theF-l lid f Melbourne Street All of Lots 444 _ - -All of I 2338 2 40 1 1 d thet 53 feet f Lot 2391',. All of i is 445 d 1'! _. 02.71
I tl Lh 1 elf t fl ire ih - nth All f L s Pitt; 9 41.74
• All f 1 u 2:,OA 2917{nett nerd the south half of the xlley on All t 1 �- .d 1 and 95 end
7l feet f Lot 45d 4'1.1
the rrnr Oh • t e east 1789'feet of Lot 1 9 2 drd all I Lot 9+3 and
• l F AescrlIs. n T located i Highland Peek the west 10.33/. o 54 ne576
PI t A S 1 TIS nWLP,SngtonS l east]0.72 feet f el. 4i9 and all or M155 And 9i6 !lb
Fronting t o a 5379
on hr lVes[Slde f Wellington Street All of Lots 4 74 9 Mel. _ _- fi:.7A
All f Lots 21141 and 234E Inca (cotcast Lot All of Lots 450-4625 incl. ...
Alt 1 lh 23 half f the 11 thet All of Lots T 4f6 1 - eq?R
All of L o J31T 4011 I I half f 1 alley o the rah An of tot:16 4 3- I - --
Ph „hove described v P located in Highland Park, Al of ants 4 descent,
1 53.78
Plat A Sec.2S e o pit.9LRkM The .ba+e roe.erne, cif located n Richland
'Fronting o Ihr. fast Side of Wellington Street Ps,,o Pier'.1', .1.T15,P1P.SI.HSM
1 All of(tots 2409 and WO and the nodal half of the Alley n , Fronting o he South Slide- f Hlllerest Avenue
ttre.sou lh I All of loots 046'and 547 and the north 9.0 fret of Lot 045 50.Oa
AlL nE lots 2370-2108 Inca and the south half of the alley ono All Lots 615 and 616 ---- 5�04
the north 1 All f Lots 614 and 613 99.01
Th b lc� -I I t I L d InHighland Parts The .t -C .t f Leta 5 550 Incl. ..01
P]L 1 21 '] P71 4LH8. All Lots 531 d 32 _ 72 53
F'ronli ng de lite Wet 511 1 Ind.F t strttt The t CO feet of Lots 553 d 9 .25
. _7 1 All f 1 1 07 1 d theII. 1 t Lots 505 and 505 Tls 8 feet f Lots 540 552 cl _.. .2f,
All of Lots 2416.2.17 Inca and the north half of the alley nn The east SR fret of Lots 599 55_in 5920
'he stottlt The west 80 feet f Lots 524.527 incl. --- - 0 1.20
All f Lots 2416-2445 incl.and the t 8 feat ne(tots 2446.2448 All r Lot 52 ?1�
r o I d I south,elf Ihn alleythe no th T! -t 5.,.7 feet [L 44.4006incl.- --- 52�fl
TI I '1 n 't 1 on
In Highland Park The L 602. feet of Lots 4 4-49 1 -
PI L A S `.1 f 5 E1L SLOG All f Lots 47 73 and the north 2.0 feet f Lot 474 72.25
Fronting o the Lev{stele of 1,1 b Exst Street 7'I e hove d scr bed a lY ]r,9fed Hiebland
t All of Lott, 67-400 incl.nod the ulh A feet of Lot 491 And Fronting
Park Plet .1'.'r' 21.'1'15,HIE,.LH&M
Ito II 1 I (tots 49T a r]It ono theNorth 41d f Stratford Avenue
All I el 2460 482 Ir01 antl the nor.th halt or the&sett eh Commencing A t the N P cornerf Stratford A . and
All h Preston She fh L 345.64 feet. N.E./rS.k}'..
