34 of 1929 - Paving Extension No.220-2d and final estimate ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 192
Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - - ',y
Finch l'
Moran - - -
Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE
Result - - -
II okLlC NC''• eno for the c: rent of
ro :crty in aavimr liiti'i.ct No. (- %ins; tension No. , C), for
the rJurnose of -:ra, 1n , onst uctina: curb nu stutter (,.here not
'Treacly conateucted), construe`in.,T crainac Nzystcm to early v ter
across and ,.lon;f stracts and intersections,-iv .rive ay s,
inst I,lin scrierconnections to heck of curtt3 and i ,ing r:ith
Portland cement concrete thereof.
tic it or.'o_inee by the NoarL of Commissioners of "alt
Lake Clty, Utah:
SUCTION I. That the Noard of Commissjoners of Scot l 1_e
City toes hereby levy the tam ant nrovire foe the assessment of
the same uaon the _crone ty herainsfter descr cd in a.vin- L:s-
tri.ct do. (C'avin - 5.-stension No. L.:_o) for the -tui 'ose of irrac-
ing, constructing concrete curb and cutter ( here not l.ready
constsucte(_), cone: uc'c_n• cr• e , ter to carry ',re.tee across
and e.lon« streets ens intersections, riva.t drive aye, install-
in scser connections to back of curbs ens d :in^ rith Portland
cement concrete:. thereof, to-sit:
In Lot, 10 of ;1I:. SC) and Lots 7 and n of ThI. Cl,
5-here Plat L.; Lots 4 to if incl. ofNi:. ens Lots 1 and
to 17 incl, of 'ilk. -, ;1.'cer sisce _1st C, Cub. of
5-acre '.'lr:t , CC field Survey, abutting on ',loth siees of
Huhbs_rn ,venue from :.re I ,st to 4th _ ct :t' :eta, both sides
of ',.ill iams, Herbert and tiale, avenues from State Ntrvet to ;;net
l a st Street, in. _sit Lake City, Web.
This tax i levied to u;efr. , c2.1e expense o3' greeing, con-,
ctructiny concrete curb ene ;;utter (,There not already constructer);
constructing drainage .system to c ,rry v,c.tec acrosE c-.nc along
'try etc and inter,. ectior , private ri1 c ipsting vmter CT--i
Hriccs a4L sewer connections to beck of curbs. and paving 'th L or t-
lanc. cement concrete the.rc.of ( i:. n...vemcnt to be six (G) to eight '
(0) inches thick and sc-ic. roee-eg to be thirty (70) met , 1:ith
curb and gutter on du'-'b:rd :'.venue from ?rd- to :?th i,ast I ire:-to;
twenty--seven (; 7) ''eci, uiee. :ith roll- gutter on :.il7iams end. Herbert
61,venues from State. to _.1-16. Last crec'c, c.no benty-t.o ( .e:.) feet
wide (roll gutter ':wilt) on Yale Avenue froin `;tc tc '.trF rt to ;nd-
Past Street); th.c portions of said. streets o;;positc the 2roperty
bercinbefore ane hereinafter c'scribed to be especially r.f_'ecte6
and benefited by said improvement, end it is hereby eajud,gec, de-
termined and established that said ,property will be especially' I
benefited therebythereby to the full amount of the -Lay: hereby levied, and
said parcels of land are hereby as.=coc a:. at an er;u- 1 and uniform
rate in accori ancc with the linear foot, fronta.,g.e upon and. to the
entire depth back therefrom, and. the tax hereby levied and. to be
assessed upon said parcels of land is Tv;enty4hree Thousand Light
Hundred Fifty-nine and 93/100 ( 2 ,359.93) Dollars; Six Thousand
Four Hundred Eighty-nine end 00/190 (;6,489.00) Dollars or ?our
and 50/100 04.50) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting
1 property for thirty (a0) foot roadway with curb, and gutter, there
1 being 1,442.0 feet abutting slid portion of said improvement;
:,Leven 'Thousand Four Hundred :.seventy--six and 08/100 ( 11,,1 7G.03)
Dollars or Four and 1'1/1 00 ( ' .14) Loll.a.rs per front or linear foot
of abutting property for bccnty-seven (27) foot ro.c'fy vatic
24-:inch roll gutter, there 'coin z ,77i:.0 feet abutting said. por-
tion of said improvement; Three Thousand ;Six Hundremi Seventy-two
.,67C-.90 Dollars or '1- e and -_,6 100 .55 .Duerr 1 and 30/100 ( ; ) / ( � )
1 per front or linear foot of abutting uro perty for twenty-two (... ):1,
1 - -
1foot roadway (24—inch :roil gutter built), there being 1., :33.0 feet
!putting said portion of Si.. . i lbrovement,_hr rdo r Thirty-eight
Lod ;)0/100 (43 9.no) ,,col l' s for ooivr to criv „ o., there Bing
(twenty-six (26) private' arive,eays at 'fhirt'cn and 00/100 ( i°.00)
!ol.lars per driveway; Four Hunerce ,fifty end ! ,/1 0 ( 'LSO. D !tot.
