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34 of 1910 - Ordinance 34 of 1910 – Repealing the whole of Chapter XXIV, relating to intoxicating liquors.
,a— t )1, l.n.(€. Al: O INANCE. An ordinance repealing the whole of Chapter eX1V of the ordinances of bait Lake City, Utah., relating to intoxicating liquors, passed by the City Council, April 5, 1909, and approved by the Bayer, April 7, 1909, and erecting a new ordinance to be known as Chapter ffiO of the ordinances of Galt Lake City, Uteh, relating to intoxicating liquors. ppil IT 0hlLAl'i FI) Hi' THE CITY COUI01L OF KILT L/b K CITY, UTAIi: 4100, 1. That Chapter XXIV of 'the ordinances of Salt lake City, relating to intoxioat.iing liquors, pao od by the City Council April 5, 1909, and approved by;tho layer April 7, 1909, and the whole thereof, be end the same is hereby repealed. 4104 2. That 4 new ordinance is hereby enacted, to be known as Chapter XXIV of the ordinances of halt fake City, Utah, relating; to intoxicating .liquors, lto read as follows; Esc. 1. Liquors. Selling of. Licenses required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to mentufootur.e, sell, barter, give away, serve, or in any manner deal out, or otherwise dispose of any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors Without first obtaining a license so to do, es hereiinafter provided.) boo.2. Kinds' of liquor lioenoes and nature of business to be conducted thereunder. The following classes or kinds of liquor li.oenees may be issued by Galt Lake City; hetr.i.l dealers license. Moic2Irle dr. iers floonoe. Lenufnctaa'or r. l.iconr,a for brewing melt liquors. een.ufeoturers license for distilling opitituoue liquors. Druggists li.cnnna. Hoetautte t Keepers license. A reta..ii dealers license shall entitle the licensee to sell intoxicating lioucee in bottloo or packages oonta.i.ni.'ng less than five gallons in quantity in. any one eels, and else be the glass, drinl or dram to be drunk on the premises. 7t sh ll be unlawful for a:ry rv'rsnn, firm, association or coapor%.ion 1 ?MCA 2. holding s,i.liquor license only to sell or otherwise dispose of intoxicating liquor in quantity of five gallons or more in any one sale. A wi:nlesele dealers license shall entitle the licensee to cell intoxicating liquors in soy quantity of five gallons or more,or one dozen bottles or wore, except thr:t he may sell in lens quantities to licensed retail. deanjers, rostauronts and drug late, but no ouch liouore shall ho sold to hoIdrunk on the premises whore cold. it shall be i.nlawful for any person, firm, no 'ocistion or corpora- tion, holding a whoi,cmele liquor license only, to sell intoxicating liquors in qucntity .loos then five gallons, except as above etr.ted, or to be drunt on the trooieee whore sold. A tanui'actorea"'e license for brewing malt liquors shall entitle the licensee to contuct ono operate a brewery for the browi.ng of beer, ale, porter and other malt liquors whatsoever, and to sell and dispose of thu product at wholesale. It shall be a ilnwful for any person, firm, association or corner^.,tion holding) a manufacturer's license for brewing malt liquors only, to sell or otsorwioe dispose of intoxicating liquor© at rntril or to be drunk on the Il�aromiseo where mold, or to sell or othorwaisse dio{nose of other than the i Jro iuot of such brewery. f ba:nufncturdr's licence for distilling spirituous liquors, ;,hall entitlettot4icensee to conduct and operate a diotiilory for the distillation of spirituous liquors whatsoever and to sell and 'licross of the product at rolorole. It shall be tinlawful for any p1ersons, firm, association or corTt.ration holding a mat ufacturer's license for dint ill log spirituous liquors only, to sel.] or otherwise dispose of intoxicating liquors at retail oil to be drunl: on the premises where sold, or to sell or othe,r- wisp dirrroce of other than the product of such distillery. A. Druggist's-.liquor licence shall entitle the licensee to sell intoxicating liquors only to bottles or poobeges, c-ntaiuing not less than one-half pint, end never five g,- lions or wore in quantity, in any one wale. And it; shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association 099 . , . 