All of Lots 2451 247A Inca and the south half of the alley nn east
c._L is 9 H]F.SLR&M 01.1
the The rib All of Lots 485 an i cal _._.._.._____ _..--_ - 104,,
above. tl s 'Ib 't located in Highland Park All f I 50. d 0n _ 0.13
P t S S 1/ R0L SLB&M • Allf Lots SOfl d 04_ Rf.ta
Fronting a LI W SI I f P t Sl' All f Lots.10 d 512
Al,l f 2 R7 d 29 6 d h 11 lh Ih All f Lots 6 d 5,7 2fi 59
All f l 248P 2.14 h ass 59 J2 lest of Lot 3515.2513 el. All f Lots':A d 9- - - _ HI
The above
d. b l t Highland located In Park All Lot,Sf d fi _ __ 53.66
Plat A .21 T1S.ME.SIRA31 All of Lots 568 d 562 _ 9 OI
Lot,0 7 i6.12
Fronting no the North S 1 of IfIllerest Avene All f Lots 598 99 _ _ 9f.4A
All f Lot 406,Highland Park Plat A•oSee. 21.TIS, H1E, All f Lots 600502 I. ._ 40
SLHI'eM All f Lots 629 rd e+30. - ._ _-. 16.12
F'rnnlb+F on Ihr Sonlh Sidr e/Hilllt, .o v'A', All f Lots 631 and 632- _ 36.191
Ail of t.ot 52:t.Hichland Purls Plat'A'. Sec. Cl. T15. Rlfs', The above described property located In Highland
.Si,R,s.i\s Park Plat'A'.Sec.21,Tr15,HIE..SLH&M
i'Frontl Aft of Lots 61A 628 Intl.nn<I the nn.th half of the alley nil the All of Lnts 24115 and 298fi _. ___.. 311,92l
fh All of Los 2483 and 2464 __ •
All [Lot 2J 67.and 2162 All f Lot,24i2 d 2111•
Oh b d,scr lbnd'Property 1ncnlcA In Highland Palk All t Lola 2411 d 2t12 34.191
YI t A S ti 1,TIS.F1➢.SLRSM TI .th"d f t f L t o3 4 2346 Ine1 And the east •
Fronting o the rest Ide of Kensvood Street AS feel of the.1,or'lh 701eet of]Al 2343 5113'
All of Lots 609012 1 Tno west 15.5fret of Lot 2343 and all of Lot 2342 and 1
All of lots 005 nod 606 the t 12.5 feet of Lot 2341 35.19
b Fes b d Vcris 1 fed to
highland Park Thenorth 78 feet f Lots 2272 and 2273 and the west 2.5
Plzt A, 21 l lN.oe,to S[,B&M f f the north lT'-et of Lot 2276 35.1P.
Fr4nhng n Ih 1 L fl of Preston o Street Th. not.76 feet f 1 1.2 12 d 2273 and 11 west 2,5
Con i t'the,s C r of Stratford Avenue rd Pees. f f 1 of L71 - _ __ '16,..I,
' toll St 1_t th N]0 feet Sec 21 TIS,Hai.SI R871 A f t fs� 9 2'7,i I __ _ __ 36.11,
All of Lot,1 and 2,Count'.v Club Garden Tract,Sec 21,T15; All of Lots 2101 - incl. _ Af.7fi
411 n Lots 2 00-.01 i 1, _ 36!6
4 FOOT SIOETVAT.)C, CURB AND ANETER, 16 FOOT PAVING AI of Iots 2118 e 2I91_ -. ----- n6.it•
AND f PreMLa Stre 1 All of'TVs 21.2721;1 1l._
Fronting n h Commencing
Side f P I n StrerL A f Lots 1d d 212R 40.46
Coln t i II 0 . .r f P,inn Sl Act and Stratford Ohob d ll. d r t located in Highland
Ave h. , 4.1b oor AV Sec.21 TIS,HIE SLPAM Park he of Side
I eoo, D1P eItRAM
krontt'n i ND lt,rr Wooltto'Id,Pf Cre.tosre Street Ne M[S Cto tAN hot LS Fronting Al en floe I.es7 to) f Ixenwond Street
All f Lois 607 d f0A 44.74
480o f L t. d'Pk,1 - I- d to I1- between tots 471 and All t fno It d 604;nett,and the north halt of the
M180,I{1 1 d P,rl Plat OO 0 I 115.HIP. ,p AND 1l- .lots 21 h south
CORD AT>Cti TT'FR Ili FOOT 2&NCR ASPHALT AND All /Lots 21A6 d.197s and the north half of the altos'
S ilia ecnt to the sn 83.78
Fronting of the N'4•l 00' 1 MrlDeurne Street A11 ce Lots 2lhe no t2196 and the south half of the alley
All of Lots'i,5-562!nett adiaofnt an the north _ 41.43
AllThe above I t 63 and`ed mopeds located In Highland Park A, f lots 21,0 an11 71913 ---- 4A'M1t4
'Plot'A',Soc.21 described
WE,SLRRa1 AI 1 rR 189 L 474
Feeeihlt o f t l l t MelbourneStreet aS i t'2 2 R. e70
All of Lots 540-593 incl..the West 57 lee4 of Ills 5r,P-552- I. 1 7.afi
and th. II h.tw I1,0 .+,1 and 543,Highland Park Plat 1 f LOP^ 1 2l. _ .._ _..
