33 of 1963 - Amending Section 29-5-7 and 29-5-31 of the Revised Ordinances, as enacted by Bill No. 20 of 1961, pe ROLL CALL \I Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28 , VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . / Harrison . ✓ Romney d �( C LA .u..�. Smart . . . / �J Mr. Chairman �' AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 29-5-7 and 29-5-31 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 20 of 1961, relating to pipe materials,and copper•;drainage and vent pipes per- mitted under the Plumbing Code of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections ,29-5-7 and 29-5-31 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 20 of 1961, relating to pipe materials and copper drainage and vent pipes permitted under the Plumbing Code of Salt Lake City, be, and the same hereby are amended to read as follows: "Sec. 29-5-7. Pipe Materials. All main or branch soil, waste, drain, vent and water supply pipes within the building shall be cast iron, galvanized wrought iron, lead, brass, copper or steel, provided wrought pipe shall not be used for soil or waste pipes in or underground. "All cast iron soil pipe and waste and vent pipe and fittings installed within the building underground shall be of a minimum grade herein defined as extra heavy, except in dwellings up to and including a four plex where service weight may be used. All cast iron drainage, waste, and vent piping above ground shall be of a minimum grade equal to service weight as herein defined and meet the commercial standard C-5-I88-59. The weight of service weight pipe shall be as prescribed in the following table: For Single For Double Size Hub Length Hub Length 2-inch- 20 lbs. 21 lbs. 3-inch 30 lbs. 31 lbs. 4-inch 40 lbs. 42 lbs. 5-inch 52 lbs. 54 lbs. 6-inch 65 lbs. 68 lbs. "The use of the tile or cement pipe for drainage within the walls of the building shall be limited to subsurface drainage. No tile or cement building sewer shall be permitted within 5 feet, horizontal measure, from any building, and every pipe of porch construction or addition shall be considered a part of the building. A cast iron building sewer may be constructed of either service weight or extra heavy weight pipe." s -2- "Sec. 29-5-31. Copper drainage and vent pipe. A copper system of waste and vent lines may be installed. All underground waste or drainage lines shall have a minimum wall thickness equal to that established for copper water tube, Type L conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation B 88-61. Fittings for such waste or drainage systems shall be cast brass D.W.V. fittings identified by letters D.W.V. "All drainage, waste, and vent piping above ground shall have a minimum wall thickness equal to that established for copper drainage tube type D.W.V., conforming to A.S.T.M. Designation B.306-61. "Joints for copper, water and drainage tube and cast brass, solder-joints and fittings shall be soldered using a solder having a nominal composition of fifty per cent (50%) tin and fifty per cent (50%) lead, conforming to A.S.T.M. standard specifications for soft solder metal, A.S.T.M. Designation B-32-49, or shall be brazed using a brazing filler metal con- forming to A.S.T.M. standard specifications for brazing filler metal, A.S.T.M. Designation 260-56 T. Metal to be joined by soldering or brazing shall be thoroughly cleaned and properly fluxed with a flux suitable for the type of solder or brazing material used. "The use of so-called 'self-cleaning° fluxes or otherwise " corrosive fluxes shall not be permitted." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 28th day of May , 1963. i y (� j/ Mayor Ead0 Chief Deputfity Recorder (S E A L) BILL NO. 33 of 1963 Published June 1, 1963 33 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake � AN OR DINANCE'AME NDING Snc- R. R. Aveson p'A L.i/ ---- Ordinanes of !Lake Ci1Y,Ulan, 1955, d' efacir.Q by Blll No. 2U redrnin a n e m teria Lc an0 n 7 r Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that/18 is legal ddVC:ft1SlR�] i° °edel' and P'b °'n °° °fl clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE Ti tl 0 by'the gourd Cur h ;qu Leak City` GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the.71 Cog- dL 9T4°wof,the k l l d o'r takes lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lah� cttZ' Uidh: 1955. s imp t ;;v11�Na. oar,9d1•,elai- Salt Luke City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. o sepals a d c e�ah,aac d,o Tern Ames°arrnitica nnC r fhe btu arlA Cape p Salt Lake Cnv,bE;and ire r, hercbr netn to ao -all°yrs: That the legal notice of which a copy is clinched hereto pipC Mraleridls. All v,r. mair' ds,e.drain, Z'antl MW ,sIT'vc gives wrhvaniiin fhe zed wh Shall he cast Iron,.yal- copper d r r Iron,dnewoughl r( C,.rdietazt.ce mc.rtd:ng SecLiorAs 29P���? and ?9�3--3.� r • n litres nq used fo el r o Jne:iievl.cad. Oodinaue nf_ .ia1L Latce C?tf Utah-- p- i° boue n�'nneerero�rnn �-- 1,be or a mmiroom grade hcraln nee Ven as ears heavy,o.Cenf in r pnn= eIgnln a 2 enacted.by. 8�11. t o ?O..ot �. nwclb and 1 ri.JJr", ,o .j�ilr.-s•c;l-2yX,(+' rastcsledn whore ice pluinq a'"'"' e-. may e a: �r grouivl spelt be minimum eraee equal fin ,o service weishl as ...ACT. L C.,.r7: 1;.e7'_1.,2I.4.1ttd-.GCT 1 G•X'-- • nnern defined leer,ne<nn. p t A- dxaznapo and--vent—pipes labiavreie•?'P e cribcd in line pit,shall Sic hlubrglh „or Do- 1-ineh 2U lbs. 21 lbs. "1eh SO Ins. a at published in said newspaper on a-inch 52 it's' Sin:.d Ibs. "e r ch d5 he. re r rhf. ltfa use dr r 'Men June a.sJ<<j�JJ subeur face drninavr. No file cement bµi'ninn sewer -all be ` iled Se icell fore or I d and every Dine op porch colistrurfion addllicst WWI Iss considered a /� �� `iL F1�rL " h If c nod Legal Advertising Clerk Ilipa„g �ni wpa.A roar wstcm°i wA:nU be i tallrzh. ice shnilnano a/nio om thickness cup.,te that leeslablisnhcd fir Conner er fere,Ty Pu L c rMin9 wafer Deslgna}ton 6 aedl.F lyi�vs tar su h bras d�1N sv tfirrine�h id nthl lnedC Er fetters D.W.V. ai dpa,nase, w sat nd vem h,r.fnn a arena shah have 5ch day of ma"r ambit-(h'ed''°hoe °ee4udl to before me this ai,n na r9e fu M1e tuna D.W.V.�co(arming tlrainnhe for cooper, write brantl A.D. 19.6y.-- o d r- fnd {iQlinas sh„II ba soldnal c of rall c� I rally - I ISC I d o f 1 7,7S l • _standard N n n All MM.h D g r tier,s-:M Cur rnefa con ro 's� e s,o / Notary Public n e by°soldar n T. ti Sang all bowie)r•Nfit,'vi jids"s�ifubde nrinaihe type of solder or brarina material useSl use of sv-.e'rIZ 'aclf•clean Ice'fluxes ar Inerwisrt ro ivm fluxes hall n h bo pe if rep,.s SECTION .jn the ovinion of fhe lfa5 Board of Commissioners,It os sart>(ao_InJ per,u,health antl safely 1963 Utah', lhnt this r'dlnance beeam¢ C1SECTION jedlTlfesy rinn.Ce shall fake erfeC-uvp its firs, ubl,carloa Re.vsen by the Board of Commis- s of.air Lake a d'Utah,MIs ]eih Cdav o!May,19d1 J.BRACKEN LEE EL RITA REFSIiv ceY Mayon Ch'ei Depv C t Recorder ((eal) 6'Publ hcd JUnr I9dtbd3. 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