335 of 1900 - Ordinance 335 of 1900 – Franchise to Salt Lake Valley R. R. Co. to construct and operate street ra Bill No. AN ORDINANCE GRAT 'i ING TO THE.. SALT LAKE VALLEY RAILWAY CReiP ANY,ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, USE AND OPERATE A STREET RAILWAY ON CERTAIN STREETS, AVENUES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Sec. I. Be it ordainel by the WW1" ant. City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, that consent, permission and authority are hereby £ivo:n, grante l ant Illy vest el in the Salt Lake Valley Railway Company, a corporation orgaiuzei ant eá at ink oiler the Jaws of Utai, aot to its successors anl . ssijn$, to construct, maintain anti oper.:t : .., sib l nr louble. track street railway, with a)3 necessary turnouts ant switches, eai3 tracks to be laid r rith uT'" rails of a weipilt ,lot less than seventy pounl<; to th_ linear y ar 1, I al I to a k, t a-n.1 en,- hoJ i inches in, onp ant Ott•e >ts, roa ls, public lands s an 1 t .;hwal's hereinafter losi gnat e't, not upon `,,, .,..rip t `.n i t ions: Sec. 2 The route of sail rai Iw : ba o fe l7 ours: Celiitn�alcii_, . „ _ intersection ; First West Str....,. r.l T _irt .. Solit'ri Street; ruiuh n thence north oil c enter or s i 1 First West Strt,et 1112-,:eet; thence north 29 Trees, 50' west, 370 feet i to south ai 1.o of War Springs prop arty;over O):°`i'1 space - ,., P the City En,i110 er of Sol t Lake 1:101'%ii on J 1118 t O b�. _..7,l out b,. City tilrou,;'r. Warm Springs property; tho cc North 37 legrees, 40' west throe„h of grave) pit ant t o the east side of the County root 940 feet; thence:thence: north 24 lP.greos, 40' :rest ✓..)on, Lhe east roe 1 3 430 oot; tl, 0_c, north 4-7: teL;r os, 45 west �.. st 1. 01 tr-lv .l. 1 ro; C,.,e:.:;ii�" County !•"�. ant .."_ulin� or: s- of sower n Troll o.l 'Tit: same 59'2 feet; th'-atco north 3 le- grees, 581 west, crossing County roat ant winning oirth1,: east 335 of `J "W 1).+.ra3 278 feFit; t 4-0 iol;r29.-:, 15 oast, rtraulin.; ErTr+r ' S:)rins Hi)) 100 ro+:1; noAt of s.,+rin.L;s; t ; ITort11 28 ,l'oL;r:.;.:•+++,+, 30' r+os.t a:20226 oast si 1.--+ o coUnt ' 'o: a 13; t 3 ono no rtl- 6 inc;rn o, 30 Enlist ; 3 290 c7;t,• balin t , Solt an: D33ViO C1.ti0. Soc. 3. Sat 1:1—b.L c ..• C ot'' +1-+-,+ct b7+- t: • cit7 Conn- c i' an1 in a o C ,;,-T".)V 1 b7 t71.1Ci tttr Coune it, 1 ;::i to col:11'0ml t st o' 0 tr1,t,.; + sori 33 .93,:t '33-33— .3; e 31:3 3333;33 i.3)7' ;313 3?3,-3.3_^ Ci t CC311-11C31 3, • a ‘.3 3,C C' 33;3.;")''33. .L3.. I ' 3.33 3'3'3' 30 its ohaipo th.:: tract.. o tnac!:s to c.'+11; -1...+1to sa'.,; !: t. t in oil 0E1;1 ric.'ac),.; top OC t s. If at an'r o r33V•333111,3),3 131330,13 '33, 3' 31; 0, 3.7'33., i a '33' ;33'3'331117, not 6. ;;+-•-:1.:, tot to ucelTir' tr•te:_ tr" ,3 an -zie,I rrAt 0y.:1 si t ;t o ;;.t t j: „T.; .•-• '3-10 7i. ;LL'j• VT nvar an" c] sot a t of -7o.7,r 1 ,yont,1 sii;+.31 pay thin :;•r.