'A S Jl. TIS, Iltk. SILHF%M A f I ors 2176 2170 4A7j4
5 FOOLS Di:REALM.C1-RR AND GL,TTER AND MISCFLLANF.OCR ',11 f lot=217� 1 7 T 1,- _
Frentr'1Fhe0ea.Lr SNllrothhi I"e2Is8VnOl32701.I,r Hlgb:and Park Plat'A'. 'LAl of„is 21 d a,217c4 4a7r.
vest 58{cot of Lo'.s 0.40 and 2tfi6 9479
$ce.21s EIS.RIP,R ntItl The above described op hoisted In Highland
Fronting Cohe LV.10 Side t Wellingtonthe50.Street Front;nl on the West Side 10 K,;n+rnnd Street
All of Lots 5:1, and iJ5 and the.south Frolt of the alloy nn the Alt of Lots 6r7 0,, f1R 44-74
onshh,Highland ideis 1 al'A'.Sec.Street
T15,R1E.RLB3M All of Lots f;IIII and lI ft and the.south h:�lf of the alley
PronliAl n Lha txsl Sidr. f and the
so trhal dime,o +he r 1r9h 4114
All of 1 t I:t and 5l4 and the south half of the.alley on the A I f 9 2' J d- :13 and the north hate f the alley
rat HO t1 II Park Ol'A.Roc 2L TIS 1.E.SE M1 t n theI! 71.24
CURB AND GL 11'FA. FOOTMIC LANEOtfCD'GRAVEL EASE AND All of rt 0 21 4 n Its of klJu and the south h I of the aDev ee.7r
Fronting n t .Sonlb V1.of 553 crest Avenole An o f Lot-" d 2f;7 _ 04
The R f.t f I 1. SST and 551 A I f " 19 21 d _ _.__ It 74
The t 57 feet f Lots 541552 1 I I Is 2 d 2 1_
The elf, descrlbcd D ncrto loeated In Highland Park A Lois 11 hut
]ZIP SLR&M -4- Lots"l 21 15_
t A IR FO T10F IFfCfl ASPHALT \ f Lot: I .117
Fronting nn the Wool Slot of Sf IF .beet I f J 21 d 43 and Nee north 1 f o of 2150
The 1 to t '3ana S. l 9 < f0 12150 cod all of to•21 t
All ot Lots AITI f 1 be 56,fe.'ri,ie monocle located In highland Park \ r Lots 11 4 d 115,
Plat'A'S if.l'I.S. I �SLRSM a 11 of Lots 215v 2157_. . 44,
Fronting nn the Past Side of Melhonrne Street Ali f]Lots 2156-2160 Incl. - 4'1.74
TOe 7 r t of i +_.000 552 l 1. h ho+e 4 b r -' 1 d in Highland
All L t. 4U 562 I P Plates 21 TIS He Si
Ch 1 tear nn'Pe I ,Ird In High/and laud Pare Fronting1 West 1 f Melbourne553nti5 Street
11},.St -7 Al s 58 feet [Lots - and F>9 _ 4n 7e,
!'IIRRP AND A GUTTER,I1IDOL,A l INCH GR!sVPI RASF.AND : Ail f Lots 55 11 56__. ___ 4,74
M19,f strati rd A 1 11 f t
FrenllA e i Nnr[h Sitlr.of Slrxttnrd Avrnne All Lots 5 T and SRn_- _... 'II04
All of I t:.6 SCR 1 I t 593 d the __ 4S.7h
All t I t. 540- 2 I lb i T t it rt 25 foot t Lot 2274 d -
fi 1 _ d'c'I 1 nrl locatrtd In Highland Patti h 1t T I Lot 2.7. 44.74
The PI10 POOrT PALPMO NTT AND dl4CPLLAN.OIIS 1 It the91 [I 227th. .rh1-1275 ea. 1_ north e']4
Frrnling n Ihr North Sldr [WIalfertl A.ennr . i the LT:2 h it north and the south ha f of ihr nn.7n.