3. or corcorstion bolding a druggists liquor licence only, to eon, servo, or otherwise dispose of any intoxicating liquor in quantity of five gallons or more, or in quantity of less than one-half pint, or by the drink or dram, or iryinIctIsntity, to be druk on tho provisos whero sold, or to allow orHormit the sere to be drhr.k. on tho rreginen. whether an a beversgm, mixtuke, modioine or othorwios. A Restaurant l',.eoper°a liquor iloonso shall entitle the liconcec to sell intoxicatingilleuors in. bottles or packsgos (ply, and gsmrr by tho glens or Cram, snit such lighors muut be coined on the prowl eon whciro sold in connection with a. noel or mseds carved to the purchcnor, costing not loco than twenty-five cents. It shall. be vnlowful for any Tersoe, firm, association or cornoretion Col cc )1!, restsurant keeper'a licsno only, to cell, serve or otherwlee diorosciof coy intoxicating liquors by tis(. lace, .Irin or otherwise thar: by the bottle or package containing lens then rine rellone in any ono Splo. to ho rn.oC on tho nnemisos Wh,M0 ;. id, en only in connection -with n'reel or moslo nerved to the hurohsegr, ocniog not le.Y,s then. twenty-five oonts. doc. % ITTlioetion Pi0 bend for llooree. lir.'lic,rt,i,'n roT --1.1(Hr lloonoo rl..r.1l. I ,,F1do T pstitlen in- to: Olty Co .c.li, signed. bv ti,o A.,rj1±F)..-A., enJ pliod nitll .:.;jo feu.r „,,,orl,r, ,,,,jj , v. duol'Heto filcd. ,.:Hi: t.1-,o lioo,-.se sno -nor. 11:,.o ,.,-.tiyon •-rt oflt, d- 'initoly the eertio,aor olnoo et ,.,;;J'iojl onlj 11r1ro arnuffloturod, isold or othorwism diseoeed of; snd eThothor et whulo.,,10 or rotell; end oil othor o. seloon, restaurnnt, druggist, or Llenufsoterorte howler). At the I-P.o of flli,-,g tlio petition, tho Aseosor ohrll furnish t.'ge petitioner wlth y otetoont of the snount of the ltoeheo olrlrgod for, tho nor!od applied .'.'or, end eel.1 onount oball be ..t031Iited ws,h tho City Tressuror„ to be rofunded in case ths liconse bo not grsultod; the applioent Own el no ril() 'ettin who potitlon, e bond. in tier sum of Ono Thousand Collars running to 2alt Lake City, eonditIonod thot during the continvenoc of bin liconco Ito will hoop an orderly. ,,nd woll-regulst2..) hence; that, he will not allow any gambling with cards, dice or .1.3) OT .4' devices or impliments used in gambling, within his house, outhouyari 4. or other premises under his control; that he will pay all damages, fines end forfeitures wiaiclz may be adjudged against him under the provisions of this ordinance, ci' under any of [he provisions of Title 39 of the Coi_jpiled Laws of ❑tah, 1007, and the amendments thereto. Said bond shall behexeouted by two or mere irdividual sureties, or ono Corporate surety, with their justification attahced te/.)roto to the effect, in the cone of individual sureties, that :lilt sureties ore reeUento Within Scat Lake forty, State of Utah, and worth the amount specified in said bond over and aboveall just dote and lia:bilitien, exclusive of property exempt from execution; and in caco of a Corporate Surety, thet ^.id Surety is qualified and authoriaed under the laws of Utah to do business within edict titn..te as a Lure v Company. told bond shall be approved by, and ehail be filed in the office of, the City Recorder. 