l :.rs for private ca]veTne,o,, there being thirty ('0) private '_civc-
rays at Fi£tee.] and 00/100 (A5.00) Coll-...,, ,,cr drive, :a;; Three
uncree Seventy-four and 00/100 ( 74.00) fo11 ers for private privet
ays, there being ti.enty ;;.o (:.14 private: driveTcays at Ceventeen
and 00/100 ($17.00) our r s ,)Cf r riviceay; Threc HunCren CO' ._rty and
00/1.00 ( 730.00) boilers 'or ,riv"tc cr vc.:;_,; , ners baing ten (10)
private driveways at Thirty-three.ire and 00/100 ( .n0) .:ol_1 'Ts )cr
i rivcv:ay; Four ilundrec diner,*--trio c(1 00/i00 ( . .nr.)) iollaTs for
private driveways, there being t'i'elve (1e) privete STiyer:,ays et
IForty-on.e and 00/100 ($.1.00) 1(o1 l_rs _or nrivcv:ay; Teo 1iundl r,,r!
rhirty-eight and 00/100 (,,, "-3.00) "joll...r_> for sebtlr 1 tcrT ls, there)
being fourteen (14) _e ar laterals at seventeen anc- 00/100 (.17.00)
0.-ollar.s for each so':'<er lateral, the cost of construction of Mich
p_i.vcr,r.ys and the coot of instzl ,n; ..hJ z sceer 1Tterals :ne the
ipirosert;; benefited thereby is hereinafter :et out, a n` all eithIn
th.c boundaries of the lot_ , blockn ane streets above c1Enti. "_cec_ in
id. district, which is ,she total abutters' cost and cost, 1-- 'outi
foot of said imr>rovenent, -cco_ein_ •to the contrr<e'r, entcsec.- into for
the. ocrformance of said work and 'ma'rin, said. i. i,'rove m nt :ri.th
Christensen, Jacob & 0ernner, Inc., contractors, dated May 7, 10'!.0,'
and tine City Treasurer is hereby authorized and i r ci to �� ens
in e..ccoru.ance ^,ith the erovi:,ion:; of this ore, ,1.-ncc for the eurr,oso
herein mentJ-one( :
c TKIN1TY-T': 0 YOOT _Lee-=inch roll putter built11.
of i .,
The north side of Lot;. e to 12 incl.,/the south side of j
Lots 1 and 3. to 17 incl.. of 91:.. , calker ''lac Piet C, eub. of
p1k. 1_11, 5-acre f1 :., :;i • 'e'ield Curvoy.
1 T1'.E2NTY-SL,VPN 'FOOT 00=t _`'_ i
C _ ts ._inch roll Lllutterl
The north sic of t',o south 115 feet of thd ,i:est 5,9:�
feet of the east Ti.6 feet of Lot 7, the south sld., of the north 11.,
ft. of the west ,:9: ft. of the east Ike ft. of Lot 7, the north
_i.dc of the south .1...L rt. of the Test 195 ft. of the cast r t.
of Lot 8, the south side of the north 115 ft. .of ti -:cot i It.
of the east / C ft. of Lot 3, of ;li;. Ni, 9-_-crc- �.i t .L., i, J5ield'
THIRTY !1'001 :full oi'.`l.
The north aide of the south 1.7,.=5 fI:. of the ,:cat 37.`
ft. of Lot 10, the north sire o? t',e south ill.. ft. of the cast
n3.4 ft. of the cost 73 ft. of Lot 10, the south ::ici_e of the i
north IS ft. of the hest 7i `3 ft. of Lot 10, of ele. ft, ._cre
Plot '.t ., Big Field ;furvey:
PPOJ__ TP _ ?0 "I7_1 i.R V IN =-I ITION
TO lIh_':_tuL R, f S ';IIS•i'1. il3.00 oeer c.rlvo Ly_) 1
The north sire of Lots 6, 5, 10 and- 1;= to 17 i0cl.,
the north side of Lots7 3, 11 r.nc 18, `;l. L the south side i, {
of Lots 4 to 11 incl., 1, 15, 11, 1=_ 13 of O1'-.-.. ` ; ''.-rlfer i
Pl ce flat C, of 31 :. C1, 5-i:cre Pldt . , 11id f1ield r urvey. 1
P'n0 '11'I'TY r 1 :- Lli_VO't P IIV!TR L`RIV IN LL_L I'ION 1
'POTEL REGULAR L `L , E 1T. _CR,15.00 5er d_i.ve _y1
The north side of the south 115 ft. of the v,ost 105 ft.