All of I nta 6'13 Od5 Incl.Hlghland Park Plat A.Sec.21.TIC. 1 on
1 RIF.RLRB�M An of Lots 1178
AO of Lots 2130 an 22A1 nn1n
Aqi1 of A.;22.f2 anndP?2^R^,3 S ._. _ ne,7n
All rf 1-V 2e86-nd'•ss7 ee V.
An of l.n +F.9- _ -2 'oon ee:7a
All of Lots on s e tot.Lot,ones'TO ^h.P3 _.._ -__ __. ee 7e
All nl Loll
n n L and 2300 _ 44 7e
A11 ££Lott,
`90g041;onred 222_ _- 471
TOO oho, described P rty bested in Highland
Park Plat'A',Sec,21.T1S.RIP,S,Rd st 1
lLegal Notices _ Regal Notices � Fronting the N r FrestonStreet
Stratford n 4
Ff 9 f 4.$ t M 1y�ytgkl e<4 Pi t t- t ih tl 331 38 f ILE. S.F
' fv S C :Lots 54Z eS$Ip y�.a-9 -_1177f a ]t TI F1I IRAbS s 46.99
; 1 I.Y e48 _. 91.24: Co t the F fStratford A and
111111 86.25 P, t S S, 11 tl 331.38 feet N.E. N.SF. ;
All rot Lots 5th a d 514 td 1hnorth half of Ut alley i See. 1 T1S R1F RAl1 46 99
Ad1 fe t n the h ;; 55.23' Co t theT.E. - fn d A �d
l] f Lots,540•59 i I and tj:t south lyt}pf al+ If y Preston t h north 331.38 feel,N.E. P.
[1J�y 88.271 So 21 TIS Rl S]Fl \1 45.'Jd
`st••y Tlic I nth 70 f et E h t 3.$��t'q P lfd the Co R t the NM. f Lot 4.i, t- CI,
llll 1th 70[ t 1 Lot, 23d8 2340- - 49.07, Gad Tract, north 4 feet, dAl! f Lot, r
' Ttld th 36'1 C4 1 th t'b t'� ! 34] I t CHI, Garden Tract, S 21, T1S, R1E
the ith 65 f et f L tS R588-1tJ I alp and lh th s[R8 71 47.19
Ii8811f S th II d1 c t I^1IA''IIA th 49.07 Co. t to f Lot 4 Count,',bib
A33 f 1 is 233E d 2337r ill le th'2a fe t f Lot j Garden T thencenorth 1.fort. d all f 1-t. EA 2315 a the, Pu'I half f'he'all Y d1 ant ontti north 75.06 c nr v Cann Garden Tract, Sec- 21, TIP, RLE.
Ty,south 5 foot of Lot 2235 and all of Lot 2333 and (L38,7.1 54.05
233`4 57.23 , Cogrrineneing at the N.W. f Lot4.C tr Elul!
All of Lots 2.331 and 2332 and the north 12.1 feet of Lot Gad T 1.thee,north corner feet.mld all of Lob. 1, '
2330 57.22 I Country ChM Garden Trae, Sec _1, T1S RIE incl.
The. 12.5 feet t Lot 2230 and all of Lots 2328 and sunkmComore 54.D5.
2330 -- - fi185 Gad -f 'tatl„A 1 NM.11011 40 Iner L n4.Country
l.of<135 All f 1 [. 123 An 7 t ._ _ Inch C tlntr4- Club Garden Tract, Sec 21,of
All f Lola 23 d 2124
All of Lols 2391 And 2320 '� 23 SLHd'11 84.4
All lots 2317 1 310 5 2.3 ks helot,levied d d n levied e r he
All f] t 00l7 I 18 5523 ,blocks.lots, t b 4 d lots..1 d d 1 estate. h-n
All f 115 A 1231fi ',..:.:,,I.