4. tpplicuttone for retail liquor license to be referred t • the Clailrf of Felice. i[hor, license shall be withheld. All applications for retail liquor licorice shall bo immediately referred to the Chief of Police, who shall within five days after such reference, .404 report to the City Council an tothe condition of the place wiriero u.,.,. bunlimo is to be carried. en. in regard. to the matters hereinafter mentioned, and as to any other matters of which in his judgment t.',"i,o Council should be informed, with his recommendation n.e to grant`rig or withholding the license. o rrriail liquor license chai.l hereafter be granted to any -person, firm, association. or cornorrition, until the place where such business is poroced to be carried on shall have first been inspected and examined by the Chief of Pollee. • 1i0 license steal] be granted if it/ shall appear that suchpace has within it or in any manner connected therewith, by stairs, elevator, dumb-waiter, speaking tubes, electric apparatus or other means of communicat'i.on,• eny, wino room4, card room., lunch roost, or booth, not tk.,. havil"A!"77.14kant to feet ci: inoiles wide andsix feet high, facing the main room or passageway and visible therefrom, whether the came is under the control of the applicant for license ob'not. I;c retail liquor licence shall be granted at a new location, 5. An C6 .1 p. Or()tt in tilting I. oroie to 01,o, City- Council prainpt the aimilion, by the opnoPo of P. np.jority of the foot frortage 11,,on piilo of fhe bioc , .j.iiii., th,, propoped business io to be cli.riod on. retil Ito or lice .Eo el pli be ..L-2o1.1,5d to ;n'':.i ,.o.ron, .71r,-, accoci,Alon or coror,:-tien, other tLan t.T.e oropriet,:ir pf t7?.e ilPpinnes ' eouA;oted to to 1.•,ile, tee wi'lob it 1.p. .1, i.kied. no roti'i. liqacir licc:-,co 2?!::,11 1:.,:: i;:,2v.01 ti. oi,v er' orir Uluir or cor1'o4zition, hint :_i.r ,,11 at 1.11,-. time, holqc L1.1roe UGOICWOU to sell iiito;i2kpt51:z licIpoi.o at voLi,11.• iii ,ialt too :iity, or 'Mono at tiro 'Lr:o any of i,l:o LI.'f3 Ot tookiloid.crs of iroot" fir!'1, 0.0f,00,,in,inp. oP :_tij poubinod, boil as total 01 tkrpo ,:nch liooppos. jo lft.,Thor i1CC09 L]hall hcrolTtor to brood to p:ny rococo ;, flm;, - association or ocr.ilotior ,.0!oce lioenuo to cell intorijcptlug lluoors ' 1Pni boon revoked by On lilty Counoil 1017 0.11V cause, vitiu. ola:. 2(::r1r prior to 'dip appliconr, for ilcoot4e. ,..00, I). Jittra+. of bjuror lioerpos In ei.it urn.° City iiii.tod. Untli. Hoch tt,..e oi an popuintiou of ,c111,. nrin City, or ,..o,Nli by tHo United -tatos Cci)'ILiUE; trileen 0011 ppecoidirr 1p onQ L-L1, :wi,d Ilille.bit-, for each rrtail liquor lioonse outstanding, no betcill ii.pi., licinc.,o vNiJi hervVtcr bo lumped other thou to such poroou, firm, eicoolotion or corporation, ths-V, at the thie of the approval of it olinr,upo bolds anA In operating In Omit Late City una .r a retail liquor liconse, anJ that shall haver continued to hold a retail liquor license rind operate thereundir i-i1 to the time of icriking application for renewal thereof. When the c,iaid census shows a population exoc ,ling One t .ou.spnli inhabitants for each rctail liquor licence isoned then additionad rotrAl liquor lioonses may ibe lrroued, mtil there is cutstandInt; :mer6tall liquor license for each ore thousand popuiation rend fraction ,,hnnof; and the number of retail liquor licoroc, at, any Lizt outtadirg.,'sro hereby limited to ono for each ono tuerinJ.1 inhabitcnts and faction . . thoroofT provided;3th!A all holders of retail liquor lioeure iseuod pt. the tiAre of the raid approval of Mils ordinance shall be entitled to. .. licenson subject to thr conditions and qualifications of this regardless of the number of inhabitants of this City; prevUled tyirifor , . 