of the east 71=;6 ft. of Lot 7, the north side of the south 115 ft. f
of the west 40 ft. of the Bast 39f ft. of Lot 7, the north side j
of the south 115 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east 553 ft. or
Lot 7, the north side of the south 115ft. of the :cst :'.:0 ft. of
the cast 513 ft. of Lot 7, the north s. .de: of the south 115 ft. of!
the west 40 ft. of the east 4:73 ft. of Lot 7, the north side of
the south 115 ft. of the ;rest 0 ft. of the east _ ., ft. of Lot '
7, the north side of the south 115 ft. of the rest '." ft. of the I
cast ;.9 ; ft. of Lot 7, the north side of the south 115 ft. of the'
west 80 ft. of the east 5 , ft. of Lot 7, the north side of the` )
south 115 ft. of the west 80 ft. of the cast ',:,77 ft. of Lot 7, the
north side of the south 115 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the cast 19:: i
ft. of Lot 7, the north side of the south 115 ft. of th_: west 40 i';
ft. of the east 15;7. ft. of Lot 7, tic north side of the south 115 '
ft. of the west 80 ft. of the cast 11 ft. of Lot 7, the south side
of the north 125 ft. of the rest 1.8= ft. of the. cast /5t ft. of Lot;
7, the south side of the north lUz. ft. o ' the Test 40 ft. of the
east 59 ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the north r.._. ft. of the i
est 40 ft. of the east , o ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the +
north 1.;i; ft. of th': west .1 1;51
0 ft. of the east 0 ft. of Lot 7, the
south side of the north 1. . ft. of the sect 80 ft. of the east T
ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the north. l S ft. of the west 80
ft. of the east 4;-<< ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the north 11
ft. of the west 30 ft. of the east :'?98 ft. of Lot 7, the south site
of the north 1Fi ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east ' 1;; ft. of Lot
7, the south side of the north 12 ft. of the rest 4.0 ft. of the
east 273 ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the north 1:.- ft. of the j
west 8-0 ft. of the east ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the north
12°c: ft. of the west <40 ft. of the cast 10 ft. of Lot 7, the south
side of the north 1st <1
ft. of the rest 0,ft. oil the cast 15 ft. of;
Lot 7, the south side of the north 1f3f. ft. of the ';:est A ft. or
the east 11.. ft. of Lot 7, all of Block 2:1, 5 crc Oh 2 ^., [)if
Field ''survey.
YROY..Lii'Y ` =h 1 _0;_i'HIVi','1'E. Di�IV_ S III 25i,I'TI081
TO TH ; REGULAR_ISf2 2L1]T_ 1 I_O 12.er drive_.'a.:Y).
The north side of the south 1 .1 ft. of the est 1 :- ft.
of the east 726 ft. of Lot 8, the north side of the south 1;--f ft.
of the west 160 ft. of the cast 55; ft. of Lot 3, the north side
of the south 1;c.2:. ft. of the Test /0 Ct. of the east 89.: ft. of Lot
8, the north site of the south 12,`:: ft. of the west 40 ft, of the
cast 5;5 ft. of Lot 8, the north side of the south 1L. ft. of the
west 40 ft. of the east Hl':`- ft, of Lot 3, the north side of the
south 122 ft. of the west 0 ft. of th ; e t -r ft. of Lot 8, the w.e
I {(,
i N.
north side of the south. 122 ft. of the west .0 ft. of the east
6 ft. of Lot 8, the south side of the north 115 ft. of the nest
17 ft. of the east '726 ft. of Lot 3, the south side of the north
115 ft. of the wrest 4-0 ft. of the cast 513 ft. of Lot 8, the south
side of the north 17.5 ft. of the west 130 ft. of the cast 7`t ft.
of Lot 8, the south side of the north 115 ft. of the west 40 ft. ofi
the east 313 ft. of Lot 8, the south side of the north 115 ft. of
the west 120 ft. of the east ::.7 ft. of Lot 8, the south side of
the north 115 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east 15 , ft. of Lot 8,
the south side of the north 115 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the cast
11 ft. of Lot 8, all of la. ;�1, 5-1-cre Plat a, B17 Field r urvcy.