2 t ec 1 Improvement J t-t kC b d f' II. Estes r
All 1] t 2t11 a 2 l4 --- al !This tar 281 I,led t b tt' dI L t. t et7,
All f T 1 7.13 a 3 2112 -_ _ _ 7 yhleh ha o r d R r 11 uniform _e c'L
*IIAll L L t 300 '310_ - d t I f d to
1 1 L t. .30] 3.8 - - 81,67. P ... d tl 1 11 f t footage thereof 10
' S. t t 1 t d-In Highland the full depth f I I f -I t held- the P 1'f A C 21 TIS R1E SLRAN 1' but t exceeding330 feet- depth d t d ided
Frnnling theIV 1 S1d of 19 11 ten Street t not a[ d.11 thantheg distance bd 0led I
The I.8 .L f f - 24 577 I1cl 44.74 at .tat .d t I p. t A II Id,
All 1 t b l a rd 1'z3d the sou Gl half 0f khe alley has b d f t t 1 t d t fall'
dba 1 north 44.74 t boa!,streets
The tl IO f f 7 t. 2f442 46 I. nd tl t It is h 1 s d d d 1 d h [1 1 'l herebyl
3.6 font f Lot 2343 39.30 [faxed and 1 i. n f t d b th t 'which travel
The t 1114{ d Ifs nnrih half2 ol8 And the alley, 62.700ntf mt o Thcml 1 I1 t the
l v1 II d amount
of with 1top
tllh'to 1levied.
f 3141
39.30 878 05,and e «s of 1,92_.6.m 97.00 oe ll near or frnpt foot of abut-
All f Lots 7'.;47 a d 1'348 a d rho north 12.9 feet 0f Lot ling property[ t t 703.37 feet of 4foot sidewalk.curb and
23,1 and We south half of thr al,yVacant on the Cutler and II 31 3 80 38.11 ]i front font
42.19 f Abutting property f t 11553C feet f b dotter..
All t Lots 2350 and 23.n1 And the south 12.5 feet of T of 18 toot t I I - Sl 949E0 r 32.30 1 r
All oft nta 7152 And 2313 and the north 12.5 feet of Lot 4279 front
foo39 l3 el 0 t[110,27 0 tl L a o f01 ront.foot 8of 0b 0 ftttg propet of tx
2354 44.74 for constructing 31_87 e t If 5 fool ste is 11 b al d gutter.15 foot
The south 12 S feet of I nt 2.154 And all of Lots 23 a and Pavement•nt d ll ens,;27 366 3 S 81 II front
2313 _ 44 7a foot of n abutting env for constructing 2.788.61 feet f 4 foot 4ide-
A11 f L t. 2 37 and 2118.. _ __.. 46.72 walk,curb and gutter.18 foot pavement d miscellaneous,31.182.44
All f 1 2`3 a 12360 - __.- ----
03.0: .5121 nor linear or front t f abstain, t f constructing,
All of Log 238]? I 1 __ __ _ 4,74 16400 feet of 4 foot sidewalk,16 Not pavement and iniscollaneonarl
All 0f Lola 2,64?.6f•mil 44.74 586.56U(ti or EB Dl r front_oat c Moot 0esle48 foa
�1i.of Lots 2367 i 63 And ih_ 't1 19 feet of let st ti 851410 t t f -b (gnttel ]fi toot o v t nd
2'ht 11 6 f..1 of l,ol 2168 end ell n.Lots 2370 and 2371 n1,]+ 0 '1_nc 9t eo0,07 41 01ngar o frave tee,t nt bn iiseee 4 S t [ 772.00 t f lC S t e i -]
All 1 T l 2172- I?2 4 4 1... 53.035.03 3 fro,[ t f tt n]
All f I 242 ,120 1 49.79 t f 0 t 3 ,3R fret f 4 f I. -1 rote 0
Th U d. rh t. red 1n Iilghknd Paa'n 13 foot n t i 11. 37.032.01 or 7 linear '
Pt A S ?t T15 Rl LHFM f E foot of b tt [ i .721 t f b
Fronting n 11 1 side of Wellington Street And gutter,11 fool pavement end misc./aiming, 13490 91 a,35.27 nor
A11 of Lots 513 and 514 and the south half.of the alley linear nr NV,.foot of Ablitlins,PrOPert,PM'construeling 500 f '
Adin the north 69.23 i end tt Ifi Mot 2 l asphalt d ] .18 all
ll f Lots 2409 7910 d theI1 half f theAll, 776 P 1 f t Mot f:Mullin, l 1 t- ti
Adin o th -h 74.67 24 D f t f i t II- b d tt , 11
ll ro I 2 tl02A00 t 1.-and the.oath ha.[of L l]ley (0070,0 S 10 ] nt f t f b t {0'll 0
