34 of 1941 - Amending Section 328, relating to City Cemetery. ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, JUL 16 64i 194
Qoggin - - - I move that the ordinance be pa .
Kepler - - - 147,,.
Matheson - - - +�
Murdoch - -
Mr.chairman - - - — AN ORDINANCE
Result - - - -
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 328 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on June 23, 1936, relat-
ing to the city cemetery.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 328 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on June 23, 1936, relating
to the city cemetery, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
SEC. 328. FEES. The sextion is hereby authorized to
collect from those requiring his services the following fees,
which shall be by him covered into the city treasury daily:
Regular openings, 32 in. x 7 ft. 6 in.(including device) .110.00
Metal casket openings, 33 in. x 8 ft.(including device) . 12.00
2 in. wooden box opening,33 in.x 8 ft.(including device) .. 12.00
Opening for metal casket In 2 in. wooden box,
(including device) 12.00
Steel vault opening, 36 in. x 7 ft,9 in.(including device) 12.00
Cement vault opening,36 in. x 9 ft. (including device) . . 12.00
Wet cement vault opening when used for regular size,
(including device) 12.00
Any cement vault opening which exceeds the above dimen-
sions (including device) 12.00
Openings for infants on privately owned lots 5.00
Openings up to 5 ft. for children on privately owned lots 5.00
Baby singles up to 4 ft. unimproved and ground 6 00
Adolescent singles, unimproved and ground 12.00
Adult singles, unimproved and ground 15 00
Baby singles, improved $15 00
l Adult Singles, improved ',5 00 !;
County Burials 7.40 I
If certificates of purchase and care for single improv-
1J ed graves are requested, an extra charge will be
made of 1.00
''I Opening up to 4 ft. in church plat 5.00
Opening for adults, in church plat 6.00 ,
y Removal of infants from one grave to ancer within
the cemetery . . - . . . ez.,. .� 10 00
S v,+
Removal of in nts fortmntermerrt oP.tsidec ty cemetery 5.00
i; Removal of ad . F%'om ?e gra toy e otiTj' within
' the ceme 4, . . w :j .`'ir 20.00
Removal of ad r ermenteap ide +3' 1tx cemetery 10.00
� 01) � a. j
' After 5 oIc1o . ./, an xtra cfetrg4 (for ,6svicej
per man r »r 1.00
After 6 otcloct p.m. psi extra char 4 (for service)
, per man ci''' 1.00
The above charges refer tq the making of open
ings only. The city does not furnish vaults or other
1' equipment, nor assume responsibility for the care of
f headstones.
i For sodding each lot $20.00
III All sodding shall be done bythe city under
IRthe direction of the sexton.
,11 1 Extra service required by funeral on Sunday 115.00
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
1! it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
1 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
11 SECTION 3. 'lhis ordinance shall t e effec at once upon
! its first /- ✓�
publication. / ,r
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
i Utah, this/Gitiday of _ ,4.A,,.�l941.
VW Mayor c � ��
City tecoi er.
. .. ' - ..., .... ,. '1'". ( )q-(, 'fir'/�
r - At 0
c, . . . . .Q .v i et ` ., ro 1 � z
' • - . R- . ty_ ...).%.,._ —..., isz. , ,
c , t i
• -_ .-. �I ----.A_ �.. mot. . —.._-. _.. i,1 �.
Proof of 31nbiltrtt#tnn
l 41(.}ll N.l,NGrlt`.�
`.TIO 328 Revised OrdMan of
i Salt Lake ei eye.h,1939,as m des
'by an ordinance.passed by the' and
!of Commiesio'nety of salt takes IE
June 23, 1938,,xelating c •ally'
.Cemetery �,
Be It ortl 1 ad�1-�Salle Boe ar
yd •
mlthioneth ofSECTION 1 riR6o Section
R Iced Ordina e9 of Salt ,
I Utah,l93 as e des by a t RObMA STEED
pas i ItO a nl } (if-
f tglt' 91 ,y .onl As r -..
Tel ' t 8��,Y ca 41
•'the' I I1�T9 y a
ell 3g EEs " ' - being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk
tyro s h P,.to f c 4 ',,, 1 bees 4 i`Yy'...
as 9 a2lom) VI" e of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,
1 'r
-suite)3t z
:2 l*.arnainoe6'*4n;'° Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
t t
f Ste l; ult penInlx si• An Ordinance - Bill No. 34
g y(including device)',O..,.12.00 That the Notice
Oen* vault opening,38 lrlc:%9 •
tt..(•chiding device) 12.00
'WPeed for regularsize(including) -
devlcel i 12.0)
A .cement vault opening which 1
seas the above dimensions
lading device) 12:00
0 Inge for infants on privately
mad lots.. ':5,00
eLgs up to 5 ft.for children
0 Privately owned lots 6.00
singles u, to 9 It. unim-•
`!Gtl ntl ground 8.00'
a do ro singles, unlmprove 11
Mutt singles,
Adlrky,singlee, unimproved and of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper
Baby.Angles, improved 15.00
Adult.bfnglls, Improved P5.9p. seventeenth
(Aunty burials ^='''40 in its issue dated the
'If cert(ricates of purchase and"
care fox single Improved graves'- •
a r,,.'or eel, an extra charts July 4l
aeninC ape of l 1;00" , itt
Openings up to 9 it. In church day of i
plat. 5.00��
Opent[�ga for adults, 1n church
Removal of Infants from one 6"00 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
g eiry
r e eeto 4another within the YO 00 •
Re l of infants for interment,
III the city'cemetery 6.00 for one bills
Rempval of adults from one grave.
to ttother fvlthln the cemete-
xem_ l of adults for mcerment thereafter, the full period of
• outside city cemetery 10.00 i
After"6 o'clock p. m. an e%t[a
barge (for ervlce) per man 1.00
After 1p1 o'clock n. m. an extra. '
the last publication thereof
charge(for @@rpr ice)per man •. 1.00
The above aqa gas refer to the mak-
ing of.opent only. The city does
not rural&y to or other equipment,
nor assume re onsibuity for the taro beingin the issue dated the seventeenth day of
Fordf sodding each lot '520.00
• All sodding shall be done by the city
under the ldirection oft o sexton. vs July A. D. 19 4
n as s.o9
SE .' the
soar t, :° erie f
(tan , !at 4h18't
di . ...Ile CP,B1") ..._ _. ..
fl t
a . h1 rd1 a "pub-
tok.. t a '. I. first?ub- eighteenth th dayof
' }* m�dyp�ei to before me this $
" ti$e lwh
.y,.�yM x�t}ik I
4 t]] -. ` ` , A.D. 19 41
NG a4 ,,
I, latdtl J 1 47,•4941. -
„- Notary Public
My commission expires November 25 1941
Advertising fee$
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W y w
-�. o }may _ _