PROPL:hTY Oi 021 F0-2,,tIV='i IV :16_11] _i _I`.CI03
'i 0 L.Hh_. ;.x.U, rR LE,TMIEJAT. (r.; '.00 ;er orive;ayi.
The north lice of the south 131.5 ft. of the east Sr
ft. of the west 156.75 ft. of Lot 10, the north side of the south
151.5 ft. of the east 11.a5 ft. of the west 193 ft. of Lot 10, the
north side of the south 181.5 ft. of the cast 'J.1.;'S ft. of the nest
2i:9.75 ft. of Lot 10, the north side of the south 181.5 ft. of the
least 41.25 ft. of the vest 200.5 ft. of Lot 10, the north side of
the south 181.5 ft. of the east ,21. .5 ft. of the wrest 1.75 ft. of
Lot 1.0, the north side of the south 181.5 ft. of the east 77.6 ft.
of the west 452.8 ft. of Lot 10, the north side of the south 181.5
ft. of the east 7;7.6 ft. of the west /190.• ft. of Lot 10, the north l
side of the south 181.5 ft. of the east ft. of the west 501 ft. 1
of Lot 10, the north side of the south 131.5 ft. of the east 99 ft.1
of the west 660 ft. of Lot 10, the north side of the south 181.5 1
ft. of the east 36 ft. of the west 71:6 ft. of Lot 10, all of '?lock1
20, 5-Acre Plat A, 0i Field ;survey.
1 P _RTF LYS IN 1 �hllOtd
' PROP �,tiPYF r__ L� i?0_�PRIVATE_ __
TO TIPOUr i E ;7_ u_(' n.1.00 ;er c-r"i vcmL
The south sine of the north ft. of the west r:0 fi;. of
Lot 10, the south side of the north ft. of the east 120 ft. of t .
II the west e_,90 ft. of Lot 10, the south side of the north ;` ft. of b e
east ft. of the west 0 ft. of Lot 10, the south side or the
north 7' ft. of the east da.e ft. of the e-,st of Tot 10,
the south side of the north ft ft. of the cast if 0 ft. of the
west 019.75 ft. of Lot 10, the south side of the north , ft. of
the east ,:-1.55 or the west 5:31.00 ft. of Lot 10, : 11 of ftocE
120, 5-acre flat 3i--7 field curvey.
2R(h)Lid,TY_AL-ECCEE rt.) ; .1N LaT 0,00 LN A.C,,ITION TO THE
The north side of the south 115 ft. of the west 105 ft. of ;
the east 706 ft. of Lot 7, the south side of the north ft. of
Ithe west 1H0 ft. of the cast 7d0 rt. of Lot Y, the north eLdc of
the south 1— ft. of the west 1,- ft. of the cast 7; 6 ft. of Lot
Ithe south side of the north 115 ft. of the ;:dst 17 Ct. of the cast
0 1 1,
17 .6 ft. of Lot 3,/the north sia( or the ,.outh 101.5 Ct. oC the west'
1 -
110.5 ft. of Lot 10, the south side of the north ft. or the east, 1
0 ft. of the west 170 ft. of Lot 10, the sopth sloe of the north 1
,,- rt. of the cast 1, 0 ft. of the west 00 rt. of Lot 10, the south
side of the north . 7 ft. of the east ft. of the west 10.0 ft.;
of Lot 10, the south side of the north ft. of the cast 60 :rt. of
the vest '73.5 ft. of Lot 10, the south side or the north ft. oil
the cast 165 ft. of the west Of ft. or Lot 10, ' Pf flock , O,
5-..cre Plat e, Ti; field Survey; as the a; -lie are sheen upon tine
ficial -plats of said city to the entire Geoth back from said strects,
one to collect said tax.
CHOTION 0. That the assessment list ,yde by thc, City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the ,loard of :
Ecualization and 1,.evie, of the property descril)ca in . ection I of i
this ordinance in davin- Extension No. TOO, of ' all; Dilke City, for:
the purpose of p;rading, constructin; concrete curb one gutter ( hed0
not already constructed), constructin prrinagc system to curry
Tater across MO ;elan; streets an(' intersections, rlve Lrivc ,
instTlin4; sewer connections to back of curb ens oaving v,ith fort4,
I ;
lend Cement concrete thereof, is hereby confirmed, and the asses, !