Alln.,t 1h north. 44.74 t05 1 201 t ! 1 and Y ft. d 11 _ C70,,,',
Ail f i nt4 7302 2400 Ilrcl.- - d4,R6 -$1 5.1 1' _ L f d Mot f ab Io 3 property f t rod
All of 10ts 2'3992n0d 2400..- - ______ 44.74
_ i4.74 !1,I•11524 f o2 nob - d xutles 16 foot 6 h Tool 5 base rod
llanc t421.30 81 7 1 f'. foot of a,hel c
All 0f tools 7335 a 2108 - --- _ 44,74 fv f 290.0 f feet tfi f 2 Inch a oh for,
All L t 219E 1 2 3fi _ 44.743901.76 r 1 1 1' b front t fAbutting .t for
All f Lebo 23 1 1 2234 44.74. 'constructing 139 feet f it d dotter6 inch I b end
All of Lois 2331 And 2•q2 _ 4a,74 miscellaneous. 4i1.4t 7I linear f' o foot f b ltivg
All f Lots 2333 I D _ __. _ 4.74 ly fconstructs, fret f 16 foot Pavement d el-
All f 1 2 1]o f 24 8 _. .. 44.74. l0neous and total f 310.838.77.levied on the o t y benefited
All 2 9. t 2.81 88 lnr�,_ __. - 4110 theamounts set forth b f t t t d vs
Al] f 1 7�81 7357 _ Thet of the t hereby levied d d not
All f I t 2379 1 2 80 - 44.7M1 d the total coat of the t d in sa,SOCCIPI nnnrOve-
Eiln aboveIran n er tea ed In Highland Pork t district d t ant d 1 otel
• pl L'A',S 21.Ti R1h SLRa-T4 :contract orice dr,old,that certaincontract d let to L
I Fronting a theW 1 Sid ( 0ll Fast sl t _,en "Smith C t t th lowest le h dtherefor..
Alt f f t 4M M1n, d th 21 fort of Lot SD3 50.19 i ➢ nob 2
All f i 1 'TlU The CIt T hereby authorised dimmed i
The south 4 feet f foot Ai,all of Lots 524 and 025 and th real u heron-lobos, of.led L orda wrd the
betf f he alley aalda0Cl t on then south 44.74 01 s f i ordinance t - heroin n mentioned And
• All of] ts Se d.07 i the 11 half of the alley 1 f d a d 6 I
adjacent the 71.34 SECTION 2 That _ t 1 f rnade hy thec t - (T ern
The north 70 feet of Lots 2415 2 17 I. 41.71 as enrrCrincl, d and mii,leted by the Board of Enualraation
The southlloy a55ali f oot f Lots tte 21115-2417 and the north half 0f th a4 7, d Review. Oho 'b r S tier 1 thl d'nanee
All f Lots 4182 20incl. and the south half el the o1ro 1 i tl tt r t. te� E 5 It L I C't f t p .c
Ile 1 r t h nn'U• 7fi 1anenu,la1df ttirs nd and gutter. 'l t'y owing, 1 said 01 t i
AII I] I 2A 124J1 n 44,t. n nod l 41 h b t d 11 :.- 1 d d , t d
All f Lot., 4 and 2937 _ _.._. - 44 tfi Lt 1 d the 1 f 0 R fake
All f Lots 47 0 241 _-.__. n,7^ the0Board f e 1 s of Salt Lake Cityh bye
Al`of Lots 2976 9 1, _. dratified. d 1 E
All f1 it P4 1. -__ 1730 CCCI 3 Said Shall be t 0 1 ly
All I L 2 i4 1 2 5 _. .. 474 installments la 1 d d its i t the,
All of Lots 9470 7137 4e,91 77,11,sum sloop,at the f 5,1. 1 t the
All f f 2i R 1 9 - 1 e h l d II het of]
All 2490241 'e i R the ^U the t be d
All f I l 2 44 d 45 4 without t h f ] h,dote h 1 C
1'h> t 58 font f L 7446 14 8 1 1 11.,4 boromes effective. 11 I the d In whir,they
'fhe aboveclosed,. _1 located in Hic:hlalld Park me-
Piet A S 21 F1S-R1 SLRKtn d before
th I t'shale t l b t hb f thetlsl
Fronting o 11 East S l Oil East Street t t f thet l the 1 t t f I is
All f Lots 9 And .6 d the north 16 foot of Lot 431 44.74< in Ihn order in The south feet of Lot 431 d all'o Lots 483 and 400 .3 yo 1 Q h 1 I 1 omen,b._ erg th d t.1 th t tlbe-
Alsl to north half f the 11 adjacent on the math 41.74 J due b ] f dinterest t. t t of!