6. that retd!1_11 licences may be iccud to pleasure rosorts, arlt aro open for the amusement ofi the public during not mre than nix. month° of the :,oar, 2'..ir:h no fr.irs„ rnos, exhibitions, ruHmr :..rrdons. ,.,n no r rasortc. • three Outstanding and operating. atZo-A time and pot more Hl.ou and theillko, to the number of not tore than*ono liconLlo to any ono rncrt. Until such tine as the population of Salt i,a7e City, r03 choi by tho .Er.,1d oounue, ic twenty-five hundred inhabitants for each. Drupcist's liqor license outetndlog, no drur,!istis licor licence, shall hereafter be lssuod other than to snob 1:orsonlo firm, assoodAtien or corir9lion. Ccict at the Inct of ILtho approval of this orlirpnce ho.11n and Ica operating in bolt hole City, tinder a :Crugrist's liquor licence, and that shall have contlnuod to h9dd a i)ruuist's liquor licence and operate thereunder un to tho time of maCqng ap-nlivItion for rene,11 the-eof. Mlen the c-,id census 3.P.xw3 a population. of oxocedirg tonty-five Inhabitants Per each _Utel,,,,,K-, • Druggist's*itensc issuod then additions! .:Jrugint's 11,7pn)r licenos may bole uod until '•1.1;.'ore is outotnding one Druggist's liqter license for caoh twonty-fivd hundred population and fraction t7-yneof: mob the number of DruggAnt'a llquorlicenues, at any time outctrrliur, 1.r() hereby limited to one for oacb twenty-five hundred inhabiOnts and fraction thoroof; lorvided that all holders of Jrur7ist's liuor licenses isouod at the time oP the approval of this ordiw:nce shall bo entitled. to licences subjectiaa to the conditions and quolificatlens of this Chapter, regardless 'et the number of the inh,bitants of this City. Z- Upon and after the approval of thiA3 ordinance, restaurant liquor licences any be icsued to the number of thirty-five ire halt tale City, but until such time as the population of belt -Lal•c City, or shorn by the sold census, 1:4-. twority-five hundred inhabitants for each restaurant liquor license outing, no restaurant liqror licradre, rT.c then the c-old thirty-flve shall be trued, other than to ouch person, firm, connotation or corporation, thnt bolds one of the said thirty-live fircA issued after approval of thin erdinf,nce, and is oporcting thersunar and th,,t shall have continued to hold a restaurant liquor license and operate 1 thereunder up te the tine of chinaapplication for renewal, thereof / .1 then the said onsu.0 shbwo e population of exceeding twenty-five • 7. irbndred inhabi.tente for hash restaurant liquor license issued then additional restaurant liquor licenses may be icsuuod until there are outstanding one rostaur.nt liquor licence for each twenty-five hundred population and :fraotibn thereof; and the number of restaurant liquor licenssas,a.t any time outstanding,aro limited to one for each twenty-five hundred 1 inhabitants and fraction thereof; provided that all holders of any of the said to.rty f i ce rort-:urant liquor licenses issued under t iio ordinance shall Lie enttitied to licenses subject to the conditions and Qualifications of thiP Chapter, rega$Ailoss of the number of the inhabitants of this City. Provided further that in all cases where any pennon, .Saran, association or corporation shall be entitled to a licence regardless of the number of inhabitants of this City, any bona aide purohaoer of the business of ouch person, firm, association or corporation, who has succeeded to such business oy transfer or assignment thereof, shall stand in the place of his yonder, and with the same rights to a. license. to which his said vendor; would have been entitled ie such transfer had not bnen rici'le. ' fhoc. 63. Uort:ifi.catesa of license to be iccuod for three nonths. • Exception. ihLl certificate's of license issued under the provisions of this Chapter, shall be,�kitirzr quarterly periods of three months;commencing January 1, April 1, J'cly 1, and October 1, for the first, second, third and fourth quarters respectively, of each year. Provided, however, that when an application. in made after the commencement of the first, second or third qu-irters, the applicant shall deposit with the City. .Irnanurer an amount of money equal to the charge for a full quarter and the unexpired portion of the quarter in which the application is made, and