`y _ ...
ments made and returned in said completed lists, and the report of
the board of ras Blie2.tion and Pence to the -ioard of Commissioners
of "aft Lake City are hereby raa_ifioe, approved and confirmed.
SLCTIUC ale tax shall be eo.va'ole in ten equal :rcarly i
instc.11menta as provided by la.w and oreinL.nee pith interest on the
hole sun unne.ie, of the rote of five per cent .;ec. znnum, .peya le a.
the time each installment is due. In the event any i_n std11-ment: or '
the interestoforeso:if is not r ;ii.d on the o,e.v the ame be comes dues ,
the whole amount of thee special:tux un, i4 scythe tunic snip _i_nst,11-
ment (nic intcresb are due., she1 .become eewAric )ay`ahle, ;,no shall
draw interest at the ritee o1 tweive; per eutt`pev annip'until the
solo or the .property S� ;;;S Eft. .ei.
-CTION 4. Ti'is orcin cr shall take effect One ony after;
its publication.
Passed- by the board of Commissioners of .alb Lake City,
Utah, this _Zth_ day of __ Augunt. , lifiL
Lia ,
icy 7,ecorder7 I
. Pavino; _xtensi-on Wo. ', :.0,
.:,no and final kstimetc:.
*P -,.%-... --. .T s—• ..
,f' 1. - - as i
/' n yO .� i
' -7. : ' :::: -IA'. . ' ''''' '-' ' '' ' • . - ,51?, - '.:.• 1?.. ,
roil gutter built), there being 1,38G.0 •
feet abutting said portion of said hn- $33p0 per A LARSCrivve aE'T-
_ _ provement; three hundred thirty-eight
AN ORDINANCE. • d 00.100($338.00)dollars for private of the East 9e north 125 feet of the west e of the south 156.05-
I driveways, there being twenty-six (26) feet of Lot-10,Pr the north Bide of the,"
An ordinance levying a tax end for ' ivate driveways at thirteen and 00-100 South 381:5 feet of'ths east 4E25 feet
the assessment f property in Paving f$13.00)fi dollarsno per dri800 ($4y;[our hun- Of the West 198 legit o1 LOt]g,the,>30rth
Dlstl'fo No.32 (Paving Extension•No. died fifty and 00.100 00) dollars side of the south 1,81 5 feet of the east-
220) for'the purpose of grading,con-f for private driveways,there being thirty '¢1.26'[eet;Of the ireet 239.25 feet.by Lot'
Btructmg curb d gutter (where ot, (30) private driveways at fifteen and 10,;the north side Of•the•south t8,1.5
a lr ea d,v constructed), constructing 00-100 ($15.00) tlollars per tlrlVew y; leaf.Ol the Boat 4125 See Of the WCt,
drainage•system to Carry water across three hundred seventy-four antl 00-300 880;lE I5@G p�.yq$-10t.th@c�YIOFrN1A@t e. 1
and long streets and intersections, ($374.00)donate for private driveways,'Price_,' the sO th 1Welt Set o1 the.MuttLot 1l5_
Private driveways,installing sewer con-
driveways being twenty-two (22) private feet'of the west 321.75 feet of Lot 10,
nla:tlona to,back cement curbs and paving driveways at seventeen and 00-100 the Torch stole of the south 181.5 ieetr
with rla in concrete thereof: 417.00) dollars per driveway; three f he east 37.8 feet of the.west 452.85
Be it ordained be the Board of Com- hundred thirty d 00-100 (ere b0) feet-of'IAt 10,the north'stole fee the
misefoners O!Belt Lake City,Utah: 'dollars for private driveways,there be south 181.5 feet of the ens.37.6 feet of
Section I. That the Board of Com-' ins ten(10)private driveways at[lilt- the west 990.4 feet.of Lot 10,the north
misaleners of Salt Lake City does here-
driveway;ty-three and 00-100($33.00)ninety-two
dollars per. side oS the south 181.5 feet of the east
by levy the tax and provide for the driveway;four hundred and 33 feat of the west,Sal feet of Lot e10,
assessment of the same upon the prop-' 00-100 ($992.00)ore dollars for private the north side of he oath 181.5 Ire[•
arty hereinafter described in Paving driveways,there being twelve(12)pd.; e1 the east feet of the west 660e feet"
District No. 32 (Paving Extension No
rate driveways at forty-one and 00-100 'Of Lot 10,the north•side of the south'
220) for the purpose of grading,con- ($91.00)dollars per.drlvea'uy;,twq hun- 181.5 feet of the east 66 feet of the west"
(where concrete curb and gutter fired thirty-eight d 00-100. ($238.00) 726 feet of Lot.10, all Of Block'20„
(where note already constructed), con-
fourteen for sewer laterals, there being' 5-Acre Plat A.Big Field Survey. -
drainage system o' carsy fourteen (14) sewer•laterals at seven- PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE
water ae[osB and along streets.and in- teen and 00-100($17.00)dollars for each. 'DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO ni .
tergectfons, private driveways, install-
of sewer which
aril,the Cost of construction:in-' REGULAR ASSESSMENT.
