34 of 1902 - Ordinance 34 of 1902 – Sewer Extension No. 86. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance levying a tax and providing for the assessment of
property on I Street between First and Second Streets, in Sewer
District No. 1., for the construction of a sewer.
Be it ordained by tn.e City Council of Salt Lake City,,.Utah:
Section 1. That said City Council does hereby levy the 4$
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and provide for the assessment Won the property hereinai'f r .de--
cribed, abutting on I Street between First and Second Stre t ','' zi
Sewer District No. 1.
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This tax is levied to defray the expnse of con9trtiactinif ay "
sewer upon said portion of said treet, 'opposite the prXopert r h�e-
inafter described to be benefitted by said improvement Old it to
hereby adjudged, determined and established-that the s e'wi 1 1Oe
especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the/thy(' here*
levied, an4 sid parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and
uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said
j portion of said street, fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five
(25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be
assessed upon said parcels of land is four hundred and forty-four
and 50/100 ('444.50) dollars, or 70/100 per linear front foot, and
the Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to assess in
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose '
hereinafter mentioned, all of lots 1 and 4, block 23; the north 140
feet of lot 2t and all of lot 3, block 24, plat "D", Salt Lake City
Survey as the same are shown upon the official plat of said City,
to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said street.
Section 2. This ordinance -.IA take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City OOouncil f Sa .e L V itv r • - .-- "5th, 1.902,
n: ari referred to the Mayor for ) i / / //1911 . 0.7,7 ,
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