the certificate of license shall be for such period, that is, beginning with the date of the license and expiring on the last day of the succeeding quarter; and that when an application its made after the commencement of the fourth quarter, the applicant shall deposit with the City Treasurer an amount of money equal to the charge for the /2 unexpired portion of such. quarter, and the certificate of license iai • be for, such unexpired. portion. Do certificate of license issued under this section shall extend beyond the calendar yor..r in which it`is granted. to certificate of license issued under thin section shall be Issued for a lesser period ti an three months, Pre pt co•rt.ifi.cr,tec Issued during the 1eet puearther of each year. floc. 7. Amounts to bo paid, for licensee. The following amounts Choi] bo, and are hereby established no the quarterly charge for !licenses union- the provisions of hair hlaptor, to-wit: As Restaurant Jte'eper. 4100.00 As Druggist. 100. 0 As Petal' dealer] 300.00 As hholcsas 1.es dealer liar.i)n in Fanu'fwcturrrr,' brewing molt liquors t;on.00 As ::anufacturor distill.sng epiritt:cue liquors 100.00 shall be All esi,A aaueApayablo in advance. trao. i . Certificate of license-:;:auner of i.c+aauing-':'he:t in shall s i7on , up,-n the granting ofokli. ense in tic Chapter montionod, the Applicant sha.11 he entitled to receive fror the City Recorder a/caarti.fio :te of license for the purpose specified in the cpnli.cn.t ion and in the erect by the City Council. tihe certificate shall a''ow the name of the person, firm, association or cor-cnretion l.tconced; the place of business of the licensee; the hind of 1.lards of ii eors t.o be r.aarufecturci, cold, bartered or other l so disposed of; the date of cormneucenent and of expiration of ouch .1.i.cxrose; whetiaor :i.t is ,for a retail or wholosele bue:l.neeo; whether a saloon, restaurant, druproiet or manufacturer's licence; that the person, firm, association or cer;,;errr,tion named therein i.e duly authorized to carry on the business therein specified et the place nnd for the putpx time tiserein specified; and that the license in not transferable. Loc. P. A license she'll be required for each hind oh business conducted, s.nd for each her, And place of business conducted. (itore'-:ouse for storage purposes. In no case shall any license issued entitle the liconceo to conduct more than one place of business thereunder, and nl more then ' one bar shall be operated under one license; nor shall a license ire 9. for one kind of liquor bu.emoss entitle the licensee to carry on s.ny- cA.en. business thereunder requiring another kind of a liquor license; that is, a separate license shall be obtained for each separate bar or plo.ce of business, and aloe to! cerry on. each kind of business as defined in. this Chapter; provided that any licence issued under this Chapter shalj entitle the licensee to use e,'; cohi,nr or store .cuco for ^.tors.£*e purposes only, in addition to the plai;e licensed. boo. 10. Business must be conducted at place specified in license I by licensee only. No license issued. un<.lor any provision of this Chapter shall authorize any person,. firm, association or corporation, other thanie therein named, to do business, or authorize any business other than in the piece therein specified, except that on removal of business licensed • to a now location, such license, with, oonsent of the Council, may be transferred to suc:h. aew location. ',oc. 11. forms defined A Manufacturer,,t as eontooplated in this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or• :corporation who, from raw material manufactures • any spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating lgiuore, and sells the same in kegs, casks, barrels, bottles or cases. A t'holeahe dealer, as eontenoleted in this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or .corporation who sells or otherwise diereses of spirituous, vinous, Malt or other intoxicating ligs."ors in any qunntitty of five gallons or more, or one dozen bottles or more, except that he may sell in less quantities to licensed retail dealers, druggists or restaurants, but no such liquors shall be sold or disposed of to be drunk. on the promises where sold. A. Retail dealer, as contemplated ir this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise diero^es of such liquor in quantity of less than five gallons, and also. by the gives, drink or dram, to be drunk on the premises where sold. A ilaloon, as contemplated in b.is ordinance, is a room or aprextm, t, in which intoxicating liquors are served, by thedram or drink to be L.% 10. drunk on the lrromisis from or over tho bar or counter wherenervod, cornonly 'known 100 a'ber-room, tippling house or dram shop. A Druggist, as contemnlated irk thin ordinn.nce, 12 a rorsen, firm, 0.:zsoci Otion or corn0rn.tiora who makes tire oomnoun ing of medicines and the sots of drugs erpd rr.edicine his, their or its chd;ef occupsoti.on. 1 A o.estraaurn.nt K; eper, as contemplated in t is ordinance, in one who conducts a geenorn i business of cooking and serving r.eal4, to too public, in ,a, recta rant, boarding house or hotel, where such mo,al.ea are Co rk-ed au•,d prepared, and which bra accomod.a.tion for seating end aorvinr at one tine, not less ti,arltwonty i e:rsoon. Of liquors :ben. 10, ela or di.s1 o :n - 1,7ra1.y and between two o'clock f. and Six o'clock_ A. I . !Lvidenc.0. it ida.i..? 1,o uhir+rvf ul for a.n ,oarren, firm, association or corporation, or manager, agent, her-tendor, Donorsr:i; or er....loyee, of roy prraon, 4'i.rr+,, a.t;noai.stior, or corporation, to loll, giv, away, „e,"'et or otherwise Morose of any soiritucuc, vinous, nrn.lt tlnurrn, h•err, or any intoxiina.tinp drinic,, at a+n•y tire on the i'irst day of the wee , ,•mr,onay called burrday, or between twelve o'olooi- midnight of ,iatur ay +,el ; ;x o'olook A. 1 . of t.hp fnl.looirlp ka,-.+icy, or between tiro n'cloak A . . and six o'clock A. 0 , on any alnv of tho woels. It shall b3 prir^a. facia evidence of the violation of thin section if coy- person, other than the proprietor or regular o- ioyorr, during arch restricted prriod, 70011 in or comes out of, or in within cry saloon or her whore any spirituous, vinous or malt linuars, ,br,r, or other intoxicating linl'orca aro sold, [fiver away or otherwise d:isnosed of, or knit for 1501.0, or disponnl, either n.t wholesale or retail. ,cc. 3M. i'aslonne to be closed, end all blinds, curtains 'ird °croonas to be withdrawn from the doors and windows thereof, daring the reseti ctod pnri ode. Poring all of the tine on the first day of the week, nomnonly called Sunday, and between the hour^ of twelve o'clock midnight arid six o'clock A. ? . or the foil ping +"ondny, end hvtwean tlso hours of two and sirt o'clock A. Cl. o'<;r.ork A L.nof ver;, •.lay of the week, all saloons and bars ,oher k spirituous, vinous,, malt liquors, beer or any intoxicating lic4r, is . . , . 11. e,,1d, riven ;7,-,:4.444 7i-rvea, or Uli. W3(,) Ctiotoced of, or b,:,pt col: ',),'le or to 8"?rV , (Athol, PA, :11,m19'.yllo Or rdtr.71, co,171 1 ,-, ol,.,orl,A, rootri.c;-,e.1. -o,:fr:i.,14, jl blli,do, ourtulo nn.i or coo uhnl.f. i.)n ',11td-,,Inwn . froi ,ho a ,orc smi wbpdove of r11.1 c“Jleons, '.' to lilLoz,i0,cng 11,-R,008 are oAl, glvon awy,iwJrvo,..1 OP othcrwio, dI0ror.“0,1of, or 1. pt tcn' in or t•:, fl,Tryo, ,.14 n.1.l. ot7'le.r inCorior clorn, wIr0,.).1c, b1.17,:i, , and ol.ertaInu, cbt111 be or oponod t.kt, r,.b unobstVuotod vdow el: the intc .Lior of luo=r) saloon ro,,,, ho h;ld fr,.'( the iJdottalk or oxterlor thcf, Arid itch.a1.1 b() ul.rmfti (or cily p6ro.0i), 'b:l.r , c. ,(; t ,,i0 .71- 001-,i. i.1_,I), .11 ,to,i to sell irJx1cH.'cHnp; 1.1.00:', ot BUOh - 10e!.1, or the mnacor Qv oth.cr I:orend 'Orating cbnrto tb,r,,r,.)