Leg Bawer connections to back of curbs' of which driveways and the most of - 041.00 per-driveway.) -
and paving with Portland cement con-
which sewer.laterals and the The south side of the north 33 feet
cote thereof,to-wit: • property benefited thereby is herein 'eo the west 130 feet of Lot 10, the,
' In Lot 30 of Block 20 and Lots 7 and fterdillies
set out,and all within the boon-' 'south side af'the north 33 teat of the
8 of el,of 21,S-ACYO Plat A, 100 9;ttpp' darles of the lots. blocks d streets. east 120 feet of the west 290 feet o0
19 Incl.of Block 2 and'Lots 1 and S La above mentioned in said district,which' •Lot 10,the lot-d side of the north 33
17 Incl.of Block 3,Walker Place Plat is the total abutters'cost and Cost per feet of the east-40 feet of the west 330
• C, Sub. of•Block 21, 5-Acre Plat A, front foot of said Improvement, ac feet of Lot 10,the south side of the
Big Field Survey, abutting ole on both oNling to the contract entered into north 33 feet of the east 82.5 feet b f_
[des of Hubbard Avenlre from 3rd East for the said
of said Work and the west 412.5 feet oI Lot 10,the BOuth
' to 4th East Streets,both sides of Wll• making gild improvement with Chris- side of the north'33 feet of the east
Items,Herbert and'Yale Avenues Irani . tensen, Jacob & Gardner, Inc., con- 41.25 feet 0f the west 512,75 feet of Lot
State Street to 2nd East Street,1n Salt tractors, dated,May 7, 1929, and the 10,the south side of the north 33 feet
Lake City.Utah. City Treasurer is hereby authorized rind Of the east 41.25 feet-Of the west 561.00
• This tax is levied to defray the ex-
the directed to assess in accordance with feet O2 Lot 30,all ue Block 20.5-Acfa
pease of grading, constructing g co' the provisions of this ordinance for the, Plat A.Big Field HSED
Crete curb and gutter (where not al-
ready constructed),constructing drain- TWENTY-TWO FOOT ROADWAY LATERALS IN ADDITION TO.THE
age retain to carry water across.and (24-th roll gutter built.) REGULAR ASSESSMENT„
long streets and intersections,private The north side oI aide 4 to 19 mcl.• The north aide Of the south 11$lest'
driveways.installing water services and of Block 2,the south side of Lots 1 and; of the"west 105 feet 01 the Cast,-.726
sewer connections to back of curbs 3 to 17 incl.of Block 3,Walker Placer feet of rot.7, the Beath side of the'
and paving with Portland-cement con- Plat Field
8u4,of Block 21,5[Act'e Plat�« north 122 0feet of the West 133 feet th
Crete thereof(said•pavement to be six: Big Field Survey, ' the east 720 feet of.Lot 7. the north-
(6)to eight(8)Inches thick feet wide,.
ldi TWENTY-SEVEN FOOT ROADWAY side the Beath 122 feet of the,west
roadway.to be thirty (30) ide,. (With Ofde of roll gutter) S133he feet of the east 726`feet of Lot 8,
with curb and gutter on Hubbard Ate-, The worth side 3 le the south 115 feet the south side of the north 115 fast of
¢ue from 3rd to 4th East Streets;', feet f of e Lot 7,t 9 the
south Odeof the e of the of the6. west
s8,lof Block 21.73 feet Of hthe north e east 726 Y140,twenty-seven oeven (27)on iafeet wide with ye- north 122 feet of the west 693 feet of of the south 181.5..feet ofn the•west
Hues rl om State to and Herbert
street; the east 726 feet of Lot 7,the north 115.5 feet O2 Lot 10,the south Ode oI
and twenty-two (22).feet wide (roll aide of the south 122'feet of the west the north 33 Peet of the east 40 feet of
gutter built) on Yale Avenue from i 693 feet of•the east 726 feet of Lot 8, tit. west 170 feet Of Lot 10,the South
State Street to 2nd East Street); the I the south Ode of the north 115 feet of side of the north 33 feet Of the e$sy.
