34 of 1911 - Ordinance 34 of 1911 – Franchise, amending Section 4 of an ordinance passed 12-3-07 & granting a f -
: 4
An ordinance amending Section 4 of an ordinance passed by the
1City Council of Salt Lake City December 3, 1907, and approved by the
Mayor December 3, 1907, entitled "An ordinance amending and confirm-
ing an ordinance of belt Lake City ratifying and confirming the trama-
fer of franchisee to Utah Light and Railway Comdany, a Corporation,
extending the life of said franchises to Utah fewer Company", passed
lby the City Council AugUbt 3,1905, end approved by the Mayor August 1
4, 1905.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Thet Section 4 of an ordinance passed by the City
Council of Salt Lake City December 3, 1907, and approved by the Mayor
December 3, 1907, entitled "An ordinance amending end confirming an
ordinance of Salt Lake City ratifying and confirming the transfer of
franchises to Utah Light and Railway Company, a Corporation, extend- 1
ing the life of said franchises to Utah Power Company", passed by thel
City Council August 3, 1905, and approved by the Mayor August 4, 1905,
be, and the same is hereby amended by inserting after Subdivision
twenty-third (Subdivision twenty--second and twenty-third having been,:
added to said Section Pour by an ordinence passed by the City Council!
March 28, 1910, and approved by the Mayor March 29, 1910), the
Twenty-fourth. A single or double track on Seventh South
Street from Eleventh East Street last to Thirteenth East Street.!
Twenty-fifth. A single or double track beginning; at the
intersection of Eleventh East and Twelfth South Streets in said
city, and extending thence southeasterly along the street here-
tofore known as "Highway No. 1" and also as the "Territorial
Rood" to the present southern boundery of Salt Iake City.
SECTION 2. That said grantee, its successors or msiss, shall
conetruct, complete ard have in operation at leant one reilway track
;with the necessary switches upon Seventh South Street on or before
December 31, 1911, and on said Highway ITo. 1 on or before the 31sta
dayof December, 1912; and, in the event of failure of said grantee
Ito have completed. and in operation at least one track on each of said1
streets within the time mentioned, then, no to all portions of the
streets not so occupied at the expiration of said period, this Fran-
chise, and all the provisions hereof, shall be null and void.
SECTION 3. This franchise shall extend until the expiration of
the franchise to which it is an amendment, to-wit: Until the first
day of July, 1955, and the rights hereby granted shall be subject to
the conditions of the said ordinance to which it it an amendment the
same as though the grants herein contained had beat inserted in, and
constituted a part of the said ordinance originally.
SECTION 4. The said grantee shall within thirty days-after the
approval of this ordinance, file its acceptance ix writing with the
City Recorder of said City, otherwise the same shall be null and void
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval and
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, Iarch 20th,
1911, and referred to the siayor for his appro
t Iy co rc�er,'
Approved this day of Ma h, 1911,
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