(*, 1-,,.:•. . .]. to cop., ly gAth the ;.1.-cy,,-1onfl, of Cl lo 0,1tt. :01-y. 1,i JIti H,r,J1 ,-,4:, hr corvccted witl! 7Alt,.ito iglotb. 11-, nbn.11 1-.),-, '.,i/ .;f1..1 for or kiiii.64turoj,:T the or'o'olrt offie C:)vi.,otr Cr opon„ .11,7o,F.,, . r3nntRln or c., ,.-1,Inct, or Co [ ).!Ter or iwrInit rmy porn, clot , aproc101, or corvtill., to coon, 1 .1..c.ct r: Iltsin or conduct I within tho place. whoro ;pAd busInenc ir. 1:1.cons0 to bv cn.rried oY,, or In . ': mr,nner conrocted thorcwIt.11. by ctnars, O1OVItor, dumb,woitf.tr, pr, e1Ant,:. tl.M0.1 olootrto 7-,' FTIntuo. or ol...) , y'- c or co .rwl.11.,. .on, any wboe room, COO! 'mien, luncl, room or booth., .1.ot htlylniT 1,,,.n ,p.t1r.L!..r113 /.1.":. loabt too foot sli six ineber, ciao rma Olx foot 1 .1',h focril the .!.'.1.n rocr. tO 7.- .0a.r,J . 1..y n.nd v1:71bio tbf:wofro,-.... ocr. if::.„ bn:1,1TIA to col1. 11r.lor on elootlon. .i.n.y. _ :',,t, shall b,:, unlv.wful !-- •-_, v. 7-: ):11,, flnr.„ r,,,, ,-.0J,t' ,,-r c,nr-‘c,rtlor to oil, r,Ivc on7,. .• oi.. .1n P.1-:; ?Ar :1,1nro...o of, i.i.rtly or 111,13 rootly, Kg any -0',1rttiv.111 , .r1110-.'es, n,n.lt ,:.,r cher lntoTleing 11.(.7.1. r or M"'.0 P.'.:ot of any Any fT,It apftrt, or to hot : cit eprrt, for a goner!..,1 or npcolai vlootion for or'; ctete, count or' r:tml.ciral oPf5cors, except Ile!lrfl of hen board. M of educrtlon. Cr i6vur proolP1LMj.110 olocir,.g nr.Jo,-.)ns on cortIn dsT1 et hie AlSfirOtiOn. no WAyor, whenever in bis juct'nrrnt, the poace, the good orlcr rncl, s afety of the inhcIA.trults of the :i„t's- alibi rom l .ire it, and on all .4i1) '...-„,., holidayo, may by proolanation forbid the sale or other ditipooitio,,,,-1 a 12. of any and all intoxicating liquors for any stated period of time, not excooding in all twonty-four consootive And it oltall be unlawful for my person, firm, anbociatiun or corroration, or person in his, their or its e:1,ploy, to fail to comply with such TrocLeuation. 17. :Aate of liquor to minors,Anlians, insono or drinicards prohibited, it shall be unlawfUl for a y r..)rson, firm, association or corporation vbeter acting for himself, or ar, ( 04; sorvant, or emsloyse of any other person, firm, association or ,s::sturation, to give, sell, furnish or iollver, or otherwise disu)so of any intoxicating liquor to n:pi Indian, or to any person under the age of twenty-ono-yore, or to any . erson tnovr to the community se an liabitual drunkard, or to any insane or otic person, whether amid Indian, mthor, drunirra, insone, orIldiotic person shall buy or receive the said liquor for his osn use or consurptlon, or in whole or in mart rot' the consumption of any otl'ior persona or rorson. Pee. 18. liners, Indians, inonne or odletie persons in saloons:am.. .111.1.1wodft4441.1.0401mWwWm6*edhir It shall be unlPwftil for any : orson, firir, association or corporation to send or tal-a, or for pay owner, agent, bartender or employee to poloait or allow soy ',arson under the ape of twenty-ono yeors, or on lnilan, or insane, or idlotic person to go to or retrain at or An any pelor,n, wine reaT.1, or aportment whatsoever, where intoxicatIng drink is s-ild or disponae oxcer tlnçr rur; 'ferret, motels, tra,3 rentaorntsX40/whIle...004,144, ,L„,,,, „ ',.!oc. 1"). f:nlswrii for minors to mioropresent ago. It shall ho unlawful for any : osiLon t arc of t,uonty-Dne year to enter r.T. remain in any saloon or other place -horo intoxicating liquors are sold or dimponsed, excepting drug etores, hotels end rostanronts, or tc miarepresent his ago mini staalimeif to b) ever the eg,e or twenty-ono, in order to gain admission to say saloon or other place Iltero Intoxicating liquors are sold or dispensed, or to secure the sale to hishlf of any malt, spirituous, vinous or other intoxicating liquors. (1/c71 13. :;00. P,O. Females prohibited from being in saloons. It shall be unlawful for any 7)erson, firm, association or corroratio operating a, saloon, to poryol.t any female person. to oiitor, be or rcmc.in • In ouch saloon, or to elljley any fe1.e in tiny such place of buolnenn. ', O.C.. ,.1.. :.