portions of said streets opposite the the west 893 feet of the east 726 feel 120 foot of the west 200 feet of LOt 30,-
property'heerissbofSee and hereinafter of Lot 8, of Block 21, 5-Acre Plat Aj the south side of the north 33 feet of.
described to be especially affected and
Big Field Sorter. the Beat 82.5 feet of the west 412.5 feet
benefited by said Improvement,and it THIRTY-FOOT ROADWAY. of Lot 30,the eotrtl;side of the north
Is hereby adjudged, determined and The north side oP the moth 181.5 feet. 33 feet of the Cast 66 feet o1 the west'
established that Said property will bethe nOI the West 367.E feet Of Lot 10, the 978.5'feet of Lot 10,the Booth lids of
especially benefited thereby to the [lies east]948.4 feet Of the west 728 feet. the west 726 legit of Lot 10,Of 33 feetthf the'east 0Block foot of+W li.'.amgria•C:o1 the,tax_hereby levied,. 5-Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey;•as the
nfl-said'parcels of land are`Tlereby oI Lot 10,the south aide o[.the north
assessed tan equal and uniform rate 33 feet of the west 726 feet of Ipt E0i same re shown upon Coe official plate
In accordance_.with the linear foot, of Block 20.5-Acre Plat A,Big Field of Beid city to the entire depth basic
frontage upon and to the entire 500hy Survey: from Said streets, and to cdlleet said
book therefrom, and the tax hereby PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE tax.
levied and to be assessed upon said par-
REGULAR IN AUDITION TO THE •SECTION 2. That the roe,n Corr list
eels of'land is twenty-three d 08-nd REGULAR ASSESSMENT. made by the City Treasure[,as correct-
eight hundred Ylftynine'and 98-100. ($13.00 per.driveway,) ed, approved and completed by the
($23.859.98) dollars; six thousand four' The north side of Lots 6,9,10 and 12 Board of Equalization and Review of
hundred ighty-nine and 00-100 (96;; to 17 mel.. tho north side of'Lots` the property described In Section 1 of
489.00)dollars or four and 50-100($4.50)I d 8,Si and 18.Hlk.2;the south Odes this ordinance Paving Extension No.
of Lots 4 to 11 Incl.,12 and 15.13,14 220.of Salt Lakee City,for the purpose
dollars per front or lines[ foot oft
abutting property for thirty'(30) foot and 16 of Blk.3;Walker Place Plat C, of grading,constructing concrete curb
roadway with curb and gutter, there __ and.,gutter (where not already con-
being 1,442.0 feet abutting said portion trotted), constructing drainage sys-
of said improvement;eleven thousand rem to carry water across andalong
four hundred seventy-six and 08-100 streets and Intersections,private
($11,476.08) dollars or four and 14-100 ways,installing server connections to
($4.19)dollars per front or linear foot back of curbs to t paving with Portland
of•abutting roadway with
twenty-seven cement concrete thereof.Is hereby con-
(27) foot roadway with 29-inch roll firmed,and the assessments made and
.gutter, there being 2,772.0 feet abut- d In said completed lists, and
aria said portion of said Improvement; the report'of-the Board of Equalize-
throe thousand six hundred seventy- then and Review to the Board of Com-
two and 90-100($3,672.90)dollars or two mi of Salt Lake City are hereby
and 65-100 ($2.65) dollars per front or ratified,lfied,approved and confirrhed.
linear foot of abutting property for Section 3. Said tax shall be payable
twenty-two(22)foot roadway(24-lnch In ten equal yearly installments as pro-
•vided by law and ordinance,with In-
terest on the whole Bum unpaid at the
rate of flue per cent per annum,pay-
able at the time each installment 1s
due. In the event any installment or
the Interest aforesaid is not paid On
the day the same becorrOo due, the
whole amount of the special tax-Un-
at the time said Installment and
interest are due,shall become due and
payable,and shall draw interest at the
rate of 12 per cent per-annum until
the sale of the property assessed.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take
effect one day after its.publication.
Passed by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 27t.
day of August,A.D.1929.
Temporary Chairman.
Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder,
Bill No.o.30.34,
Paving Extension No.220.
