34 of 1942 - Amending Chapter XXVIII adding Section 737 and 738 licensing convalescent homes and nursing homes ROLL CALL aJ JON 17 i949 voTINC� trYi Salt Lake City,Utah, - 194 move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson - _ _ -_ IvIc�o�kie - a-�-•-T �=-s--�.�� 4cx oxx Y% ✓ Chairman - - (...„„„„.., A11,1.01tDINANCE ResMr.ult AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and to said Chapter two new sections to be known as Sections 737 and 738, relating to li- censes. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter XXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter two new sections to be known as Sections 737 and 738, relating to licenses, which shall read as follows: "SEC. 737. LICENSE FOR CONVALESCENT HOMES. (a) A 'convalescent home, is hereby defined to be any building, structure, establishment or place, except those buildings expressly designed and built for hospital use, which is used in whole or in part in conducting the business of caring, treating, nursing or convalescence of invalid, sick or ailing individuals. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, conduct, carry on or maintain a convalescent home in Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license so to do. Every person desiir .ng a convalescent home license shall make an application therefor to the License Assessor and Collector of,Salt Lake City, and shall, with his application, deposit the sum of $p10.00, which sum, if the license is granted, shall be paid to the City Treas- urer as the license fee hereinafter provided for, or be return- ed to the applicant if his application is denied, and he shall also file with said application a statement under oath showing the street and house number of the place where he proposes to -2- conduct, operate, carry on or maintain such convalescent home, and also state the greatest' no.ber of patients to be kept therein at any one time. (c) The application for such license, together with such other information as is required by the city to be attach,. ed thereto shall be referred to the Chief of the Fire Depart- sent and Chief Building Inspector of Salt Lake City for inspec tion and recommendation with relation to any fire hazard exist ing on said _,remises. Upon receipt of the report and recommend- ation of the Chief of the Fire Department and Chief building Inspector of Salt Lake City, the Board of Commissioners shall act upon the application as it shall deem fair, just and prope in regard to granting or denying the license. (d) The license fee payable under this section shall be $10.00 oer year payable in advance. SEC. 738. LICENSE FOR NURSING FOILS. (a) A 'nursing home' is hereby defined to be any building, or portion thereof or any establishment in which three or more children are cared for, supervised or attended as a business; provided, however, that this shall not be construed to include any established school, either public, private or parochial, orphanages, hos- pitals or convalescent homes. (b) It shall be unlawful for any _person to operate, conduct, carry on or maintain a nursing home in Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license so to Cio. Every person de- siring a nursing home license shall make an application there- for to the License Assessor and Collector of Salt ,,ale City, and shall, cr_ith his application, deposit the sum of lit5.00, whi h sum, if the license is granted, shall be paid to the City Treasurer as the license fee hereinafter provided for, or be returned to the applicant if hid: application is denied, and he shall also file with said application a statement under oath showing the street and house number of the place where he pro- poses to conduct, operate, carry on or maintain such nursing home, and also state the greatest number of children to be kepj_, -3- therein at any one time. (c) The application for suer, license, together with such other information as is required by the city to be attac - ad thereto shall be referred to the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and Chief Building Inspector of :salt Lake City for in- spection and recorruaendation with relation to any fire hazard existing on said premises. Upon receipt of the report and ;a , 1, recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department and Chief :Building Ins ctor ofl"Slt Lake City, th ; oard of Commission a' --41 'a. ors shall. ac upon thpplica r ton. s if74a_l deem fair, just i and proper it r g 'cl tt ranti or,Gpgnyil the license. (d) Tlie -ices fee 14=und at'_is section shal be 45.00 per e ; i y n aG as ; c rti SECTION .WIn the wnionitf e l o' ' of Commissioners, ,d it is necessary to he pea , healt an4 saf f' the inhabitants 'll of Salt Lake City that tris ordinance shall take effect immediatel, . ,:: SFTTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its fair-t publication. 1 Passed by the Board oVCoX.ssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1 7/ "day of , f..D. 1942. J6 Mayor. City Decor r. rY • • • • . .f . •" ry ' jjiU r ` Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, Count ,of Salt Lake . "`-Legi I Nr.Atce AN OHDINANCE L o II. "oun n,' a. "MN.ER ORDINANCE AMENDING'CHAP- LakY"i9 O IUtO, M 9, b Revised yt adding in-and to old Chapter two new sections to be of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- ,y known as Section. 