•res lunch, dancing music, singing, drunoneos and disorderly conduct Ui:, naioons prohibited. lt shall be unlawful for any person, firm, aocirltio or corporatio: or any agent, nonager, bartender or ernpl(Dyee of any porc,,n; firm, - association or corbdration onga , 1 in the businesa of conAuctiug,a saloon to eer!r,it music, siw.ing, dancing, drunkoness, loafing or siping, or any disorprly eon Oat in ouch saloon or place of busnac, or to permit or nekvo nL-y 1 i';c lunch therein, . .'--. V; ion licenBe ry ha rovoed-i,ofhd. 141y porcon, fl.r , ashoci!Atio7, at co,rp .rt on liconed uncer the proviions of tic Qbapter, who shall havo been cen\rieted of three offense defin6o in t!.;lu chapter, shall forfeit bin, ihe or ito rit,ht toretaln.,' such license, and rAid iloone ahall, at once, upon cit 300101A 1): 1?—ing., bo I revoked. by the City- Council. When cry licenee Is revoked, thc, ac.:ouva, ,,,id f..n . ii].e ueeirod porti of ,n.,b licenne nhall le refunded to thc licon3ec. no. .. lAconsees ac3out the provisims of . js :b.a-ptor. Any licamoo receiving ,1 liconro under tho nov.3 nJ 011 Or tis Uhapto cihoJl be doomed to have accepted. the ,,nice with all t!Af., .11Atleo, oblic,atich9 liabilities, reocttict,ons and 11 .itntlons hereln, and by the lav:o of tile .htflt,(4 proviaed for, tmpo5ed at prt nnd parcel of or 13 lIconi-.; nit tout oth .. . of further notice, and Without eao!ql, or rny of ouch proyi,r1 mar fl,e; :por!Aficall/ incipporated in the licenee to bin, titer or it rrP:.oLed. ,f)(3.. 2/1. Out?) of Chief of I-hliCe. 'it shall is the duty of the Chief of Pollee of this City, and he is hereby directed to enforce strictly tiro terre of tl-is orOinbnce, v.i thout regard to the inetructionh or direct:one of any committee or the individui rembers of the City Council of this City. Sec. 25. 'penalty. 14. Any rerson. firm aseociqtion or corporation vioiatins am of the provisions of ti)is Chapter chali ho deemed guilty of micOnmnor, red upon conviction thereof, shall he punished, for the fir-t offense by a fine of net exceeding one huolrei dollars; fotho second offenrc, by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollarn; fob the third offense, R fine in any eon less than throe hundred dollers, or by lrlpriconment 10.,tplb-JOhyty jail not to exceed .slicpicmth5, ,both cu9i,,fino nd simOrtennirnt; rrovlaod. thnt nothir,1 hezeip 011.0'v-A 4414e construed to t •-) 1 .si rit‘ev4 (3alt Lc) o Oity tr i recovorirg aty,-rngeue,o heroin 4) 3 r 11, Inn civil a .1 cle,,on •r71,-,ut.t;f Arc rie-nnofr , prpv Modj by ordinnimo of t' is ; 64i y , !-'3 .;,:10 by drugglstl.,,on prosorT,ttlfin4 , •,/ lioWng in this Charterontsined t Olo cale of 3 i4telciicting liquors by 1Jecnsii0 druf-gists pion Orekc' lltion ofc-licensed physican,iec.. P7. Physicns prehibited fror111Asuing prEAcriptiorle Jr. blank or owntity. It deli be unlrwfnl for any phypicen to issuo any prescription in blank or in quantity, or in soy ranner, for the purpose of evading any of the pr,vicions of this Chapter. i:ec. All ordinances nod resolutions or parts of ordinences and resolutions in conflict. 1.orwith ere hereby repealed to tho extout of such conflict. . 4. 1:1110 ordinance shall take effect, five days nfter approval by the hayor. /0 .. , , .. . ' r i.,' ,• • • -t):3„; ). ...o, •-,,,...,,--,, .-. ,, • . 1 . ,,' - ,, , ...,:i- •,:fP',1-...,-t: t ,, c ' • ••,, ...1,. •••,,.. •--r-^ • ,,,t ) . .., ' _-.• ' PC,P.11,'.".",fl...A ".o. 11'.r,! ;i:'.' ' ,i'f ; .,c, , „,,?,1'...'j: ,,', i. 1.1.•,% i .,,4 , .. ,F I :,,..;;;i'i,,,. ,-,I i.1 ,A,, ;,, ' • i ! . 'N'',,,,•,..:tt,_x.,i,;.-V-3t: , ,....J. --. ,\-. "'C.. ) t1)\\