l f Lots 487 and 188 and the.eolith half of the alley 91 94'1 ant.Default'1 the PA I ant a web I si llmcnt of n alj
lucoent r the northinterest whps due shall the wholefth d minetnal
All f Lots 2400.2482 and the north half of the alley atl d interest b d d t d .1 d 1 whole
th 86.31 f ou t f the d I shall Ih 1 of t t he'.
Ae11 f I t 2 R u1,a0 d 2479 and the south half of the ev 44,74 f f t 1 1 'd brit t o
t th h 1 In th d 1 f L f - 1 th -:some],al la 44 74
AH f 7 -747'l-147 I cl. _. _ ( 1 11 sa d i L II t d with interest t tl t t.
All f 1 7474 2172 1 41.74 9 cent. 10 a 1 f 1 t thed n-
All F 2470 a 2471 _ Anent3d ell II tM1 e1 r be -t i e All i 7 468 a 2453 - .. 44.14 E right thereafter t rinstallments 1n the l same m,per as if do
AO rf Lots 7463 14 1 2M1 7 __ 7e I fault had t
All f Lets 2164 t 7 411 CTI(T 4 T 11^ f ll e SDerd of C of
All f I t 7162 10 a 01 _ 1,1111 Szlt Lake C.L h. .'-nr to the peace it a.r"
All f I t 458 and 2 31 A,7e ! I nh b t =)t L 1 't tl t I '1' b f-
Alt f Lots 431 t 24a7 4a 74 f. e
All f Lets 4 24 7 I - __ en 74 CTIG^f Th ord I 11 1. t po 1t.1,ninth-.
All f lots 2453 2454
All f 7 f 2't 1 29 7 -:- -- 917e Pnescd h n Hoard forums 'e rs of Salt T k Cny.Llnh.'
All f] t ld 0 e 24 9 99.7h�, 151 24th d F 1 rn�a l_50.
'CI h e dear.h ',Enter!'1 e'en ir.IRO land Park .1.BRACISP\1°F.
PI 1 A Sep 21tT l 'tel.n StreM ?0r
Fronting o theWest 1 t Inn SI Hi'RT1AN E.
The.eolith 21 Met f L 6, II L 1. 479 and north
f[ 11Adjacent the: ti 77.92 RI P A 1.'L
All of Into 48C 481 And the south half,'1 they ad- RILL No 3 f 19C0
'krilrn tin no.11l Plash and Gutter Fast Noc385
l Lots 2487 arld A430 e8 98'' Fifth and FiebrEsty 27,
29191 f Lots 2480 and 2490 and the north 12.D teat of Lot 3619, Published February 27,1963 fH-971
7'hc south 13 felt'. f L0t 2491 and all of Lot 2492 and the
rth 24.5 feet 0f I,01 2403 4046''
The 5nnlh 0.3 feel 01 Let 2493 and 11 of Dots 2494 and
2495 and the north]1 1,Seer of'Lot 2496 36-19
The south 13.5 tent 0f Lot 2986 and all of Lots 2997 znd
2498 3F.1a 19!
All of Lots 249. 1 2500 -
'ACM1I1 On 1 .9230c 2 0 t 25-2 I9 Mel. -
O66 0e
I'I d a rll 1c property hr Hight d Park
Plat'A',See.zltc.rl ,S.Rn-34