73 an 738, relating'i °11°°h vertising clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 'It ordaineSaltd.by the Board, 1 Com D n SECTIO of That.flke City, XVII SECTION I, That Salt %XVtI1 Re- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State d be a of Sa14 Lake C1tY,Utah, ed by be g°Ina s is hereby e tnd- newadding to and to saidwChapteraac two Lions be known ae w ice of Utah. =Shall ande 738• relating to licensee,- which shall read as follows: I "SEC. 737 LICENSE FOR CONVALES• CENT her by deeined 'eonvaleseent ny building.k°mg. That the advertisement Ord,inn nee i-t11 Co. 34. trtteture, tabltehment be place, except these these buildings eapres.ly designed and built for. hospital use, which la used .lair.. to P:um en Lomas c':c n hole. mart ip e conducting ins , Choupelneee of caring.treating, nursin or 'lntlivldnala,ce Of invalid, sick or ailing ✓ 1t Lnke City Corp. _ to`operate,be unlawful for• e no per- son o ,maintain 'convalescent home inn Salt Lake aCityewithout first obtaining a II-' --tense's°'to doe, Hvert person deetrna a convalescent'home Heenan enact make an application therefor'to the'hirenee As, essor and Collecnr of Salt Lake'City', - and eha4 With me application, deposit was published in said.newspaper, in its issue dated, the the sum of 110.00: which an if the license is.granted, hll be paid to the ,.City'Trmurer a the litenne fee herein- Jl'I7e Au enter provided cur, be returned to the I 1S: day Of A.D. 19...--... annlie011 if.his apply&Lion tie denied.and• -'Ina eme also Lila with said application a Statement under oath showing the street and lidoee number of the place where published °.n ono^ sso.. he proposed to.conduct,operate.carry andwas or.meinteln mock convalescent home, and -Yleo'elate the greatest number of pa- tients to ha repo `herein at any asS the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the lcl The nppltcdtlon for such license,to- gatlll r.with h other.1nf patio. is rD itit d by the'citY to be there- 13 day Of JuLr� A.D.19.:z.--- +sties. to a"os,,11 h 1 sad t°th Chi f of the 6'lre neDertment d Ch11 8 iding In- r.pf a'Salt Lake Oli, 3inspection -.) and rhaomm date ii w h 1@Me to any'', Ytrs'hazard 'i tins a et Ili yreec e. „Upon Mand re', Of f the port and reed e- A` rtlsing Clerk. 'mendtant, o of Chit) 1 the Fire ne- -'.n-Sslt ad Chief u thins ne Inspector Lake l sank the 13.th-of Con,s.- g. 100n asers Mall act lair,'it'shall drank' the apst and plies... lion to grahtint-oru denying rthe. rill Subscribed and sworn to before me this '`- day of Sept''l•er A.A.D. 19-.---:-- �/' Notarytblic. 10 ; 4 I I) 0 0 . Fla Es IS . 4 t ..._ 1.....i t•-• 11•1• 0 et I N:, .„..i..... .01 1,:;,,, Fo- k.--, ., , • :• 1 %'-' , aeoLoirsh'llll`bb`410 wD herb year 11aeablE in advance. SEC 'f(a,'-'LICENSE'FOR NURSING „.'I (a) A 'nursing home'is hereby defined to he any building, portion thereof, or any establishment in which'. there or o re children are cared d for,su- pervised or attended as a bdeirtese: pro- vided, however; that this shall not be construed to r nclnde any established school, either public. private or naro- saceol-orphanages,--hopDUale or c val- gmnt•homes. _,•lb) It shall be unlawful rarer an or maintain a mining home In Salt Lake ,-City without first obtaining a license so to do. Every person desiring a nurs- ing home license shall make an appli- cation therefor to the License Assessor d Collector of Salt Lake City, and shall,. with his application. deposit the o $5.00. which sum, if the Itcenee is granted, shall be paid to the city Tremurer the license fee hereinafter Pr'ovidedfor.or be returned to the appli- ant if his application is denied, and he shall Also file with said application statement under oath showing the street and house n rinber of the place where he proposes number conduct, maintain ouch nursing number home,hit- also elate the greatest n mber of chil- dren+to he kept therein at a one time. ter'The application fore together with such other Information a is reouish b9 the.city to be attached thereto shall be referred to the Chief of the-Fite Inepeetor Department I,akendaloe Chief to Building lion afind re headed.ln loalegg with a o aid p,em e any Upon receipt Pt the report and recom- mendation of the Chief et the Pyre De SmLake.City,- Building oard Inspector f ball he B Commis en shell act upon the application as it hall deem fair, lust and'proper In regard to gedeiing or denying the le Ceose. actd n The llb 5.p0e Daryer unaei bIis saSs SECTION S.er the opinion sa the Rothe of e, health Is i sure toIn the -pence, health and safety ofs the inhabi- tants ce shall Be take Lake City that this-ordinance al,eE lIO effect Iis acdiaaely. aro SECTION p 3. This publication. n. lake effect uponbitsh that a puoficCom -Fasspd by the y, of 17thone y of Salt LA. City, Utah, this 17th day of Jun& A. D. 1942. AB JENRINS. ETEEL MACDONALD, Mayor, City Reeo er. - fSiNALt BILL NO,34. Published June IBth,1944.