Second and Final Estimate,
Published August 28,1920.
yyt _ i
• L ... s a A. , ` f l l i
Iroof of Iuhttration
Taiftb 'tatee of Antrrire
of Filook 21,5-Acre Plat A.Big x'1Aid
REULAR$15 0fo r deASSiv wayNT..) HARRY WOLFF
The north aide of the south 115 feet
Of the west 105 feet of the east 726
feet of Lot 7, the north side of trip
south 115 feet'of the west 40 feet.Of
the east 593 feet of Lot 7.the.,north. being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
40-feet-Oft theuth east
t1533e feetet f of Lot 7. '
the north side of the south 115 feet of
-the west 90-feet-of the east 513 feet of
1 Leett oY tine Or t14si side
eoft o he south
Aso 115. of fhb SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper publishedin
feet of Lot 7, the north side of•the
south'115 feet of the west 90'feet.of
the-oast 933 feet,of Lot 7.the_Borth Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
ide of the 115 feet of the west
'40 Ieet Of thehe east 392 feet of Lot 7.
;the west 80s1feet of thde of e Uth 115 feet of
east353 feet of-
'ILot 7,the north•side of the eolith 115. That the Notice ORD.INA1 CE...73ILL__NQ..'34
feet of the west 80 feet t'the east
!g273 feet of Lot I.the north side of the
;south 115 feet of the weet 4q'feet ofYAVIPIG EXTENSION NO 220
the''east 193 feet of Lot 7,the nor
side o1 the south 115 feet of.the west
90 feet of the east 153 feet of Lot 7,
{the north side of the south 115 feet of
1 the West 80 t 7,the sfuth eet of the east 113 feet of
fat of the west 133 feet of the east 726
feet of Lot 7,the south side of tied
r orth 122 feet of the west 40 feet of
!the east 593 feet of lot 7,the south
1i side of 40 feet ofetie easth 2553 feet 2 feet tof Lot the e7.
the south side of the north 122 feet of'
!the west 90 feet of the east 513 feet of of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
,Lot-7;tthe th side of the e e tie-722.-
!feet of the west 40 feet of the egst 473
in rtti°122 feet of the south
lriett0f 28th
a er in its issue dated the
'the east a feet 12 Lot 7,the sweet paper
,sicle of t-
80 feet ofethe easth 22 393feet
feett of Lot�7.
'tote south ales of the'north 122 feet of t48 ouOse ' t2i day of August 192_ .9,
'Lot the.sohidofthenorh.12
of the
.feet of of Lotw�tt4h0 1 outh sides east
firth 122 feet of west 90'feet of'. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
'the east 233 feet of tot 7,the eolith
0- t the north ea 122 feet ot the wet- August 28th.:t afeetsouth of the cost the-north
ort of Lot 7, for
'!ofethe westside
feet of the east 153 fe feet
of Lot 7.the south-side-of the north"
'122 feet oe west 40 feet of the.east
—Vr fereia%f'thA,B1R7Field Surrey. 21,s thereafter,the full period of One (1) insertjgn
r $17.00!per drtreWsoft the last publication thereof
The north side of the south 122 feet
of the West 133 north
f the'east 726 feet
'of Lot fe 8,the north side of the south
553 fofeet
the at 16he let Of the being in the issue dated the 28th day of
eaet 553 feet o1 Lot 8,the north side of
the south 122 felt of the eat 90 fat
1 r the east 393 feet of Lot 8,the north
side of the south 122 feet of the west 9
pith feet of the set 333 feet of 4et e, 7 D.192.S the-nerth side-offetthet south 20123 feet of August „K./%
the west e0 feet h the east 313 feet of
',eat oot f the wes the t side90 feet f the S011th 122
of the east 273
.feet of Lot 8,the-north side of the'
•south 122 feet of the west 40 heel of-
51de ofsthe north 115 f3 feet of eett Bofthe
-!173 Ieet or the east.726 feet of Lot 8,
the south side of the north 115 feet of 28th day of
I the
eLot 8,the feet
s of the outh side'ofsHui northt-513 feet and sworn to before me this
115'feet of the west 160 feet of the .y",
0 feet
et 473 feet of Lot 8,the south side /
''of the north 115 t he east 313 feet tof Lot 8,the ot the west 46outit
side 01 the north 115 feet o1 the west August A.D.192_.9 %
I20 Yet of the east 273 north
of Lot F,
the south side a the ortn 116 feet
o1 the west'90 feet of he east 153 Feet f
of Lot 8,the south side o1 the north �`
115 feet of he west 90 feet of the east
Platt A,Big Lot la Sur°IcBlock_ 5-Acre Notary Public.
Advertising fee,$
.. •
0 !A.)
13) 0 •
pi PO
tri ,
, .
. . „ . . , •