++-lt i to $.1'.1Cer!T.,30r,-.; , avc +11 t+.1 r J q3.1.1 b433,,33:33n tracks 0113 Co'3' ,23 311.35talIC,; 031: Si‘43 ille i1 b:-...;;0111 to, • +,:n.1. Cit7 Council + 1.i/. t, 1 sna') in al I respot a con2orm to t11.-: rr+L.1+,111+ To- of Soc.,+. ion 266 or t:1++ Rovi.i;++-1 St atilt++++2 of Ut Soc. Sai t.++; 'Jr cc:is30r%; ++.isi+sn.....1, +.;_a)) hallo t nii+)o.,+? o 1:-++0,3 of tract ion on ov trol I yri 0yst.:1: ostri !:33 n c ' -1-)o".! .;+ as. t: irnhor actric tro) rrr' s7,,str+.+1, or tn us,,) 0 eck:Ta.:SS10 1. 0'' ; I6:1:-. US ." G r otber II)ans %it ion)1 I, i 1,Tn. U:r t. t Of I (f, S`:• S J, t 0-1,C C r r <3,-) vole h t z c;re t CC t c-)11`jtrnet ion Cr . ' Olo t S 3 ti r ti" :in; '119. ex- ten iin.L; AtCll b•.(_,11 "C tO _ bereni t1. • t it 33 ".!',),) q,„ t ;rill '.' C1'0 SS 1.):' it S t t 1,70'10 to I,it Or -;at Sec. C. Sal ;..;r int it'3, c or a:3,3,i , 1,1 :nil orussings t ) 111' •' SOCt`.3 Sa3 t Lalan Cat ', 3.0 '311;1'j IOL tLu. 0 t Y"' b7 Cit7r Corinc:,3, "311'.:"2 Cobuci.1 , at one':, iTDon c11.3t -ct ion oaal roy; cro‘r.3in.y3 "t Soc. 7• Sa.i. ty—,tc;1,.2, 1 1,0 t 7. 4, 10 ca' i('il) -It t t. ;;(1.f3On or Cr" °it .- '''on 7.11c 1 it ir; : an.; in t_ can.-3truc- tion Cl) a.at 02 i ra .t , "Jrcc ausi./Ins, snu.32 at 3.13 LImBS coni'orc-, to s-,c1, ,),„; CII! r;);;;;;ation P. b 31 or 1-..,r, .12,, ri-a- ;. Oil" Dome i3 O. St - CI t"-- in. a 3!"ti on t o c on,3t on ',il1 cper• tiOn C St , 7itnin ',3a3 Sec. '1. Sall ,_;r'.n.t it..' 1.1OV0 to 10 ;;anavaT, ni in et,nn c- tion '3na..73 -v; 1 rit ;) an Colt 15i-ban tooln ,3a, c;,, n k;11„. ,,, 7, 7 t • tin]O't1 `3'7e, • „C.:, jilt '1,1".1 on) r.t '1CLI. j b t COLi1101:1 C,'-111C LI Of Sa3 t Oily. Provl 1 1, boi•ry s, socc .,.;- sors ''n.1 r-m no fr,li••-• t trn.ins or fr it;nt •-ti)on •••,, ; On " f piir . o -: 0 11'112 11C, a 1'0- , oy• oir 0 its ro?'', or t',•,••- rnpair of tb- strf-ots, i".,•••nril•••••Oi; its fc-•;v13,•••. int or ", ii ' n -.L•;; iroir•; br•31 -I'ss its 3 itlit e 3, •') t.. . C 0001 e in Conn action oi it s roLu3 ;2••:,S,"11, '1" ' '- tic , or in a 'c3osol ox ro•:;s car 000.Ci'-.Ct iO liThjt , it re ;,3...r • '1)..,.ssonL.•;r.r traffic, i C ',os..."• Cr0.1 yrt,,,, nt lii C 0.[111 :et i CLIT!' on b in; 7,ii proni " • ::;•••,.nt it s socc't,'3`OrS 07 L';111:1, fon). Ii fl7 11.-.r":" railt7777' C TY.'.90-,11.Z" r,3 1':: 31:;nt t cvross 1.-lott,r in its own cars in t,.) Z.W.1111f!r i" 00 iTlbef0 1V) Sfle. 9. l'Tol t s'•_:•,..; b • b-71str-o•-.,1 so as ; •• ' ; rini•_:;, or v.•:•-•-, or in '11.7,' 1:1'.1111, r tb. str•::cts noro- in rc,ntionol, or 1-fly o1i1i. r 01-,1' otS j Ci b111: 11,0V PL, . t] to rai on tI a rat in; tl"4:roof. Sec. 30. T11e rat o 00 far,- to b• 1 by sai 707 its s•-lccssors or ossigns, shr:03 be not t•-", Zivo conts for t carriage oi a Sill.) 1)0.730nYlL;,:i' t ; of SLJ t City. Sec. 33. "4_ . •,.ts L-• "- bue OCL.7 b.ni7119 IT Oil t .•;rit t ,ptabc t S' ,;• Vt.:- oy 39.i3",•tny Corninniy- fi3 •'it: Cf•t- ac•corloa• Sf-3t La:re City witbin nov..t •,ft' r t'„is 0-iin",:ace. Soc. 30. T "L. ' 1' C.; Cal'., 1111011 • 1 7 f Y • • j c